Zone1 A Look at Racism in 2024


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

So it seems as if there is some "confusion" as to what racism actually is in 2024. I have copied and pasted what Newsvine posted and will add links to address what she has described. Newsvine has described, Laissez Faire, Modern and Symbolic Racism in her description.​

1. Use of Racial Slurs and Derogatory Language

  • Racial Slurs: Using explicit racial slurs or derogatory terms for Black people.
  • Code Words and Dog Whistles: Using coded language or euphemisms that convey racist sentiments without overtly racist words (e.g., referring to Black people as "thugs" or talking about "urban crime" OP Note: euphemism we often see here is "Black culture" used to disparage Black people in general).

2. Promotion of Stereotypes

  • Negative Generalizations: Making sweeping generalizations about Black people, attributing negative traits or behaviors to the entire group (e.g., "All Black people are lazy" or "Black people are naturally violent").
  • Cultural Inferiority: Suggesting that Black culture is inferior or inherently problematic compared to white culture.

3. Belief in Racial Hierarchies

  • Superiority Claims: Expressing beliefs that white people are superior to Black people in terms of intelligence, morality, or capability.
  • Segregation Advocacy: Advocating for segregation or the separation of races, whether in schools, neighborhoods, or other public spaces.

4. Historical Revisionism

  • Denial of Racism: Denying or downplaying the historical and ongoing impact of racism and discrimination against Black people.
  • Glorification of Confederate Symbols: Defending or glorifying symbols and figures associated with the Confederacy and its defense of slavery.

5. Opposition to Equality Measures

  • Anti-Affirmative Action: Strong opposition to affirmative action and other policies designed to address racial inequalities, often arguing that these policies unfairly disadvantage white people.
  • Against Civil Rights Movements: Speaking negatively about civil rights movements or leaders (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., Black Lives Matter).

6. Blaming the Victim

  • Responsibility Shift: Blaming Black people for the issues they face, such as poverty or high incarceration rates, without acknowledging systemic factors.
  • Lack of Empathy: Showing a lack of empathy for the experiences of Black people, especially in discussions about police brutality, discrimination, or other racial injustices.

7. Use of Pseudoscience

  • Biological Racism: Citing debunked or pseudoscientific studies to claim biological differences between races that suggest inherent superiority or inferiority.

8. Associations and Affiliations

  • Membership in Hate Groups: Being a member of or expressing support for white supremacist groups or organizations.
  • Sharing Racist Content: Posting or sharing content from known racist or white supremacist sources, including literature, websites, or social media accounts.

9. Expressions of Fear or Paranoia

  • Replacement Theory: Promoting the idea that white people are being systematically replaced or oppressed by Black people and other minorities.
  • Paranoia About Crime: Exaggerating the threat of crime supposedly posed by Black people, often without basis in fact.

10. Hostility in Discussions on Race

  • Defensive Reactions: Reacting defensively or aggressively when confronted with discussions about racism or privilege.
  • Whataboutism: Using deflection tactics, such as "what about Black-on-Black crime" when discussing police violence against Black people.
Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, and Ryan A, Smith, "Laissez-Faire Racism: The Crystallization of a 'Kindler, Genter' Anti-black Ideology"
N., Sam M.S., Modern Racism, What is MODERN RACISM? definition of MODERN RACISM (Psychology Dictionary)

Binna Kandola and Pearn Kandola, What is modern racism and how and why has racism mutated?, What is modern racism and how and why has racism mutated? | theHRD

Sears, D. O., & Henry, P. J. (2003). The origins of symbolic racism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,

The Coded Language of Modern-day Racism In America​

  • Racial Slurs: Using explicit racial slurs or derogatory terms for Black people.
  • Code Words and Dog Whistles: Using coded language or euphemisms that convey racist sentiments without overtly racist words (e.g., referring to Black people as "thugs" or talking about "urban crime" OP Note: euphemism we often see here is "Black culture" used to disparage Black people in general).
Some black people are thugs. Some white people are thugs. Thug is a race neutral term. It's wrong to protect actual thugs by crying racism based on dog whistles.

Also, if it is black culture for blacks to call each other the N-word, then that needs stop or the N-word needs to be removed from the racial slur list.
Some black people are thugs. Some white people are thugs. Thug is a race neutral term. It's wrong to protect actual thugs by crying racism based on dog whistles.

Also, if it is black culture for blacks to call each other the N-word, then that needs stop or the N-word needs to be removed from the racial slur list.
You guys don't use the word to describe whites.. Nice try. Whites call each other ethnic slurs, so you can just stop right there with your last sentence.
slur list.You guys don't use the word to describe whites.. Nice try. Whites call each other ethnic slurs, so you can just stop right there with your last sentence.
Whites do use the word thug to describe whites. Also, if whites use what is considered to be racial slurs against whites, then it should either stop or those "slurs" should be taken off of the slur list. Either it is a slur for when anyone uses it, or it is not a slur.

The original thread by Newsvine was shut down because she came up with a list of what constituted racism - which was just about anything - and was repeatedly asked to link to the source of the list. She never did, which leads me to believe it Is what SHE decided is racism.

OP does not get away with copying and pasting her list, and STILL post no link to the source of the list, and then just link to other sites about racism.

IOW, the list of what constitutes racism has no source.

So it seems as if there is some "confusion" as to what racism actually is in 2024. I have copied and pasted what Newsvine posted and will add links to address what she has described. Newsvine has described, Laissez Faire, Modern and Symbolic Racism in her description.​

I think you've defined it pretty well as everything you see. Also some things you don't see. And everything else.
Summery of OP, anything that is critical of Blacks is racist.
Don’t you love that “opposition to affirmative action” and DEI is racist? IOW, objecting to programs that discriminate against whites is racist.

Or speaking negatively about BLM? The Marxist-founded organization that set off massive rioting across the USA for an entire summer? No complaining about it, you racist!
Please note:

I have reported the OP. He is merely repeating Newsvine’s UNCITED list of what constitutes racism. There is no source as to where the list originated, and the list was created by Newsvine to claim what she WANTS to be racist. (Criticizing BLM is racist? Opposing race-based Affirmative Action Is racist? C’mon.)

The links OP provided, to “fool” the moderators, simply talk about racism but DO NOT HAVE THIS LIST,

Black posters do not get to proclaim to us whites what constitutes racism as if it’s a published list somewhere.

7. Use of Pseudoscience

  • Biological Racism: Citing debunked or pseudoscientific studies to claim biological differences between races that suggest inherent superiority or inferiority.
What if there actually are some biological differences between races, at least at the extreme ends of the bell curve distribution? How is it that all of the top 8 fastest people at 200m are black? Are the other races simply not trying?

See first 3 minutes of video for context.

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Black History in the proverbial nutshell: Blacks were chased out of the south by Jim Crow violence (there were an estimated 6,500 Emmitt Till type murders) and when they came north, racist white employers wouldn`t hire them...or murder them. What choices did they have other than public housing? Do you want your family to eat? Sell drugs or become a loan shark. Bussing tables does not support a family.
There are a few germs of truth in what you have posted, but as usual the main assertions are eminently questionable.

1. "Thugs" is not a racial term. It originated in India, and refers generally to Yoots who seek to get what they want through violence. Neither is "urban crime" a racial term. There were scores of felonious personal attacks, including many murders, in Chicago this past weekend. They are an example of "urban crime" - that is to say, the sort of crime that simply does not occur in suburbs and rural areas. There is nothing racial or discriminatory in referring to the phenomenon as "urban crime."

2. EVERYBODY uses generalizations about others. It is human nature. And the generalizations encapsulate impressions gained from observation. The recent explosion of demonstrations on college campuses demonstrates the phenomenon. Everyone who is even perceived to be Jewish is ASSUMED to be a supporter of the IDF and all its actions. This is a generalization without rational justification. It doesn't only happen to Black people.

3. Like it or not, there are racial differences. Some of them can be measured, whether you choose to believe it or not. Everyone who sells men's clothing knows that Black men generally have longer arms and legs than White men of the same height. African Americans have an average IQ that is a full Standard Deviation below the mean for the general population. Stating facts is not, and cannot be, racist. But the point is valid that acting as though the general facts apply to every individual is racist (and illogical).

4. Revisionism can be a problem, but blaming all of the problems of the descendants of slaves TODAY on what happened many decades ago is both illogical and pointless. It simply seeks to excuse personal failure. Further, pretending that appalling conditions of the past are still effective today is, if you will pardon the expression, bullshit.

5. As a wise Supreme Court Justice said many years ago, the solution to discrimination is not more discrimination (in the other direction), but the eradication of discrimination. Consider that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has not promoted EQUAL opportunity for many decades. That was basically achieved a long time ago. What they promote now is discrimination in favor of POC's and women.

6. It has been pointed out endlessly that the MAIN factors that are holding the descendants of slaves back are not discrimination by others, but systemic* behavior patterns that make honest personal success almost impossible. Bastardy, rejection of education, petty crime, rampant substance abuse, and so forth.

7. I have seen no "pseudoscience" that supports racist assertions. I would be very interested to see an example.

8. Aside from the KKK, which is today nothing more than a fringe clown association, what are the "hate groups" that prevail today? NASCAR fans?

9. Irrational fear of Black people? Like in NYC subway stations? I would suggest that it's not ALL Black people or even ALL Black Yoots who generate fear, but the ones who dress and carry themselves like thugs (sorry to use that racist term) are the ones that are feared by people of all races.

10. I only see hostility in the face of lies. For example, when a Black person claims that they live in fear of rogue police officers, when Black people are ten times more likely to be assaulted or killed by another Black civilian than by a cop.

* We can use that word, too.
A look at racism in 2024 = IM2
A racist acquaintance of mine calls Beyonce a racist because that`s what racists do in an attempt to justify their own racism. It doesn`t work for that guy or you. When Lee surrendered his dirtbag army at Appomattox, America didn`t become color blind.
A racist acquaintance of mine calls Beyonce a racist because that`s what racists do in an attempt to justify their own racism. It doesn`t work for that guy or you.
Have you read IM2's posts? There are a lot of them.
Calling someone a "racist" is the cheapest and most vacuous insult that can be uttered today in our society. It requires no proof, there is no defense to it, and it sticks like a booger.
Calling someone a "racist" is the cheapest and most vacuous insult that can be uttered today in our society. It requires no proof, there is no defense to it, and it sticks like a booger.
Somebody's feeling guilty..........
Calling someone a "racist" is the cheapest and most vacuous insult that can be uttered today in our society. It requires no proof, there is no defense to it, and it sticks like a booger.
Going along with the line of thinking about “no proof,” the list of what is racist originated with Newsvine. Included in her wish list was criticism of black organizations such as BLM, or objection to programs designed to priotize blacks over whites, such as Affirmative Action, which ironically is racist in of itself, agaimst whites.

She wants a world, like many leftists, where favoritism is given to blacks (and whitey better shut up about it), and where criticism of blacks is not allowed. It reminds me when our previous Governor - McAukilife - was making a last-ditch effort to win the election, so he bribed blacks by saying he wanted to create a race-based compensation program for teachers in which blacks would get paid more than whites, for the same job and experience level. He then went on to say that anyone who objects to this skin-color compensation policy is a RACIST!
Suggesting that Black culture is inferior or inherently problematic compared to white culture.
I do suggest that, because it is

Blacks lag behind whites and Asians in our society

and that embarrasses the heck out of black apologists like you

So you try to blame the disappointing results on white people instead of your own people
I never thought black culture was inferior. Different, yes. But after seeing black culture in all black nations, holy cow! It IS inferior.

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