A logical proposal to double the pay of Walmart CEO:

But you don't request that the gov't extort money from other players to pay more for new ones. And you damn sure don't make the batboy and the mascot pay for it.

Hey I'm flexible I'd be ok with asking the employees of Walmart if they would contribute $10 each to help double the salary of their CEO so they could hire someone who might be able to find a way to save their jobs against growing competition from Amazon.

I'm sure 99% would find it a good investment
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is better, and more people will be able to buy more, "company" products.
It damn sure isn't robbing the bottom workers to pay an outrageous salary for someone who cannot do their job.

hey taxation is not robbery. in this case its asking them for a lousy $10 to save their jobs and keep them off welare that i'd have to pay for!! Its an obvious good idea?

A lousy $10?? How many of these people need food stamps to get by?

If you can't hire a decent CEO for $35 million a year, you deserve to go under. Just like all the Mom & Pop businesses did when Walmart came to town.

It is one thing to ASK for $10 each. But you said a law should be passed requiring it.
Do you think the items you order from Amazon get put on their web site by magic?

dear, Amazon has 20% the number of employees as Walmart per $1 billion sales. Do you understand?? This is easy to grasp!!!

So Amazon does business with fewer overhead costs. And you think they should be punished for that?

Just a clue for you. Businesses exist to make a profit. They do not exist just to provide jobs.
Warren Buffet is a democratic capitalist. Democrat because he supports Libs like Hellary; Capitalist because he makes investments that kills jobs.

Consider- in 2011 Warren invested $5 billion in Bank of America. At the time BOA employed over 287,000 people. By 2015 they had cut the number of employees to 150,000, and Warren had made over 150% on his $5 billion. So, over 100,000 jobs were lost and the liberal Buffet made over $7 billion dollars. That gave him plenty of money to donate to the Bulldykes campaign. And Trump is an evil capitalist. Things that make you go hmmm!
Largest U.S. banks by number of employees 2015 | Statistic
Why Warren Buffett Is Campaigning for Hillary Clinton—And How Much He's Spending To Do It
In fact, if every employee at Walmart would give the company $10 they could double the pay of their CEO. With double the pay perhaps they could attract a CEO worth double the pay. This would be very valuable indeed as Walmart fights, in our dynamic Republican capitalist economy, to survive against Amazon. So, is huge new job security worth $10 to a Walmart employee?? You bet it is. Why not pass a law to extract the $10???

Because we enjoy a regulated free market, and therefore shouldn't dictate what people are paid.
some enjoy, wellness of regulation regarding minimum wages in our otherwise, free markets.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage produces more of a positive multiplier, than simply paying a CEO double their current pay and double their current bonus.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage produces more of a positive multiplier, than simply paying a CEO double their current pay and double their current bonus.

The company would be out of business.

The average walmart employee will be making $13 an hour by April of this year. I doubt the $2 difference would destroy them. But their mgmt and their business practices might.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage produces more of a positive multiplier, than simply paying a CEO double their current pay and double their current bonus.

The company would be out of business.

The average walmart employee will be making $13 an hour by April of this year. I doubt the $2 difference would destroy them. But their mgmt and their business practices might.

as of today national average is $9.39. A $5.60 cent raise would wipe out entire company. If liberals had half a brain they would make Amazon illegal to help the 20 million retail jobs that Amazon will destroy.

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a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage produces more of a positive multiplier, than simply paying a CEO double their current pay and double their current bonus.

The company would be out of business.

The average walmart employee will be making $13 an hour by April of this year. I doubt the $2 difference would destroy them. But their mgmt and their business practices might.

as of today national average is $9.39. A $5.60 cent raise would wipe out entire company. If liberals had half a brain they would make Amazon illegal to help the 20 million retail jobs that Amazon will destroy.

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If you had half a brain you would realize that the gov't cannot make one company illegal, just to help all the others. What you are suggesting is having the gov't destroy a business that is thriving in order to "save" one that is struggling.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage produces more of a positive multiplier, than simply paying a CEO double their current pay and double their current bonus.

The company would be out of business.

The average walmart employee will be making $13 an hour by April of this year. I doubt the $2 difference would destroy them. But their mgmt and their business practices might.

as of today national average is $9.39. A $5.60 cent raise would wipe out entire company. If liberals had half a brain they would make Amazon illegal to help the 20 million retail jobs that Amazon will destroy.

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If you had half a brain you would realize that the gov't cannot make one company illegal,.

trying to save 20 million jobs that capitalist Amazon will destroy is something that liberals will love. I mean, why get them an extra $5/hour that will cost them their jobs when you can actually save their jobs??? Do you understand?
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage produces more of a positive multiplier, than simply paying a CEO double their current pay and double their current bonus.

The company would be out of business.

The average walmart employee will be making $13 an hour by April of this year. I doubt the $2 difference would destroy them. But their mgmt and their business practices might.

as of today national average is $9.39. A $5.60 cent raise would wipe out entire company. If liberals had half a brain they would make Amazon illegal to help the 20 million retail jobs that Amazon will destroy.

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If you had half a brain you would realize that the gov't cannot make one company illegal,.

trying to save 20 million jobs that capitalist Amazon will destroy is something that liberals will love. I mean, why get them an extra $5/hour that will cost them their jobs when you can actually save their jobs??? Do you understand?
Save them their jobs that keep the at the bottom, living paycheck to paycheck and relying on the gov't to make ends meet?

Why not help Amazon grow bigger and let walmart go under? You keep talking about liberals as if you are not one. Your ideas are certainly not conservative or libertarian.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage produces more of a positive multiplier, than simply paying a CEO double their current pay and double their current bonus.

The company would be out of business.

The average walmart employee will be making $13 an hour by April of this year. I doubt the $2 difference would destroy them. But their mgmt and their business practices might.

as of today national average is $9.39. A $5.60 cent raise would wipe out entire company. If liberals had half a brain they would make Amazon illegal to help the 20 million retail jobs that Amazon will destroy.

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If you had half a brain you would realize that the gov't cannot make one company illegal,.

trying to save 20 million jobs that capitalist Amazon will destroy is something that liberals will love. I mean, why get them an extra $5/hour that will cost them their jobs when you can actually save their jobs??? Do you understand?

20 million jobs? You are over-inflating it hugely. Walmart only employs 1.5 million in the US.

Oh, and I find it amusing that you use the word "capitalist" to describe Amazon, but haven't done so when talking about walmart. Both are capitalistic organizations.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage produces more of a positive multiplier, than simply paying a CEO double their current pay and double their current bonus.

The company would be out of business.

The average walmart employee will be making $13 an hour by April of this year. I doubt the $2 difference would destroy them. But their mgmt and their business practices might.

as of today national average is $9.39. A $5.60 cent raise would wipe out entire company. If liberals had half a brain they would make Amazon illegal to help the 20 million retail jobs that Amazon will destroy.

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If you had half a brain you would realize that the gov't cannot make one company illegal,.

trying to save 20 million jobs that capitalist Amazon will destroy is something that liberals will love. I mean, why get them an extra $5/hour that will cost them their jobs when you can actually save their jobs??? Do you understand?
why not cost the rich their capital gains preference, whenever there is no Jobs Boom that causes wages to outpace inflation?
20 million jobs? You are over-inflating it hugely. Walmart only employs 1.5 million in the US.

1) sure but Amazon stands poised to take most of the retail jobs in the West including Walmarts

2) the liberal didn't say whether he want to save these jobs by making Amazon illegal or by speeding up their demise by making them less competitive[with higher wages] versus Amazon?????
20 million jobs? You are over-inflating it hugely. Walmart only employs 1.5 million in the US.

1) sure but Amazon stands poised to take most of the retail jobs in the West including Walmarts

2) the liberal didn't say whether he want to save these jobs by making Amazon illegal or by speeding up their demise by making them less competitive[with higher wages] versus Amazon?????

You think one company can take most of the retail jobs in the west? Really? It had slim profits for the longest time, a few bursts of big profits and now you think it will replace most retailers? lol

If that is what the customers want, then paying the CEO more while robbing the employees will not change a thing.
You think one company can take most of the retail jobs in the west?.

one or several, the fact is on line is growing 15% a year on off line is shrinking the same amount. Off line uses 15% of the employees for the same sales volume. Does your liberal bleeding heart want you to make online illegal so millions won't lose their retail jobs or do you want retail to get a raise so online can take over sooner??
Afraid to say???

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