A Man Spit On My Toddler And Called Her The N-Word.

In a couple weeks we'll see a small article on the back page about how this woman made this story up cause 'she wanted to make a point about racism'that didn't exist.
You think that's not true?

I can think of at least five posters on this site that would have done that
It was at a local barbecue joint in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, when a tall man approached the table where I was sitting with my two daughters, 4 and 2. He lingered there long enough, just looking at us, that I’d begun to hatch an escape plan. I’d already broken into a full-blown sweat before I even realized what he’d just done: spit on my 2-year-old, his saliva landing on her thigh. He then walked away, muttering the N-word under his breath, oblivious to the inaccuracy of the insult.
I was born and raised in Malaysia. I am biracial, of Malay and Indian descent. I came to the United States after falling in love and marrying my blond, blue-eyed American husband. Though I am brown and my husband white, my children, born here in America ― true blue Americans ― are neither. They have an indiscernible olive skin tone, but they are not white.

My neighbors and community voiced their silent agreement, condoning such a vile act when they offered no defense, no comfort, not even acknowledgment that it happened.

The entire restaurant, all white diners from what I could see around me, had watched the incident, avoided eye contact with me, and carried on with their lunches, glancing at us from time to time, confirming what I knew to be true already: We were the others.

I’m also treated very differently when I’m with my white husband than when I’m on my own. People have yelled at me, “Go back where you came from.” Retail assistants have followed me around stores, saying, “There is nothing here for you.” A woman at a makeup counter once denied me service, glancing past me at the white woman behind me in line, telling her she was ready, as if I were invisible. But the glob of spit that hit my daughter that day was a whole new low. I could hold it in and tolerate my pain when the aggressions were directed toward me, but it burned me in a way I hadn’t felt before to see my children subject to such indignity.

What can you say?

How do you think a person should react to something like this being done to their child?
The woman has her dates mixed up

this may have happened in 1958 but not 2021

this thread is based on a lie
1. To believe that a person (man or woman) would just sit there and not physically react to someone spitting on their child, stretches the story's credibility.
2. To believe that none of the patrons in the restaurant (all white?) would not react negatively to an adult spitting on a child, stretches the story's credibility, as even though I'm a dinosaur, I would have stepped in on it to see how he liked being spit on.
3. To not call the cops and preserve the spit for evidence, stretches the story's credibility.
This, to me, falls into one of three categories:
a. A Jesse Smollet scenario.
b. A troll.
c. A factual story whereby no one does anything, including the mother.
The last is the least believable, so I will go with "a."
She should have shot the mother fucker to be honest.
I hope you don’t carry a firearm while in public if you seriously hold that view.

You don’t shoot people for insulting you or your children. Lethal force is used to stop an attack by a person who intends in put someone in the hospital for a long time or six feet under and has the ability to do so.
It was at a local barbecue joint in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, when a tall man approached the table where I was sitting with my two daughters, 4 and 2. He lingered there long enough, just looking at us, that I’d begun to hatch an escape plan. I’d already broken into a full-blown sweat before I even realized what he’d just done: spit on my 2-year-old, his saliva landing on her thigh. He then walked away, muttering the N-word under his breath, oblivious to the inaccuracy of the insult.
I was born and raised in Malaysia. I am biracial, of Malay and Indian descent. I came to the United States after falling in love and marrying my blond, blue-eyed American husband. Though I am brown and my husband white, my children, born here in America ― true blue Americans ― are neither. They have an indiscernible olive skin tone, but they are not white.

My neighbors and community voiced their silent agreement, condoning such a vile act when they offered no defense, no comfort, not even acknowledgment that it happened.

The entire restaurant, all white diners from what I could see around me, had watched the incident, avoided eye contact with me, and carried on with their lunches, glancing at us from time to time, confirming what I knew to be true already: We were the others.

I’m also treated very differently when I’m with my white husband than when I’m on my own. People have yelled at me, “Go back where you came from.” Retail assistants have followed me around stores, saying, “There is nothing here for you.” A woman at a makeup counter once denied me service, glancing past me at the white woman behind me in line, telling her she was ready, as if I were invisible. But the glob of spit that hit my daughter that day was a whole new low. I could hold it in and tolerate my pain when the aggressions were directed toward me, but it burned me in a way I hadn’t felt before to see my children subject to such indignity.

What can you say?

How do you think a person should react to something like this being done to their child?

The thug probably knew he could get away with it because she's a woman.
Wait a minute this is our resident RACIST superba, pretending that he was being a sweet wittle innocent woman being attacked by a big bad racist in a restrautant with a bunch of all white diners just allowing it to occur. I know he is lying. He lies and race pimps all the time. He never stops lying about race. It is his/its defining personality trait. And we all know as much as he hates whites, the only reason he would be in a diner with white people would be to try to attack them.

Superbad stop lying your ass off.
First of all Turtleshit you didn't even take the time to read the article did you. You just jumped your racist ass in giving your racist opinion because you thought it was someone black who was spit on. See I am a black man you racist hag and if someone would have spit on one of my kids the story would be totally different, but that wouldn't have happened because racist cowards like this would have kept going had a black man been sitting there.
Honey, I really don't care if I am called a racist by race pimps like you anymore. I'll take it and wear it like a giant honor. I have grown tired of idiots and miniories abusing the race card to allow their racism and attacks on others. I judge people by the exact same standards---not my fault if many don't measure up. Lying is lying.........manipulation is manipulation and I have no issues calling it what it is......TRUTH before catering to idiots or bowing to their childish manipulations.
Of course you don't care if you are called a racist, because that is exactly what you are. If you have been a a racist POS all of your life, you didn't just wake up one morning and realize you were a racist. Now if a black man had done this you and your ilk would be calling him an animal, savage, thug you know the usual.
We have learned the hard way never to believe such stories until there is solid evidence.

On the other hand, we do have solid evidence (videos) of certain young gentlemen beating the blank out of Asians on the sidewalk or on public transportation.
Sure she did you retarded inbred. She was so insulted she took them to a BLM march.

"Two years after the barbecue joint incident, I took my children, then 6 and 4, to a Black Lives Matter march downtown. My oldest made a placard that read “Lean On Me” to show her support for the mistreatment of her fellow Americans. My youngest carried one that said “Black Lives Matter” filled in with the names of many of the Black people who’d been unjustly killed. Even at their young ages, they understood these injustices, had grown up enough to know that we lived in a country that needed to be held accountable for what was happening all around us. We found a street corner at a stoplight and joined the four other people who stood with their own placards. My oldest leaned into me and asked, “Mommy can I say something out loud?”"

I'll bet you believed Kamala's story about saying "FWEEDOM" as a child don't you?
We have learned the hard way never to believe such stories until there is solid evidence.

On the other hand, we do have solid evidence (videos) of certain young gentlemen beating the blank out of Asians on the sidewalk or on public transportation.
You mean black and white, right?
I'm sure if somebody black had done this to a white person nobody would be asking for all this excess proof. The lady should have found the nearest mop handle and proceed to beat the blood out of that person. I mean if he wants to spit and thangs, make it so he spits out something important like teeth or blood.

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