A Muslim and a Professor Argue… The UCSD Student admits she is FOR the eradication of ALL Jews.

THEDOCTORISIN why do you support Jew genocide?

Stupidity, arrogance, dishonesty, hatred, political correctness, infection by strange bacteria causing him to be some sort of shambling creature knowing he has has to show solidarity with genocidal Islamists or lose his membership in good standing in the useful idiot zombie brigade.

take your pick.
I would assume the condemnation she received had to do with her backtracking. Islam states it is is ok to lie to protect the religion.
From a less hysterical source, 4 years ago when it actually happened:

In a statement, the student apologized for her comments by saying, she didn't fully hear the question she was asked.

“Had I understood the nature of the question,” she wrote, “I would never have responded the way that I did- by providing an answer that misrepresented my beliefs.”

Source: UCSD Student s Remark Triggers Controversy NBC 7 San Diego

Believe your eyes... she clearly understood the question.

But I don't blame her running to deny what she alone established.

She refused to condemn Hamas... and when asked the very clearly stated question, she answered the question proudly.
I didn't actually hear Horowitz (who I support) in the video say:
so he won’t have to hunt them down and kill them around the globe.
Now I don't doubt that the Hamas leader has said this, but I didn't hear him repeat those words to the woman.

Then you should watch it again.

I did. It was clearer the second time, and while he left out some of the words, it was clear what he was getting at.
Is an openly KKK member who who is not afraid to admit publicly that they agree that all black people should be exterminated, allowed to continue to be a student on an American campus ?
She made it clear she wanted to see all Jews killed. In what universe do you imagine that is not anti-semitism??

He is placing the bar for being considered an antisemite at a place necessary for his not being included.

It is utterly devoid of humanity and pathetic beyond belief, but never underestimate the lengths some will go to by way of their sophistry.
She made it clear she wanted to see all Jews killed. In what universe do you imagine that is not anti-semitism??

He is placing the bar for being considered an antisemite at a place necessary for his not being included.

It is utterly devoid of humanity and pathetic beyond belief, but never underestimate the lengths some will go to by way of their sophistry.

The Woman in the OP made her position clear. She intends to do what she can to further the interests of those intent upon the murder of every jew on Earth.

There is no coming back from that. The belated correction is worthless. She refused to denounce Hamas, she stated in certain terms that her support for Islamic terrorism could result in her arrest... She IS Islamic terrorism.

All 'HE' (Dershowitz) is doing, is contesting Islam... pointing out that there is no such thing as Moderate-Islam.

And he is correct. FTR: There is no such thing as a "Moderate Leftist". Islam and the Left are merely two facets of EVIL.

And what percent of Americans do you suppose would say that bombing is occasionally justified?

21 percent of American Muslims according to the stat I heard (Pew Research). I couldn't immediately find the link, so I just went with the world-wide Muslim numbers.

If you got some facts you'd like to bring to the discussion then go for it. But I know that you want to derail the narrative otherwise.
Do you condemn the Iranian and Palestinian goal to kill all Jews?

Name the Iranian.

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated on Wednesday that the only solution for the region is the destruction of Israel, and that the armed confrontation must expand beyond Gaza.

Iran Leader Only Solution For Crisis Is Israel s Destruction The Daily Caller

“The Imam [Khomeini] set long-term goals for the day the occupying Zionist regime is no longer in the region. The formula for this move must be discussed in the government.”

Hassan Rouhani
President of Iran

3.“The Army of Iran can by itself destroy Israel.”

Maj. Gen. Ataollah Salehi
Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Army

4.“According to the Supreme Leader’s statement marking Nowruz, if Israel acts foolishly, Tel Aviv and Haifa will be annihilated….The armed forces are prepared with all their power to execute the orders of the Supreme Leader in minimum time.”

Gen. Mohammad Hejazi
Deputy Chief of Staff

5.“Our battalions are named Imam Ali, Imam Hussein and Bayt al-Maqdis [Jerusalem] to clarify our final destination to the Basiji. We will not abandon our [armed] struggle until the annihilation of Israel and until we will be able to pray in al-Aqsa mosque.”

Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi
Commander of the Basij militia

6.“The enemies are talking about the options [they have] on the table. They should know that the first option on our table is the annihilation of Israel.”

Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani
Lecturer at religious seminary in Qom

7.“We must spare no effort in liberating holy Jerusalem and cutting off the hands of the infidels from this holy site.”

Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi Kani
Assembly of Experts Chairman

8.“The Zionist regime will soon be destroyed, and this generation will be witness to its destruction.”

Hojatoleslam Ali Shirazi
Supreme Leader’s representative in the Revolutionary Guards

9.“The issue of Palestine is an Islamic issue. The Islamic world must come together to destroy the false Israeli regime….If this happens, nothing will be left of Israel.”

Ayatollah Mohammed Ali Movahedi-Kermani
Tehran’s interim Friday Imam

10.“As the Supreme Leader has stated, if the Zionists cause any problems for Iran, Haifa and Tel Aviv will be annihilated.”

Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi
Senior Military Adviser to the Supreme Leader

- See more at: Threats Iranian Leaders Made Against Israel in 2013

What is the "true" subject of this thread, in your opinion?

From where I'm sitting, the subject of this thread is that 4 years ago, a Muslim girl fell into David Horowitz's rhetorical trap and embarrassed herself, and now it's just another tool for you guys to bring back up to increase the fear, as Kondor so succinctly expressed already.

LOL! Yes, yes... A Muslim fell into a trap... wherein she admitted that she and her cult are overtly intending to take actions which will result in the murder of every Jew on earth, if they ever gain the means to do so.

Now is there a devious intent there? Yes... Is there evidence that they still intend, even four years after she confessed to her intentions? Yes... there is. How old is that evidence? Last week... In Paris. Of course that was VERY FAR AWAY... .

To go back to that intent being demonstrated in the US, we need to go back two years, to Boston. And before that to Ft. Hood, five years ago.

In Israel, go anytime... happens there EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I named the Israeli member of Parliament. You asked me to condemn two lies.

Two parties... Party #1 attacks PARTY #2 , with intent to strip Party #2 of their life; Party#1 intended to MURDER Party #2. The Party #2 states that they intend to kill the other in defense of their life.

Now clearly, that is a subjective response. And just as clearly, it demonstrates that the Ideological Left is intrinsically aligned with Islamic Terrorism.

That is all one needs to know, to understand THE PROBLEM and to realize that to fight ONE element of Party #1, in no way helps Party# 2.

The PROBLEM needs to be attacked AS A WHOLE. There is nothing distinct or different about The Left, from Islam. Islam and The Left are THE Problem.

If someone has a better was to put it, I'd love to see it.

A better way to put it is easy.

A member of the Israeli Parliament calls for the genocide of the Palestinian people and you support it.


See how that works?

Israel is attacked, and the Left runs to aid and abet those who attacked Israel... demanding that the ATTACKER is the Victim.

They do the same all the time... Travon Martin=Attacker... the Left claims he's the victim. Same with the jackass in Jefferson, MO. Mike Brown... ATTACKED a merchant and the cop who killed him... And AGAIN the Left claims that the ATTACKER is the Victim.

They're idiots, who operate on a profound perversion of reasoning.
What is the "true" subject of this thread, in your opinion?

From where I'm sitting, the subject of this thread is that 4 years ago, a Muslim girl fell into David Horowitz's rhetorical trap and embarrassed herself, and now it's just another tool for you guys to bring back up to increase the fear, as Kondor so succinctly expressed already.

LOL! Yes, yes... A Muslim fell into a trap... wherein she admitted that she and her cult are overtly intending to take actions which will result in the murder of every Jew on earth, if they ever gain the means to do so.

Now is there a devious intent there? Yes... Is there evidence that they still intend, even four years after she confessed to her intentions? Yes... there is. How old is that evidence? Last week... In Paris. Of course that was VERY FAR AWAY... .

To go back to that intent being demonstrated in the US, we need to go back two years, to Boston. And before that to Ft. Hood, five years ago.

In Israel, go anytime... happens there EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I named the Israeli member of Parliament. You asked me to condemn two lies.

Two parties... Party #1 attacks PARTY #2 , with intent to strip Party #2 of their life; Party#1 intended to MURDER Party #2. The Party #2 states that they intend to kill the other in defense of their life.

Now clearly, that is a subjective response. And just as clearly, it demonstrates that the Ideological Left is intrinsically aligned with Islamic Terrorism.

That is all one needs to know, to understand THE PROBLEM and to realize that to fight ONE element of Party #1, in no way helps Party# 2.

The PROBLEM needs to be attacked AS A WHOLE. There is nothing distinct or different about The Left, from Islam. Islam and The Left are THE Problem.

If someone has a better was to put it, I'd love to see it.

A better way to put it is easy.

A member of the Israeli Parliament calls for the genocide of the Palestinian people and you support it.


See how that works?

Israel is attacked, and the Left runs to aid and abet those who attacked Israel... demanding that the ATTACKER is the Victim.

They do the same all the time... Travon Martin=Attacker... the Left claims he's the victim. Same with the jackass in Jefferson, MO. Mike Brown... ATTACKED a merchant and the cop who killed him... And AGAIN the Left claims that the ATTACKER is the Victim.

They're idiots, who operate on a profound perversion of reasoning.

Israel suspects an individual of terrorism. They go to his house, drag out his family, and blow up the house.

What would you call that?
Last edited:
What is the "true" subject of this thread, in your opinion?

From where I'm sitting, the subject of this thread is that 4 years ago, a Muslim girl fell into David Horowitz's rhetorical trap and embarrassed herself, and now it's just another tool for you guys to bring back up to increase the fear, as Kondor so succinctly expressed already.

LOL! Yes, yes... A Muslim fell into a trap... wherein she admitted that she and her cult are overtly intending to take actions which will result in the murder of every Jew on earth, if they ever gain the means to do so.

Now is there a devious intent there? Yes... Is there evidence that they still intend, even four years after she confessed to her intentions? Yes... there is. How old is that evidence? Last week... In Paris. Of course that was VERY FAR AWAY... .

To go back to that intent being demonstrated in the US, we need to go back two years, to Boston. And before that to Ft. Hood, five years ago.

In Israel, go anytime... happens there EVERY SINGLE DAY!
I named the Israeli member of Parliament. You asked me to condemn two lies.

Two parties... Party #1 attacks PARTY #2 , with intent to strip Party #2 of their life; Party#1 intended to MURDER Party #2. The Party #2 states that they intend to kill the other in defense of their life.

Now clearly, that is a subjective response. And just as clearly, it demonstrates that the Ideological Left is intrinsically aligned with Islamic Terrorism.

That is all one needs to know, to understand THE PROBLEM and to realize that to fight ONE element of Party #1, in no way helps Party# 2.

The PROBLEM needs to be attacked AS A WHOLE. There is nothing distinct or different about The Left, from Islam. Islam and The Left are THE Problem.

If someone has a better was to put it, I'd love to see it.

A better way to put it is easy.

A member of the Israeli Parliament calls for the genocide of the Palestinian people and you support it.


See how that works?

Israel is attacked, and the Left runs to aid and abet those who attacked Israel... demanding that the ATTACKER is the Victim.

They do the same all the time... Travon Martin=Attacker... the Left claims he's the victim. Same with the jackass in Jefferson, MO. Mike Brown... ATTACKED a merchant and the cop who killed him... And AGAIN the Left claims that the ATTACKER is the Victim.

They're idiots, who operate on a profound perversion of reasoning.

Israel suspects an individual of terrorism. They go to his house, drag out his family, and blow up the house.

What would you call that?

I call that a lie.

In truth, when Israel KNOWS that an individual has attacked them, they rightly recognize that the individual and those who KNEW of the individuals actions, or should reasonably HAVE KNOWN THAT THE INDIVIDUAL IS INVOLVED IN MURDERING THE INNOCENT... have forfeited their rights... and they then take action to preclude them from exercising that right.

NOW: Respond to THIS:

Do you condemn the Iranian and Palestinian goal to kill all Jews?

Name the Iranian.

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated on Wednesday that the only solution for the region is the destruction of Israel, and that the armed confrontation must expand beyond Gaza.

Iran Leader Only Solution For Crisis Is Israel s Destruction The Daily Caller

“The Imam [Khomeini] set long-term goals for the day the occupying Zionist regime is no longer in the region. The formula for this move must be discussed in the government.”

Hassan Rouhani
President of Iran

3.“The Army of Iran can by itself destroy Israel.”

Maj. Gen. Ataollah Salehi
Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Army

4.“According to the Supreme Leader’s statement marking Nowruz, if Israel acts foolishly, Tel Aviv and Haifa will be annihilated….The armed forces are prepared with all their power to execute the orders of the Supreme Leader in minimum time.”

Gen. Mohammad Hejazi
Deputy Chief of Staff

5.“Our battalions are named Imam Ali, Imam Hussein and Bayt al-Maqdis [Jerusalem] to clarify our final destination to the Basiji. We will not abandon our [armed] struggle until the annihilation of Israel and until we will be able to pray in al-Aqsa mosque.”

Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi
Commander of the Basij militia

6.“The enemies are talking about the options [they have] on the table. They should know that the first option on our table is the annihilation of Israel.”

Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani
Lecturer at religious seminary in Qom

7.“We must spare no effort in liberating holy Jerusalem and cutting off the hands of the infidels from this holy site.”

Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi Kani
Assembly of Experts Chairman

8.“The Zionist regime will soon be destroyed, and this generation will be witness to its destruction.”

Hojatoleslam Ali Shirazi
Supreme Leader’s representative in the Revolutionary Guards

9.“The issue of Palestine is an Islamic issue. The Islamic world must come together to destroy the false Israeli regime….If this happens, nothing will be left of Israel.”

Ayatollah Mohammed Ali Movahedi-Kermani
Tehran’s interim Friday Imam

10.“As the Supreme Leader has stated, if the Zionists cause any problems for Iran, Haifa and Tel Aviv will be annihilated.”

Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi
Senior Military Adviser to the Supreme Leader

- See more at: Threats Iranian Leaders Made Against Israel in 2013
So, the Left foolishly implies that Iranians have not called for the destruction of Jews and the Jewish nation of Israel... they then ask for examples of Iranians doing so... implying that where evidence of such is presented that they will condemn the Islamic State of Iran and the Iranian Muslims WHO ARE IN A POSITION TO CAUSE THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL.

Yet... despite the irrefutable evidence, Not a peep of criticism, let alone a full condemnation.

With that noted, I'd like to welcome the opposition TO THE POINT!
So, the Left foolishly implies that Iranians have not called for the destruction of Jews and the Jewish nation of Israel... they then ask for examples of Iranians doing so... implying that where evidence of such is presented that they will condemn the Islamic State of Iran and the Iranian Muslims WHO ARE IN A POSITION TO CAUSE THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL.

Yet... despite the irrefutable evidence, Not a peep of criticism, let alone a full condemnation.

With that noted, I'd like to welcome the opposition TO THE POINT!

You have not responded to my post that found a member of the Israeli parliament calling for a genocide of the Palestinians.

Quit being an ass.

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