A Lot of Newt Hate Threads

he didn't... clinton got re-elected. and he lost the house and was tossed from the speakership.

baby bush won b/c of bush v gore

Wrong. The Republicans retained the House until 2006. They gained seats in the House after the faux scandal about Newt not getting the seat on Air Force one he wanted.
I know partisan parrots of all stripes find reading anything that can't fit onto a bumper sticker makes their heads hurt, but it was Newt Gingrich himself who said, “If there’s anything in there that is going to help us lose the election, we should know it before the nomination.”

Newt has plenty "in there" that will lose the election: http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/204550-the-full-newt.html

The only people getting upset about Newt are people who weren't ever going to vote Republican anyway....

And 23% of Republicans. And the majority of women, independents and moderates.

But you run with that.

The only people getting upset about Newt are people who weren't ever going to vote Republican anyway....

And 23% of Republicans. And the majority of women, independents and moderates.

But you run with that.


Actually, only people I see getting upset are the Romney Koolaid Drinkers.

But I'd rather go with the 77% of Republicans who are okay with Newt than the 25% of Republicans who want Romney.
The only people getting upset about Newt are people who weren't ever going to vote Republican anyway....

And 23% of Republicans. And the majority of women, independents and moderates.

But you run with that.


Actually, only people I see getting upset are the Romney Koolaid Drinkers.

But I'd rather go with the 77% of Republicans who are okay with Newt than the 25% of Republicans who want Romney.

And the only person I see getting upset about Romney being a Mormon is you.
And 23% of Republicans. And the majority of women, independents and moderates.

But you run with that.


Actually, only people I see getting upset are the Romney Koolaid Drinkers.

But I'd rather go with the 77% of Republicans who are okay with Newt than the 25% of Republicans who want Romney.

And the only person I see getting upset about Romney being a Mormon is you.

Why do you keep going on about that? Frankly, I've given a shitload of NON-religious reasons why Romney is a creep. (But I think his moral upbringing is WHY he's a creep. A Catholic would never pull shit like that.)
I'm not real happy with any of the GOP candidates but out of the pack of folks running I like Newt the best. It's a shame to like somebody because you think he's the best worst choice but that's the way I see it. I don't trust Romney as far as I can throw him. Ron Paul makes me laugh every time he opens his mouth. Sleeveless sweater boy doesn't ring the bell for me. At least Newt looks like somebody who could be a President. As I said, he's my best worst choice pick for President. Anyone of them can defeat Obama. He's a one-term President.

Liberals support Obama because they're guaranteed four more years of Food Stamps while the rest of us taxpaying Americans foot their bill

Just "liberals"? My guess is that there is a long list that would like a piece of you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7udQSHWpL88&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL75124F4895E9507A]DIRECTV - "Don't Wake Up in a Roadside Ditch" 2012 Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
Geezus Huggs i expected to see some big point made here and all i see is a fucking commercial for Direc TV....:lol:
Liberals support Obama because they're guaranteed four more years of Food Stamps while the rest of us taxpaying Americans foot their bill

Just "liberals"? My guess is that there is a long list that would like a piece of you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7udQSHWpL88&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL75124F4895E9507A]DIRECTV - "Don't Wake Up in a Roadside Ditch" 2012 Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
Geezus Huggs i expected to see some big point made here and all i see is a fucking commercial for Direc TV....:lol:

What can I say? Dude thinks he is "tough". According to the commercial when people think you are "tough"...they want to find out "how tough?"... :lol: I would just hate to see him wake up in a road side ditch...or worse. :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Me thinks Libtards are scared.
Can't wait to watch Newt crucify the man-child in a debate

Yeah we can sure see the hate coming out of S. Carolina--:lol::lol: Newt Gingrich coming from behind by 18 points--does this in one week. Unbelievable--and the reason libtards are foaming at the mouths. Of course liberals are scared. They know that the worst thing that could happen to Obama is go face to face with Newt Gingrich in a debate. Obama could bring 10 teleprompters with him and he would still lose.


Newt Gingrich won the female vote--the independent vote--the evangelical vote--and of course the conservative tea party vote. Newt Gingrich won it ALL.
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Me thinks Libtards are scared.
Can't wait to watch Newt crucify the man-child in a debate

Yeah we can sure see the hate coming out of S. Carolina--:lol::lol: Newt Gingrich coming from behind by 18 points--does this in one week. Unbelievable--and the reason libtards are foaming at the mouths.


Newt Gingrich won the female vote--the independent vote--the evangelical vote--and of course the conservative tea party vote. Newt Gingrich won it ALL.

Winning it all in South Carolina. Be still my heart.
Oh yeah, my man. I remember. That was the election that I switched to the democratic party.

Did you hear everyone laughing when you claimed you once voted Republican?

Dear God, bless his heart! Had to settle for Colt 45 tonight? Do something productive and go chisel all the boogers off that you've wiped on the underside of your computer desk while making all your useless contributions.
You Democrats are just brutal with your personal attacks..

Is this like a follow the leader thing..?
Shoot, I'm still getting over my fear of Herman Cain, not to mention Sarah Palin. Now I have to be afraid of Newt???
Me thinks Libtards are scared.
Can't wait to watch Newt crucify the man-child in a debate

Yeah we can sure see the hate coming out of S. Carolina--:lol::lol: Newt Gingrich coming from behind by 18 points--does this in one week. Unbelievable--and the reason libtards are foaming at the mouths. Of course liberals are scared. They know that the worst thing that could happen to Obama is go face to face with Newt Gingrich in a debate. Obama could bring 10 teleprompters with him and he would still lose.


Newt Gingrich won the female vote--the independent vote--the evangelical vote--and of course the conservative tea party vote. Newt Gingrich won it ALL.

All this should show how worthless these libtard pollsters are. I remember how Reagans race against Carter was too close to call but leaning toward Carter a week before the election and so many others.

The pollsters serve clients that pay them, and they know they can get away with pumping someone as the sure winner a week out and still have enough time to claim a frigging THIRTY POINT SWING in one week.

What fraking good are they then?

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