A monster grows day by day. America is under siege!

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The monster isn't Trump.

It's the fear, bigotry, and hate he fosters among the right.
Yep....he makes everyone lose their minds.

Sure glad he isn't causing riots like Obama and Al Sharpton caused in Ferguson and Baltimore.

That would suck.
No T-RUMP will incite far worse scenarios. His clannish followers will likely be emboldened enough to initiate pogroms against any goup that opposes their new Führer.
Actually, the people that don't want us to take our country back from these anarchists are inciting these organized riots. Obama, Hillary, Al Sharpton, Bill Ayers, the list goes on and on. The violence in both rhetoric and at events is coming from Trump critics. They simply are trying to instigate a reaction. This is what is called sedition.

Bill Ayers In Chicago Yesterday At Trump Rally

another left wing radical with ties to Obama, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Kevin Jennings, Anita Dunn, Arne Duncan, Martha Kanter, Vartan Gregorian and Cindy Moelis. COMMUNIST TERRORIST,
Hillary and Obama base their operations out of Shitcago. That's why this is going on. It's an orchestrated campaign to paint Trump as a racist during the nomination process. What's extremely pathetic is the way all of the Republicans are jumping on the band wagon. They can't beat him with votes, so they're trying to beat him with thugs and false rhetoric.
The monster isn't Trump.

It's the fear, bigotry, and hate he fosters among the right.
Yep....he makes everyone lose their minds.

Sure glad he isn't causing riots like Obama and Al Sharpton caused in Ferguson and Baltimore.

That would suck.
No T-RUMP will incite far worse scenarios. His clannish followers will likely be emboldened enough to initiate pogroms against any goup that opposes their new Führer.
Actually, the people that don't want us to take our country back from these anarchists are inciting these organized riots. Obama, Hillary, Al Sharpton, Bill Ayers, the list goes on and on. The violence in both rhetoric and at events is coming from Trump critics. They simply are trying to instigate a reaction. This is what is called sedition.

Bill Ayers In Chicago Yesterday At Trump Rally

another left wing radical with ties to Obama, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Kevin Jennings, Anita Dunn, Arne Duncan, Martha Kanter, Vartan Gregorian and Cindy Moelis. COMMUNIST TERRORIST,
Hillary and Obama base their operations out of Shitcago. That's why this is going on. It's an orchestrated campaign to paint Trump as a racist during the nomination process. What's extremely pathetic is the way all of the Republicans are jumping on the band wagon. They can't beat him with votes, so they're tying to beat him with thugs and false rhetoric.
They dont wont Trump telling the world what the GOP really thinks about blacks, mexicans, women, and gays. :laugh:
The whining and the winning are fun to watch. The more they whine, the more he wins. Odd thing.

And that is sad. Populism is the only value Trump has for his constituency; Hitter had that too. But; Trump has a list of unattainable agendas and promises that he can't keep unless he declares Martial Law and suspends the Constitution.
There is nothing unconstitutional about controlling immigration. If you're afraid of getting a job or cuts to your food stamps, at least be honest about it.
Immigration is already controlled. Illegal immigration is , ostensibly, not controlled but we both know why don't we? The Republicans accuse democrats of favoring illegals for votes while the Democrats accuse Republicans of favoring illegals for cheap labor.

Now,rather than address your spurious veiled racist ad hominem about food stamps and employment I will simply move onto more serious responses from more educated people. Have a BAD day!
The monster isn't Trump.

It's the fear, bigotry, and hate he fosters among the right.
Yep....he makes everyone lose their minds.

Sure glad he isn't causing riots like Obama and Al Sharpton caused in Ferguson and Baltimore.

That would suck.
No T-RUMP will incite far worse scenarios. His clannish followers will likely be emboldened enough to initiate pogroms against any goup that opposes their new Führer.

you funny guy
Yeah, In 1916, the idea that a genocidal holocaust would occur in a modern industrialized nation was laughable too.
Pledging loyalty to a politician with the right arm extended stiffly at a about a 30 degree angle. Now where have we seen that before. Cowardly attacks on protestors. And then the police arresting the victim. Now that brings back memories. Denigration of minorities and anyone that dares question policy. Tacit approval of violence against those being denigrated.

No wonder those still in the GOP that are sane are in despair.

Well...maybe you lefties should shut the fuck up and start acting like Americans again haha.

Hmm, yeah. STFU isn't on anyone's agenda, sorry.

What is on trump's agenda, for some reason, is asking angry people at a political rally to raise their right hand and promise loyalty to HIM. Not his ideas, not his party, not his 'fixes' for various problems, him personally. 1933 in its hideous exactness.
Indeed. History seems to about to repeat itself. The early 20th Century started out the same way...Angry "patriots" stoking the fires of hate in Deutschland produced a non establishment monster who championed their cause and "made Germany great again," at least in their eyes.


This one is far more appropriate:

The monster isn't Trump.

It's the fear, bigotry, and hate he fosters among the right.
Yep....he makes everyone lose their minds.

Sure glad he isn't causing riots like Obama and Al Sharpton caused in Ferguson and Baltimore.

That would suck.
No T-RUMP will incite far worse scenarios. His clannish followers will likely be emboldened enough to initiate pogroms against any goup that opposes their new Führer.
Actually, the people that don't want us to take our country back from these anarchists are inciting these organized riots. Obama, Hillary, Al Sharpton, Bill Ayers, the list goes on and on. The violence in both rhetoric and at events is coming from Trump critics. They simply are trying to instigate a reaction. This is what is called sedition.

Bill Ayers In Chicago Yesterday At Trump Rally

Protests against injustice is not anarchy or sedition. And the protests are driven in reaction to police violence and brutality against unarmed citizens.
To be silent in the face of such atrocities would be un American.
The monster isn't Trump.

It's the fear, bigotry, and hate he fosters among the right.
Yep....he makes everyone lose their minds.

Sure glad he isn't causing riots like Obama and Al Sharpton caused in Ferguson and Baltimore.

That would suck.
No T-RUMP will incite far worse scenarios. His clannish followers will likely be emboldened enough to initiate pogroms against any goup that opposes their new Führer.
Actually, the people that don't want us to take our country back from these anarchists are inciting these organized riots. Obama, Hillary, Al Sharpton, Bill Ayers, the list goes on and on. The violence in both rhetoric and at events is coming from Trump critics. They simply are trying to instigate a reaction. This is what is called sedition.

Bill Ayers In Chicago Yesterday At Trump Rally

another left wing radical with ties to Obama, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Kevin Jennings, Anita Dunn, Arne Duncan, Martha Kanter, Vartan Gregorian and Cindy Moelis. COMMUNIST TERRORIST,

A Cosmopolitan coalition all working together against the repressive RW American White male Taliban that would mirror the Muslim Taliban if given the chance.
Pledging loyalty to a politician with the right arm extended stiffly at a about a 30 degree angle. Now where have we seen that before. Cowardly attacks on protestors. And then the police arresting the victim. Now that brings back memories. Denigration of minorities and anyone that dares question policy. Tacit approval of violence against those being denigrated.

No wonder those still in the GOP that are sane are in despair.

Well...maybe you lefties should shut the fuck up and start acting like Americans again haha.

Hmm, yeah. STFU isn't on anyone's agenda, sorry.

What is on trump's agenda, for some reason, is asking angry people at a political rally to raise their right hand and promise loyalty to HIM. Not his ideas, not his party, not his 'fixes' for various problems, him personally. 1933 in its hideous exactness.
Indeed. History seems to about to repeat itself. The early 20th Century started out the same way...Angry "patriots" stoking the fires of hate in Deutschland produced a non establishment monster who championed their cause and "made Germany great again," at least in their eyes.


This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
Well...maybe you lefties should shut the fuck up and start acting like Americans again haha.

Hmm, yeah. STFU isn't on anyone's agenda, sorry.

What is on trump's agenda, for some reason, is asking angry people at a political rally to raise their right hand and promise loyalty to HIM. Not his ideas, not his party, not his 'fixes' for various problems, him personally. 1933 in its hideous exactness.
Indeed. History seems to about to repeat itself. The early 20th Century started out the same way...Angry "patriots" stoking the fires of hate in Deutschland produced a non establishment monster who championed their cause and "made Germany great again," at least in their eyes.


This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
You'll refer to me as MISTER or SIR! Got that?
Hmm, yeah. STFU isn't on anyone's agenda, sorry.

What is on trump's agenda, for some reason, is asking angry people at a political rally to raise their right hand and promise loyalty to HIM. Not his ideas, not his party, not his 'fixes' for various problems, him personally. 1933 in its hideous exactness.
Indeed. History seems to about to repeat itself. The early 20th Century started out the same way...Angry "patriots" stoking the fires of hate in Deutschland produced a non establishment monster who championed their cause and "made Germany great again," at least in their eyes.


This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
You'll refer to me as MISTER or SIR! Got that?

Got it, mister joker.
Indeed. History seems to about to repeat itself. The early 20th Century started out the same way...Angry "patriots" stoking the fires of hate in Deutschland produced a non establishment monster who championed their cause and "made Germany great again," at least in their eyes.


This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
You'll refer to me as MISTER or SIR! Got that?

Got it, mister joker.

Hmm, yeah. STFU isn't on anyone's agenda, sorry.

What is on trump's agenda, for some reason, is asking angry people at a political rally to raise their right hand and promise loyalty to HIM. Not his ideas, not his party, not his 'fixes' for various problems, him personally. 1933 in its hideous exactness.
Indeed. History seems to about to repeat itself. The early 20th Century started out the same way...Angry "patriots" stoking the fires of hate in Deutschland produced a non establishment monster who championed their cause and "made Germany great again," at least in their eyes.


This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
You'll refer to me as MISTER or SIR! Got that?

soon as you earn it shit for brains
Indeed. History seems to about to repeat itself. The early 20th Century started out the same way...Angry "patriots" stoking the fires of hate in Deutschland produced a non establishment monster who championed their cause and "made Germany great again," at least in their eyes.


This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
You'll refer to me as MISTER or SIR! Got that?

soon as you earn it shit for brains
Indeed. History seems to about to repeat itself. The early 20th Century started out the same way...Angry "patriots" stoking the fires of hate in Deutschland produced a non establishment monster who championed their cause and "made Germany great again," at least in their eyes.


This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
You'll refer to me as MISTER or SIR! Got that?

soon as you earn it shit for brains
Indeed. History seems to about to repeat itself. The early 20th Century started out the same way...Angry "patriots" stoking the fires of hate in Deutschland produced a non establishment monster who championed their cause and "made Germany great again," at least in their eyes.


This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
You'll refer to me as MISTER or SIR! Got that?

soon as you earn it shit for brains

That's SIR shit for brains. Got that?

This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
You'll refer to me as MISTER or SIR! Got that?

soon as you earn it shit for brains

This one is far more appropriate:


we'll refer to you as the joker
You'll refer to me as MISTER or SIR! Got that?

soon as you earn it shit for brains

your age or IQ ??
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