A little perspective on 2014 Senate

As far as it went, it WAS a national referendum and you lost. Put on your big boy pants and get over it already.

Nope, it really wasn't.

Referendums is when you let EVERYONE vote, not just a few slackjawed bible thumpers in backward states where they fly the Confederate Flag like that's something to be proud of.

Spoiler Alert- it really isn't.
Oh, I see, the two thirds that stayed home were forced to stay home.
Joe ignores the fact that Obama has pumped 85 Billion a month to those "1%" since he took office.

Because outside the Fever Swamps of Hate Radio, that's not relevent to anything.

You really are an ignorant old man. :)

Obama doing the same thing that Bush did with the Fed. You're just upset the black guy is doing it now.


Unlike you I have integrity.

I was against it when Bush decided he needed to "Save the free market economy by abandoning it".

Your Boi quadrupled it.
Over 500 posts and Little Joe still can't accept that a record low number of voters, voted for the Democrats. That despite the fact that big Democratic Party leaders, campaigned in states for governors and senators and they all lost.

Sucks to have the lowest numbers ever voted for the Democrats.

Record low numbers for everyone. Nothign to be proud of on either side.

Unless you control the House and the Senate, then it doesn't matter how low turnout is, you are in control.
Amnesty is the DEATH CALL to the Republican party, and to America... Perhaps if we taxed you who voted for the obomantion 80% of your salaries, to PAY for these diseased invaders, you might change your mind. Perhaps your BOSS will fire you so he can hire 2 invaders for LESS than he's paying you, even at the new min. wage!

You idiots never look at reality!

Guy, these "invaders' (really just average folks doing jobs you'd never take) aren't costing us all that much.

Two invaders couldn't do my job.

I actually would worry more about legal immigrants the 1%ers bring in who have skills, and they claim up and down they can't find Americans to fill those jobs. Ignore the 500 Resumes on my desk. I need a special pass to bring in Pradip.

Unlike you I have integrity.

I was against it when Bush decided he needed to "Save the free market economy by abandoning it".

Your Boi quadrupled it.

The Free Market Economy was "abandoned" because it failed spectacularly. Bush and Obama actually saved us from the Free Market Economy by not letting them fail and taking 40 million jobs down with it.

Good for them. That's what leaders do. They react to reality, not dogma.

Unlike you I have integrity.

I was against it when Bush decided he needed to "Save the free market economy by abandoning it".

Your Boi quadrupled it.

The Free Market Economy was "abandoned" because it failed spectacularly. Bush and Obama actually saved us from the Free Market Economy by not letting them fail and taking 40 million jobs down with it.

Good for them. That's what leaders do. They react to reality, not dogma.

Sorry Joe,no.

You let it reset because it going to have to any way.

There is a correction coming
Unless you control the House and the Senate, then it doesn't matter how low turnout is, you are in control.

Actually, een if you control the House and Senate, it doesn't mean anything.

Shit, Obama had both houses AND a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and still couldn't get everything he wanted.

So what we are going to have is two more years of Government doing nothing, and the person who looks like she can get something done will win.

Spoiler Alert- that will be Hillary.
Sorry Joe,no.

You let it reset because it going to have to any way.

There is a correction coming

Yeah, you've been talking that shit for 6 years now.

Hey, guy, there's ALWAYS a correction coming. That wasn't a good reason to let the 1%ers totally tank the econmy in 2008.

Sure thing Joe.

It's coming and only the stupid.....you know...like you....deny it.
Unless you control the House and the Senate, then it doesn't matter how low turnout is, you are in control.

Actually, een if you control the House and Senate, it doesn't mean anything.

Shit, Obama had both houses AND a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and still couldn't get everything he wanted.

So what we are going to have is two more years of Government doing nothing, and the person who looks like she can get something done will win.

Spoiler Alert- that will be Hillary.

Lol! Great sense of humor.
Amnesty is the DEATH CALL to the Republican party, and to America... Perhaps if we taxed you who voted for the obomantion 80% of your salaries, to PAY for these diseased invaders, you might change your mind. Perhaps your BOSS will fire you so he can hire 2 invaders for LESS than he's paying you, even at the new min. wage!

You idiots never look at reality!

Guy, these "invaders' (really just average folks doing jobs you'd never take) aren't costing us all that much.

Two invaders couldn't do my job.

I actually would worry more about legal immigrants the 1%ers bring in who have skills, and they claim up and down they can't find Americans to fill those jobs. Ignore the 500 Resumes on my desk. I need a special pass to bring in Pradip.

What jobs are those Blowjob? I see MILLIONS of American's out of work, I see THOUSANDS lined up at a restaurant chain that is just going to hire 300 at min. wage, I see HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of COLLEGE GRADUATES trying to get any job now that they can, forget a job in their field of expertise. You sir, are a laughing stock, with your lies and bullshit, you probably have no idea what is going on around you!
According to Joe you can just "create"85 Billion a month for oh......6 years from thin air and nothing at all will happen.

It worked SO well for the Weimar.
And I guess you have some kind of metric for calling something "backwdards ass...." ?

Yes, I do.

1) Do you have a lot of people who say, "Jesus" and "Satan" like those are real things?

Backward ass.

Wow....a real Bill Maher moment.

I watched and interview of him once and he had just got done bashing people who were religious for not paying attention to science (not an argument I discount when it is on a particular topic). 30 seconds later, having just alluded to science, Maher states that people only go to church because they were conditioned to do so by parents who beat them over the head with the bible.

I couldn't help but wonder what science was behind that statement.

Much like yours.

They are backward ass....according to your totally narrow and somewhat oversimplified mind.

Thanks for clearing that up.
If you are blaming the GOP for the low turnout....it would be good to hear your explanation.

We can't help that . But if voters don't show, we don't call off elections. You either vote or shut up and put up with what you got.

I blame everyone for a record low voter turnout.

No, we don't call off elections because people have given up, we just don't treat them as "mandates".

A mandate means nothing whether you have one or not. You either have the votes or you don't.

Mandate schmandate.
Sure thing Joe.

It's coming and only the stupid.....you know...like you....deny it.

Of course it is. And the rich will go whining back to government- regardless of who is in charge - and ask to be bailed out again and they will get it. and people like you will stomp your little feet and whine that we didn't let the "free market" crush a lot of little people.

Because if we ever did, we'd probably get to socialism a lot quicker.
I watched and interview of him once and he had just got done bashing people who were religious for not paying attention to science (not an argument I discount when it is on a particular topic). 30 seconds later, having just alluded to science, Maher states that people only go to church because they were conditioned to do so by parents who beat them over the head with the bible.

I couldn't help but wonder what science was behind that statement.

I sure you could "wonder' about that, but frankly, just knowing religious people or spending any time in "Jesusland" would confirm- yeah, that's probably what happens.

Religion is brainwashing. And you got to start that at an early age.
What jobs are those Blowjob? I see MILLIONS of American's out of work, I see THOUSANDS lined up at a restaurant chain that is just going to hire 300 at min. wage, I see HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of COLLEGE GRADUATES trying to get any job now that they can, forget a job in their field of expertise. You sir, are a laughing stock, with your lies and bullshit, you probably have no idea what is going on around you!

No one wants to hire college graduates because they don't know how to do anything. They often don't have a feild of expertise.

And those college graduates DON'T Want to do the jobs illegals do. They don't want to pick lettuce or clean toilets or clear debris from a construction site.

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