A look at the left over the decades...

I used to be a democrat. A liberal. But the philosophy of the party devolved into a chaotic mess. Now? Sheer madness, the new liberal Democratic "progressives" have this arms race going on to protect the newest and latest cause their handlers/ gurus/ professors just discovered. And all facetiousness aside, I am a Liberal at heart. Still one. But not this bunch of incredulous brainwashed twits. I am so disgusted with the Democrats now. Its time to take back the Democratic party in the name of the REAL people.
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I used to be a democrat. A liberal. But the philosophy of the party devolved into a chaotic mess. Now? Sheer madness, the new liberal Democratic "progressives" have this arms race going on to protect the newest and latest cause their handlers/ gurus/ professors just discovered. And all facetiousness aside, I am a Liberal at heart. Still one. But not this bunch of incredulous brainwashed twits. I am so disgusted with the Democrats now. Its time to take back the Democratic party in the name of the REAL people.
Not a coherent thought in that rant
I used to be a democrat. A liberal. But the philosophy of the party devolved into a chaotic mess. Now? Sheer madness, the new liberal Democratic "progressives" have this arms race going on to protect the newest and latest cause their handlers/ gurus/ professors just discovered. And all facetiousness aside, I am a Liberal at heart. Still one. But not this bunch of incredulous brainwashed twits. I am so disgusted with the Democrats now. Its time to take back the Democratic party in the name of the REAL people.
Not a coherent thought in that rant
That's an original reply, you thought that all up by yourself?
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I used to be a democrat. A liberal. But the philosophy of the party devolved into a chaotic mess. Now? Sheer madness, the new liberal Democratic "progressives" have this arms race going on to protect the newest and latest cause their handlers/ gurus/ professors just discovered. And all facetiousness aside, I am a Liberal at heart. Still one. But not this bunch of incredulous brainwashed twits. I am so disgusted with the Democrats now. Its time to take back the Democratic party in the name of the REAL people.
Not a coherent thought in that rant
That's an original reply, you thought that all up by yourself?
I'm amazed you were able to string together that rant I referenced. It actually had words and punctuation. Of course it was devoid of meaning or logic...but hey...you tried
I used to be a democrat. A liberal. But the philosophy of the party devolved into a chaotic mess. Now? Sheer madness, the new liberal Democratic "progressives" have this arms race going on to protect the newest and latest cause their handlers/ gurus/ professors just discovered. And all facetiousness aside, I am a Liberal at heart. Still one. But not this bunch of incredulous brainwashed twits. I am so disgusted with the Democrats now. Its time to take back the Democratic party in the name of the REAL people.
Not a coherent thought in that rant
That's an original reply, you thought that all up by yourself?
I'm amazed you were able to string together that rant I referenced. It actually had words and punctuation. Of course it was devoid of meaning or logic...but hey...you tried
Speaking of ranting...and lacking a coherent or logical point...and stringing words together...what is your point?
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

2000’s: Global warming is melting the glaciers! We’re all gonna die!

2010’s: Climate Change! In 12 years, we’re all gonna die!

See the pattern? Declare a catastrophic problem. Build it up with hyperbole. Demand power and control over private citizens and private industry to “solve” the “problem”.

You forgot...

1980's: Dem solution, tax increases.

1990's: Dem solution, tax increases.

2000's: Dem solution, tax increases.

2010's: Dem solution, tax increases.
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

2000’s: Global warming is melting the glaciers! We’re all gonna die!

2010’s: Climate Change! In 12 years, we’re all gonna die!

See the pattern? Declare a catastrophic problem. Build it up with hyperbole. Demand power and control over private citizens and private industry to “solve” the “problem”.
The Corrupt Democrat Politicians have made an art out of brainwashing the simple minded liberal bigots.
1970’s: The new ice age! We’re all gonna die!

1980’s: Acid rain! We’re all gonna die!

1990’s: The ozone layer is deteriorating! We’re all gonna die!

2000’s: Global warming is melting the glaciers! We’re all gonna die!

2010’s: Climate Change! In 12 years, we’re all gonna die!

See the pattern? Declare a catastrophic problem. Build it up with hyperbole. Demand power and control over private citizens and private industry to “solve” the “problem”.

Forget about what the left says and watch what they do.

The left will say they are conservationist and are worried about climate change. Yet, they buy 8,000 sf homes in gated communities, use private jets and live extravagant lifestyles. They appear unwilling to make any of the sacrifices they ask their supporters to make.

The left pushes public schools and denounces home schooling and school choice. But, they wont send their kids to public schools. Instead opting for elite private schools.

They are for gun control. But, are surrounded by armed guards.

The biggest reason the left has a hard time selling their agenda to non believers is the party leaders, Hollywood and so on talk the talk, but it is clear they feel they are above the rules they wish to enforce.

I have never believed a lot of their dooms day predictions, because I don't think they believe it. Would the Obama's spend 15 million dollars on an 8,000 sf home on Marsha's Vineyard if they were worried about Conservation or rising sea levels? I don't think so.
I voted for Carter. And Clinton years later. An then many years later, Trump. I gave up my Democratic party affiliations when I realized the Democratic party sold us out. The democratic party has just become a bunch of Quisling amoral sellouts to the highest bidder , that's not what the Democratic party was supposed to be about. But that's what it has become.
Okay, Poodle... I know you think Acid rain wasn't a thing... because that's what they told you on Hate Radio and you are only 26. Back in the 1980's, it was a big thing.
Wow...what "evidence" :lmao:

By the way...not matter how many times you try it...claiming I'm a millennial doesn't actually make me a millennial. I was around for the 80's. Hell, I was around for the 70's for that matter!
That’s exactly what these mindless minions will say about “Global Warming” in 2030 when history will prove they were duped.
The thing is, all you guys point to is ONE ARTICLE from 1975.
I didn't point to an article from "1975". And my article referenced a claim from 1970. You continue to get caught lying every time you post.
And this is the problem with modern Conservatism.... if it doesn't like science, it tries to deny it.
This from a nitwit who is on record stating that chromosomes do not dictate gender, but rather, a person's state of mind does. :laugh:

Talk about "trying to deny science".
And this is the problem with modern Conservatism.... if it doesn't like science, it tries to deny it.
This from a nitwit who is on record stating that chromosomes do not dictate gender, but rather, a person's state of mind does. :laugh:

Talk about "trying to deny science".

chromosomes dictate sex, not gender.
This from a nitwit who is on record stating that chromosomes do not dictate gender, but rather, a person's state of mind does. :laugh:

Talk about "trying to deny science".
chromosomes dictate sex, not gender.
I rest my case! The left denying the science that sex is gender. :eusa_doh:

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