A Look at the Democrat Judge Who Sent a Mother to Prison for Trying to Feed Her Children

All she had o do was apologize for breaking the order and she could have gone free...There was an order on the city for the pandemic emergency with the punitive measures, nothing new during a national and state emergency. Just like when a tornado hits and people are ordered not to enter the area..
BS comparison...............she has no damned reason to apologize to the so called judge and jury Robe wearing asshole..................

She is going under..........and said she would open to try and save her home and be able to feed her children.......................OH THE FUCKING SHAME.....

Utter BS...........same with locking down the nation for a stinking virus...........causing ECONOMIC calamity from hell.
Yes they did but that again was what the president declared like it or not. I didn't stop working and I fed my lid because I am used to tough times.

The president did not and can not legally lock down anything.
This was done purely by a rogue governor, who also does not have the authority.

And the point is you DID still work and was able to then by food and shelter.
What they were trying to do to this woman hair dresser was to prevent her from being able to work, or buy food or shelter.
Do you see the difference?
Yes, I see the difference, yet, I do not make the law nor do I have any authority. I am sorry her life was disrupted by this event yet if you don't like the rules I suggest you join the legislature as a member and change them.
I don't much like some of the shit the Cartel del Golfo has pulled; should I go join up and make changes from the inside? (sarcasm):rolleyes:

Get the fuck out of here with that weak bullshit.
All she had to do was apologize for breaking the order and she could have gone free...There was an order on the city for the pandemic emergency with the punitive measures, nothing new during a national and state emergency. Just like when a tornado hits and people are ordered not to enter the area..
/——-/ You don’t send someone to jail for not apologizing for being “selfish.” WTF is the matter with you?
Nothing is the matter with me. I didn't make the rule nor did I enforce it. I observed like everyone else what happened. So, I suggest you find the proper people to point a finger at.

I'm looking at you...... and everyone like you.
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
People that think like you are very seriously fucked up.
During World War Two a lot of men had to stop during their legitimate business and go fight, they had to sacrifice personality liberty for the greater good.

A few months of staying home to save your fellow man is no where near as great a sacrifice.

You continue to cling to the ridiculous lie that anyone staying home, not working, not shopping, not going about their business, saves lives.

It doesn't. It's bullshit. The tyrants and criminals who are feeding you this lie, and exploiting it to seize unprecedented power over us, just love gullible, ignorant, useful idiots such as yourself, who are so happy to believe every lie that Big Brother tells you, and to try to encourage others to believe in these lies as well to the degree of sacrificing everything, their freedom, their livelihoods, and ultimately even their lives, for the sake of these lies.

And the economic crash that is being thus produced really will result in large-scale human suffering and death, far beyond what this virus ever could have caused.

I would have allowed her to break a constitutional law and emergency power and when she kills somebody because of her self indulgent selfish nature charge with with manslaughter.

She was not breaking any law, Constitutional or otherwise.

She was breaking an illegally-issued order, by a tyrant attempting to exercise authority that he does not have, and which blatantly violates our Constitution.

And she was not putting anyone's lives at risk by doing so, nor violating anyone's rights. As long as you continue to cling to the lie that exercising one's Constitutional rights puts other lives at risk, you can count on being seen as nothing better than the ignorant, stupid, gullible, cowardly, useful idiot that you truly are; and a willful supporter of tyranny, corruption, and lawlessness.
He demanded she apologize for being "selfish" or he would have her thrown into a cage.

"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."

—Theodore Dalrymple, “Our Culture, What’s Left Of It

Anyone who has trouble figuring out who is wrong here, is the reason so much is wrong here.

It's not enough to just “Like” this. This needs to be repeated and emphasized.

It's a blueprint, showing how we wind up dominated by cowardly useful idiots, such as Jackass WANKER Frogbrain, if we don't stand strongly enough against them and their masters.
I would have allowed her to break a constitutional law and emergency power and when she kills somebody because of her self indulgent selfish nature charge with with manslaughter.

She was not breaking any law, Constitutional or otherwise.

She was breaking an illegally-issued order, by a tyrant attempting to exercise authority that he does not have, and which blatantly violates our Constitution.

And she was not putting anyone's lives at risk by doing so, nor violating anyone's rights. As long as you continue to cling to the lie that exercising one's Constitutional rights puts other lives at risk, you can count on being seen as nothing better than the ignorant, stupid, gullible, cowardly, useful idiot that you truly are; and a willful supporter of tyranny, corruption, and lawlessness.

The state government had the power to issue that order and enforce it under the constitution.

She was risking her fellow citizens lives. If this was World War Two she would be Tokyo Rose.

She is a traitor to her country and the American flag.
He demanded she apologize for being "selfish" or he would have her thrown into a cage.

"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."
—Theodore Dalrymple, “Our Culture, What’s Left Of It

Anyone who has trouble figuring out who is wrong here, is the reason so much is wrong here.

It's not enough to just “Like” this. This needs to be repeated and emphasized.

It's a blueprint, showing how we wind up dominated by cowardly useful idiots, such as Jackass WANKER Frogbrain, if we don't stand strongly enough against them and their masters.

Yes because a virus pandemic is a communist conspiracy.

Admit it Bob, you failed biology class.
The state government had the power to issue that order and enforce it under the constitution.

Show me where, in our Constitution, it says that a state government, even when it goes about its proper legislative process to pass a law, much less a Governor acting alone as a dictator, can use a fake crisis as an excuse to violate the rules and rights set out in the Constitution. Show me where the language is in the Constitution that even hints at or implies any such thing.

I'll even help you, a bit…

So there it is, between those three links, the complete text of the Constitution, along with one proposed, but never ratified amendment.

So show me where, in all of that text, it says that a corrupt governor acting as an unchecked dictator, or even a whole state government making otherwise proper use of its legislative process, has the legitimate authority to use a fake crisis as an excuse to violate the Constitution.

Hint: It's not in there. Not anywhere. Not in the seven Articles of the main body, not in the ten Amendments originally ratified together as the Bill of Rights,and not in any of the remaining seventeen Amendments. Not even in the proposed, but never ratified Amendment that is included in this text.
All she had to do was apologize for breaking the order and she could have gone free...There was an order on the city for the pandemic emergency with the punitive measures, nothing new during a national and state emergency. Just like when a tornado hits and people are ordered not to enter the area..
no need to apologize when you are right

she didnt kiss his ring

And as it turns out the judge was not as powerful as he thought he was
The crises is not fake Bob, Trump declared it a national emergency.

The world knows it is a crises.

And the US has through out it's history in a crises restricted some liberty for the greater good, the "to promote the general welfare."

Right at the start of the constitution and always a constitutional fact in US history.

Now I know you do not care about your fellow Americans Bob, you are the kind of guy who at D-day would have stayed on the ship and never landed pretending your were sea sick and demanding your galley meal snow cone, but some Americans care about their fellow Americans and will make sacrifices for them.
All she had to do was apologize for breaking the order and she could have gone free...There was an order on the city for the pandemic emergency with the punitive measures, nothing new during a national and state emergency. Just like when a tornado hits and people are ordered not to enter the area..

Wasn’t “the law” why kids were locked in cages in unsanitary conditions?

The crises is not fake Bob, Trump declared it a national emergency.

The world knows it is a crises.

And the US has through out it's history in a crises restricted some liberty for the greater good, the "to promote the general welfare."

Right at the start of the constitution and always a constitutional fact in US history.

Now I know you do not care about your fellow Americans Bob, you are the kind of guy who at D-day would have stayed on the ship and never landed pretending your were sea sick and demanding your galley meal snow cone, but some Americans care about their fellow Americans and will make sacrifices for them.
If this is what is called a national emergency, then I'm Lincoln's grandmother
The crises is not fake Bob, Trump declared it a national emergency.

The world knows it is a crises.

And the US has through out it's history in a crises restricted some liberty for the greater good, the "to promote the general welfare."

Right at the start of the constitution and always a constitutional fact in US history.

Now I know you do not care about your fellow Americans Bob, you are the kind of guy who at D-day would have stayed on the ship and never landed pretending your were sea sick and demanding your galley meal snow cone, but some Americans care about their fellow Americans and will make sacrifices for them.
If this is what is called a national emergency, then I'm Lincoln's grandmother

Yes more deaths in a few months than the entire Vietnam War.

And the tally will grow ever lager as you unlock.

Have fun.
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
Jailed for trying to earn an honest living

she is the opposite of a fascist
The crises is not fake Bob, Trump declared it a national emergency.

The world knows it is a crises.

And the US has through out it's history in a crises restricted some liberty for the greater good, the "to promote the general welfare."

Right at the start of the constitution and always a constitutional fact in US history.

Now I know you do not care about your fellow Americans Bob, you are the kind of guy who at D-day would have stayed on the ship and never landed pretending your were sea sick and demanding your galley meal snow cone, but some Americans care about their fellow Americans and will make sacrifices for them.
If this is what is called a national emergency, then I'm Lincoln's grandmother

Yes more deaths in a few months than the entire Vietnam War.

And the tally will grow ever lager as you unlock.

Have fun.
that's cuz the more covid deaths you report the more federal money you receive at your hospitol.
The crises is not fake Bob, Trump declared it a national emergency.

The world knows it is a crises.

And the US has through out it's history in a crises restricted some liberty for the greater good, the "to promote the general welfare."

Right at the start of the constitution and always a constitutional fact in US history.

Now I know you do not care about your fellow Americans Bob, you are the kind of guy who at D-day would have stayed on the ship and never landed pretending your were sea sick and demanding your galley meal snow cone, but some Americans care about their fellow Americans and will make sacrifices for them.
If this is what is called a national emergency, then I'm Lincoln's grandmother

Yes more deaths in a few months than the entire Vietnam War.

And the tally will grow ever lager as you unlock.

Have fun.
that's cuz the more covid deaths you report the more federal money you receive at your hospitol.

Yes, the truth is OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that all of the fascists have exposed themselves in the CV19 crap, it’s time to purge the fascists from America.

The fascists are exposing themselves. They are called Trump supporters. This is what the protests are about. Right wing fascists who are willing to put the lives of Americans in danger. This bitch was willing to do this. She was rightfully jailed.
Jailed for trying to earn an honest living

she is the opposite of a fascist

Jailed for betraying her fellow human beings and Americans.

"I do not care how fast the virus spreads just as long as I can make a buck."

If this was the Revolutionary War she would be Benedict Arnold.
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