A look at the left over the decades...


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

2000’s: Global warming is melting the glaciers! We’re all gonna die!

2010’s: Climate Change! In 12 years, we’re all gonna die!

See the pattern? Declare a catastrophic problem. Build it up with hyperbole. Demand power and control over private citizens and private industry to “solve” the “problem”.
There are valid arguments against the 12-year doomsday scenario.
A Weatherman Reveals Climate Truths
"Bastardi is an outspoken denier of human-induced global warming. He has written a book describing his views, which are sharply at odds with the scientific consensus on the topic. Bastardi has made a number of statements regarding global warming that have no basis in fact."
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

Nobody was really saying that in the 1970's. Trust me, I was there.

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

Then we did something about it... and the amount of acid rain reduced... This was a good thing.

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

Okay, once again. The world signed the Montreal Accords... the amount of CFC's were drastically reduced, and the ozone layer recovered. I know, this is a crazy idea to you, that we identify a problem, take action to prevent it, even if someone isn't getting rich on the deal.
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

Nobody was really saying that in the 1970's. Trust me, I was there.

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

Then we did something about it... and the amount of acid rain reduced... This was a good thing.

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

Okay, once again. The world signed the Montreal Accords... the amount of CFC's were drastically reduced, and the ozone layer recovered. I know, this is a crazy idea to you, that we identify a problem, take action to prevent it, even if someone isn't getting rich on the deal.

Great post!

you beat me too it.

All that has changed since the 70s is that politics have invaded science and now people are not willing to change because their party masters told them not to.
Great post!

you beat me too it.

All that has changed since the 70s is that politics have invaded science and now people are not willing to change because their party masters told them not to.

And that's a good point. It used to be that when Science identified a problem, we all agreed it was an actual problem. Then liberals and conservatives could have a good faith discussion about how much government vs. private sector involvement would be in the solution.

The Aforementioned Montreal Accords were signed by- wait for it - Ronald Reagan. Holy Cow, St. Ronald signed an international agreement to take government action to address an environmental problem? (I could slam Poodle about his attribution of the Ozone crisis to the 1990's instead of the 1980's, but never mind.)
I was there too, at the first Earth Day on the Mall in DC, April 1970, and that is precisely what they said.

Um, not really. "New Ice Age" was at best a fringe view.

Great post!

you beat me too it.

All that has changed since the 70s is that politics have invaded science and now people are not willing to change because their party masters told them not to.

And that's a good point. It used to be that when Science identified a problem, we all agreed it was an actual problem. Then liberals and conservatives could have a good faith discussion about how much government vs. private sector involvement would be in the solution.

The Aforementioned Montreal Accords were signed by- wait for it - Ronald Reagan. Holy Cow, St. Ronald signed an international agreement to take government action to address an environmental problem? (I could slam Poodle about his attribution of the Ozone crisis to the 1990's instead of the 1980's, but never mind.)
Sorry to bush your bubble but DuPont pushed a scam with Freon and a new refrigerant. I was only beginning to question government at that time. You have your certified results and I have my beliefs.
I was there too, at the first Earth Day on the Mall in DC, April 1970, and that is precisely what they said.

Um, not really. "New Ice Age" was at best a fringe view.


Funny. It was a main subject of conversation and interviews for sometime thereafter.

Regardless, it was used to fuel the propaganda.

BTW, your piechart is dated 2008. The propaganda had long been changed by then. Perhaps it's acting as a cover for the change.
Sorry to bush your bubble but DuPont pushed a scam with Freon and a new refrigerant. I was only beginning to question government at that time. You have your certified results and I have my beliefs.

Well, that's the thing. My certified results are based on science....

You, on the other hand, just need your medications.
Funny. It was a main subject of conversation and interviews for sometime thereafter.

Regardless, it was used to fuel the propaganda.

BTW, your piechart is dated 2008. The propaganda had long been changed by then. Perhaps it's acting as a cover for the change.

The pie chart covered how scientists between 1965 - 1979 felt, based on papers published at the time. (now, 95% think warming is happening, and humans are responsible.)

How the "Global Cooling" Story Came to Be
Funny. It was a main subject of conversation and interviews for sometime thereafter.

Regardless, it was used to fuel the propaganda.

BTW, your piechart is dated 2008. The propaganda had long been changed by then. Perhaps it's acting as a cover for the change.

The pie chart covered how scientists between 1965 - 1979 felt, based on papers published at the time.

And we know that how?

That's the nature of propaganda. People see the headline and move on.
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

Nobody was really saying that in the 1970's. Trust me, I was there.

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

Then we did something about it... and the amount of acid rain reduced... This was a good thing.

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

Okay, once again. The world signed the Montreal Accords... the amount of CFC's were drastically reduced, and the ozone layer recovered. I know, this is a crazy idea to you, that we identify a problem, take action to prevent it, even if someone isn't getting rich on the deal.

Fucking liar

1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

Nobody was really saying that in the 1970's. Trust me, I was there.

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

Then we did something about it... and the amount of acid rain reduced... This was a good thing.

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

Okay, once again. The world signed the Montreal Accords... the amount of CFC's were drastically reduced, and the ozone layer recovered. I know, this is a crazy idea to you, that we identify a problem, take action to prevent it, even if someone isn't getting rich on the deal.

Fucking liar

I watched it when it first aired..

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