A Liberal’s Lament on Kagan and Health Care


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Wow an honest opinion from a lib, imagine that. :cool:

Should Elena Kagan recuse herself in the ACA case?

By Eric Segall


Doing the right thing is easy when nothing important is at stake. Doing the right thing is much harder when there is a lot to lose. Elena Kagan is a loyal Democrat who owes her Supreme Court appointment to President Barack Obama.* She is poised to review the constitutionality of Obama’s health care statute, which, if invalidated, might do serious damage to his re-election campaign as well as the Democratic Party. Even though it would be a hard decision to make, Elena Kagan should recuse herself from hearing challenges to the act.

So far it appears that only Republicans and conservatives want Kagan to recuse herself from hearing the case, while liberals and Democrats take the opposing view. I have been a liberal constitutional law professor for more than 20 years, and a loyal Democrat. I believe the Affordable Care Act is constitutional and that it would be truly unfortunate for the country (and the party) if the court strikes it down. I also recognize that there is a much greater chance of the court erroneously striking down the PPACA if Kagan recuses herself. That said, I believe that as a matter of both principle and law, Kagan should not hear the case.

First the law: A federal statute requires that any “justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Federal law also requires that a judge recuse herself if the judge previously served in governmental employment “and in that capacity participated as a ... counsel, adviser, or material witness concerning the proceeding or has expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy.”

As many have pointed out, there are legitimate arguments that these rules point to recusal. Was Kagan a “counsel” or “adviser” on this issue? We know that she was on an e-mail exchange between her top deputy, Neal Katyal, and Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli, about a meeting to discuss the litigation strategy for the ACA litigation, and lawyers in her office would be present. We also know she attended at least one meeting where the litigation was discussed. It is of course possible that she personally stayed out of those discussions. We don’t know how fully Kagan was involved because the White House (perhaps for legitimate reasons unrelated to this controversy) has not released all of the relevant emails about the matter. We might never know, but that lack of certainty points to recusal, because it raises serious doubts.

We also know that Kagan wrote an e-mail to Laurence Tribe, a famous Harvard constitutional law professor who was also working for the administration at the time the law passed, in which she said, “I hear they have the votes, Larry!! Simply amazing.” The email's subject line was "fingers and toes crossed today!"

Would these two constitutional law giants celebrate the passing of a law they believed violated the Constitution? Professor Tribe has since given many public statements that he believes the lawis fully constitutional. Certainly, had she written to him, “Larry, this constitutional law finally passed,” she would have had to recuse. The issue becomes whether this email consists of an expression of opinion “concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy.” That’s a harder question.

A few years ago, Justice Scalia recused himself from a case challenging the constitutionality of the “under God” provision of the Pledge of Allegiance because he made a few for offhand comments about the case during a speech. Most liberals approved of Scalia’s decision at the time. The case for Kagan’s recusal, while different, seems even stronger to me

Obamacare and the Supreme Court: Should Elena Kagan recuse herself? - Slate Magazine
I'd say there's a significant chance that she doesn't recuse herself. I think she's just that arrogant. She'll probably say the case is too important for her to sit out or her participation with the issue was not that significant or something.

I mean, it's not like Congress has the balls to do anything about it if she doesn't recuse herself.
I'd say there's a significant chance that she doesn't recuse herself. I think she's just that arrogant. She'll probably say the case is too important for her to sit out or her participation with the issue was not that significant or something.

I mean, it's not like Congress has the balls to do anything about it if she doesn't recuse herself.

The more info that comes out, the more pressure will be put on her to recuse herself, she doesn't want to, because this is why Obama put her on the court, but she might have to.
I'd say there's a significant chance that she doesn't recuse herself. I think she's just that arrogant. She'll probably say the case is too important for her to sit out or her participation with the issue was not that significant or something.

I mean, it's not like Congress has the balls to do anything about it if she doesn't recuse herself.

The more info that comes out, the more pressure will be put on her to recuse herself, she doesn't want to, because this is why Obama put her on the court, but she might have to.
But that's the thing, why would she have to? I mean, the Senate treated her with kid gloves in the confirmation process, and she wasn't exactly a non-controversial pick. And it's not like any of them want to lead the charge in impeaching the first Hispanic female justice.
I'd say there's a significant chance that she doesn't recuse herself. I think she's just that arrogant. She'll probably say the case is too important for her to sit out or her participation with the issue was not that significant or something.

I mean, it's not like Congress has the balls to do anything about it if she doesn't recuse herself.

The more info that comes out, the more pressure will be put on her to recuse herself, she doesn't want to, because this is why Obama put her on the court, but she might have to.
But that's the thing, why would she have to? I mean, the Senate treated her with kid gloves in the confirmation process, and she wasn't exactly a non-controversial pick. And it's not like any of them want to lead the charge in impeaching the first Hispanic female justice.

A federal statute requires that any “justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Federal law also requires that a judge recuse herself if the judge previously served in governmental employment “and in that capacity participated as a ... counsel, adviser, or material witness concerning the proceeding or has expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy
The more info that comes out, the more pressure will be put on her to recuse herself, she doesn't want to, because this is why Obama put her on the court, but she might have to.
But that's the thing, why would she have to? I mean, the Senate treated her with kid gloves in the confirmation process, and she wasn't exactly a non-controversial pick. And it's not like any of them want to lead the charge in impeaching the first Hispanic female justice.

A federal statute requires that any “justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Federal law also requires that a judge recuse herself if the judge previously served in governmental employment “and in that capacity participated as a ... counsel, adviser, or material witness concerning the proceeding or has expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy
Do you think the Senate will enforce that statute against her? I don't.
But that's the thing, why would she have to? I mean, the Senate treated her with kid gloves in the confirmation process, and she wasn't exactly a non-controversial pick. And it's not like any of them want to lead the charge in impeaching the first Hispanic female justice.

A federal statute requires that any “justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Federal law also requires that a judge recuse herself if the judge previously served in governmental employment “and in that capacity participated as a ... counsel, adviser, or material witness concerning the proceeding or has expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy
Do you think the Senate will enforce that statute against her? I don't.

You never know, one can hope. There are more Republicans in the Senate now than when she was confirmed.
But that's the thing, why would she have to? I mean, the Senate treated her with kid gloves in the confirmation process, and she wasn't exactly a non-controversial pick. And it's not like any of them want to lead the charge in impeaching the first Hispanic female justice.

A federal statute requires that any “justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Federal law also requires that a judge recuse herself if the judge previously served in governmental employment “and in that capacity participated as a ... counsel, adviser, or material witness concerning the proceeding or has expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy
Do you think the Senate will enforce that statute against her? I don't.

We have become so jaded with the Senate, lol. But I think you are right.
Do you think the Senate will enforce that statute against her? I don't.

You never know, one can hope. There are more Republicans in the Senate now than when she was confirmed.

There is no way the senate will go there. The democrats simply will not allow it because this is there clincher issue and I have extreme doubt that Kagan will do the right thing here. In the end though, I doubt it is going to matter. There is going to be a landslide victory for the dems or a straight ideological split in the vote. Either way, Kagan's opinion will not matter.
The more info that comes out, the more pressure will be put on her to recuse herself, she doesn't want to, because this is why Obama put her on the court, but she might have to.
But that's the thing, why would she have to? I mean, the Senate treated her with kid gloves in the confirmation process, and she wasn't exactly a non-controversial pick. And it's not like any of them want to lead the charge in impeaching the first Hispanic female justice.

A federal statute requires that any “justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Federal law also requires that a judge recuse herself if the judge previously served in governmental employment “and in that capacity participated as a ... counsel, adviser, or material witness concerning the proceeding or has expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy

That law applies to federal judges, not the Supreme Court.

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