A Little Transparency Would Be Nice

LA RAM FAN can provide you the details

What extra rights do you magically inherit as a parent? Am I supposed to be suin' a motherfucka right now? Explain this wave of righty bullshit, please and thank you.
If you love your kid and will do anything to protect them. You support killing them in the womb, so you wouldn't understand. Anyway every government employee are our servants not the other way around. We pay their salaries and they should listen when they have a problem.
Is it really a 'right', or is it something parents just came up with? I don't give a fuck about how you feel about me being a parent. Just know, I'll bash you into bits at the first thought of you ever getting it into your magaturd head that you could ever harm my family. I'd likely burn down everything you hold sacred.
Hey augustine here is one of the loons you're talking. But bad he is a lefty loon like yourself. Lol
I'm about to follow that lead. Some folks you just can't talk to.
the ones that deny reality as he does that this past election was the most massive election fraud in mankind history are obviously paid shills of langley that have penetrated this site.You can tell because the brainwashed stupid sheep that did not know better that voted for him,like many in new york the biggest democrat state in the country,a good portion of those new yorkers realise now they screwed up and even THEY hate Biden and acknowledge that they screwed up unlike these trolls. thats how you can tell they are shills the fact they wont own up to it that they screwed up like the new yorkers are admitting to.
There is no right to make violent threats.
Maybe more like words to the wise.

The one time in my life I got violent, the object of my anger pushed and pushed and pushed, including with physical aggressiveness, and I kept warning them and warning them to quit it or I was going to get physical back. When I finally reached the end of my ability to deal with the provocation and punched the asshole, they lay there on the ground looking totally surprised, as if to say "How dare you do that?"

I think these parents would rather that their warning be heeded, but I fear that we will find the perps lying on the ground looking surprised.

Huge intellectual gap fomenting what we all want to avoid.
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