A Medal of Freedom for Liz!

You really have to wonder what the democrats are thinking.
They let the left run rampant in the streets. They seem to have no concern for inflation, fuel prices, the border, international policies and everything else going on. But hey look at this. See this.
As an independent that has a lot of independent friends I am scratching my head and thinking if that is all you have you need out of power NOW
Pay no attention to Jan 6
They were just tourists

January 6 Hearing: Liz Cheney Claims Trump ‘Provoked’

Violence Against Capitol Police

10 Jun 2022 ~~ By Joel B. Pollack

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) presented the Democratic majority’s case against former President Trump in the first public hearing of the January 6 Committee on Thursday by claiming Capitol Police were hit with “violence provoked by Donald Trump.”
That charge was the basis of Trump’s second impeachment trial, where he was acquitted, partly because he specifically told the crowd at his rally to protest “peacefully and patriotically” and there was no evidence he had ever intended any violence.
Trump said: “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
Trump’s defense lawyers pointed to the fact that Democrats had used similar “fight” language on a variety of occasions.
The January 6 Committee has implied that it has evidence that Trump knew beforehand of the violence that would erupt at the Capitol, but that evidence had not yet emerged as of the first hearing on Thursday evening.

Similar to Russian and Maoist Commie show trials the Jan. 6 Committee’s purpose is to prop up a dying, corrupt regime.
Liz is toast. Going full bunker right now with her rumblings.
Cheney is in her political death rattle. She is as good as ousted come the August primaries in the Wyoming election.
She's alienated most of the 650,000 population in Wyoming. They still believe in frontier justice and don’t like liars or verminous RINOS.
It was pathetic watching Liz reading a teleprompter championing the Progressive Maoist position of lies and innuendos. Thank goodness, she will be gone in a few of months.
It's a proven fact that DJT wanted National Guard deployed around the Capitol on that day to help preserve the peace. Pelosi, Bowser denied the offer and sent them all home. Trump wanted more Capitol police protecting the buildings.
Claim: If Pelosi hadn’t turned down Trump request for Nat'l Guard, ‘would have been no problem' on Jan. 6
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Absolutely!!! No one is more deserving of the nations highest civilian award. Her presentation last night of Trump's aggressive malfeasance on January 6 was masterful, given in clear, concise, easy to understand sentences that even a very few members of the Trump Cult party would have the brain to understand.

If the morons Rush Limbaugh and Jim Jordan deserved one, Liz deserves ten. Bigly!!!

Do you feel the same way about Manchin and Sinema?
Pay no attention to Jan 6
They were just tourists
Yes they were mainly tourist. I certainly think we need to learn from Jan 6th...there was clearly a massive breakdown in security, and lack of communication....and I thought we had hearings in regards to that already. So I am not quite such what Shifty and company are doing
Her presentation last night of Trump's aggressive malfeasance on January 6 was masterful, given in clear, concise, easy to understand sentences

LOOK! Star has the hots now for a republican! Repubs are just great-- so long as they act, think and talk just like democrats! :lmao:

I've no doubt Star that Lez did indeed talk at your level so you could understand because she is an idiot and an asshole too.

BTW, "aggressive malfeasance" is not a crime, but if it is then we got the bag on Biden and a whole host of you, but my favorite, most damning case presented last night was Lez showing us a video of Trump's daughter, who knew nothing and wasn't even in the loop, that she believed Bob Barr that there was no fraud! :laughing0301:

Boy Howdy! Can't wait to see the judge's face when you present THAT as your case!

You got Trump on the ropes now!
Absolutely!!! No one is more deserving of the nations highest civilian award. Her presentation last night of Trump's aggressive malfeasance on January 6 was masterful, given in clear, concise, easy to understand sentences that even a very few members of the Trump Cult party would have the brain to understand.

If the morons Rush Limbaugh and Jim Jordan deserved one, Liz deserves ten. Bigly!!!
Whooeeee son, you got the Trumphater-itis bad!! Here take this easy test:

Yes they were mainly tourist. I certainly think we need to learn from Jan 6th...there was clearly a massive breakdown in security, and lack of communication....and I thought we had hearings in regards to that already. So I am not quite such what Shifty and company are doing
very true

Just a bunch of tourists who made a wrong turn somewhere on Pennsylvania Avenue

I don’t know why Democrats make such a big deal out of it
very true

Just a bunch of tourists who made a wrong turn somewhere on Pennsylvania Avenue

I don’t know why Democrats make such a big deal out of it
Don't believe they took a wrong turn on Penn Ave.

and I think we all know why the left is making a big deal out of it.....if they didn't, they'd have to address the horrible economy they have created....and the train wreak that is the Xiden Admin
Absolutely!!! No one is more deserving of the nations highest civilian award. Her presentation last night of Trump's aggressive malfeasance on January 6 was masterful, given in clear, concise, easy to understand sentences that even a very few members of the Trump Cult party would have the brain to understand.

If the morons Rush Limbaugh and Jim Jordan deserved one, Liz deserves ten. Bigly!!!
Tell her to get in line behind Mike Lindell and D'Souza.

The Officers We Really Needed to Hear From at the J6 Hearing TV Spectacle

10 Jun 2022 ~~ By Al Perrotta
Oh, how hollow Liz Cheney’s talk of defending democracy sounds now. And who will end up stained from this when Trump’s long gone.
They Needed Sherlock Holmes to Testify
Finally, I was hoping they’d call Sherlock Holmes to testify. Only the great detective could unravel the mystery of why the insurrection-minded Donald Trump would beg for there to be National Guard troops on hand to thwart his insurrection.
Holmes could also explain why Trump could be this cult-like leader whose supporters would do anything for him, yet when he “instigated” the riot only teeny-tiny fraction of those cultists responded.
Even more bizarre than a dog not barking in the night, those that started the actual violence at the Capitol did so before Trump even spoke. (Perhaps time travel would be more in the wheelhouse for H.G. Wells than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.)
Only Holmes could explain why these MAGA hordes hell-bent on insurrection showed up unarmed — though we know those Deplorables love their them guns.
What isn’t a mystery is why we’re going through this bogus “insurrection” hoax and prime time hearings. It’s elementary. They’ve got no answers for the problems they’ve caused. They’ve seen the polls. Fiction and fear is all they’ve got to ward off the tidal wave that’ll wash them from power.

The lunacy of the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left including Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger goes beyond ideology to sheer ignorance and hate.
The author does make importantly good points.

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