A Muslim and a Professor Argue… The UCSD Student admits she is FOR the eradication of ALL Jews.

Well, at least she's just a student, and not a member of the Israeli parliament:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

"It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”

It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

Israeli lawmaker s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes The Electronic Intifada

Now let's see if the OP will condemn the above outright, since the OP seems to think such condemnation is so important.

And, 4 hours later, not a single defender of the OP condemns the above action.
Do you condemn the Iranian and Palestinian goal to kill all Jews?

Name the Iranian. Name the Palestinian.

And then tell us why you don't condemn a genocidal Israeli, not to mention the thousands who agree with her.
Way to dodge the question! Iran leadership has long wanted to "wipe Israel from the map". That is common knowledge to anyone that bothers to keep up with world news. Either you're playing stupid or you really are stupid. Either way, you're not worth the effort of continuing dialog.

If you can cite a reliable source saying the official policy of the Iranian government to to exterminate every Jew on the planet I will condemn it.
Adolph Hitler did not declare it was intention to exterminate every Jew on the planet. Do you think that was not his plan?
What is the "true" subject of this thread, in your opinion?

From where I'm sitting, the subject of this thread is that 4 years ago, a Muslim girl fell into David Horowitz's rhetorical trap and embarrassed herself, and now it's just another tool for you guys to bring back up to increase the fear, as Kondor so succinctly expressed already.

LOL! Yes, yes... A Muslim fell into a trap... wherein she admitted that she and her cult are overtly intending to take actions which will result in the murder of every Jew on earth, if they ever gain the means to do so.

Now is there a devious intent there? Yes... Is there evidence that they still intend, even four years after she confessed to her intentions? Yes... there is. How old is that evidence? Last week... In Paris. Of course that was VERY FAR AWAY... .

To go back to that intent being demonstrated in the US, we need to go back two years, to Boston. And before that to Ft. Hood, five years ago.

In Israel, go anytime... happens there EVERY SINGLE DAY!
And, 4 hours later, not a single defender of the OP condemns the above action.
Do you condemn the Iranian and Palestinian goal to kill all Jews?

Name the Iranian. Name the Palestinian.

And then tell us why you don't condemn a genocidal Israeli, not to mention the thousands who agree with her.
Way to dodge the question! Iran leadership has long wanted to "wipe Israel from the map". That is common knowledge to anyone that bothers to keep up with world news. Either you're playing stupid or you really are stupid. Either way, you're not worth the effort of continuing dialog.

If you can cite a reliable source saying the official policy of the Iranian government to to exterminate every Jew on the planet I will condemn it.
Adolph Hitler did not declare it was intention to exterminate every Jew on the planet. Do you think that was not his plan?

"On 12 December 1941, five days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, Adolf Hitler made a revealing speech in Berlin to Nazi leaders, both Gauleiter and Reichleiter; and Josef Goebbels recorded in his diary what had been said: ‘With regard to the Jewish Question the Fuehrer is determined to make a clean sweep. He prophesized that if they brought about another world war, they would experience their annihilation. This was no empty talk. The world war is here. The annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence."

Hitler talks of Jewish annihilation Holocaust Key Moments WW2History.com
I named the Israeli member of Parliament. You asked me to condemn two lies.

Two parties... Party #1 attacks PARTY #2 , with intent to strip Party #2 of their life; Party#1 intended to MURDER Party #2. The Party #2 states that they intend to kill the other in defense of their life.

Now clearly, that is a subjective response. And just as clearly, it demonstrates that the Ideological Left is intrinsically aligned with Islamic Terrorism.

That is all one needs to know, to understand THE PROBLEM and to realize that to fight ONE element of Party #1, in no way helps Party# 2.

The PROBLEM needs to be attacked AS A WHOLE. There is nothing distinct or different about The Left, from Islam. Islam and The Left are THE Problem.

If someone has a better was to put it, I'd love to see it.
From a less hysterical source, 4 years ago when it actually happened:

In a statement, the student apologized for her comments by saying, she didn't fully hear the question she was asked.

“Had I understood the nature of the question,” she wrote, “I would never have responded the way that I did- by providing an answer that misrepresented my beliefs.”

Source: UCSD Student s Remark Triggers Controversy NBC 7 San Diego

And you believe her!


We're doomed if people like you ever get in complete control of this country.

I don't care, either way. If she seriously supports killing all the Jews, then she's a moron. If she just got caught in a gotcha by David Horowitz (all signs point to this being the case), than she's also a moron for letting herself be caught.

Either way, it's no skin off my back.

The skin off your back is found on the road where you claimed that a person was innocent, despite KNOWING that they are guilty. In that, you were and are complicit in advancing mass-murder... .
No, she was getting "beaten up" because she's a fucking college student and David Horowitz does his shit for a living.
Right. So a more experienced person wouldn't get beaten up if he endorsed killing all the Jews.


The Doc is saying that a more experienced Muslim would have lied. Watch any interview of any Muslim anywhere, in the US and watch the same person being interviewed in the Middle east. Two entirely different perspectives... Here, they're all victims of Jewish persecution, there, they're genocidal lunatics. Same people, here: They Lie, THERE: They are themselves.

They're evil and that's what evil does.
What is the "true" subject of this thread, in your opinion?

From where I'm sitting, the subject of this thread is that 4 years ago, a Muslim girl fell into David Horowitz's rhetorical trap and embarrassed herself, and now it's just another tool for you guys to bring back up to increase the fear, as Kondor so succinctly expressed already.

LOL! Yes, yes... A Muslim fell into a trap... wherein she admitted that she and her cult are overtly intending to take actions which will result in the murder of every Jew on earth, if they ever gain the means to do so.

Now is there a devious intent there? Yes... Is there evidence that they still intend, even four years after she confessed to her intentions? Yes... there is. How old is that evidence? Last week... In Paris. Of course that was VERY FAR AWAY... .

To go back to that intent being demonstrated in the US, we need to go back two years, to Boston. And before that to Ft. Hood, five years ago.

In Israel, go anytime... happens there EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I named the Israeli member of Parliament. You asked me to condemn two lies.

Two parties... Party #1 attacks PARTY #2 , with intent to strip Party #2 of their life; Party#1 intended to MURDER Party #2. The Party #2 states that they intend to kill the other in defense of their life.

Now clearly, that is a subjective response. And just as clearly, it demonstrates that the Ideological Left is intrinsically aligned with Islamic Terrorism.

That is all one needs to know, to understand THE PROBLEM and to realize that to fight ONE element of Party #1, in no way helps Party# 2.

The PROBLEM needs to be attacked AS A WHOLE. There is nothing distinct or different about The Left, from Islam. Islam and The Left are THE Problem.

If someone has a better was to put it, I'd love to see it.

A better way to put it is easy.

A member of the Israeli Parliament calls for the genocide of the Palestinian people and you support it.
My guess is it's about the morning after pill, which isn't really pregancey prevention, its' birth control in the sense it kills the life that started. It doesn't make the case that "the GOP" is against birth control. Nice try.

I'm not going to your links if you are too lazy to post any content.

Rick Santorum isn't "the GOP".

I posted links to support the information I provided, and it was not about the morning after pill, it was about hormone-based birth control. I see that you were too lazy to inform yourself. Duly noted.
No, she was getting "beaten up" because she's a fucking college student and David Horowitz does his shit for a living.
Right. So a more experienced person wouldn't get beaten up if he endorsed killing all the Jews.


The Doc is saying that a more experienced Muslim would have lied. Watch any interview of any Muslim anywhere, in the US and watch the same person being interviewed in the Middle east. Two entirely different perspectives... Here, they're all victims of Jewish persecution, there, they're genocidal lunatics. Same people, here: They Lie, THERE: They are themselves.

They're evil and that's what evil does.

It is so awesome to have you on this board. You are such a perfect representative of the sort of anti-Muslim bigot that so many RWnuts on this board claim doesn't exist.
A better way to put it is easy.

A member of the Israeli Parliament calls for the genocide of the Palestinian people and you support it.

Again, Party#1 Islam, Attacked Party #2, Israel. They failed to murder Israel ... but they have every intent of doing so.

You're here complaining that members of Party #2 are calling for the killing of Party #1. When Party#1 RICHLY DESERVES TO BE KILLED.

And your defense of Party#1 demonstrates complicity in the murder of Party #2.


It is literally impossible to demonstrate bigotry more profoundly, than THAT!
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My guess is it's about the morning after pill, which isn't really pregancey prevention, its' birth control in the sense it kills the life that started. It doesn't make the case that "the GOP" is against birth control. Nice try.

I'm not going to your links if you are too lazy to post any content.

Rick Santorum isn't "the GOP".

I posted links to support the information I provided, and it was not about the morning after pill, it was about hormone-based birth control. I see that you were too lazy to inform yourself. Duly noted.
You can duly note this asshole, if you are too dimwitted or intellectually lazy to cite the portion of the link that makes your case I'm not going to research your opinion for you.

It was just bullshit anyway, the Mississippi GOP isn't "the GOP" regardless of how many of them opposed which form of birth control. You got lost on a simple point. Duly noted.
My guess is it's about the morning after pill, which isn't really pregancey prevention, its' birth control in the sense it kills the life that started. It doesn't make the case that "the GOP" is against birth control. Nice try.

I'm not going to your links if you are too lazy to post any content.

Rick Santorum isn't "the GOP".

I posted links to support the information I provided, and it was not about the morning after pill, it was about hormone-based birth control. I see that you were too lazy to inform yourself. Duly noted.
You can duly note this asshole, if you are too dimwitted or intellectually lazy to cite the portion of the link that makes your case I'm not going to research your opinion for you.

It was just bullshit anyway, the Mississippi GOP isn't "the GOP" regardless of how many of them opposed which form of birth control. You got lost on a simple point. Duly noted.
You don't have to research anything, you can click on the handy links I provided, because I researched it for you.

Your insults are amusing in light of your obvious projection.
No, she was getting "beaten up" because she's a fucking college student and David Horowitz does his shit for a living.
Right. So a more experienced person wouldn't get beaten up if he endorsed killing all the Jews.


The Doc is saying that a more experienced Muslim would have lied. Watch any interview of any Muslim anywhere, in the US and watch the same person being interviewed in the Middle east. Two entirely different perspectives... Here, they're all victims of Jewish persecution, there, they're genocidal lunatics. Same people, here: They Lie, THERE: They are themselves.

They're evil and that's what evil does.

It is so awesome to have you on this board. You are such a perfect representative of the sort of anti-Muslim bigot that so many RWnuts on this board claim doesn't exist.

Oh Thank you. It is impossible for a human being to be MORE anti-Muslim.

Here's the basis for my position.

IF Islam quit fighting today, we would have peace TODAY.

Who are the people standing directly next to the Muslims that will murder people today? They're Muslims... and who is standing next to them? Muslims. And who was at the Mosque with them? Muslims. And who kneeled next to them at Prayer? Muslims. Who broke bread with them this morning and last night? Muslims.

And so it goes...

Now... IF Muslims are the Religion of Peace, it follows that SOMEWHERE AMONG ALL THE INNOCENT MUSLIMS, there would be MUSLIMS beating down those who are intent upon murdering innocent people.

In Paris... Not long before the attack upon innocent people, the Muslims that committed that Mass Murder were standing in a Mosque. Kneeling beside them... talking to them, were other Muslims in that Mosque; these were the people who were closest to them, they were not ignorant of who they were.

Did any of those Muslims, there, try to stop them? Did anyone there report them to those who COULD STOP THEM?

No... as a result, they are complicit. The Video tells the entire story and it is all a reasonable person needs to know to understand THE PROBLEM.
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Also, David Horowitz is not a "Professor".


Now isn't that Precious?


Pointing out the fact that you (and the articles you mindlessly parrot) don't know shit isn't "hate".

David Horowitz has never been a faculty member at any College. He doesn't teach any classes. He doesn't even have a PhD.

He's just another pundit.

Here's a clue:

Professor: One who professes, affirms a faith in or allegiance to something.

No charge for the Education.

Now, go forth and show your ignorance, no more.
No, she was getting "beaten up" because she's a fucking college student and David Horowitz does his shit for a living.
Right. So a more experienced person wouldn't get beaten up if he endorsed killing all the Jews.


The Doc is saying that a more experienced Muslim would have lied. Watch any interview of any Muslim anywhere, in the US and watch the same person being interviewed in the Middle east. Two entirely different perspectives... Here, they're all victims of Jewish persecution, there, they're genocidal lunatics. Same people, here: They Lie, THERE: They are themselves.

They're evil and that's what evil does.

It is so awesome to have you on this board. You are such a perfect representative of the sort of anti-Muslim bigot that so many RWnuts on this board claim doesn't exist.

Oh Thank you. It is impossible for a human being to be MORE anti-Muslim.

Here's the basis for my position.

IF Islam quit fighting today, we would have peace TODAY.

Who are the people standing directly next to the Muslims that will murder people today? They're Muslims... and who is standing next to them? Muslims. And who was at the Mosque with them? Muslims. And who kneeled next to them at Prayer? Muslims. Who broke bread with them this morning and last night? Muslims.

And so it goes...

Now... IF Muslims are the Religion of Peace, it follows that SOMEWHERE AMONG ALL THE INNOCENT MUSLIMS, there would be MUSLIMS beating down those who are intent upon murdering innocent people.

In Paris... Not long before the attack upon innocent people, the Muslims that committed that Mass Murder were standing in a Mosque. Kneeling beside them... talking to them, were other Muslims in that Mosque; these were the people who were closest to them, they were not ignorant of who they were.

Did any of those Muslims, there, try to stop them? Did anyone there report them to those who COULD STOP THEM?

No... as a result, they are complicit. The Video tells the entire story and it is all a reasonable person needs to know to understand THE PROBLEM.

The French government was aware of these people you fucking idiot.

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