A Longed-For Good-Bye....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....to Obama and his failed policies.
Couldn't be more welcome....even if late!

1. "Goodbye to Barack Obama’s world....

2. ...posterity may see Barack Obama’s 2008 election as a detour from the path an angry America took after 9/11. ... Mr Obama believed there was no problem that could not be salved by reason. Mr Trump has opposite instincts. Whatever precise form Mr Trump’s administration takes, we know this: Mr Obama’s legacy will be purged. In many cases all it will take is the stroke of Mr Trump’s pen.

3. The Obama erasure will go far deeper than undoing domestic laws, or foreign deals. Mr Trump will repeal Obamacare, or alter it beyond recognition. He will “keep an open mind” about whether to pull the US out of the Paris agreement on climate change and quite probably blow up the US-Iran nuclear deal.

4. These acts would undo Mr Obama’s most visible achievements. Less obvious ones, such as the ban on Arctic drilling and enhanced interrogation techniques and the intention of closing Guantánamo Bay (never completed) will also be consigned to the dustbin. It will be as if Mr Obama was never here."
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...or, as the Bard might have observed...'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished!"

5. "...
it is the end of the world as Mr Obama knew it. He must take some responsibility for its demise.
Obama took office at a geopolitical inflection point. As he prepares to leave, few any longer dispute the fact of relative US decline. For all his high aspirations, Mr
Obama was unable to stop the process.

6. One of Mr Obama’s core traits is to believe that reason governs how people act. It is the perennial failing of liberal technocrats to suppose human affairs are settled by rational argument.

[What a load of hoooey from the Left! Liberals never debate the other side, they work to silence it!]

7. When people failed to see the merits of the case — whether Republican legislators, or foreign leaders — Mr Obama would retreat into injured silence. The world has been a disappointment to Mr Obama. [And vice versa!]

8. When Vladimir Putin’s Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, John Kerry, the outgoing secretary of state, said: “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in a 19th-century fashion by invading another country on [a] completely trumped up pretext.” But that is how the world often operates."

[Obama never understood how the world operates. Ditto his voters!]

9. And now a word from the same folks who predicted a landslide for Bill's wife:

"Mr Trump is a pure bluffer. Much like one of his property deals, Mr Trump will cajole, bully, flatter, and bribe whomever he is dealing with. When he fails — which he surely must — he will declare it a success and divert people’s attention. ...When people tell the truth about him, he will call them liars. When they praise him, he will call them geniuses. When a crisis strikes, he will gamble from the gut. Buyers’ remorse will grip the US public.

10. But Mr Trump will not reverse America’s relative decline. The chances are he will drastically accelerate it. The global role that Mr Obama inherited — and tried, to some degree, to uphold — is now in tatters. It would be hard to overstate the epochal significance of Mr Trump’s election. "
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A message to our Liberal pundits from the grave:
“It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
Yogi Berra


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