A Mother Puts the Benghazi Hearings in Perspective.

They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

They also thought their employer, the State Department, had their backs.

They had warnings about that attack and their bosses did nothing.

If that works for you then you truly are one partisan idiot.
To be fair, what kind of moron thinks serving at an Embassy in Libya is ever going to be safe? "Gee, we had no idea it might be dangerous."

Great point, so the Obamy regime MUST have had extraction teams geared up and ready to go at a moments notice....right?

No, they were said to be hours away from an incident that ran nine hours long from start to finish.

They have no excuse for letting those men die, and unfortunately for us our leaders in Washington DC are far more concerned about using the incident to gain political poll points than giving answers to grieving families.
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

I think they just wanted the truth....and they got nothing but bullshit from her.

The truth is they were killed by religious lunatics and there was no way to get them help in time. You want to talk about why the 4 victims were at the embassy, or why there wasn't enough security, or what should be done in the future? Then call the office of one of the people in the Benghazi Committee, because none of them seem to give the slightest fuck about those things.


It appears you don't give the slightest fuck about those things either.
Obviously, you've swallowed the false rhetoric pumped out of the Clintion campaign. I wonder how many times you have to find out you've been lied to and decide you're going to face reality?

My guess is you're so hopeless that the truth doesn't matter anymore.

This is the definition of insanity.....someone who repeats the same mistake over and over again expecting a different result every time.
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

I think they just wanted the truth....and they got nothing but bullshit from her.

The truth is they were killed by religious lunatics and there was no way to get them help in time. You want to talk about why the 4 victims were at the embassy, or why there wasn't enough security, or what should be done in the future? Then call the office of one of the people in the Benghazi Committee, because none of them seem to give the slightest fuck about those things.


It appears you don't give the slightest fuck about those things either.
Obviously, you've swallowed the false rhetoric pumped out of the Clintion campaign. I wonder how many times you have to find out you've been lied to and decide you're going to face reality?

My guess is you're so hopeless that the truth doesn't matter anymore.

This is the definition of insanity.....someone who repeats the same mistake over and over again expecting a different result every time.

OldSchool is a liar. The Obamy regime itself admits that help could ahve arrived in a few hours, and the record shows the conflict went for nine hours, that gives more than 6 hours window for rescuing those heroic men.

That day was a 9/11 anniversary and precautions obviously should have been taken like positioning two evacuation and extraction teams in Italy.

Benghazi timeline: How the attack unfolded

9/11 12:00 noon, protesters who had gathered outside the embassy compound stormed the gates and tore the American flag down, replacing it with a black Salafist flag <- this starts the events in Libya and should ahve been a trigger to the OBamy regime that things were ugly in that place and they should have put extraction teams in place at this point in time.

9:20 attackers slip through an unsecured gate and assault begins. By setting fire to the furniture in Building C, smoke drove Strickland, Stephens and Smith from their safe haven and into a bathroom where they laid on the floor. Strickland escaped via an emergency exit, but Smith and Stephens failed to follow. <- why didnt the safe haven have an autonomous ventilation system?

10:00 pm, Smiths body found.

9/11 midnight "Over the next two hours, Sec. Panetta holds a series of meetings and issues several orders: Two Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) platoons stationed in Rota, Spain prepare to deploy - one to Benghazi and the other to the Embassy in Tripoli; A special operations team in Europe is ordered to move to Sigonella, Sicily - less than one hour's flight away from Benghazi; An additional special operations team based in the U.S. is ordered to deploy to Sigonella." <- why wasnt this done 12 hours earlier when the embassy in Tripoli got attacked? Why did the Regime weight so long to respond?

9/12 5:15
Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are killed in the mortar attack. <- Why was there still attackers operating near the Compound if we had two extraction teams less than an hour away at Sigonella?

We got no answers to these questions because the hearings have been turned into a political dog and pony show.

Neither the Democratic Party, nor the Republican Party see a need to first serve the needs and interests of the American people.
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They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

They also thought their employer, the State Department, had their backs.

They had warnings about that attack and their bosses did nothing.

If that works for you then you truly are one partisan idiot.
Every single Benghazi Committee investigation found that there was no forewarning on that Benghazi attack....
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

I think they just wanted the truth....and they got nothing but bullshit from her.

The truth is they were killed by religious lunatics and there was no way to get them help in time. You want to talk about why the 4 victims were at the embassy, or why there wasn't enough security, or what should be done in the future? Then call the office of one of the people in the Benghazi Committee, because none of them seem to give the slightest fuck about those things.


It appears you don't give the slightest fuck about those things either.
Obviously, you've swallowed the false rhetoric pumped out of the Clintion campaign. I wonder how many times you have to find out you've been lied to and decide you're going to face reality?

My guess is you're so hopeless that the truth doesn't matter anymore.

This is the definition of insanity.....someone who repeats the same mistake over and over again expecting a different result every time.

OldSchool is a liar. The Obamy regime itself admits that help could ahve arrived in a few hours, and the record shows the conflict went for nine hours, that gives more than 6 hours window for rescuing those heroic men.

That day was a 9/11 anniversary and precautions obviously should have been taken like positioning two evacuation and extraction teams in Italy.

Benghazi timeline: How the attack unfolded

9/11 12:00 noon, protesters who had gathered outside the embassy compound stormed the gates and tore the American flag down, replacing it with a black Salafist flag

9:20 attackers slip through an unsecured gate and assault begins. By setting fire to the furniture in Building C, smoke drove Strickland, Stephens and Smith from their safe haven and into a bathroom where they laid on the floor. Strickland escaped via an emergency exit, but Smith and Stephens failed to follow. <- why didnt the safe haven have an autonomous ventilation system?

10:00 pm, Smiths body found.

9/11 midnight "Over the next two hours, Sec. Panetta holds a series of meetings and issues several orders: Two Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) platoons stationed in Rota, Spain prepare to deploy - one to Benghazi and the other to the Embassy in Tripoli; A special operations team in Europe is ordered to move to Sigonella, Sicily - less than one hour's flight away from Benghazi; An additional special operations team based in the U.S. is ordered to deploy to Sigonella." <- why wasnt this done 12 hours earlier when the embassy in Tripoli got attacked?

9/12 5:15
Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are killed in the mortar attack. ,- Why was there still attackers operating near the Compound if we had two extraction teams less than an hour away at Sigonella?

We got no answers to these questions because the hearings have been turned into a political dog and poney show.

Neither the Democratic Party, nor the Republican Party see a need to first serve the needs and interests of the American people.

Try to avoid lumping the Republicans in with the Democrats.....because their motivations are totally different. Regardless of what you know about this case, it's clear that false revelations and word play by the Hillary camp has influenced you.

Every investigation in Congress has something to do with politics. The truth is, this wouldn't even be investigated if everyone was a Democrat.....but it seems that only the Republicans have the motivation to get at the truth.....because they are Republicans. That doesn't mean they're doing it only to hurt Hillary. They want to nail Obama for the same reasons. Hillary just happens to be the one responsible for this clusterfuck in Benghazi. The difference between the Republicans and the Democrats is when Republicans conduct an investigation the media questions their motives. They refuse to question motives when it's Democrats conducting the investigation. So do not lump them together.
They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

They also thought their employer, the State Department, had their backs.

They had warnings about that attack and their bosses did nothing.

If that works for you then you truly are one partisan idiot.
Every single Benghazi Committee investigation found that there was no forewarning on that Benghazi attack....
Bullshit. They were attacked before this one. The requests for increased security were ignored. Other countries closed their consulates even.

Senators: Benghazi attack 'likely preventable'
By Jason Hanna and Evan Perez, CNN

The deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, was "likely preventable" based on known security shortfalls and prior warnings that the security situation there was deteriorating, the majority of the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded in a report released on Wednesday.

The report placed some blame for the outcome on the State Department, saying it should have "increased its security posture more significantly" in Libya's second-largest city because of general warnings that U.S. personnel were at risk.

The intelligence community "provided ample strategic warning" that Americans and U.S. facilities were in danger, though it didn't offer a single warning that would have predicted the Benghazi attack that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, the report said.


Feinstein: Benghazi was preventable 03:04

Senators: Benghazi attack 'likely preventable' - CNNPolitics.com

The truth is that there should have been no embassy in Benghazi after the blood soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace destroyed the existing government and a incompetent Secretary Of State didn't withdraw said embassy as terrorist bans roamed a country left without a legitimate government.

But that figures when you have a community organizer as president and a former first lady who know nothing about military strategy... and it appears they know nothing about diplomacy either since the body count keeps rising. Over 25,000 dead in just six months with this little fiasco, that's not counting the embassy personnel. Have the progressives finished building that bridge of understanding with the mutilated bodies yet? It doesn't look that way if they're pushing for the United States to take on more military endeavors in Africa and Saudi Arabia.

Seems the progressives support the MIC more than the conservatives ever thought of doing.



Benghazi was NOT an embassy.
Benghazi was NOT even a Consulate.

The USA was trying to figure out if they wanted to make Benghazi a consulate or not, after all the recent violence.

Ambassador Stevens argued/believed it should be made a US consulate, even with all the violence....
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They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

They also thought their employer, the State Department, had their backs.

They had warnings about that attack and their bosses did nothing.

If that works for you then you truly are one partisan idiot.
Every single Benghazi Committee investigation found that there was no forewarning on that Benghazi attack....
Bullshit. They were attacked before this one. The requests for increased security were ignored. Other countries closed their consulates even.

Senators: Benghazi attack 'likely preventable'
By Jason Hanna and Evan Perez, CNN

The deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, was "likely preventable" based on known security shortfalls and prior warnings that the security situation there was deteriorating, the majority of the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded in a report released on Wednesday.

The report placed some blame for the outcome on the State Department, saying it should have "increased its security posture more significantly" in Libya's second-largest city because of general warnings that U.S. personnel were at risk.

The intelligence community "provided ample strategic warning" that Americans and U.S. facilities were in danger, though it didn't offer a single warning that would have predicted the Benghazi attack that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, the report said.


Feinstein: Benghazi was preventable 03:04

Senators: Benghazi attack 'likely preventable' - CNNPolitics.com
Yes there were security short falls, but no one was forewarned about that attack in Benghazi..... intelligence was completely gob smacked.
They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

They also thought their employer, the State Department, had their backs.

They had warnings about that attack and their bosses did nothing.

If that works for you then you truly are one partisan idiot.
Every single Benghazi Committee investigation found that there was no forewarning on that Benghazi attack....

Why wasnt the storming of the Embassy in Tripoli considered a 'forewarning'? At least it meant the Libyan government could not maintain calm and order and extraction tems should have been put in place on site but instead they decided tonot move our resourcxes closer and hire aliens instead....kinda like the USA STEM work force.
Try to avoid lumping the Republicans in with the Democrats.....because their motivations are totally different. Regardless of what you know about this case, it's clear that false revelations and word play by the Hillary camp has influenced you.

I am not a political professional but I do know what questions I want to see answered and those questions are different than the ones the Republicans wanted answered. I am not sure, as judged by their aimless range of questioning, that the Republicans knew exactly what they wanted answered, other than something to hang Hillary with.

But plainly the public interests were not served, whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent.

Every investigation in Congress has something to do with politics. The truth is, this wouldn't even be investigated if everyone was a Democrat.....but it seems that only the Republicans have the motivation to get at the truth.....because they are Republicans.

There is a huge difference between 'something to do with politics' vrs the dog and pony show we got with an unfocused aimless set of questions that let Hillary evade getting to the point; why was there no extraction team in place after the Tripoli embassy was assaulted and breached?

That doesn't mean they're doing it only to hurt Hillary. They want to nail Obama for the same reasons. Hillary just happens to be the one responsible for this clusterfuck in Benghazi. The difference between the Republicans and the Democrats is when Republicans conduct an investigation the media questions their motives. They refuse to question motives when it's Democrats conducting the investigation. So do not lump them together.

Oh, I know that dont want to *only* hurt Hillary, no they want to carpet bomb the entire Democratic Party and if grilling Hillary can get that done, fine by them. But the publics desire to get answers, like this grieving mother, that was a of tertiary importance if any at all.
They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

They also thought their employer, the State Department, had their backs.

They had warnings about that attack and their bosses did nothing.

If that works for you then you truly are one partisan idiot.
Every single Benghazi Committee investigation found that there was no forewarning on that Benghazi attack....

Why wasnt the storming of the Embassy in Tripoli considered a 'forewarning'? At least it meant the Libyan government could not maintain calm and order and extraction tems should have been put in place on site but instead they decided tonot move our resourcxes closer and hire aliens instead....kinda like the USA STEM work force.

Debunking a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies, the investigation of the politically charged incident determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team, no missed opportunity for a military rescue, and no evidence the CIA was covertly shipping arms from Libya to Syria.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.


In the immediate aftermath of the attack, intelligence about who carried it out and why was contradictory, the report found. That led Susan Rice, then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, to inaccurately assert that the attack had evolved from a protest, when in fact there had been no protest. But it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees, who made the wrong call, the committee found. The report did not conclude that Rice or any other government official acted in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people.
And here is the House Intelligence Committee Fact sheet.

(for public use, not copyright protected)

December 4, 2014 Contact: Susan Phalen
[email protected]
Fact Sheet - House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report | The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Fact Sheet

House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report

Certain press articles about the House Intelligence Committee’s Report on Benghazi do not accurately represent the Committee’s Report or take into account the full scope of the evidence the Committee received. Statements by individual eyewitnesses, in particular former security contractors who were in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11-12, 2012, do not present the complete picture of what happened that night. The Committee’s Report is based on the totality of the evidence it received and all the testimony of witnesses taken under oath and on the record. The facts described in the Report comport with the findings of other committees in Congress, including the Senate Intelligence Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Armed Services Committee. The Committee stands by its final bipartisan Report that was formally adopted by a voice vote of Committee members.

· The former security contractors who are telling their version of events in the media do not represent the totality of the two CIA rescue teams. Some individuals remain unnamed. Some security officers continue to serve the CIA in dangerous places around the world, and thus cannot disclose their testimony publicly.

· The totality of the evidence indicates that the CIA team departed for the State Department facility 21 minutes after first learning of the attack at 9:42 pm. While Mr. Paronto testified that he believed the call came earlier, the totality of evidence, which includes other eyewitness testimony, FBI reports from the initial eyewitness interviews, time-stamped video footage, and CIA emails and cables, shows that the notification came at 9:42 pm.

· It was a tactical decision of the leadership on the ground to attempt to gather more information about the attack at the TMF before authorizing the team’s departure. There is no evidence to suggest that, absent the delay, the team could have saved Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith.

o The CIA Security Chief led and participated in the rescue mission with the other officers. The Team Leader’s presence in the car supports the conclusion that the security team did not depart without authorization or contrary to orders.

o The Chief of Base and the CIA Security Chief were in charge and made sound decisions to let the team depart after gathering more facts and trying to raise additional and more heavily armed friendly militias to assist the team.

o This was not a standard military rescue operation. The CIA was not responsible for the security of the State Department Temporary Mission Facility, and the Chief of Base and CIA Security Chief had to consider other factors, including the safety of the remaining CIA personnel under their command at the Annex.

· The Committee did not receive any evidence that individuals in Washington, Tripoli, or elsewhere influenced the decision of the Chief of Base or the CIA Security Chief about when and whether to allow the security team to head to the TMF.

· The Report described information from testimony and briefings from Ambassador Kennedy and NCTC Director Olsen that the Diplomatic Security officer repeatedly entered the smoke-filled building to search for Ambassador Stevens. Their testimony was based on available evidence, including time-stamped video footage. The Committee did not interview the Department of State officer, but our report is consistent with reports from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Interim Joint House Committee report on the Benghazi attacks. The security contractors were not at the Temporary Mission Facility at the time of this event.

· The Committee did not downplay the ferocity of the terrorist attacks at the Annex that night. The CIA security team and their DoD colleagues professionally defended the facility with great skill and honor.

· The Tripoli team assisted in the defense of the Annex that night. Glen Doherty was a member of the Tripoli Team. Some press articles seem to draw a divide between officers defending from the rooftops and the other officers protecting the Annex. The rooftop positions were not the only defensive positions at the Annex that night.

· The mortar fire that hit the roof of the CIA Annex was the deadly portion of the attack, but it was not the only component. Terrorists attacked with RPGs and smalls arms fire and attempted to breach the Annex. The security teams successfully defended against the assault despite the devastating mortar effects to those officers on the rooftops. Time-stamped video evidence conclusively shows that the Libyan Shield militia left the CIA Annex before the mortar fire began.

· Eyewitness testimony was consistently critical of the conduct of all but one of the Diplomatic Security agents. The Report accurately reflects the testimony the Committee received.

· As the Report indicated, the Department of Defense directed a Predator drone to Benghazi well before one security contractor said he requested it. The CIA security officers in Benghazi should have known that no close air support was available because that information was widely disseminated via cable traffic. The assertions by some contractors about the availability of air support are not representative of the totality of eyewitness testimony and indicate that some may not remember the read-outs of the Emergency Action Committee meetings or the official cable traffic from CIA on the security for the CIA Annex. Further, the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) exhaustively investigated the military posture during the attacks and their response to the attacks in Benghazi. The HASC accounted for all Spectre gunships in the U.S. inventory, and the HASC report speaks for itself.

· There is no evidence showing that the CIA intimidated or prevented any officer from speaking to the Congress or telling his story. All officers testified to the Committee that they were not intimidated. As the Committee report explained, the non-disclosure agreements specifically allow for persons to speak with the Intelligence Committees and outline the requirements for pre-publication review. Further, both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees are aware of the Tripoli officer’s complaint to the CIA Inspector General, the IG’s actions in that regard, and have documentation related to that claim. That correspondence is, however, protected by law from disclosure.

The “BOLO” report was only one of hundreds of intelligence reports indicating the increasing threat environment to U.S. and western facilities in Benghazi. The BOLO is emblematic of strategic warning. The Committee’s report outlined all of the tactical intelligence about potential plotting to attack U.S. facilities that day.
They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

They also thought their employer, the State Department, had their backs.

They had warnings about that attack and their bosses did nothing.

If that works for you then you truly are one partisan idiot.
Every single Benghazi Committee investigation found that there was no forewarning on that Benghazi attack....
Bullshit. They were attacked before this one. The requests for increased security were ignored. Other countries closed their consulates even.

Senators: Benghazi attack 'likely preventable'
By Jason Hanna and Evan Perez, CNN

The deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, was "likely preventable" based on known security shortfalls and prior warnings that the security situation there was deteriorating, the majority of the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded in a report released on Wednesday.

The report placed some blame for the outcome on the State Department, saying it should have "increased its security posture more significantly" in Libya's second-largest city because of general warnings that U.S. personnel were at risk.

The intelligence community "provided ample strategic warning" that Americans and U.S. facilities were in danger, though it didn't offer a single warning that would have predicted the Benghazi attack that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, the report said.


Feinstein: Benghazi was preventable 03:04

Senators: Benghazi attack 'likely preventable' - CNNPolitics.com
Yes there were security short falls, but no one was forewarned about that attack in Benghazi..... intelligence was completely gob smacked.

Common-sense tells any rational person who is concerned about security...that in a hostile fire zone with a deterioration of security across the country, lax security or unguarded facilities, combined with the fact that it was September 11th, closing the facility was the only safe option. We stayed open because we have a false sense of superiority. It's the same mistake we made in Somalia and other hostile AOs during the Clinton Administration. Hillary didn't take heed and play it safe because she wasn't at risk. This is her MO. She friendly to our enemies but hostile to political opponents. She's never been at personal risk....but she has no qualms at putting others at risk.
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This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

They were. It's people like you that make it political.
Try to avoid lumping the Republicans in with the Democrats.....because their motivations are totally different. Regardless of what you know about this case, it's clear that false revelations and word play by the Hillary camp has influenced you.

I am not a political professional but I do know what questions I want to see answered and those questions are different than the ones the Republicans wanted answered. I am not sure, as judged by their aimless range of questioning, that the Republicans knew exactly what they wanted answered, other than something to hang Hillary with.

But plainly the public interests were not served, whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent.

Every investigation in Congress has something to do with politics. The truth is, this wouldn't even be investigated if everyone was a Democrat.....but it seems that only the Republicans have the motivation to get at the truth.....because they are Republicans.

There is a huge difference between 'something to do with politics' vrs the dog and pony show we got with an unfocused aimless set of questions that let Hillary evade getting to the point; why was there no extraction team in place after the Tripoli embassy was assaulted and breached?

That doesn't mean they're doing it only to hurt Hillary. They want to nail Obama for the same reasons. Hillary just happens to be the one responsible for this clusterfuck in Benghazi. The difference between the Republicans and the Democrats is when Republicans conduct an investigation the media questions their motives. They refuse to question motives when it's Democrats conducting the investigation. So do not lump them together.

Oh, I know that dont want to *only* hurt Hillary, no they want to carpet bomb the entire Democratic Party and if grilling Hillary can get that done, fine by them. But the publics desire to get answers, like this grieving mother, that was a of tertiary importance if any at all.
Point being that this investigation involves national secrets....and they are handcuffed by laws that protect the administration that is being investigated.
This is a sad video. The grand standing politicians let this thing get away from them.

We needed answers to why 4 Americans were left defenseless, not a bunch of hooey about dropping Hillaries poll numbers.

The mom, of course nails it.

She asked 'Why? Why wasnt there any help?..Why did they sacrifice my only child?... You cant understand, my only child was murdered and nobody will tell me why....He was the only thing that was going to help me when I get old. I am old now, who do I have to listen to? Whose going to help me now? He's not around and the government wont talk to me. "

It would have been great if the Benghazi Committee had tried to find out why there wasn't any help and what could be changed for the future instead of trying to hurt Hillary's poll numbers.

In the meantime, the GOP will try as hard as they can to abuse this poor woman by parading her around until they forget about her in November of next year.

They were. It's people like you that make it political.


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