A Latin American Alliance?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Is a decade of progress in Latin America coming to an end? For some countries, surely. But not necessarily for the entire region. Four nations are developing an initiative that could add new dynamism to Latin America, redraw the economic map of the region, and boost its connections with the rest of the world—especially Asia. It could also offer neighboring countries a pragmatic alternative to the more political groupings dominated by Brazil, Cuba, and Venezuela

I originally found this at War News Update that linked to The Most Important Alliance You've Never Heard Of - Moisés Naím - The Atlantic


It appears that a lot of our southern neighbors are getting tired of US policy – or lack thereof – and are deciding to cooperate among themselves. And Mexico appears to be leading the way. Good for President Nieto.
I feel like I've been out of the Latin American news loop for a while. I had no idea that this was going on, but I'm not surprised that it is. I've lived in both Chile and Brazil and of the two, Chile has it's act more together in terms of politics and policies so it's really not surprising to see that Chile is one of its leaders. It's good to see Latin countries working together for mutual benefit. I'm just surprised that nothing of the kind has had any success before now.
Ah yes, the Latin American bloc...

South America gangs up on Britain over Falklands | World | News | Daily Express

South America gangs up on Britain over Falklands

Foreign ministers from economic powers in the region made a joint declaration criticising Britain – and in particular the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary William Hague.

Members of Unasur, the South American equivalent of the EU, called on the UK to negotiate over the islands.

The organisation – whose 12 members include Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay – urged Britain “to restart negotiations as soon as possible with a view to ending the dispute”.

Referring to the islands by their Spanish name, it added: “The British military presence in the Malvinas is contrary to regional policy which supports the search for a peaceful solution in the dispute over sovereignty.

“We reject the development of unilateral activities by Great Britain in the disputed area, which include exploration and exploitation of natural resources as well as military exercises.”


The only 'peaceful solution' they seem to want if for the Islands to be handed over to Argentina.

Britain was caught unawares last time...that won't be happening again.
Britain has stated that it's for the People of the Falkland Islands to decide...'Britain' or 'Argentina'.
The Falkand Islanders have decided 'Britain'.

The Falkand Islands belong to Britain.

Hawaii belongs to USA.

American Samoa belongs to USA.

French Polynesia belongs to France.


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