A mass shooting the us national won't touch

Liberals won't change the narrative of whites being racist. They'd have to figure out a way to make the victims more George Zimmermans and haven't figured out how to do that yet.
Liberals are strange.
They want more gun crimes , more mass shootings , more armed criminals and more unarmed victims!!

A white guy , white devil to fanatical liberal totalitarians of the Obamacult, off duty British soldier was the only person carrying a concealed weapon at the mall.
He saved 100 lives.

A white man with a gun saving lives?
That's double reason to not report it!!

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First off, the "Mail" is a British tabloid; it's like reading the National Enquirer. When looking for truth, always consider the source. Second, 3 people were wounded, one died. In the US, that type of thing, anymore, doesn't generally make national news as there are so many shootings, this is, in comparison, to the Media, small potatoes. The question of whether this is a hate crime doesn't seem to have arisen anywhere except in the Mail article, so it is definitely questionable. What is really newsworthy here is that yet another average American nut case had access to a gun so he could go out and shoot innocent people who had nothing to do with him and were minding their own business. It's a gun control issue, not a hate issue.

I watch the BBC regularly and Sky News from London and did not see this story covered, so it apparently didn't make national news there either, not by the mainstream media. Also, I've lived around the world enough to know that people in other countries love to point out any possibility of racism in the US. This is because Americans are so self-righteous about their country and are so aggressive about putting down other countries; it's a way of other countries playing tit for tat.
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1 whole person died and the perp is locked up for it. Alert the National News, this is BIG

First off, the "Mail" is a British tabloid; it's like reading the National Enquirer. When looking for truth, always consider the source. Second, 3 people were wounded, one died. In the US, that type of thing, anymore, doesn't generally make national news as there are so many shootings, this is, in comparison, to the Media, small potatoes. The question of whether this is a hate crime doesn't seem to have arisen anywhere except in the Mail article, so it is definitely questionable. What is really newsworthy here is that yet another average American nut case had access to a gun so he could go out and shoot innocent people who had nothing to do with him and were minding their own business. It's a gun control issue, not a hate issue.

A professor getting arrested had the President arranging a beer summit, and no one was killed or even shot at. Of course the Professor was a black man and the shooting victims in NC were white. I am beginning to see the difference.
hey steviegurl, they're comin' for you ...


And, yes, they are ALL homos and trannies and they want you bad.

First off, the "Mail" is a British tabloid; it's like reading the National Enquirer. When looking for truth, always consider the source. Second, 3 people were wounded, one died. In the US, that type of thing, anymore, doesn't generally make national news as there are so many shootings, this is, in comparison, to the Media, small potatoes. The question of whether this is a hate crime doesn't seem to have arisen anywhere except in the Mail article, so it is definitely questionable. What is really newsworthy here is that yet another average American nut case had access to a gun so he could go out and shoot innocent people who had nothing to do with him and were minding their own business. It's a gun control issue, not a hate issue.

I watch the BBC regularly and Sky News from London and did not see this story covered, so it apparently didn't make national news there either, not by the mainstream media. Also, I've lived around the world enough to know that people in other countries love to point out any possibility of racism in the US. This is because Americans are so self-righteous about their country and are so aggressive about putting down other countries; it's a way of other countries playing tit for tat.

Why did this story not make national news in this country?
will he be charged for hate crime by the feds?
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First off, the "Mail" is a British tabloid; it's like reading the National Enquirer. When looking for truth, always consider the source. Second, 3 people were wounded, one died. In the US, that type of thing, anymore, doesn't generally make national news as there are so many shootings, this is, in comparison, to the Media, small potatoes. The question of whether this is a hate crime doesn't seem to have arisen anywhere except in the Mail article, so it is definitely questionable. What is really newsworthy here is that yet another average American nut case had access to a gun so he could go out and shoot innocent people who had nothing to do with him and were minding their own business. It's a gun control issue, not a hate issue.

A professor getting arrested had the President arranging a beer summit, and no one was killed or even shot at. Of course the Professor was a black man and the shooting victims in NC were white. I am beginning to see the difference.

The victims acted stupidly.

First off, the "Mail" is a British tabloid; it's like reading the National Enquirer. When looking for truth, always consider the source. Second, 3 people were wounded, one died. In the US, that type of thing, anymore, doesn't generally make national news as there are so many shootings, this is, in comparison, to the Media, small potatoes. The question of whether this is a hate crime doesn't seem to have arisen anywhere except in the Mail article, so it is definitely questionable. What is really newsworthy here is that yet another average American nut case had access to a gun so he could go out and shoot innocent people who had nothing to do with him and were minding their own business. It's a gun control issue, not a hate issue.

I watch the BBC regularly and Sky News from London and did not see this story covered, so it apparently didn't make national news there either, not by the mainstream media. Also, I've lived around the world enough to know that people in other countries love to point out any possibility of racism in the US. This is because Americans are so self-righteous about their country and are so aggressive about putting down other countries; it's a way of other countries playing tit for tat.

yea you're right. i guess the death doesn't matter because it was reported by the mail. I guess the fact that it was racially motivated doesn't matter because it was reported by the mail

i guess because something that happend in north carolina didn't make the british news, the death doesn't matter
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White or anything approaching white doesn't count to the liberal media. We are supposed to keep silent and sit in the back of the bus.
First I ever heard of it. Maybe the medias conditioning program allows for the possibility of saturation. In doing so they dont want to have whatever faction they are trying to stir up start getting ho hum about every story.

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