A little perspective on 2014 Senate

They've certainly given up on that Hope&Change crap and Obama's vision of a socialist America, I'll give you that.

60% of voters polled have a bad opinion of the Republicans and their leadership in Congress.
More than 60% of Congress is now Republican.

Go figure that out and get back with us.

So? Means really nothing other than you guys are really good at gerrymandering.

It seems to have been just fine with you when dems did it for almost 45 years.
If repubs are really good at gerrymandering it means they learned from the dems and have excelled the teachers.
[]A state with people in it?! Illinois, Maryland, Mass, and Colorado still fly old Dixie and have no major cities? (Chicago is a shit hole, but we can safely call it a major city)

You got your ass kicked once again Joey. Give it a rest. Go do something worthwhile. Go save those fatherless psychopathic kids from shooting each other in that hell-hole you live in.

Guy, I've explained it to you several times, and you still don't get it.

Those guys in IL and MD and MA won because they - TALKED LIKE DEMOCRATS.

Bruce Rauner didn't talk about abortion or gays or busting unions. He didn't even talk about guns.
You really don't have a clue, do you Joey?: It's your own state FFS!

Illinois AFL-CIO President Mike Carrigan, of Decatur, whose organization represents more than 1.5 million voters, acknowledged the effort fell short, but said the unions will keep the heat on as the race moves into the general election mode.

“The labor movement worked hard to make sure voters knew what billionaire candidate Bruce Rauner is all about," Carrigan said in a prepared statement. "He is the guy that championed cutting the minimum wage and pensions while demonizing teachers, nurses, correctional officers and other employees that serve the public."

Labor unions say they will continue fight against Rauner

Do you have reading comprehension problems? The point was, Rauner didn't talk the kind of anti-Union smack you guys normally talk.

IN fact, Rauner was very good at saying- not much of anything.

Now, that said, I did vote for him wiht reservations. Quinn wasn't cut out for the job.
It seems to have been just fine with you when dems did it for almost 45 years.
If repubs are really good at gerrymandering it means they learned from the dems and have excelled the teachers.

Again, I was a Right Wing Republican until about 8 years ago.

And, no, the Democrats NEVER committed Gerrymandering on this level.

But even if they did, it still doesn't make it okay or a good idea.

If you have 435 House seats, and only about 50 of them are in contention in the general, what incentive is that for Congress to speak to the concerns of those who aren't partisans?
So? Means really nothing other than you guys are really good at gerrymandering.
Let's see, +7 will be +9 in the Senate and now 31 Republican governors. How do you gerrymander a state Joey?

Pretty simple. YOu have a state full of slackjaws with no major cities and full of morons who still fly the confederate flag.

If you have a state with people in it, you actually shut the fuck up about abortion and gays and all the other shit, and given enough time, they might even forget what a bunch of fuckups the GOP are.
Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, and New Orleans are not major cities?

Not really.

And two of those cities are instates that weren't in contention as far as the Senate goes.

Okay, so let's review your great "victory".

Most money spent in a midterm, much of it Dark Money from the Koch Brothers.

You guys win 8 backwater states, a lot of them your candidate didn't even breach 50%. Some of them weren't even contested.

Total number of votes cast for your 9 senators was

1) Less than 5 Million votes combined.
2) Less in every state than Romney had gotten 2 years earlier.
3) Lowest voter participation rate since 1942

NOw, I give the GOP Credit for doing a lot of things right. THey avoided talking about abortion. They didn't nominate anyone who used to be a witch or decided to put an adjective in front of the word "Rape" to rationalize their crazy anti-choice views. They dropped gay marriage like a hot potato.

Some of you were even smart enough to actually talk about wealth inequality like that was a real thing.

Tactically, you did great in a game that wasn't challenging.

It just wasn't the "mandate" you guys claim it is, and no one should pretend it is.
So? Means really nothing other than you guys are really good at gerrymandering.
Let's see, +7 will be +9 in the Senate and now 31 Republican governors. How do you gerrymander a state Joey?

Pretty simple. YOu have a state full of slackjaws with no major cities and full of morons who still fly the confederate flag.

If you have a state with people in it, you actually shut the fuck up about abortion and gays and all the other shit, and given enough time, they might even forget what a bunch of fuckups the GOP are.
Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, and New Orleans are not major cities?

Not really.

And two of those cities are instates that weren't in contention as far as the Senate goes.

Okay, so let's review your great "victory".

Most money spent in a midterm, much of it Dark Money from the Koch Brothers.

You guys win 8 backwater states, a lot of them your candidate didn't even breach 50%. Some of them weren't even contested.

Total number of votes cast for your 9 senators was

1) Less than 5 Million votes combined.
2) Less in every state than Romney had gotten 2 years earlier.
3) Lowest voter participation rate since 1942

NOw, I give the GOP Credit for doing a lot of things right. THey avoided talking about abortion. They didn't nominate anyone who used to be a witch or decided to put an adjective in front of the word "Rape" to rationalize their crazy anti-choice views. They dropped gay marriage like a hot potato.

Some of you were even smart enough to actually talk about wealth inequality like that was a real thing.

Tactically, you did great in a game that wasn't challenging.

It just wasn't the "mandate" you guys claim it is, and no one should pretend it is.
Joey, you are using the same rationalization for your personal failure as your rationalization the failure of your political agenda. It needs to be somebody else's fault.
You point out opinions. I point out facts

There is NOTHING anyone can do for you.

I backed up my position with statistics. Most people on weflare are white, most people on assistance have jobs, most people on assistance are only on it for a short time.

You engaged in typical stereotyping so you could feel that you are "better" than they are.
No Joe. According to stats I've seen, there are just slightly more blacks on welfare than whites. Since whites outnumber blacks by 6:1, blacks are 6 times as likely to be on government assistance.
Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other3.3 %

On another note, Landrieu is behind 16 in her Senate runoff.
That's actually pretty funny Joey. Obama lost everywhere! Not only that, but he's taking the left down with him.

You know, I voted on Tuesday, and I didn't see Obama anywhere on the ballot.

But duly noted you couldn't answer my point that the GOP won by talking like Democrats.
After Obama saying his name WAS NOT on the ballot, but his POLICIES were, did you expect to find his name?

51% of Americans can't name both of their Senators. 25% can't name one.

Of 100 Senators, only 34 were up for election, and only 11 were in states where there was an actual contest.

These states tended to be more rural, more backwards and more white than the country at large.

Now, if we had a national election where Obama's name was on the ballot in every state, you might have a point.

Oh. Wait. We had one of those. In 2012. He won.
Don't kid yourself Joe obama's name was all over the election. He LOST.
It seems to have been just fine with you when dems did it for almost 45 years.
If repubs are really good at gerrymandering it means they learned from the dems and have excelled the teachers.

(1) Again, I was a Right Wing Republican until about 8 years ago.

(2) And, no, the Democrats NEVER committed Gerrymandering on this level.

(3) But even if they did, it still doesn't make it okay or a good idea.

(4) If you have 435 House seats, and only about 50 of them are in contention in the general, what incentive is that for Congress to speak to the concerns of those who aren't partisans?
1 Bullshit
2 Bullshit
3 It's called politics. I bet you'd like to see a law to outlaw the practice in red states only.
4 435 House seats are potentially in contention in the general election. In this mid term, about 395 of them were up for grabs; 40 or so being uncontested. Granted, A seat in Massachusetts is going to be won by a Democrat and one in Oklahoma is pretty sure to go red, but since districts are defined by state legislatures, gerrymandering is non partisan except to the party out of power in your state.
So? Means really nothing other than you guys are really good at gerrymandering.
Let's see, +7 will be +9 in the Senate and now 31 Republican governors. How do you gerrymander a state Joey?

Pretty simple. YOu have a state full of slackjaws with no major cities and full of morons who still fly the confederate flag.

If you have a state with people in it, you actually shut the fuck up about abortion and gays and all the other shit, and given enough time, they might even forget what a bunch of fuckups the GOP are.
Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, and New Orleans are not major cities?

Not really.

And two of those cities are instates that weren't in contention as far as the Senate goes.

Okay, so let's review your great "victory".

Most money spent in a midterm, much of it Dark Money from the Koch Brothers.

You guys win 8 backwater states, a lot of them your candidate didn't even breach 50%. Some of them weren't even contested.

Total number of votes cast for your 9 senators was

1) Less than 5 Million votes combined.
2) Less in every state than Romney had gotten 2 years earlier.
3) Lowest voter participation rate since 1942

NOw, I give the GOP Credit for doing a lot of things right. THey avoided talking about abortion. They didn't nominate anyone who used to be a witch or decided to put an adjective in front of the word "Rape" to rationalize their crazy anti-choice views. They dropped gay marriage like a hot potato.

Some of you were even smart enough to actually talk about wealth inequality like that was a real thing.

Tactically, you did great in a game that wasn't challenging.

It just wasn't the "mandate" you guys claim it is, and no one should pretend it is.

Watching all the insane crowing about an off year election, you have to consider the following.

President Obama got 69 Million votes in 2008 and 66 million in 2012. These are STILL the two highest vote totals ever achieved by ANYONE in the history of the United states.

So how many votes were expended to send knuckle-draggers to the Senate in nine states?


Grand total of all the seats that flipped?


Yup. less than 8% of what Obama got in 2012.

That's not perspective ... that's a non sequitur.

Or, perhaps ... a little salve to try to alleviate the butthurt???
Joey, you are using the same rationalization for your personal failure as your rationalization the failure of your political agenda. It needs to be somebody else's fault.
Duly noted you couldn't comprehend the points made and had to resort to personal insults.
At least he didn't just make shit up like Joey's known to do.
435 House seats are potentially in contention in the general election. In this mid term, about 395 of them were up for grabs; 40 or so being uncontested. Granted, A seat in Massachusetts is going to be won by a Democrat and one in Oklahoma is pretty sure to go red, but since districts are defined by state legislatures, gerrymandering is non partisan except to the party out of power in your state.

Ernie the racist, you really don't know what you are talking about... But here's a clue.

Most seats weren't contested in the general. NOt really. Oh, they put a name on the ballot, but unless they found a bunch of dead hookers in his basement, most of them were going to win.
435 House seats are potentially in contention in the general election. In this mid term, about 395 of them were up for grabs; 40 or so being uncontested. Granted, A seat in Massachusetts is going to be won by a Democrat and one in Oklahoma is pretty sure to go red, but since districts are defined by state legislatures, gerrymandering is non partisan except to the party out of power in your state.

Ernie the racist, you really don't know what you are talking about... But here's a clue.

Most seats weren't contested in the general. NOt really. Oh, they put a name on the ballot, but unless they found a bunch of dead hookers in his basement, most of them were going to win.
Didn't I pretty much say that when I tossed in the Mass and Oklahoma comment, Joe the asshole?
You stated that some ungodly small number of seats were in contention. That was wrong. I schooled you.

Dead hookers in the basement likely wouldn't hurt a Democrat. Barney Franks' live ones didn't seem to matter.

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