A little reality for leftist Gavin Newsome and his ban on gas powered cars.

You act like the blades last for a couple weeks .

They're not cost-effective. They are not anywhere close to living up to their expectations. Those on the water or deserts have their blades start to deteriorate far sooner than was expected. The salt air and sand are extremely corrosive. In addition, as you know, they kill thousands of birds. I thought Greenies wanted to save birds, but, whatever. Some of the newer solar methods actually burned the birds to death in mid-flight.

HEY LOOK, it's raining cooked squab! :D
No they don’t. [wind turbine recycling] Read the article. They can be ground up and converted to other things.

And there’s not even that many of them.

According to the same article, just three wind farms in the NE will have well over 1,000 to recycle.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I wish it was the silver bullet that solves earth's energy needs forever. We're just a long way from that as a goal.

Electric cars have been around for over 100 years and, considering that they still don't go much further given 100 years of research.

Jet engines and rocket engines came about in the 1940s. Look at the difference in development. Just facts. Same with nuclear, a REAL silver bullet.
I would say you have no clue what our electric car rules are.

Damn, you obviously don't know what type of batteries they put in electric cars.

So share with us. Where do those miracle batteries get their energy?
Maybe Gavin has a design for wind powered cars.

Already designed,

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This isn’t that complicated. Just put up a wind turbine somewhere that charges the batteries.

Why then can't they keep the lights on today?
Living in the SF Bay area I haven't ever had a power outage. Then again I have solar power and batteries. Not to mention a 9 KW generator I have never had to use.
In the local area Kaiser hospital has solar panels over every parking space on their property and so do the cities in the area and schools parking lots and walkways.

'Forcing Americans in the dark': Green energy push blamed in California's rolling blackouts
Joe Biden energy proposal more ambitious than California's renewable mandate

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 18, 2020
California’s electricity grid picked an inconvenient moment to stumble, at least for Democrats seeking to drum up support this week for Joseph R. Biden’s $2 trillion green-energy plan at the Democratic National Convention.

The Golden State’s ambitious renewable portfolio standard is coming under fire as the state’s energy grid buckles under the strain of an oppressive heatwave, prompting rolling blackouts that have left millions without power as the state moves to replace nuclear and natural gas as energy sources with solar and wind.

Just curious, but it seems to me that greenies would be far better served by acknowledging solar and wind shortcomings rather than just deny, deny, deny.

But, that's just me. It is impossible for me to imagine dealing with any problem without acknowledging it first.
Maybe Gavin has a design for wind powered cars.

Already designed,

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This isn’t that complicated. Just put up a wind turbine somewhere that charges the batteries.

Sounds like you can be the first customer.
I have solar panels to charge mine.

Suuuuure you do. 72 days to recharge a Tesla with current standard solar modules.
I know there are windmills in the Altamont pass and maybe one or two birds are republican enough to fly into the blades.

As I said, until you (greenies) acknowledge the problems, you'll never mitigate them or persuade others to your point of view.

How Many Birds Do Wind Turbines Really Kill?
The giant spinning turbines are basically bird death traps - and often they cut through prime flying space making the carnage even worse

In the end, using 58 mortality estimates that met their criteria, they came up with an estimate. According to the current literature somewhere between 140,000 and 328,000 birds die each year from collisions with wind turbines. That's not all, explains the blog Natural Reactions:

In addition, it appears that there is a greater risk of fatal collisions with taller turbines. This is a real problem, as larger wind turbines may provide more efficient energy generation. Consequently, it is expected that new wind farms will contain even bigger turbines, which will result in even more bird deaths. Future developments therefore will have to give very careful consideration to potential wildlife impacts when planning the type of turbine to install.

Yes, I’m okay with a few hundred thousand birds dying to promote green energy that will prevent global warming that will result in destruction of habitat that will kill billions of birds.

You can stop being short sighted.

But the earth isn't warming. How did the birds survive during the Middle Ages? Vikings sailed from Scandanavia to Iceland, then to Greenland where they established colonies that raised crops and herds of animals to re-supply their boats on the way to North America.
I would say you have no clue what our electric car rules are.

How are they recharged.
Not by the electric power grid.

You know what Californians used for light before candles?


California already have a serious problem keeping the lights on today. They have rolling blackouts. Where is the additional power to come from?

Just think about that......the wealthiest state in the union, run completely by the democrat party, and they can't even provide basic electricity to their people....that is what the democrat party represents....
Let's look at the science....

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So you are driving on an isolated rd.......and your car runs out of juice......how do you power your car......?

With a gas powered car, you get a can of gas and fill up.....with an electric car? How long does the extension cord have to be to reach your car? In the middle of nowhere....
Let's look at the science....

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The truth is the democrat party doesn't want people to own private cars......they want the masses on busses and trains.......the anti-gun extremists keep using the argument that we can register guns because we register cars......and no one has banned cars with registration......cars are on their list of things they want banned.....they just have other priorities first....
Gas powered generators or power wall batteries.

Solar panels charging the wall batteries would be a good choice. Solar has it's problems (manufacturing, disposal, batt replacement) but beats much of what we have.

Generators to charge. Not so good. There is always a power loss, both from the gen/driving engine and the generator end putting out less than put in. If you ever checked out QEG (quantum energy generators) they are still working or or just about to reach unity. Meaning for those who don't understand, you finally get out what you put in, but THAT'S all for now. Last I saw it was about a 500 watt input to get close to a 500w output. Now tune that thing and you got something! Cept, very noisy, VERY.

I'm not against green, solar, electric cars, actually very pro. Like to see better technology and I am positive it will be coming too. I have used solar since 1996, not total but where I can or it works well.

I rode in my buddys Tesla S (or 3 not sure the models), pretty darn cool car. The pickup is kinda odd but like many auto changes over the years it would grow on me.
I would say you have no clue what our electric car rules are.

How are they recharged.
Not by the electric power grid.

You know what Californians used for light before candles?


California already have a serious problem keeping the lights on today. They have rolling blackouts. Where is the additional power to come from?
Gas powered generators or power wall batteries.
So your plan is to use gas powered generators for electricity to save the planet from the affects of burning fossil fuels.

Libtard logic right there.
Solar panels that would fit on a house would not likely do it.
You likely do not have batteries for being off the grid, so are still relying on the electric company, and they are just buying your excess so that your bill is reduced.
You are not really recharging your car batteries unless you are off the grid.

No. If it's enough to run your home emtirely it will charge an electric car regardless grid or no. A proper amount of solar panels on a roof with a proper system can handle it easily, car wall chargers do not use so much your home wouldn't work. It's in the proper sizing of panels, batteries, inverters "the system" NOT being on or off grid, that has nothing to do in the equation. One can still be on grid, produce more than you need and the power co pays you for YOUR ELECTRICITY contribution.

Can't do whole house solar?,,,, just install a system enough to power the wall. Simple really.
The number of bird deaths from windmills is minuscule. This is not a serious argument.

It cost more to build and maintain windgenerators than they CAN EVER put out in a lifetime. Then there is the disposal problem. Old rotors are causing hell at landfills. Now I like wind power in certain apps but don't fool yourself, there is a loss.
I would say you have no clue what our electric car rules are.

How are they recharged.
Not by the electric power grid.

You know what Californians used for light before candles?


California already have a serious problem keeping the lights on today. They have rolling blackouts. Where is the additional power to come from?
Gas powered generators or power wall batteries.
So your plan is to use gas powered generators for electricity to save the planet from the affects of burning fossil fuels.

Libtard logic right there.

Are you using a laptop, a mouse with batteries too? A rechargeable electric razor (if you are old enough to shave, that is); do you drive a car (if you are old enough to drive) with a lead acid battery?
The number of bird deaths from windmills is minuscule. This is not a serious argument.

It cost more to build and maintain windgenerators than they CAN EVER put out in a lifetime. Then there is the disposal problem. Old rotors are causing hell at landfills. Now I like wind power in certain apps but don't fool yourself, there is a loss.
None of this is true.
Suuuuure you do. 72 days to recharge a Tesla with current standard solar modules.

Got a link to that? What size panel, a small one plugged into the cig lighter?

Do you understand batterie banks, power stored for use when needed? One doesn't charge any electric car nor run a home with out proper sizing and a system. Very easy to get panels, inverter (square wave OK at 1/2 the price of a sine wave) charge controller, batteries. Size it right you can charge your electric car no different than if you were on grid. Proper designed size one can charge their car every day. Want to charge two, go bigger.

Satellites, ISS all use solar and seems to work fine and long time. Solar homes have all the power they need, why? Proper design and BATTERY BANK size.

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