A Most Excellent Political Ad

Trumpybear just doesn't give a fuck about victims of Americans criminals. All he cares about is striking fear in the hearts of his base voters.

He's a flip-flopping, flim-flan man.
what's that have to do with the price of tea in china?

When has he railed against American killers. We have lots of killer here too you know. Seem like he idolizes killers like Putin, Duarte, or a least he seems a bit jealous of them.......
I didn't know he was rallying for killers that were illegally here, he just wants to keep illegals out cause they can kill too. why do you want them here? I sure as shit don't. they takes jobs away from americans. They also kill americans. So you don't think a life matters?

Nah that's stupid, he doesn't give a shit, he just wants to pump up the base with fear and anger by exaggerating a threat. Nothing unusual about that. I think he gets his vitriolic rhetoric from the likes of Sean Hannity. I heard a rumor about Sean, once or twice when he was on the air ranting and raving about Hillary, he got so worked up that one of his co-worker said he started smelling like sulfur. But it was just a rumor. He is the father of lies so I guess it figures.
Trumpybear just doesn't give a fuck about victims of Americans criminals. All he cares about is striking fear in the hearts of his base voters.

He's a flip-flopping, flim-flan man.
what's that have to do with the price of tea in china?

When has he railed against American killers. We have lots of killer here too you know. Seem like he idolizes killers like Putin, Duarte, or a least he seems a bit jealous of them.......
I didn't know he was rallying for killers that were illegally here, he just wants to keep illegals out cause they can kill too. why do you want them here? I sure as shit don't. they takes jobs away from americans. They also kill americans. So you don't think a life matters?

Nah that's stupid, he doesn't give a shit, he just wants to pump up the base with fear and anger by exaggerating a threat. Nothing unusual about that. I think he gets his vitriolic rhetoric from the likes of Sean Hannity. I heard a rumor about Sean, once or twice when he was on the air ranting and raving about Hillary, he got so worked up that one of his co-worker said he started smelling like sulfur. But it was just a rumor. He is the father of lies so I guess it figures.
Willie Horton all over again

One of the worst pieces of partisan cynicism ever perpetrated on the American Political scene...both done by.....yea...Republicans
it fking worked and that's why you hated it. LOL. funny how that works eh?
Trumpybear just doesn't give a fuck about victims of Americans criminals. All he cares about is striking fear in the hearts of his base voters.

He's a flip-flopping, flim-flan man.
what's that have to do with the price of tea in china?

When has he railed against American killers. We have lots of killer here too you know. Seem like he idolizes killers like Putin, Duarte, or a least he seems a bit jealous of them.......
I didn't know he was rallying for killers that were illegally here, he just wants to keep illegals out cause they can kill too. why do you want them here? I sure as shit don't. they takes jobs away from americans. They also kill americans. So you don't think a life matters?

Nah that's stupid, he doesn't give a shit, he just wants to pump up the base with fear and anger by exaggerating a threat. Nothing unusual about that. I think he gets his vitriolic rhetoric from the likes of Sean Hannity. I heard a rumor about Sean, once or twice when he was on the air ranting and raving about Hillary, he got so worked up that one of his co-worker said he started smelling like sulfur. But it was just a rumor. He is the father of lies so I guess it figures.

Quite relevant to the reason for his attack ad. To stoke his base with fear. Like you said, it's worked in the past and WTF have they got to loose at this point?
the DIVIDER 'N CHIEF knows nothing else but to bring this Nation down....

divided we fall

There are now as many as 10,000 MS13 Gang Members in the US at various Chapters across the country.
All of them Are Criminal Illegal Aliens.....I.E.... INVADERS!

If anyone wonders why their daughter is missing, Blame The Democrat Party and their Refusal to fix our Immigration Policies, and BLAME them for their Wide Open Border Attitudes, Their CALLOUS NEGLIGENCE in Combatting Drug Trafficking from Mexico, and BLAME THEM for their Sanctuary City Policies where Criminals Find Refuge to continue their Criminal Attacks on The United States and Its Citizens.

If your daughter comes up missing, look for her in a Mexican Brothel, or in a Middle East Opium Den - Whore House.

And then call up Chuck Schummer, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters and ask them why they HATE YOU.
Of course the Democrats are screaming themselves bloody over it.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump's ad says, "Democrats let him into our country."

That's a lie. He entered our country in 2002. Clinton had kicked him out, but Bush let him back in.

He also killed those cops with an AR-15, just like the Trumpie who killed all those Jews last weekend.
Of course the Democrats are screaming themselves bloody over it.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Trump's ad says, "Democrats let him into our country."

That's a lie. He entered our country in 2002. Clinton had kicked him out, but Bush let him back in.

He also killed those cops with an AR-15, just like the Trumpie who killed all those Jews last weekend.
Straight up LIE, the Jew Killer never voted for Trump and accused him of being run by Jews, in other words he hates Trump. But then a y lie will do for a brain ead democrat won't it?
So when the Democrats use fear like "the republicans are going to take away SS" that isnt fear for old people? Or "children will starve in school, because the Republicans are going to take away the food lunch program" to scare the crap out of poor black folks. Fuck you asshole, President Trump up to 2015 was a Democrat, learned all about you Commie bastards, and now is using your own Rules for Radicals against you, and you piss and moan, like the pansy ass liberal petulant babies that you are..

So it's okay for Trumpybear to use vitriolic hateful fear among his followers, because Democrats tell tales to their base that the Republicans are trying to Cut SS benefits to pay for the recent Tax Cuts for the super wealthy?

Got it. Thanks for straightening that out for me.

Blah, blah, blah,, whiney little bitches are getting scared now because the Republicans aren't going to play nice with the Liberal Bullies anymore. Fuck off dickwad, or grow a pair and man up...

Aw -look a Trumpy-boo-bear gets his ass handed for rationalizing his Dear Leader's hateful and fearful rhetoric and he all triggered.

Republicans sure have changed into such emotional people. Who am I kidding, they always been whiny little bitches.......

I see that you have missed your daily visit to the mentally challenged ward...

These are not Republicans...

Bullshit, which one of them is you? I can see it now "LEAVE TRUMPYBEAR ALONE!"

Every one of those videos is of the whiney ass liberals who had the election stolen from Bernie Sanders.....
Trumpybear just doesn't give a fuck about victims of Americans criminals. All he cares about is striking fear in the hearts of his base voters.

He's a flip-flopping, flim-flan man.
what's that have to do with the price of tea in china?

When has he railed against American killers. We have lots of killer here too you know. Seem like he idolizes killers like Putin, Duarte, or a least he seems a bit jealous of them.......
I didn't know he was rallying for killers that were illegally here, he just wants to keep illegals out cause they can kill too. why do you want them here? I sure as shit don't. they takes jobs away from americans. They also kill americans. So you don't think a life matters?

Nah that's stupid, he doesn't give a shit, he just wants to pump up the base with fear and anger by exaggerating a threat. Nothing unusual about that. I think he gets his vitriolic rhetoric from the likes of Sean Hannity. I heard a rumor about Sean, once or twice when he was on the air ranting and raving about Hillary, he got so worked up that one of his co-worker said he started smelling like sulfur. But it was just a rumor. He is the father of lies so I guess it figures.
I have seen plenty of parrots of late, but this guy/gal/it takes the cake. Every time he talks it is the Lickspittle, Lapdog, Liberal, Lame Stream Media talking points.

Do you watch this bitch blind? Oops, I guess you cant..

Trumpybear just doesn't give a fuck about victims of Americans criminals. All he cares about is striking fear in the hearts of his base voters.

He's a flip-flopping, flim-flan man.

You mistake rejection for fear.

Nope, no mistaking his fearful messages to his "useful" followers.
So when the Democrats use fear like "the republicans are going to take away SS" that isnt fear for old people? Or "children will starve in school, because the Republicans are going to take away the food lunch program" to scare the crap out of poor black folks. Fuck you asshole, President Trump up to 2015 was a Democrat, learned all about you Commie bastards, and now is using your own Rules for Radicals against you, and you piss and moan, like the pansy ass liberal petulant babies that you are..

So it's okay for Trumpybear to use vitriolic hateful fear among his followers, because Democrats tell tales to their base that the Republicans are trying to Cut SS benefits to pay for the recent Tax Cuts for the super wealthy?

Got it. Thanks for straightening that out for me.

Blah, blah, blah,, whiney little bitches are getting scared now because the Republicans aren't going to play nice with the Liberal Bullies anymore. Fuck off dickwad, or grow a pair and man up...

If you cant man up, then at least get your panties out of a wad..
You mistake rejection for fear.

Nope, no mistaking his fearful messages to his "useful" followers.
So when the Democrats use fear like "the republicans are going to take away SS" that isnt fear for old people? Or "children will starve in school, because the Republicans are going to take away the food lunch program" to scare the crap out of poor black folks. Fuck you asshole, President Trump up to 2015 was a Democrat, learned all about you Commie bastards, and now is using your own Rules for Radicals against you, and you piss and moan, like the pansy ass liberal petulant babies that you are..

So it's okay for Trumpybear to use vitriolic hateful fear among his followers, because Democrats tell tales to their base that the Republicans are trying to Cut SS benefits to pay for the recent Tax Cuts for the super wealthy?

Got it. Thanks for straightening that out for me.

Blah, blah, blah,, whiney little bitches are getting scared now because the Republicans aren't going to play nice with the Liberal Bullies anymore. Fuck off dickwad, or grow a pair and man up...

If you cant man up, then at least get your panties out of a wad..

Surely realize you confirmed my claim right?

You don't mind if I call you Shirley?
Of course the Democrats are screaming themselves bloody over it.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Fearmongering works on tards. Cherry picking, confirmation bias, and outright lies work, too.

Speaking of killers:


He didnt kill anyone with his fake bombs ya melodramatic limp wrist.
Nope, no mistaking his fearful messages to his "useful" followers.
So when the Democrats use fear like "the republicans are going to take away SS" that isnt fear for old people? Or "children will starve in school, because the Republicans are going to take away the food lunch program" to scare the crap out of poor black folks. Fuck you asshole, President Trump up to 2015 was a Democrat, learned all about you Commie bastards, and now is using your own Rules for Radicals against you, and you piss and moan, like the pansy ass liberal petulant babies that you are..

So it's okay for Trumpybear to use vitriolic hateful fear among his followers, because Democrats tell tales to their base that the Republicans are trying to Cut SS benefits to pay for the recent Tax Cuts for the super wealthy?

Got it. Thanks for straightening that out for me.

Blah, blah, blah,, whiney little bitches are getting scared now because the Republicans aren't going to play nice with the Liberal Bullies anymore. Fuck off dickwad, or grow a pair and man up...

If you cant man up, then at least get your panties out of a wad..

Surely realize you confirmed my claim right?

You don't mind if I call you Shirley?

That you are certifiably stupid...Yes your claim is correct on that......
So when the Democrats use fear like "the republicans are going to take away SS" that isnt fear for old people? Or "children will starve in school, because the Republicans are going to take away the food lunch program" to scare the crap out of poor black folks. Fuck you asshole, President Trump up to 2015 was a Democrat, learned all about you Commie bastards, and now is using your own Rules for Radicals against you, and you piss and moan, like the pansy ass liberal petulant babies that you are..

So it's okay for Trumpybear to use vitriolic hateful fear among his followers, because Democrats tell tales to their base that the Republicans are trying to Cut SS benefits to pay for the recent Tax Cuts for the super wealthy?

Got it. Thanks for straightening that out for me.

Blah, blah, blah,, whiney little bitches are getting scared now because the Republicans aren't going to play nice with the Liberal Bullies anymore. Fuck off dickwad, or grow a pair and man up...

If you cant man up, then at least get your panties out of a wad..

Surely realize you confirmed my claim right?

You don't mind if I call you Shirley?

That you are certifiably stupid...Yes your claim is correct on that......

So you don't mind if I call you Shirley?

Fear, love of hatred, and insults. The three hallowed pillars of the pseudo-conservative movement. Perfect ad that reflects those pillars.
So it's okay for Trumpybear to use vitriolic hateful fear among his followers, because Democrats tell tales to their base that the Republicans are trying to Cut SS benefits to pay for the recent Tax Cuts for the super wealthy?

Got it. Thanks for straightening that out for me.
Blah, blah, blah,, whiney little bitches are getting scared now because the Republicans aren't going to play nice with the Liberal Bullies anymore. Fuck off dickwad, or grow a pair and man up...
If you cant man up, then at least get your panties out of a wad..

Surely realize you confirmed my claim right?

You don't mind if I call you Shirley?
That you are certifiably stupid...Yes your claim is correct on that......

So you don't mind if I call you Shirley?

Fear, love of hatred, and insults. The three hallowed pillars of the pseudo-conservative movement. Perfect ad that reflects those pillars.
Rules for Radical bub, you dont like it when we use them against you? Cry me a fucking river, you petulant little girl..

Blah, blah, blah,, whiney little bitches are getting scared now because the Republicans aren't going to play nice with the Liberal Bullies anymore. Fuck off dickwad, or grow a pair and man up...
If you cant man up, then at least get your panties out of a wad..

Surely realize you confirmed my claim right?

You don't mind if I call you Shirley?
That you are certifiably stupid...Yes your claim is correct on that......

So you don't mind if I call you Shirley?

Fear, love of hatred, and insults. The three hallowed pillars of the pseudo-conservative movement. Perfect ad that reflects those pillars.
Rules for Radical bub, you dont like it when we use them against you? Cry me a fucking river, you petulant little girl..

You need to work on those insults, slacker.


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