A month after dismissing federal prosecutors, Justice Department does not have any U.S. attorneys in

A month after dismissing federal prosecutors, Justice Department does not have any U.S. attorneys in
Source: Washington Post
A month after dismissing federal prosecutors, Justice Department does not have any U.S. attorneys in place

By Sari Horwitz April 18 at 10:49 PM

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is making aggressive law enforcement a top priority, directing his federal prosecutors across the country to crack down on illegal immigrants and “use every tool” they have to go after violent criminals and drug traffickers.

But the attorney general does not have a single U.S. attorney in place to lead his tough-on-crime efforts across the country. Last month, Sessions abruptly told the dozens of remaining Obama administration U.S. attorneys to submit their resignations immediately — and none of them, or the 47 who had already left, have been replaced.

“We really need to work hard at that,” Sessions said when asked Tuesday about the vacancies as he opened a meeting with federal law enforcement officials. The 93 unfilled U.S. attorney positions are among the hundreds of critical Trump administration jobs that remain open.

Sessions is also without the heads of his top units, including the civil rights, criminal and national security divisions, as he tries to reshape the Justice Department.

Read more: A month after dismissing federal prosecutors, Justice Department does not have any U.S. attorneys in place

Madness! WTF did you bastards just elect? A complete idiot?

Just was informed by reliable source, we have 100s of those positions to fill, and 128 judges. Take a deep breath, cause those new judges are going into district courts, and their is talk of expanding the 9th by 25%, changing the balance of power. All is good, give 200 days instead of 100-)
Stacking the court, by increasing the 9th by 25% and all filled by 1 president is unconstitutional imo and i believe this might have already been settled by the courts...???

NOTE-EDITED! Just looked it up!

I was WRONG, apparently court stacking is common practice in our system! :D

Opinion | Stacking the Court
I just edited this post of mine, I was wrong,

apparently stacking and messing with the court is a long time tradition done by Congress!!! :eek:

Opinion | Stacking the Court
Amazing hypocrisy here as the Democrats in Congress slow walk every Trump nomination then Democrats slam Trump as not moving fast enough.

what federal/prosecutors has Trump nominated... who have been stalled by the minority party? Are you just making that up?
Nope, not making anything up.

Brand and Rosenstein are being held up and they are the top two officers right under Sessions who will appoint further attorneys of their choice (as long as the Trump WH team doesnt have a problem with them).

Meet the George W. Bush appointees who Trump wants at DOJ
how are they being held up by Democratic senators who are in the minority? The filibuster has been nuked??

So please tell me WHY you are blaming this on Democrats???

Oh, the Senate is loaded with procedural ways of delaying a vote, byt rescheduling the vote, asking for scores of witnesses, etc.

The Senate has a bunch of arcane rules like this.
As long as the procedures and arcane rules so to say, are not abused,

(like what Mitch McConnell did by not even giving Obama's Justice pic a hearing for over a year, let alone a vote.... ;) )

the rules and procedures that can slow things down, have a purpose....primarily to prevent the tyranny of the Majority.....

I believe it's one of the reasons we don't have a pure democracy as our government system and have a constitutional democratic republic....to give reasonable respect to the Minority, so the Minority can be...in the least, heard.

The Majority will win in the end, but not through 'railroading' things through, where possibly near half the country would be completely silenced.
Amazing hypocrisy here as the Democrats in Congress slow walk every Trump nomination then Democrats slam Trump as not moving fast enough.

So the Democrats were the ones that stupidly mass fired the prosecutors???...well, what do you know.
Conservatives can invent more shit than an elephant with diarrhea...
Amazing hypocrisy here as the Democrats in Congress slow walk every Trump nomination then Democrats slam Trump as not moving fast enough.

So the Democrats were the ones that stupidly mass fired the prosecutors???...well, what do you know.
Conservatives can invent more shit than an elephant with diarrhea...

Yep, Trump is a dumb ass for his choice to fire them before he was ready to replace them.
Amazing hypocrisy here as the Democrats in Congress slow walk every Trump nomination then Democrats slam Trump as not moving fast enough.
Tell that to Merrick Garland.
Merrick Who?

You mean that pathetic attempt by Obama to replace the most conservative justice on SCOTUS? That Merrick Who?

Lol, no, you tell him he was a joke if you want, but Senate leadership made it quite plain his nomination was DOA and Obamy sent him any way.
Merrick Who?

You mean that pathetic attempt by Obama to replace the most conservative justice on SCOTUS? That Merrick Who?

Lol, no, you tell him he was a joke if you want, but Senate leadership made it quite plain his nomination was DOA and Obamy sent him any way.
You said it.

"Amazing hypocrisy here as the Democrats in Congress slow walk every Trump nomination..."
Amazing hypocrisy.
A month after dismissing federal prosecutors, Justice Department does not have any U.S. attorneys in
Source: Washington Post
A month after dismissing federal prosecutors, Justice Department does not have any U.S. attorneys in place

By Sari Horwitz April 18 at 10:49 PM

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is making aggressive law enforcement a top priority, directing his federal prosecutors across the country to crack down on illegal immigrants and “use every tool” they have to go after violent criminals and drug traffickers.

But the attorney general does not have a single U.S. attorney in place to lead his tough-on-crime efforts across the country. Last month, Sessions abruptly told the dozens of remaining Obama administration U.S. attorneys to submit their resignations immediately — and none of them, or the 47 who had already left, have been replaced.

“We really need to work hard at that,” Sessions said when asked Tuesday about the vacancies as he opened a meeting with federal law enforcement officials. The 93 unfilled U.S. attorney positions are among the hundreds of critical Trump administration jobs that remain open.

Sessions is also without the heads of his top units, including the civil rights, criminal and national security divisions, as he tries to reshape the Justice Department.

Read more: A month after dismissing federal prosecutors, Justice Department does not have any U.S. attorneys in place

Madness! WTF did you bastards just elect? A complete idiot?
Don't get your panties in a bunch. Where there are no US Attorneys there are acting US Attorneys, most often high ranking prosecutors who might be considered for the job themselves.

I agree and this has been done by every new POTUS since we've had a POTUS.

I'm sure Mathew didn't mention that Obama did the same and he couldn't have cared less.

What a maroon.
Bull crud/ a LIE that Obama did the same

Obama didn't fire them all BEFORE REPLACING THEM

Obama to replace U.S. Attorneys

05/15/09 08:34 AM EDT

President Barack Obama plans to replace a "batch" of U.S. Attorneys in the next few weeks and more prosecutors thereafter, according to Attorney General Eric Holder.

"I expect that we’ll have an announcement in the next couple of weeks with regard to our first batch of U.S attorneys," Holder said Thursday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing which stretched out over most of the day due to breaks for members' votes. "One of the things that we didn’t want to do was to disrupt the continuity of the offices and pull people out of positions where we thought there might be a danger that that might have on the continuity--the effectiveness of the offices.But...elections matter--it is our intention to have the U.S. Attorneys that are selected by President Obama in place as quickly as they can."

Holder's comments begin to resolve questions in the legal community about whether the new administration would hesitate to replace the chief prosecutors en masse because of the intense controversy that surrounded President George W. Bush's unusual mid-term replacement of nine U.S. attorneys in late 2006. In addition, legal sources said some Bush appointees were looking to burrow in, in part to avoid a grim economic climate for private-sector legal jobs.

However, by using terms like "elections matter," Holder seems to be signaling that Obama plans to install new leadership in most offices.

Pressure from lawmakers and local Democrats to replace the sitting prosecutors has been significant. Holder's comments Thursday came in response to a question from Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) "Many jurisdictions are waiting desperately to see what is going to be done. As we understand it, the protocol has been that U.S. Attorneys would hand in their resignations and would give the new administration an opportunity to make new appointments, we don’t see that happening quite fast enough," she said, pointing to complaints about prosecutors in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama.

Waters seemed satisfied with Holder's answer, but she was intent on creating a sense of urgency. "There is a danger with some of them being left there. So whatever you can do to move them we appreciate it," she said.

While Holder signaled that a new slate of prosecutors will be nominated, he did not rule out the possibility of holding over or reappointing some U.S. Attorneys named by Bush. Legal experts expect the new administration to retain some who are handling politically sensitive cases, such as Chicago-based prosecutor Pat Fitzgerald, who is prosecuting former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich for his alleged efforts to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Obama.

If the first U.S. Attorney selections from Obama do come in the next few weeks, he will still be ahead of Bush's timetable. He proposed his first U.S. Attorneys on August 1, 2001.

U.S. Attorneys require confirmation by the Senate and are usually proposed with the concurrence of the senators from that state.
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Amazing hypocrisy here as the Democrats in Congress slow walk every Trump nomination then Democrats slam Trump as not moving fast enough.
Tell that to Merrick Garland.
Merrick Who?

You mean that pathetic attempt by Obama to replace the most conservative justice on SCOTUS? That Merrick Who?

Lol, no, you tell him he was a joke if you want, but Senate leadership made it quite plain his nomination was DOA and Obamy sent him any way.
What was pathetic about Garland?

When Ginsburg retires and Trump replaces the most liberal judge with a conservative are you going to be a hypocrite???

Garland was not a liberal btw, he was a moderate....and it was the Presidents pick to make.....

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