A List of the Facts Related to the Vegas Shooting with Sources


Oct 30, 2017
This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21AHgR32RaQ <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WJa9PoHguw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lno7xWPN1xw#t=96.7580012 <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD02UFetzDk <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiXNsEyhmDg <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting
This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage
LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."
Las Vegas Sheriff Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point"

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam
ISIS claims Las Vegas shooting, says Stephen Paddock "converted" to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower
Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape According To Former Trump Campaign Official

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger
Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis
Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!!

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach
Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts
Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.
Second shooter ground level?

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post
Statement Analysis ®: Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.
Las Vegas Shooting (did anyone notice this?)

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.
Mandalay Bay Rooftop Shooting - According to Joe

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135
VIDEO Aussie man staying in room next to Stephen Paddock at Mandalay Bay Hotel during Vegas shooting

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel
Las Vegas Shooting - Absolute Proof of Shooter At Bellagio Hotel - Video of Hotel Lockdown

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel
Window replacement 32 Mandalay Bay - Why Is This Video IMPORTANT??? Raw Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WJa9PoHguw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lno7xWPN1xw#t=96.7580012 <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD02UFetzDk <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiXNsEyhmDg <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting

This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage
LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."
Las Vegas Sheriff Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point"

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam
ISIS claims Las Vegas shooting, says Stephen Paddock "converted" to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower
Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape According To Former Trump Campaign Official

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger
Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis
Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!!

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach
Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts
Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.
Second shooter ground level?

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post
Statement Analysis ®: Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.
Las Vegas Shooting (did anyone notice this?)

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.
Mandalay Bay Rooftop Shooting - According to Joe

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WJa9PoHguw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lno7xWPN1xw#t=96.7580012 <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD02UFetzDk <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiXNsEyhmDg <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting

Extremely well researched and cited.
This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage
LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."
Las Vegas Sheriff Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point"

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam
ISIS claims Las Vegas shooting, says Stephen Paddock "converted" to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower
Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape According To Former Trump Campaign Official

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger
Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis
Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!!

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach
Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts
Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.
Second shooter ground level?

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post
Statement Analysis ®: Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.
Las Vegas Shooting (did anyone notice this?)

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.
Mandalay Bay Rooftop Shooting - According to Joe

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135
VIDEO Aussie man staying in room next to Stephen Paddock at Mandalay Bay Hotel during Vegas shooting

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel
Las Vegas Shooting - Absolute Proof of Shooter At Bellagio Hotel - Video of Hotel Lockdown

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel
Window replacement 32 Mandalay Bay - Why Is This Video IMPORTANT??? Raw Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'
Las Vegas gunman was given secret 'perks' at hotel where he carried out massacre

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.
Las Vegas shooting: Stephen Paddock had 42-weapon arsenal - police seek motive

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks
Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath perspective from MGM Grand (Hooters)

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas
NEW WARNING! Bodies Everywhere in Hooters Las Vegas

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?
SWAT team enters Tropicana after Las Vegas Strip shooting

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.
CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw
CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas
CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas
CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.
LiveLeak.com - Gruesome Footage of Las Vegas shooting aftermath (Warning: Extremely Graphic)

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.
Las Vegas Shooting: Community rallies to help in aftermath of killing

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiXNsEyhmDg <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting


Finally someone showed up. I've been stuck here for ages. Where is the door?
This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage
LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."
Las Vegas Sheriff Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point"

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam
ISIS claims Las Vegas shooting, says Stephen Paddock "converted" to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower
Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape According To Former Trump Campaign Official

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger
Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis
Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!!

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach
Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts
Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.
Second shooter ground level?

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post
Statement Analysis ®: Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.
Las Vegas Shooting (did anyone notice this?)

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.
Mandalay Bay Rooftop Shooting - According to Joe

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135
VIDEO Aussie man staying in room next to Stephen Paddock at Mandalay Bay Hotel during Vegas shooting

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel
Las Vegas Shooting - Absolute Proof of Shooter At Bellagio Hotel - Video of Hotel Lockdown

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel
Window replacement 32 Mandalay Bay - Why Is This Video IMPORTANT??? Raw Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'
Las Vegas gunman was given secret 'perks' at hotel where he carried out massacre

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.
Las Vegas shooting: Stephen Paddock had 42-weapon arsenal - police seek motive

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks
Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath perspective from MGM Grand (Hooters)

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas
NEW WARNING! Bodies Everywhere in Hooters Las Vegas

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?
SWAT team enters Tropicana after Las Vegas Strip shooting

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.
CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw
CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas
CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas
CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.
LiveLeak.com - Gruesome Footage of Las Vegas shooting aftermath (Warning: Extremely Graphic)

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.
Las Vegas Shooting: Community rallies to help in aftermath of killing

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas
Bodies being carried out after Jason Aldean concert shooting in Las Vegas
Bodies being carried out after Jason Aldean concert shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.
Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.
Google Maps

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting

Extremely well researched and cited.

When I started looking into the Vegas Shooting, I soon realized there were too many details to track in onesy twosy articles and videos. So I made a list of all the sources I found and then wrote a summary and conclusion.

The problem is that every time I think the article is finished, the official story changes or another witness dies. There are now 6 dead witnesses. The last one came to light just after I posted this article, but USMB won't let me update the post. Here are the new deaths.

Chad Nishimura Killed After Giving Conflicting Statement About Stephen Paddock

Danny Contreras. a Las Vegas Survivor Who Claimed There Were Multiple Gunmen, Found Dead

Chad Nishimura was the valet that said Stephen Paddock only had a few bags.
Kymberley Suchomel, Chad Nihimura, Danny Contreras, Dennis and Lorraine Carver, and John Beilman makes 6. And Jesus Campos is being sequestered in a hotel by MGM somewhere. If I could edit the article they would all be listed together.

the list has climbed from five when i saw this article recently.
Another Vegas Shooting Witness Reporting Multiple Gunmen, Found Dead

as time goes on,it will climb same as with jfk.9/11 and the clinton body count.great stuff there,thanks for sharing it,i will read this over my thanksgiving holiday for sure.:thup:
This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage
LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."
Las Vegas Sheriff Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point"

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam
ISIS claims Las Vegas shooting, says Stephen Paddock "converted" to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower
Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape According To Former Trump Campaign Official

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger
Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis
Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!!

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach
Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts
Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.
Second shooter ground level?

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post
Statement Analysis ®: Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.
Las Vegas Shooting (did anyone notice this?)

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.
Mandalay Bay Rooftop Shooting - According to Joe

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."
MASSIVE SHOOTING! Mandalay Bay Casino Las Vegas

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135
VIDEO Aussie man staying in room next to Stephen Paddock at Mandalay Bay Hotel during Vegas shooting

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel
Las Vegas Shooting - Absolute Proof of Shooter At Bellagio Hotel - Video of Hotel Lockdown

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel
Window replacement 32 Mandalay Bay - Why Is This Video IMPORTANT??? Raw Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'
Las Vegas gunman was given secret 'perks' at hotel where he carried out massacre

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.
Las Vegas shooting: Stephen Paddock had 42-weapon arsenal - police seek motive

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks
Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath perspective from MGM Grand (Hooters)

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas
NEW WARNING! Bodies Everywhere in Hooters Las Vegas

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?
SWAT team enters Tropicana after Las Vegas Strip shooting

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.
CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw
CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas
CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas
CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.
LiveLeak.com - Gruesome Footage of Las Vegas shooting aftermath (Warning: Extremely Graphic)

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.
Las Vegas Shooting: Community rallies to help in aftermath of killing

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiXNsEyhmDg <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting

Well, thank you, and I'm saving this page. We'll see how many links work in 2 years, if I'm still living.

PS: Your English professor did a good job.

Holy crap, I'd rather have you than 103% of the journalists that are out there providing "news".

Y U no are working for the news?
Well, thank you, and I'm saving this page. We'll see how many links work in 2 years, if I'm still living.

PS: Your English professor did a good job.

Holy crap, I'd rather have you than 103% of the journalists that are out there providing "news".

Y U no are working for the news?
If I was working for the news I would get my car blown up like Jeff Rense did for exposing the mob in Chicago.

Officer Accidentally Fired a Round or Rounds in Las Vegas Gunman's Mandalay Bay Suite, But Not in the Room Where Stephen Paddock Was Found Dead From What Was Described As a Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound.
Officer accidentally fired weapon in Las Vegas gunman’s Mandalay Bay suite

Air Traffic Control Radar Shows At Least One Helicopter Disguised Itself By Having Its Transponder Broadcast a Call Sign for Southwest Airlines Flight 4119. This Aircraft Hovered Exactly Over the Southwest Rooftop of the Delano Hotel Which Connects to the Mandalay Bay Hotel Through Halls and Corridors. Its Transponder Then Went Dark.

SWAT or Mercenaries with SAW Machine Guns Loading into a Police Helicopter in Harley Davidson Store Parking Lot, 5191 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas Nevada, 89119

Footage of Helicopter Firing at Crowd in Las Vegas?
Well, thank you, and I'm saving this page. We'll see how many links work in 2 years, if I'm still living.

PS: Your English professor did a good job.

Holy crap, I'd rather have you than 103% of the journalists that are out there providing "news".

Y U no are working for the news?
If I was working for the news I would get my car blown up like Jeff Rense did for exposing the mob in Chicago.

Officer Accidentally Fired a Round or Rounds in Las Vegas Gunman's Mandalay Bay Suite, But Not in the Room Where Stephen Paddock Was Found Dead From What Was Described As a Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound.
Officer accidentally fired weapon in Las Vegas gunman’s Mandalay Bay suite

Air Traffic Control Radar Shows At Least One Helicopter Disguised Itself By Having Its Transponder Broadcast a Call Sign for Southwest Airlines Flight 4119. This Aircraft Hovered Exactly Over the Southwest Rooftop of the Delano Hotel Which Connects to the Mandalay Bay Hotel Through Halls and Corridors. Its Transponder Then Went Dark.

SWAT or Mercenaries with SAW Machine Guns Loading into a Police Helicopter in Harley Davidson Store Parking Lot, 5191 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas Nevada, 89119

Footage of Helicopter Firing at Crowd in Las Vegas?

speaking of jeff rense,

getting even better,next time he might not be so lucky and plant a bomb,better stop driving cars i would say.:biggrin:

Failed Attempt To Silence Key Las Vegas Massacre Media Figure?Analyst Narrowly Escapes Car Crash

the CIA failed to kill him along with the other witnesses THIS TIME,next time they wont be so sloppy though.

so true on if you were working for the news,you would be VERY VERY lucky if the ONLY thing you lost from reporting this as you have is your job,not your life.

thats whats i was wondering myself when the scandals of clinton came out when he was behind all those deaths was how come nobody in the mainstream media was covering it,that was when i mentioned if i worked for them,that would have been all over the front pages his drug smuggling he was involved in with Bush and the CIA. that was when he pointed out the facts to me saying-If you did that,you wouldnt have a job there anymore.

as i said,i would be very fortunate if that was the ONLY thing i lost was mu job.not my life.
This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage
LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."
Las Vegas Sheriff Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point"

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam
ISIS claims Las Vegas shooting, says Stephen Paddock "converted" to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger
- YouTube

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis
- YouTube

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach
- YouTube

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts
Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.
- YouTube

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda
- YouTube

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post
Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.
Las Vegas Shooting (did anyone notice this?)

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21AHgR32RaQ <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WJa9PoHguw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lno7xWPN1xw#t=96.7580012 <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD02UFetzDk <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiXNsEyhmDg <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting




This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage
LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."
Las Vegas Sheriff Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point"

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam
ISIS claims Las Vegas shooting, says Stephen Paddock "converted" to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger
- YouTube

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis
- YouTube

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach
- YouTube

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts
Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.
- YouTube

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda
- YouTube

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post
Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.
Las Vegas Shooting (did anyone notice this?)

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.
- YouTube

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
- YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
- YouTube
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."
NSFW YouTube :: Watch YouTube Videos Without Logging In

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135
- YouTube

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel
- YouTube

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel
- YouTube

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'
Las Vegas gunman was given secret 'perks' at hotel where he carried out massacre

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.
Las Vegas shooting: Stephen Paddock had 42-weapon arsenal - police seek motive

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks
Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Shooting Aftermath Perspective From MGM Grand Hooters Rare Original

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
- YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas
- YouTube

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
- YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?
SWAT team enters Tropicana after Las Vegas Strip shooting

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.
CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw
CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas
CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas
CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
- YouTube <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.
ItemFix - Social Video Factory

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiXNsEyhmDg <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting





What was your purpose in reviving this thread almost 4 years since the last post, just to add absolutely nothing to the discussion??
A good friend of mine is a guitar player in Jason Aldean's band, and they were on stage when the shooting started. The FBI confiscated the bass player's instrument as evidence because it had a bullet in it...
It never happened. It's the same 'commie' fake as was the supposed Sandy Hook massacre that didn't happen.*

*a majority of Americans have said it didn't happen.

best wishes from Canada.
A good friend of mine is a guitar player in Jason Aldean's band, and they were on stage when the shooting started. The FBI confiscated the bass player's instrument as evidence because it had a bullet in it...
Most instruments in America probably have at least a few bullet holes in them.
This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam
ISIS claims Las Vegas shooting, says Stephen Paddock "converted" to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21AHgR32RaQ <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WJa9PoHguw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lno7xWPN1xw#t=96.7580012 <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD02UFetzDk <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiXNsEyhmDg <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting

Jesus Campos didn't drive to the corner store let alone Mexico the next day after being shot in the leg. NO one man with some weapons with bump stocks shoots over 400 yards down hill and takes out a battalion of people in ten minutes. That is all one needs to call the whole thing a big lie. But there are a majority of stupid people in the US. Proof, Biden is president and if they believe 9/11 they will believe anything.
A good friend of mine is a guitar player in Jason Aldean's band, and they were on stage when the shooting started. The FBI confiscated the bass player's instrument as evidence because it had a bullet in it...
I have a hard time believing a guitar stopped a rifle round.
This is intended to help everyone following this event that has all the details swirling around in their heads to keep it all fresh and organized. I will now summarize what we know to be fact regarding the Vegas shooting event, and follow it up with a list of all the links that prove it.

I. Summary of Facts

A. The timeline has changed three times since the original, and this change has placed Mandalay Bay in danger of liability for the massacre.

On Oct. 1st Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo declared, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control."

On Oct. 2nd Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter."

On Oct. 4th Special Agent in Charge of Las Vegas Aaron Rouse ruled out any ISIS involvement and declared that the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

The first timeline stated that Stephen Paddock stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m., police arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., and encountered wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m. The current Sheriff of Clark County Nevada is Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, not Doug Gillespie, 2007–2015, of take down the Bundy clan fame. But Clark County is the county that participated in the attempted destruction of the Bundy clan. On October 8th, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo changed the timeline by announcing that Paddock had fired on Campos at 9.59 p.m., who then called Mandalay Bay security, a full six minutes before the attack on the concert began.

This exposed MGM Resorts to liability due to a failure to immediately get security and police onto the 32nd floor. MGM Resorts immediately declared that they were "confident" that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and "was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have." MGM Resorts also stated, "We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

On October 14th, Sheriff Lombardo changed the story a second time to align with the MGM Resorts narrative. Lombardo said Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and Paddock fired on him "in close proximity to" 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began. “He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone," Lombardo said. "So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.“

Police did not breach the door of room 135, which was Paddock's room, until 11:20 p.m., a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after he allegedly shot Jesus Campos in the leg, according to the latest timeline. USA Today refers to them breaching the door of "the second room" at 11:27 p.m., which presumably is room 134, the room with the other broken window. The thing is room 134 was occupied by an Australian named Brian Hodge.

Mandalay Bay owner MGM Resorts insisted security guard Jesus Campos appear ONLY on Ellen and not be grilled by TV hard hitters fearing his answers to timeline questions could result in massive lawsuits from victims of the massacre.

Ellen DeGeneres promoted HER slot machines at the MGM Grand on Sep. 20, 2017.

On October 25th, digital experts working for The New York Times released a third timeline, and you guessed it. Now they say Stephen Paddock shot Jesus Campos in the hallway at 10:06 p.m., a full minute after he began shooting at Route 91 Festival concertgoers at 10:05 p.m. This is very important for MGM International in that it excuses them from any liability. And this is the fourth timeline within 24 days of the shooting.

Security guard Jesus Campos returned to Mexico days after the shooting. He is not registered with the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) as required by the state of Nevada. He shared an SSN with Jesus Quintero. It appears that Jesus Campos is an illegal alien.

According to mainstream news sources, Stephen Paddock removed the hard drive from his laptop before fatally shooting himself and it still has not been found.

B. Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos called security and said, "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He did not sound excited, which would be expected if he had been shot. He sounded lethargic. However, he may have been trying to prevent the shooter from hearing him. He was hiding in a one foot deep doorway to a room down the hall from the shooter's door. A seasoned gunfighter would be able to remain calm while using concealment to avoid getting shot.

Sometime between 9:59 p.m. and 10:06 p.m., Mandalay Bay hotel engineer Stephen Schuck called Mandalay Bay security and said, "Call the police. Someone's firing a rifle on the 32nd floor, down the hallway." Mandalay Bay security replied, "Copy. Hey, it’s on 32."

C. Police Scanner Audio has the police saying shots came from halfway up the Mandalay Bay hotel, from the fairgrounds, from Gate 7, from the center of the hotel, from 1/3 of the way up the hotel, and from floor 29 and 32. Police also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security told the cops there were shooters on both floor 29 and 32. An officer with ID# 15280 was reported shot. Officers reported encountering multiple concert victims with all types of gunshot wounds, including head shots.

D. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said shooter Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point." and asked "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?"

E. ISIS claimed that Stephen Paddock converted to Islam and acted as an ISIS soldier. Former Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock made an ISIS tape and had a secret digital profile. An FBI source told Alex Jones that the Vegas shooter was found with Antifa literature and photos were taken. He also said the shooter opened fire on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team who took him out.

F. Authorities have released NO security or CCTV video of Mandalay Bay hotel hallways. Stephen Paddock should be all over the CCTV videos bringing all those guns up.

G. Assistant Clark County Sheriff Todd Fasulo said officers found 23 firearms in Paddock's Mandalay Bay hotel room. Some of the firearms recovered from the hotel room had scopes, while two were reportedly modified to make them fully automatic. Officers recovered in "excess" of 19 firearms, explosives and ammunition from Paddock's retirement home in Mesquite, Nevada. They earlier found several pounds of ammonium nitrate - a chemical used to make explosives - in Paddock's car. The Las Vegas Police Department said officers were searching another home owned by Paddock in Reno, Nevada. VIP guests of the Mandalay Bay hotel have access to the service elevators.

H. Forensic Acoustic Analysis evidence shows two shooter distances, one around 450 yards (the Mandalay Bay hotel distance from the impact point), and the other around 250 yards, which coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel.

I. The concert stage faces north. There is a video of someone dressed like security inside the concert fairgrounds during the attack a good distance back and EAST of the stage holding a rifle and firing into the crowd in a WESTERLY direction, forcing the crowd to bottleneck through the western gates onto S. Las Vegas Blvd., DIRECTLY across the road from the gunman/men with the light machine guns in the Mandalay Bay hotel. Another video shows the real cops arrive on S. Las Vegas Blvd. and immediately begin pushing these same concert attendees EAST, which is AWAY from the kill zone in front of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The real police shout them back into the concert grounds and out the east gates, where the ambulances were staging behind cover and out of range.

What would make a bunch of concert attendees getting shot from the southwest decide to run southwest? A gunman on the ground on the east side of the concert grounds firing southwest, which is on video. Many witnesses and even one crisis actor claimed that they were being chased by gunmen on the ground. In her Facebook post, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who died suddenly at home after the shooting despite not being injured, said, "I thought to myself 'we NEED to hide', but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldn’t hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic." And, "But the gunfire wasn’t stopping this whole time. It wasn’t ceasing. It wasn’t slowing down. And it was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one." And once more, "She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot."

Kymberley Suchomel even made it to Hooters. This is what she said. "The 2nd place I remember going by was Hooters- which is where we met back up with the rest of our small group. We ran towards the entrance thinking we could take cover there, but as we got closer, a stampede of people ran out, terrified. We could only conclude that there was another gunman inside of that hotel. This made us even more scared- we had nowhere to go- no one to trust."

J. The taxi driver video from the front entrance to Mandalay Bay hotel shows a clear muzzle flash in her side view mirror while close automatic shots are being fired. The muzzle flash appears to be reflecting from the headlight or hood of a car behind her. During this muzzle flash sequence she is directly under the north archway next to the front of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway has a perfect view of the southwest concert gate and leads behind the Mandalay Bay hotel to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at night.

K. Clear video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel during firing shows NO muzzle flashes of smoke. There are, however, smoke clouds wafting up at two locations on the ROOF of the Mandalay Bay hotel tower.

L. There are videos of rounds hitting the ground. There are videos and images of bullet holes in jet fuel tanks at the airport. There is a video of someone running on the stage roof of the concert venue during the gunfire.

M. Only one of the two broken windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel is in Stephen Paddock's room 135. The left broken window is NOT in room 135; it is in room 134, which was occupied by Australian Brian Hodge.

N. Mandalay Bay has service windows on every floor that open.

O. The Bellagio hotel had an active shooter lockdown during Stephen Paddock's attack.

P. SWAT escorted two men through the Tropicana after the shooting. One of them looks like Eric Paddock, Stephen's brother who has done some weird TV interviews about Stephen.

Q. At least 17 ambulances pulled up to Hooters and immediately pulled out their stretchers during and after the attack on the concert venue and there is video of bodies all over the main floor of Hooters.

R. On October 2, Brian Williams made a Freudian slip. He said, "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather."

S. The first video to surface shows what appear to be real victims with lots of blood on the concert venue grounds. Clear bullet holes are not shown, but there are a lot of bodies and lots of blood that looks natural.

The most striking thing about this video is what happens during the last third. The full video is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long. At 3 minutes and 11 seconds, the lights in the concert venue are TURNED OFF while people are in the middle of trying to treat all the victims, and just as some EMTs arrive. The guy with the body cam who is trying to help the wounded asks a cop why the lights were turned off and the cop replies in a condescending tone, "Ok everybody right now that's here on ground is deceased," even though there is no way he could know that. This is not what you want to see the authorities do when you are in the middle of a mass casualty event. It’s reminiscent of the "Bring out your dead" scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail. By turning off the lights they effectively stopped the attempts by the citizenry to save lives and crippled the EMTs. This was an attempt to maximize casualties and prevent cell phones from filming brass on the ground.

Most posts of this video, including Tommy Sotomayor's post on his TNN Raw site, show the INCOMPLETE 2 minute and 55 second version which cuts off just before the lights go out and the cop declares everyone deceased. Also there is an army of commenters out there demanding that each reposting of the full video be taken down, calling it redundant.

There is another video of the concert attendees running from the venue that shows a real, clear, bleeding gunshot wound in a man's arm up close and another video shows a swollen black and blue gut with entry wound.

T. Three witnesses that contradicted the official narrative are either missing or dead. Another couple that survived died in a single car fiery accident.

Kymberley Suchomel died suddenly after announcing a group to expose the Vegas shooting cover up. She claimed there were multiple shooters. Chad Nishimura, a Mandalay Bay valet who parked Paddock’s car when he arrived at the hotel, has also disappeared without trace after giving a statement to a Hawaiian mainstream news network, KITV4, where he stated that Paddock had "not many bags."

John Beilman was wanted by the FBI following the discovery of a special charger used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA personnel in the hotel room of the officially identified shooter Stephen Paddock. This unique lithium battery is produced by Ultralife Corporation in Newark, New York, which specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon — and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman, who lists himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional,” and worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military. Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, or perhaps fearing CIA involvement in the Vegas shooting, the FBI raided the Fairport, New York home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant on Oct. 3. Less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Oct. 4, John Beilman allegedly took his severely disabled daughter into his home's backyard in her wheelchair and shot her dead, and then himself. Fairport police said Beilman's wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter. Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a "goodbye note" to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive. 48 hours later, on Oct. 6, the Pentagon awarded Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at $49 million. Evidence of the Feds linking John Beilman to the Vegas shooting is still slim, but it’s there. Monitor for further revelations about John Beilman in the future.

A fourth witness, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos, disappeared before scheduled press conferences only to resurface for a single interview on Elle, who owns slot machines in MGM Resorts hotels, where he was never questioned about the timeline, which is the NUMBER ONE issue of controversy and most significant detail with regards to the financial interests of Mandalay Bay and MGM Resorts.

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, who survived the Vegas shooting, died in a fiery single car crash in Riverside, CA on Oct. 16. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate less than half a mile from their home, and it took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire.

U. The usual suspects preemptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros purchased $42 million worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts last June. That month MGM Resorts had an Adjusted Close High on June 23rd of $34.05. Since the shooting on Oct. 1st, MGM Resorts stock has dropped from an Adjusted Close of $32.59 on Sep 29 to a low of $29.69 and only broken $31 once. The important thing to know about these put options is what their expiration date was or is. United States Securities and Exchange Commission Form 13F does not list put/call option expiration dates. July only dropped to $30 for a period of 3 consecutive days, and for the period of July to Sept 29, the stock had averaged high $32s. The stock has averaged very low $30s since October 1st. If the expiration date of Soros' $42 million in put options is still in the future, he stands to make a killing, provided his strike price is the $34 price from June 23. If the expiration date of these put options was before Oct. 1st, then this was unrelated to the attacks. Soros could easily end the speculation by publishing the expiration date of these put options.

Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren sold 80% of his MGM Resorts stock in September, despite MGM Resorts International's Sep. 5th announcement of their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program. "Our new share repurchase program, along with the initiation of our quarterly dividend earlier this year, clearly highlights the board and management team's firm belief in our strategic plan – the successful execution of our long-term growth prospects, our disciplined capital allocation strategy, and our ongoing commitment to maximize sustained value for our shareholders," said Jim Murren, Chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts. Why would he then sell 80% of his MGM Resorts stocks that same month?

As the SEC insider transaction reports detail, from July to September, approximately 6 million shares of MGM were sold by NINETEEN officers and/or directors of the company, totaling approximately $200 million in proceeds to sellers. Included in this group is the selling of approximately 450,000 shares by MGM CEO and Chairman James Murren (a seller of size since late July) and who appears to have sold more than 85% of all holdings. We also see that MGM Board member Grounds William Warwick sold 5.2 million shares of his MGM stock on 9/7/17.

Shares of MGM Resorts International fell nearly 5% in trading the Monday after the shooting, with the casino company’s market capitalization dropping to $17.8 billion after police said Paddock had opened fire at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. It led the sell-off of casino management companies with heavy presences on the Las Vegas Strip, with shares of Wynn Resorts (WYNN), Red Rock Resorts, Caesars Entertainment (CZR), and Boyd Gaming (BYD) all falling following the news. In total, the five casino and hotel companies shed a total of $1.8 billion from their market capitalizations by midday Oct. 2nd as the Las Vegas shooting fanned worries about tourists returning to the strip following the tragedy.

While Las Vegas has accounted for the bulk of MGM’s revenues, MGM has been diversifying since its near-bankruptcy experience following the financial crisis. Now, investors are largely looking toward the casino management firm’s expansion on the U.S. East coast and Asia for future growth. It appears that MGM Resorts International wanted to cash out of Vegas with a bang.

The shooting did not start until the LAST song on the LAST day of a 3 day music festival on Sunday night. They wanted to milk the crowd and Vegas for all they were worth for one more full weekend before they shot them.

MGM Resorts International already began monetizing the Vegas massacre with a 30 second Twitter commercial under #VegasStrong. This ad is filled with the usual Illuminati light bringer symbols and words "this little light of mine" sung by the usual black guy embellishing every syllable so that it amounts to unlistenable noise.

So hey, does anybody want to go to Vegas next weekend? I hear they will be having a music festival. There will be a huge crowd. No takers? Nobody?

V. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former head of DHS Michael Chertoff of underwear bomber naked body scanner fame and OSI Systems, manufacturers of naked body scanners and metal detectors, have a Ponzi scheme in the works to merge their security firms into one entity that will install naked body scanners and metal detectors in ALL hotels and public venues across the USA under the new federal security laws that are expected to be enacted following this shooting through the lobbying efforts of political heavy hitter, fundraiser, deep state insider, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands, Sheldon Adelson, who has historic ties to the CIA. They plan to then sell their interests in the new firm when its market value peeks. The USA is also looking to enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance nationwide on the back of the Vegas mass shooting. Quantum Mass Surveillance literally means a camera everywhere that will instantly facially recognize you.

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind predicted (read as threatened) a Las Vegas Massacre 3 years ago. He was complaining in Vegas that there were not enough soldiers with machine guns and armored personnel carriers bullying the public (read as goyim) around.

The media is already hyping the need for more stringent security measures at hotels and public venues, and a Dem pulled support of the sportsmen bill which would have relaxed purchasing requirements for gun accessories such as suppressors. Various vague antigun bills have already been introduced in the wake of the Vegas shooting, one of which seeks to end liability protection for gun manufacturers.

Former FBI Director James Comey appointed Aaron Rouse to Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division on July 28, 2016. On Oct. 10, the Mesquite home of Stephen Paddock was broken into.

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta. Gordon Rouse is.

The left has been calling for the total genocide of the white race for decades, and the sheer volume and political reach of this movement surged to crisis levels and has continued to increase its growth rate since Obama became President.

Antifa is openly staging a nationwide armed insurrection starting this Nov. 4th. Main Antifa website refusefascism.org says, "November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO! We will gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country, at first many thousands declaring that this whole regime is illegitimate and that we will not stop until our single demand is met: This Nightmare Must End: the Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power…" followed by a "Read and sign the entire call here" button.

The DOD is planning a drill from Nov. 4-6 that will simulate a nationwide power grid outage.

W. Commiefornia based Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual. Back in August they posted ads for crisis actors in Vegas.

One of the woman crisis actors also appeared on the Piers Morgan news show as Alex Israel, a supposed friend of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and on the Katie Couric news show as Katie Foley, James Foley's supposed sister.

Another woman who included a call for nationwide police state security in her account of the shooting also appeared on the Dr. Phil show as a narcissist daughter.

Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who supported Lena Dunham's tweets that claimed American Airlines workers engaged in "transphobic talk," also appeared on TV as a Vegas shooting victim, and he was clearly reading a script by constantly looking down. Have you ever seen a leftist, weasel "civil rights" (read as communist insurgent) attorney at a real country music concert singing "God Bless America?" It’s more likely that Brian Claypool would be one of the shooters rather than one of the concertgoers.

Braden Matejka, allegedly from British Columbia, was interviewed in the hospital after the Vegas shooting sitting in a chair with no bandages and he said he was SHOT IN THE HEAD. He said a bullet went in and out of his head. He has raised $26,000 on Go Fund Me behind this. He said he can't fly home because of his brain swelling, yet he walks around fine. They didn't even shave the back of his head where he was supposedly shot. One of his posts says, "Injuries include cracked skull, brain bleeding, brain swelling, fluid in the brain cavity, my sight is blurry and cross eyed." He is smiling in that post and sitting up, with his "girlfriend" in bed next to him.

Tom Macintosh was interviewed the night after the shooting while standing in the street where he was strolling around and he said he was SHOT IN THE LEG.

There is an endless supply of these Vegas Shooting crisis actor videos. You will find things like a woman lying in a hospital bed with no cast and no brace, expressively flailing both arms around while she explains how she was shot in the SHOULDER.

Every mainstream posting of the supposed victims lists MORE THAN HALF of them as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. How many government employees on the left coast are country music fans?

There were videos showing how the victims the Main Stream Media are focusing on have very faint digital footprints in social media and NO OBITUARIES, but they all magically disappeared from the internet before I finished this post. One of them showed how many of the spotlighted victims have weird names or the SAME names. Mcintosh or Macintosh is one of them. I managed to find a reupload of one of the videos that searches for evidence of real deaths. It’s in the III G Source Links section. Keep in mind that these are the names that the mainstream media is focusing on. It is likely that there are many more than 59 real victims, and their names are not being released, and any attempts to do so are likely being censored.

There is a video that shows the smiling crisis actors start quietly running out of one of the EAST gates BEFORE the shooting started. The east side of the venue, Giles St., was the SAFE side. Video of the concert attendees outside the concert grounds on the east side shows them laughing and smiling. Video of the concert attendees on the west side, S. Las Vegas Blvd, shows them screaming in terror and dying. Mandalay Bay is across the street from the southwest corner of the concert venue.

The photo of Stephen Paddock with his eyes closed in a stupor that the media has been circulating everywhere shows a scar on his Adams apple that resembles a "13". The dead guy in room 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel that is portrayed in the photo of the dead alleged shooter has NO "13" scar on his Adam's apple. He also appears to be slimmer.

X. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police." It’s true. Bruce Paddock jumped bail after he was convicted of vandalism. Bruce Paddock has been arrested in the past over a number of alleged crimes, including selling marijuana, theft and arson. Stephen and Bruce’s father, Benjamin "Big Daddy" Paddock, was a serial bank robber who was once on the FBI’s Top 10 most wanted list.

Bruce Paddock was arrested in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25th for 20 criminal counts, most of which involve sexual exploitation of a child and child porn. Police were searching for Bruce Paddock before the Vegas Shooting, and received a tip after it happened. They found 600 child porn images on his computer.

Y. The crowd sang along with Big & Rich to a very inspirational performance of "God Bless America" an hour before the shooting started. Everyone held up their bright screened smart phones like candles. It was a scene that was more movie worthy than anything that has come out of Hollywood during the last 60 years. And an hour later the shooting started. They were mass killing real Americans Communist style. The first clear American Red Terror mass killing.

II. Conclusion

The Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st appears to be a coordinated operation involving a conspiracy ring that included members of the FBI, LVMPD, and MGM International Resorts executives. The bungling of the case with the instant declaration that it was a single shooter and not an act of terrorism, four different timelines and a change in how the alleged shooter died, a missing hard drive, the alleged shooter's home being left unguarded and subsequently broken into, coupled with the heavy selling of 6 million MGM International Resorts shares totaling $204 million by 19 executives whilst simultaneously announcing their adoption of a $1.0 billion Share Repurchase Program in September all support this theory.

Further evidence suggests that elements of ISIS, Mexican drug cartels, and Antifa were involved. ISIS claimed the attack, President Trump campaign official James Bower said Stephen Paddock had a digital ISIS presence, Jesus Campos, who is very cool under fire and is being put up in a hotel by MGM since the tragedy, is likely an illegal alien who was allowed to return to Mexico days after the shooting despite being a key witness to the biggest mass shooting in recent US history. An FBI source said they found Antifa literature in the room. Antifa chapters around the world publicly celebrated the massacre of white patriots, with Melbourne Antifa saying, "One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay!"

At the same time official statements and video evidence suggests that LVMPD officers who were not part of the conspiracy were actively countering the attack. Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo changed the timeline from Jesus Campos being shot and encountered around 10:17 p.m. after the shooting was over to the security guard being shot at 9:59 p.m. and then calling Mandalay Bay hotel security to report the floor and room number of the shooter. This timeline created a huge liability problem for MGM International Resorts which promptly strong-armed the timeline up to Jesus Campos being shot around 10:05 p.m., and then up to 10:06 p.m., a full minute after Stephen Paddock allegedly started shooting at the concertgoers. Sheriff Lombardo also said, "Did this person get radicalized unbeknownst to us?" and that Stephen Paddock "had to have some help at some point."

Video of the LVMPD frantically driving fully exposed concertgoers on S. Las Vegas Blvd. east away from the gunfire coming from Mandalay Bay hotel indicates that they were genuinely trying to save lives. On the other hand, the video of a creepy LVMPD officer declaring all the bodies on the ground dead after the lights suddenly go out after the shooting is over suggests an attempt to increase the body count and hide evidence from phone cameras, such as brass on the concert grounds. Another video actually shows someone with a yellow security reflective vest and khaki shirt on the ground in the concert 100 feet back from the stage on the east side firing a rifle southwest. This would have pushed the crowd towards the southwest gate, which literally opens up across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd and Mandalay Bay Rd from Mandalay Bay hotel, the perfect kill zone for a shooter and especially shooters inside and around the hotel. The crowd had already cleared an open circular area around this person, and appeared to be running from him.

Aaron Rouse is not the son-in-law of John Podesta, Gordon Rouse is. Obama appointed Special Agent Aaron Rouse to head the Las Vegas Division of the FBI last year, and what a mess he has made of this investigation. Stephen Paddock's home in Mesquite was left unsecured and burglarized, a hard drive is missing, and the timeline and even the death of the only suspect keeps changing. Every time Sheriff Lombardo speaks to the public, Aaron Rouse is right there glaring at him, and the Sheriff looks very stressed. There appears to be a struggle between different factions of involved government agencies and private interests as well as international interests.

At least two videos have surfaced showing two distinct locations receiving bullet impacts on the ground. There are photos of two incendiary round bullet impacts on the jet fuel tank at the airport. There is video of dead and wounded victims with clear bullet holes and blood running out. Real bullets were fired at the concertgoers, and real people died from gunshot wounds, including an off duty LVMPD officer.

There are also clear crisis actors involved. Before the shooting, Crowds on Demand advertised for "enthusiastic participants" in the Las Vegas area. Some of the victims appearing on video are clearly lying. Braden Matejka claimed to have been shot in the head and to have a brain hemorrhage and brain swelling, all while briskly walking without so much as a shaved patch on his head. Then he drove home to Canada. But not before he collected over $26,000 on Go Fund Me. Another crisis actor is seen walking normally as he explains how he was shot in the leg the day before. Another one claims she was shot through the shoulder and has a punctured lung while she talks and laughs away, chipper as a squirrel, flailing her arms to the rhythm while singing, "Go! Go faith go!"

Other crisis actors have appeared in previous mass casualty events, terror incidents, or other venues. Corinne called for nationwide police state security while claiming there were multiple shooters. The thing is she also appeared as a narcissist daughter on Dr. Phil, who is also interviewing victims of the Vegas shooting. These victims surprisingly appear real. Nurse Vanessa appeared as Alex Israel, friend of Adam Lanza, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Brian Claypool, a leftist civil rights attorney who appeared on Tucker Carlson defending Lena Dunham for accusing American Airlines of "transphobia," magically appeared in Vegas after the shooting as a country music fan witness who did a lengthy interview where he was constantly looking down at his notes.

Why would there be crisis actors at a mass shooting with real victims? To control the narrative. The mainstream media bolster the media footprint of the crisis actor interviews that support their agenda in order to legitimize their narrative. These crisis actors call for police state security nationwide. Some of them even claim there were multiple shooters, in order to gain grass roots credibility. Other crisis actors deliberately act ridiculous, in order to bait us into assuming it was a hoax with no real shooting or deaths. This allows the mainstream media to brand all critics of the official story as casualty deniers causing them to look stupid and heartless. Meanwhile the real witness and victim interviews are memory holed by the media and Google. With this technique, they can tell any story they wish and hide any crime. They can inflate or deflate casualties. They can manufacture nonexistent casualties or conceal real mass casualties.

And don't discount the possibility that the crisis actors were aware that there would be a real slaughter of white country music fan Trump supporters in the bargain. Crowds on Demand, who did advertise for actors in Vegas before the shooting, is a leftist organization out of Commiefornia. They have a history of malicious deceit. Antifa are exactly the kind of people that Crowds on Demand hires for fake, staged, or Bolshevik political events. Their Vegas ad in Craig’s List stated, "Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts." Crowds on Demand placed the same ads in Charlotte, NC, a 271 mile bus ride from Charlottesville VA, one week before Antifa showed up by the busload wearing body armor and black masks with Communist flags and proceeded to throw crap, urine, bottles and rocks at white people, and then attack them with bats and other melee weapons, including an improvised flame thrower. This ad asked applicants if they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." It’s Going Down, a Antifa website that reports news on anarchism and antifascism, said regarding the Vegas massacre, "as long as white supremacy, patriarchy capitalism, and the state control our lives these heinous atrocities will only escalate.” It’s likely that some of the Antifa Crowds on Demand crisis actors were some of the shooters on the ground that so many witnesses reported.

There were clearly multiple shooters. Witness after witness after witness said so. One of them, 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, died suddenly in her sleep after announcing a plan to form a group to expose the truth about the multiple shooters at the Vegas shooting. She said shooters on the ground were chasing the group she was running in, and that she made it to Hooters, where a mob of frantic people came running out shouting that there were active shooters inside Hooters. There is a long video that shows 17 ambulances pull up to Hooters and unload their gurneys while other ambulances rush out of the Hooters main entrance. There is a video that shows bodies all over the inside of Hooters. There were reports of shootings inside and around most of the hotels in Vegas. The Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, NY NY, and MGM Grand were all named by witness after witness after witness.

The audio recordings of the shooting clearly show multiple guns firing simultaneously. They are high quality, and you can distinguish between shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. Acoustic analysis shows distinguishable sound wave signatures for shots, echoes, and bullet impacts. You can see the sound waves of two different shots repeating at the same time, two automatic weapons firing at different distances, and probably firing different rounds. Forensic acoustic analysis of one video shows two shooting distances from the center of the concert venue, one 450 yards and the other 250 yards. Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. You can calculate the horizontal distance of the shooter by the time gap between the last nearby bullet impact heard and the last shot heard. The firearms industry publishes online databases that allow you to do this for every type of round. The 450 yard distance coincides with the Mandalay Bay tower, and the 250 yard distance coincides with Gate 7, a Catholic shrine, a dirt mound, an AMPM, some apartments, and the front of the Luxor hotel. Police scanner recordings show police saying there is an active shooter at Gate 7. If the police were to make these calculations from every video available, meaning that they would identify the location of the recording, identify the type of round, and then calculate the distance, they would be able to triangulate the overlapping circles drawn from the shooter distance radiuses and identify the exact shooter locations.

None of the clear HD video of the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay tower shows muzzle flashes or smoke either during the shooting or at any time; however, smoke clouds can be seen at two locations on the roof of the Mandalay Bay tower during gunfire. A woman taxi driver recorded a muzzle flash in her side view mirror reflecting off a car behind her. She was parked directly outside the north archway of Mandalay Bay. The roof of this north archway is the perfect location for a turkey shoot across the intersection of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. at the southwest gate of the concert venue, where more than half of the concert goers streamed out in a massive bottleneck for some reason. They ran towards Mandalay Bay, where the loudest shooting was coming from. And this north archway roof leads around the southwest side of Mandalay Bay to a giant parking lot, all of which would have been dark at the time of the shooting. There is HD video filmed from the northwest gate that shows endless streams of thousands of concertgoers running north on the S. Las Vegas Blvd. east sidewalk from the southwest gate while very loud automatic machine gun fire is firing volley after volley. It looks like a Stephen King horror movie. This machine gun fire is too loud to be coming from the 32nd floor or the roof. It sounds like its coming from the roof of the north archway. The video shows multiple people collapsing from bullet wounds as they approach the northwest gate, with cops assisting them. The southwest gate must have looked like Hamburger Hill.

So what is the real sequence of events on October 1st, 2017? Well, in order to figure that out you have to look at October 1st from the perspective of the killers. The killers wanted to kill as many white people as they could, so they picked the perfect target: the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas. They wanted to maximize casualties, so they employed the appropriate strategy and tactics. They strategically positioned elevated light machine gun nests in positions that would enable triangulation of crossfire on targets consisting of concentrated, large, immobile crowds. They strategically positioned mobile shooters with rifles on the ground in key crowd control positions. They tactically fired incendiary rounds from a sniper rifle at the jet fuel container in the airport, but failed to penetrate. That would have made a BIG bang, and lit up the city. Most of the cops would have been deviated there, as well as fire trucks.

The elevated light machine guns tactically fired on the concentrated crowd that was listening to Jason Aldean. The crowd began to run and disperse, and the elevated light machine guns tactically ceased fire. The mobile shooters tactically fired into the dispersing crowd to herd them towards chosen gates that were designated elevated light machine gun secondary kill zones. The southwest gate was clearly one of these designated secondary kill zones. Once 5 to 10,000 or more panicked concertgoers had been chased through the southwest gate, and they were all bottlenecked in a bulging mass of people spreading into the intersection, the mobile shooters with rifles tactically ceased fire, to allow the reconcentrated crowd in the kill zone to calm down and stop moving. Once that happened, the elevated light machine gun nests, especially the one across the intersection on the north archway roof, tactically opened fire on the mass of thousands of white people 100 yards away. The ones that survived ran north on S. Las Vegas Blvd. where many collapsed from lesser wounds by the northwest gate.

This scenario was playing out simultaneously at various locations, but the north east gate appears to have been a safe zone where the crisis actors headed before the shooting even started and where ambulances later staged. It was definitely the furthest location from the Mandalay Bay shooters and the most concealed.

The killers had tertiary kill zones: hotel lobbies. They knew that the survivors would run north and east to other hotels and flood into the lobbies. So they had mobile shooters with rifles or Uzis in briefcases strategically positioned in the lobbies of all the hotels in the escape path from the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Witnesses talked about gunmen with weapons in briefcases. Once the lobbies filled up, the mobile shooters with Uzis in briefcases then tactically opened fire on the thousands of massed white people in the hotel lobbies. This would cause survivors to flood out of the doors into the parking lot in a panic, which is what Kymberley Suchomel said she encountered as she approached Hooters after fleeing the concert venue north on Giles St. Once the crowd was outside the hotel lobby and massed in the parking lot, a quaternary kill zone, elevated light machine gun nests tactically opened fire on them, and the process began again.

The operation came to a close due either to a plan to escape, police intervention, or the mission being accomplished. As to exactly who and why it happened, there are many possibilities, and two or more may have converged. Stephen Paddock could have been buying guns from Mexican cartels and selling them to ISIS, who may have taken advantage of a 32nd floor hotel suite full of light machine guns to hijack the gun deal and carry out a terror attack. The deep state may have carried it out in order to further the police state and gun control. It may have been a deliberate effort by the left to mass kill white people the same way the Bolsheviks have done throughout history with their Red Terror. It could even be connected to sex trafficking and child porn, considering how Bruce Paddock, the shooter's brother, was recently arrested for 20 counts of sex crimes with a minor and child porn. Just because Aaron Rouse is not John Podesta's son-in-law doesn't mean he isn't covering up for the sex trafficking industry. He is still an Obama/Comey appointee.

The bottom line is this. By the official narrative, 59 white country fan, conservative, traditional, Trump voters were shot dead and 527 were wounded on Oct. 1st of this year in Las Vegas. The official story is not credible, and neither are the organizations presenting it. It is likely that a lot more than 59 white people died.

The left and all their allies, such as ISIS, the south of the border invaders, and black terror organizations have been promising the complete extermination of the white race not only in the USA but worldwide for decades. Oprah Winfrey the billionairess even said that older white people "have to die" to achieve "racial progress." On Oct. 25, CUNY professor Jessie Daniels tweeted, "The white nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy." We are all drowning in the endless leftist professors calling for the death of the white race, the universities with their "White People Free Days," the graphic memes depicting Trump beheaded or shot or killed in some other grotesque way, the beatings of Trump voters across the country, the mass shootings of cops, and even the leftist mass shooting of a Republican Congressional baseball practice. We all saw the leftists rejoicing over the dead white people in Texas after Hurricane Harvey. We saw prominent leftists tweeting that people should only give aid and charity to nonwhite victims. They have been smearing paint on the statues and memorials of great white heroes all over America and Europe. They have been beating white people who attempt to protect these statues to bloody pulps.

A bunch of white people just got massacred, and from the start the investigation has been one bungle after another. Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said, "Right now we believe it’s a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st. Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak said, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct. 2nd. According to the FBI lead Aaron Rouse, the case was solved within three days of it happening. It was not terrorism. Stephen Paddock, the 64 year old millionaire real estate tycoon/mass shooter, hauled 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition weighing more than 750 pounds in total up to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without getting caught all by himself. This charade means there is no credible guarantee that this won't happen again, or that it will not increase in frequency and severity.

Antifa has formally announced their intent to launch Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 on Nov. 4th. In their own words, they plan to take to the streets and bring society to a standstill until they physically remove Trump from power, in order to end "white supremacy" in a white country. Is Crowds on Demand going to bus in the Bolsheviks that start the American Red Terror on Nov. 4th? And will the media use their crisis actors to control the narrative during the Bolshevik armed takeover of America, the same way they are using them to cover up this white massacre in Vegas? The DOD is conducting a nationwide power grid down exercise from Nov. 4 to 6. Is this the Trump Feds preparing to counter the Antifa armed insurrection, or is this the Obama Feds preparing to run it with plausible deniability? Whatever the case, one thing is certain. It’s time to nip this juggernaut enemy of the white race and its obfuscatory, bungling excuses in the bud once and for all. I'm not interested in tolerating routine massacres in the name of diversity and political correctness. Are you?

III. Links to Evidence

A. The Timeline has changed three times.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Declared, "Right now we believe its a sole actor, a lone wolf type actor, and we have the place under control," on Oct 1st.

Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Declared, "It was a sole shooter," on Oct.2nd.
CNN.com - Transcripts

No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting - Oct. 4
No, There Was Not More Than One Gunman in the Las Vegas Shooting

No Evidence to Indicate Terrorism in Las Vegas Shooting: FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse on Oct. 4th

Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again
Vegas Massacre Timeline Changes Again

Investigators originally said that Paddock had stopped firing at the concert at 10:15 p.m. and police first arrived on his floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded security guard Jesus Campos at 10:18 p.m.

On Monday, October 8th, a new report changed the story the first time. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo announced Paddock had fired on Campos at 9:59 p.m., a full six minutes before the attack began — not after he stopped shooting into the crowd.

On Saturday, October 14th, police changed the story again. The Chicago Tribune stated that MGM Hotel Group claims contradicted the police timeline, and authorities had altered their sequence of events.

“Lombardo had said on Monday that Campos, the guard, was shot at 9:59 p.m. and that the mass shooting began at 10:05 p.m., lasting for 10 minutes. This six-minute gap relayed by Lombardo left uncertain whether there was any lag in alerting police to the source of the gunfire during critical moments. Police said they arrived on the 32nd floor at 10:17 p.m., after Paddock had stopped firing.

“MGM, though, said it was ‘confident’ that the 9:59 p.m. time was inaccurate and ‘was derived from a Mandalay Bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have.’ The company also disputed the suggestion of a lag and said the mass shooting began within a minute of Campos being shot on the 32nd floor.”

According to a statement from MGM:

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio.”

The Tribune summarized Lombardo’s most recent explanation:

“Upon investigation, [Lombardo] said, police learned that Campos first encountered a barricaded door on the 32nd floor at 9:59 p.m., and that he was fired upon by Paddock ‘in close proximity to’ 10:05 p.m., when police say the mass shooting began.

“’He attempted to relay that information via his radio and it was confirmed because he also relayed that information via his cell phone,’ Lombardo said. ‘So the timeline associated to both of those sources have been verified.’“

Mandalay Bay Owner Insisted Security Guard Jesus Campos Appear ONLY on Ellen and Not Be Grilled by TV Hardhitters Fearing His Answers to Timeline Questions Could Result in Massive Lawsuits from Victims of the Massacre
Las Vegas hotel insisted Jesus Campos only appear on Ellen | Daily Mail Online

Ellen Surprises Slots Players at MGM Grand Las Vegas Sep. 20, 2017 To Promote HER Slot Machines in MGM Hotels.

Ellen Meets Las Vegas Survivors Jesus Campos and Stephen Schuck - No Discussion of Timeline and They Show Room Layout with Broken Window in Room 134, Brian Hodge from Australia's Room, but They Don't Label It as Room 134. Hidden in Plain Sight.

4th New Timeline for Las Vegas Massacre Shows Security Guard Jesus Campos Was Shot a Minute AFTER Gunman Began Firing on Crowd, Contradicting Previous Police Reports
New timeline for Las Vegas massacre | Daily Mail Online

REVEALED: Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos Left the Country for Mexico Just Days After the Las Vegas Shooting - Despite Suffering a Gunshot Wound and Being a Key Witness in the Investigation
Jesus Campos left for Mexico days after Las Vegas shooting | Daily Mail Online
Fox News Tucker Carlson Reports with Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino

Jesus Campos Is Not Registered With the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB), As Required by the State of Nevada. Fox News Originally Reported This But the Article is Gone.
Mandalay Bay Security Guard Jesus Campos 'Not A Real Security Guard'

Search the Nevada Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (PILB) for Youself
Nevada Private Investigator's Licensing Board

IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?
IMMIGRATION - Jesus Campos "BORROWED" an SSN for Employment, MGM Hired an Illegal...?

Paddock Is Believed to Have Removed the Missing Hard Drive From His Laptop Before Fataly Shooting Himself
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos and engineer Stephen Schuck told hotel security the shooter was on the 32nd floor before the shooting started, but on the scanners the cops said shooters were all over the hotel and on the ground, and didn't figure out the shooter was on floor 32 until after the shooting was over. They didn't breach the door until a full 1 hour and 21 minutes after the first shot was fired.

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel security guard Jesus Campos Reporting "Hey, there's shots fired in uh... 32, one three five." He Doesn't Sound Excited, As He Should Be If He Was Shot. However, He Could Have Been Trying To Prevent the Shooter From Hearing Him.

Audio Captures Security Guard Jesus Campos Reporting "shots fired" During Las Vegas Shooting - But MGM REFUSES To Say What Time It happened (And They Have Been Putting Him Up in a Hotel Since the Tragedy) - Includes the Current Oct. 28th 4th Timeline
Audio: Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos reports 'shots fired' | Daily Mail Online

Audio of Mandalay Bay Hotel Engineer Stephen Schuck Warning of Shooter Firing Down Hallway on 32nd Floor Sometime Between 9:59 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Why Didn't Police Go Straight to the 32nd Floor? Police Scanners Show the Cops Going to Many Different Floors, Including the 4th, 29th, and even the 31st.
NEW: Audio of Mandalay Bay hotel worker warning of shooter before Las Vegas massacre

Condensed Police Scanner Audio Saying Shots from Fairgrounds, Gate 7, Center of Mandalay, Half Way Up, 1/3 Way Up, and Floors 29 and 32, as Well as confirming Multiple Shooters.
Riveting Audio Details From Vegas Crime Scene MSM Isn't Reporting!!

USA Today Official Timeline from Oct. 7, 2017 - Includes a Good Map That Shows How the West Side of the Concert Venue Is Directly Across the Street From the Mandalay Bay Hotel
How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman

LVMPD Officer Charleston Hartfield's funeral coverage

B. Evidence of multiple shooters.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo Says Shooter Stephen Paddock "Had To Have Some Help At Some Point."

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo asks, "Did This Person Get Radicalized Unbeknownst to Us?"

ISIS Claims Las Vegas Shooting, Says Stephen Paddock Converted to Islam
ISIS claims Las Vegas shooting, says Stephen Paddock "converted" to Islam

Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape and Had Secret Digital Profile According To Former Trump Campaign Official James Brower

Forensic Acoustic Proof of Second Shooter in the Las Vegas Massacre - The Health Ranger

Iron-Clad Proof of Vegas Crime Scene Cover-up They WON'T Want You to See!! and an In Depth Explanation of Forensic Acoustic Analysis

Explosive Compilation: Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations and Bullet Wound in Stomach

Gio Rios' Facebook Livestream October 8, 2017, Raw and Uncut - A Very Calm, Big, Brown, Muscular Guy in A Black Collared Shirt With Lettering Carrying a Briefcase Ordering Him Into Tropicana While Grinning and Beginning to Open Briefcase As Shooting At the Tropicana Starts

Second Shooter on Ground 100 Feet Back and EAST From the north-facing Stage Firing in a SOUTHWESTERLY Direction into Crowd Pushing Them SOUTHWEST Onto THE INTERSECTION of S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd. and Forcing Them to Bottleneck at the Southwest Gate DIRECTLY in Front of the Mandalay Bay Hotel Light Machine Gun Nests.

Zoomed In Second Shooter on Grounda

Multiple Shooters Reported: Kymberley Suchomel Facebook Post

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash in Side View Mirror Short Video

Taxi Driver Muzzle Flash Reflecting Off of Car Headlight in Side View Mirror with 3D Location of Cab at Mandalay Showing Where the Shooter in the Mirror Is. It Is On a North Archway Rooftop that Leads All the Way Back to a PARKING LOT on the Other Side of the Mandalay from the Concert, All Dark at Night.

Clear View of Paddock Room Windows During Gunfire - Nothing. But Smoke at Two Locations on Rooftop of Mandalay.

Someone Running on the Stage Roof During Gunfire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21AHgR32RaQ <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here is a replacement link. The original video was a short looping closeup in slow motion. Shooter appears on stage roof at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.
To Watch without Logging Into Youtube - The thought police at Google/Youtube said "This video may be inappropriate for some users."

One of the Broken Windows in Mandalay Bay is in Brian Hodge's Room 134, NOT Stephen Paddock's Room 135

Mandalay has Service Windows that Open and Active Shooter Lockdown At the Bellagio Hotel

Mandalay Bay Windows Open on 33rd and 31st Floors During Covering of Broken Window in Room 134 on 32nd Floor - Very Easy to Open Windows - There Could Have Been Open Windows Anywhere in Mandalay Bay Hotel

Stephen Paddock: Las Vegas Terrorist Had Access to Mandalay Bay Hotel's Service Elevator As 'Perk'

A Total of 23 Firearms Including Rifles Modified to Be Automatic Were Found In Stephen Paddocks Room. 19 Additional Firearms, Some Explosives, and 1,000s of Rounds of Ammo Were Found in His Mesquite Home.

Raw Video of At Least 17 Ambulances Pulled Up in Front of Hooters During and After the Concert Shooting Attack Uploaded By Benjamin Franks

Lots of Bodies Inside of Hooters on Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WJa9PoHguw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Benjamin Cartwright." Who is Benjamin Cartwright? This video showed both the outside view of Hooters with all the ambulances and the inside view of the bodies. The ambulance video was originaly uploaded by Benjamin Franks, not Cartwright.

Raw Video of Bodies Everywhere in Hooters, Las Vegas

Who Are the Two Guys Being Escorted Through the Tropicana by SWAT After the Shooting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lno7xWPN1xw#t=96.7580012 <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed by the user." Here is a replacement video. Why would the uploader delete this?

The Next Four Videos Are Compilations of All Relevant Videos in Chronological Order.

CODE RED-The TRUE Las Vegas Attack Timeline - Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

CODE RED 2-What the Witnesses Saw

CODE RED 3-What The Police Say Happened in Las Vegas

CODE RED 4-What the MSM Say Happened in Las Vegas

Brian Williams Freudian Slip on October 2, 2017 - "those windows some have theorized, at least one was used by the government, uh gunman rather"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD02UFetzDk <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams." Here is a replacement video.
Brian Williams Says 32 Floor Window Used By Government At Mandalay Bay a Truther moment?

C. The Video Proof of Gunshot Wounds and Deaths

The first gore video to reach the internet is being distrubuted with the last third removed. The last third shows the cops turn ff the lights in the concert venue while people are tring to help the dying.

The Full Gore Video Is 4 minutes 34 seconds Long. The Gore Looks Real, but at 3 minutes 11 seconds the Lights in the Concert Venue are TURNED OFF and a Cop Tells the Guy "Ok Everybody Right Now That's Here on Ground is Deceased," Even Though the Video Shows Some are Still Alive. Notice the Comments on This One Complaining that This Was Uploaded Again, This is the FULL Version that Shows the Cops Making No Attempt to Treat the Victims. Imagine if Tt Was a Synagogue that had Gotten Swiss Cheesed. They Would Be Streaming It on the Moon Even.

Most of the Versions of This Video on the WEB are the 2 minute 55 second Version that does Not Show the Lights go Off and the Cop Declare Everyone on the Ground Deceased, Even Though He Made No Attempt to Verify.

Bodies Being Carried Out After Jason Aldean Concert Shooting in Las Vegas

A Group of Concert Attendees, Probably the Crisis Actors, Begins Running Out of the Concert Venue EAST Gate to Safety Without Screaming BEFORE the Shooting Starts. No Rounds Falling in the Midst of This Group (This video poster thinks Jason Aldean gave the crisis actors a trigger signal to run, but its more likely that they received pre-coordinated text messages. I doubt Jason Aldean was involved.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiXNsEyhmDg <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated." Here is a replacement, and its actually better than the one Google/Youtube deleted. 15 minutes uncut starting from 3 minutes 13 seconds before the first single shot. "Las Vegas Shooting. 3 single shots and crowd react BEFORE any automatic gunfire heard." Shows the Balcony Wall with the Giant Red Clawed Hand Doing the Devil Sign, Index Finger and Pinkie Pointed Up. This Image Is Property of the Concert Venue. Its Always There.

The Perfect Kill Shot - The Mandalay Bay Hotel North Archway Roof Firing Northeast At the Southwest Concert Gate on Google Maps - Copy and Paste the Whole Link if the Site Splits It.

RAW VIDEO: Escape from Las Vegas Shooting with REAL, CLEAR, BLEEDING BULLET HOLE in Arm. Shows How Concert Attendees Were Forced to Bottleneck Out the SOUTHWEST Gates DIRECTLY into the Line of Fire, Then Run North on S. Las Vegas Blvd. Whilst Being Fully Exposed, Before Real Cops Arrived Who Immediately Herded Them Back Through the Concert Venue to the EAST Side and Safety. There Was No Cover On the West Side. Mandalay Bay Hotel is Literally Across the Intersection (S. Las Vegas Blvd. and Mandalay Bay Rd.) From the Southwest Gate of the Concert Venue. The Cops Yelled, "GO EAST! GO NOW!" As ENDLESS Streams Concertgoers were flooding North From the Southwest Intersection, While Shots Were Rarining Down on Them. The Question Is, Who Told Them to Go Southwest in the First Place? Gunmen on the Ground Likely Drove Them Southwest to Force a Second Crowd Concentration Directly in Front of the Shooter Positions. One Cop Is Helping a Woman With a Minor Wound and He Says, "4C... Medicals. They Are Not Gonna Come While Shots Are Still Being Fired." He Means No Ambulances Are Coming to the West Side of the Concert Venue.

Full Video of Shooting Victim Shot in Arm. He Is Currently Stable

Dr. Phil Interviews with Vegas Shooting Victims Appear Real

Mass Shooting Survivor Says Tragedy In Vegas Brought Out The Good In People

'I Just Went Down,' Says Woman Shot In Las Vegas Massacre

‘This Girl Just Plowed Me Completely Backward,’ Says Woman Trampled During Vegas Shooting - This One Looks Very Real

Clear Video of BULLETS HITTING PAVEMENT "During the Las Vegas shooting, it took a bullet hitting concrete near them before this group leaves."
And an HD Version Without Slow Motion "Las Vegas Shooting Mandalay bay stage view- bullets hitting ground"

The MOMENT BULLET from LAS VEGAS Shooter hits a PLASTIC CUP. This Is A Different Bullet Impact from the Previous Video

Las Vegas Shooting - Bullet Hits Near Cup

Woman Hit in Right Bare Knee With Slow Motion Closeup of Bullet Impact, Man Hit While Lying Down, Grunts and Goes Limp

Raymond Page Takes Five Shot Victims to Hospital in Truck

Las Vegas Shooting: Bullets Zing By Balcony

Bullet Holes in Jet Fuel Tanks at 4 Minutes. Attempt to Blow the Fuel Tanks - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation Part 13. He Took His Own Photos.

Jet Fuel Tank Targetted By Las Vegas Shooter Will Soon Be Inspected. This Has the Photos.

D. Reports of witnesses dying

Three Witnesses Dead or Missing, as Security Guard Jesus Campos Surfaces on Ellen Show with No Discussion of Timeline

Vegas Survivor Kymberley Suchomel Who Died Suddenly Had Planned Group to Expose Cover-Up

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

USA Today Attempt to Debunk Vegas Shooting Link to John Bellman Murder-Suicide

John Beilman's Fairport home searched by FBI the day before murder-suicide

Dennis and Lorraine Carver, Survivors of the Vegas Shooting, Die in Fiery Single Car Crash Near Home. "According to the Riverside County Fire Department, their vehicle crashed into a metal gate outside their community at 10:50 p.m. on the 20000 block of Avenida De Arboles. It took firefighters nearly an hour to completely put out the fire, the department said in a statement."

E. The usual suspects pre-emptively maneuvered their finances in order to profit greatly from the Vegas shooting.

George Soros Purchased $42 Million Worth of Put Options in MGM Resorts Last Quarter. Current CEO of MGM Resorts James Murren Sold 80% of his MGM Resorts Stock in September.

George Soros' S.E.C. Filings

James Murren's S.E.C. Filings

Nasdaq MGM Insider Activity (SEC Form 4) for September

MGM Resorts Daily Stock Prices for the Last Year

What Was Going On With MGM Resorts In September?

MGM Resorts International Announces Adoption Of $1.0 Billion Share Repurchase Program

The Owner of Mandalay Bay Lost Almost a Billion Dollars in Value After the Las Vegas Shooting

The REAL Winners of V-e-G-a-$ MSM Doesn't Wanna Talk About!!

'Are You Monetizing Off a Mass Shooting?' MGM Is Slammed Over 'tasteless' #VegasStrong Ad After Mandalay Bay Massacre

F. The usual police state profiteers stand to gain the most from the Vegas shooting.

Former Head of DHS Michael Chertoff, OSI Systems, and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Sheldon Adelson to Profit Most From Vegas Shooting and the Resulting Federal Security Laws That Will Expand Mandatory Use of Full Body Scanners and Metal Detectors to All Hotels and Public Venues

China Feared the CIA Was Using Macau Casinos Owned by Republican Fundraiser Sheldon Adelson to Entrap Beijing Officials

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US to Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting - Cui Bono?

Israeli Trauma Expert Dr. Avi Rivkind Predicted a Las Vegas Massacre 3 Years Ago

The Las Vegas Shooting Could Completely Change How Hotels Think About Security

Dem Pulls Support of Gun Rights Bill After Las Vegas Shooting

New Anti-gun Legislation Introduced in Congress

Aaron Rouse Named Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division July 28, 2016

Las Vegas Shooter's Vegas Home Broken Into, FBI Revisiting Oct. 10

Public should be asking FBI Las Vegas Division Director Aaron Rouse WHAT HAPPENED?

FBI Agent Aaron Rouse Is Not John Podesta's Son in Law

The Left's Carange-Inducing Words and Images Against Trump Voters and White People in General Have Reached Their Apothesis

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Frank Joyce, Elderly White Leftist, wrote in Salon, "White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it"

College Melts Down Over Plan for White-People-Free Days

Oprah: Older White People "Have to Die" to Achieve Racial Progress

CUNY Professor: "The White Nuclear Family Is One of the Most Powerful Forces Supporting White Supremacy"

'One of Our Comrades Has Made Those Trump Supporting Dogs Pay': Left-wing 'Melbourne Antifa' Extremists Condemned for Praising Las Vegas Shooter After He Shot Dead 59 People

Antifa Site: Actions Like Las Vegas Shooting ‘Will Only Escalate’ Due To ‘White Supremacy’

FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found With Antifa Literature, Photos Taken. Shooter Opened Fire On Hostage Rescue Team Who Took Him Out, Says Source.

Stephen Paddock: Who Is the Las Vegas Shooter? Detailed Bio

Antifa Is Openly Staging an Armed Insurrection on Nov. 4th.
November 4: Take to the Streets, Day After Day, The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!

DOD To Conduct Drill on Nov 4-6 That Will Simulate National Power Grid Outage
Communications Interoperability Training with Amateur Radio Community Set Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part. “This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone, cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

Welcome to the U.S. Army MARS Web Site

A Compilation of Information Pointing to a Major Crisis Event on Nov. 4th.

G. Crowds on Demand and their no talent crisis actors were fully involved in the Vegas shooting, as usual.

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event with Craigs List Ads Before Shooting

Why Was Crowds on Demand Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte, NC in August, One Week Before the Charlottesvillem VA Protests? Charlottesville, VA is a 271 mile bus ride from Charlotte, NC.

Crisis Actors Identified from Previous Mass Shootings and Previous TV Appearances Under Different Aliases
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswTDmoHs8Y <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on violent or graphic content." Here are some links that show most of the same content.
Las Vegas Shooting - Vegas Crisis Actor Played a Narcissist on Dr. Phil
Brian Claypool, Civil Rights Attorney, Transgender Advocate, and Regular Cable News Guest Moonlights as Country Music Fan Crisis Actor
Brian Claypool Supporting Lena Dunham's Transphobic Accusation Against American Airlines on Tucker Carlson
Nurse Vanessa/Alex Israel/Katie Foley from Hook to Vegas Crook!
Nurse Vanessa Full Interview About Vegas Shooting

Ridiculous Crisis Actors - One Claims He was Shot in the Head LOL You Just Have To See It to Believe the Incompetence in Production Value and Script. Also a Guy Who Was Shot in the Leg and Needed a Tourniquet Standing for an Interview the Same Night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyqxVzQi2o <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." Here are some links that show some of the same content.
Natalia Baca Shot in Shoulder With a Supposed Punctured Lung Talking and Laughing, and Her Twin Sister Sitting in a Chair After Being Shot in the Hip. They Both Start Moving Their Arms to a Rhythm While Singing. This one won't get deleted. Its Inside Edition.
Man Who Was Supposedly SHOT IN THE LEG Strolling Around the Street Being Interviewed the Next Evening.

These two new links show the EXACT SAME CONTENT THAT GOOGLE/YOUTUBE DELETED. The difference is that these are mainstream channels presenting them as legitimate.

Miracle in Vegas!!! Head Shot "Victim" Survives Round to Head!! <-- Braden Matejka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx4FUyfFp4s <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying." Here are some replacement links.
"Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: 'I think I've been shot in the head.' This shouldn't get deleted because its from mainstream CBC in Canada.
Las Vegas Survivor Who Was Shot in HEAD Tells His Story (just in case)
Las Vegas Shooting Survivor: "I think I've been shot in the head" (and another one just in case)
(these last two will probably be deleted, but the CBC video will remain)

Crisis Actors All have Government Jobs?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AhJyO0LhAw <-- This video was DELETED by Google/Youtube with this message. "This video is unavailable." There is currently no replacement available, but here is a mainstream list of the "official" victims. Skip the first 5 or so and you will run into the government employees. Its at least half of them. Newsflash. There are not that many government employee country music fans on the left coast.

Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 2 - This Will Probably Get Deleted Soon

Vegas Shooting: Paddock Death Photo Missing "13" Neck Scar

H. Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock "Is Suspected Drug Dealer Wanted by Police."

Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's Brother Bruce Paddock Arrested for Child Porn in North Hollywood, CA on Oct. 25, 2017

Bruce Paddock, Brother of Las Vegas Gunman, Pleads Not Guilty to Child Porn Charges - Oct. 27

I. The Crowd Sang Along with Big & Rich To A Very Inspirational Performance of "God Bless America" an Hour Before The Shooting Started.

Big & Rich and Crowd Singing "God Bless America" An Hour Before the Las Vegas Shooting

No man can shoot down hill 450 yards and take out over a battalion of people in the dark. I don't care what kind of weapon he had including rockets. But since 9/11 the average American will believe anything and everybody else knows this.

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