A Muslim and a Professor Argue… The UCSD Student admits she is FOR the eradication of ALL Jews.

If they're not afraid, they should be. 12 of their colleagues are dead. They can thank the liberals who thought it was a good idea to import 7 million Muslims into the country for that.
Of course, as a conservative, you think that everyone should be scared. That's why you could never work for a place like Charlie Hebdo.

I think people should be scared when there is something to fear. You, on the other hand, think people should be concerned when 12 of their colleagues get gunned down in a massacre.

Fools leap where angels fear to tread.

You are terrified. The terrorists have beaten you. You poor thing...

Try your best to grow a spine.

I love numskulls like you who pretend being manly means ignoring dangers like Islamic terrorism. Smart people don't smoke around gas pumps. You're the kind who will stick your finger into a light socket to show everyone how tough you are. Actually, you won't do that. You'll just dare someone else to do it.

You're not fooling anyone.

You're just a numskull.
And you're the kind who will sacrifice all his freedom for security because you're wetting your pants. Which is a win for the terrorists. Maybe you'd like 2 or 3 more Patriot Acts passed in this country?

No, I would actually like the patriot act repealed. What I would like is to change our immigration policy so that immigration visas from Muslim countries are not accepted.
It's amazing to me that a woman like this who speaks well and seems very educated, seems very contemporary, confident, strong, can then be persuaded to be part of a religion that requires her to cover her head, sometimes her entire face, and be subjugated. Very odd to me.
Centuries of brainwashing and death threats promulgated by a demented false prophet. Islam thrives on death threats.
It's a funny thing; Democrats seems to tolerate Islam more yet Islam has far more in common with the GOP's platform. Crazy world.
Can you elaborate on that? It sounds really stupid.
Probably because it is really stupid.
Laws steered by religious beliefs, anti-gay, anti-birth control, anti-foreign influence, anti-education, pro death penalty, pro government supporting only the religion of your majority, being disgusted by socially liberal areas of the world like Europe and blue states and blue cities, wanting to censor media you consider immoral, advancing your ideas by claiming your opponents are immoral sinners, advocating torture, advocating destruction of an entire religion, using God to justify wrongdoing, etc.
It's a funny thing; Democrats seems to tolerate Islam more yet Islam has far more in common with the GOP's platform. Crazy world.
Can you elaborate on that? It sounds really stupid.
Probably because it is really stupid.
Laws steered by religious beliefs, anti-gay, anti-birth control, anti-foreign influence, anti-education, pro death penalty, pro government supporting only the religion of your majority, being disgusted by socially liberal areas of the world like Europe and blue states and blue cities, wanting to censor media you consider immoral, advancing your ideas by claiming your opponents are immoral sinners, advocating torture, advocating destruction of an entire religion, using God to justify wrongdoing, etc.
Laws steered by religious beliefs is rather vague. Many Democrats are religious too and vote their conscience as well.

Anti-birth control? You public funding of birth control? Sometimes it's difficult to interpret liberal drool. No, the GOP is not against people buying and using birth control.

Anti-foreign influence? I can't even guess on that one.

Anti-education? Nope, wrong again. They may not want to tax workers to pay for your child's college education but that isn't anti-education by any rational definition.

None of the rest of your spittle is true, plus I'm not the GOP or even a registered Republican or religious.

You're an idiot.
It's a funny thing; Democrats seems to tolerate Islam more yet Islam has far more in common with the GOP's platform. Crazy world.
Can you elaborate on that? It sounds really stupid.
Probably because it is really stupid.
Laws steered by religious beliefs, anti-gay, anti-birth control, anti-foreign influence, anti-education, pro death penalty, pro government supporting only the religion of your majority, being disgusted by socially liberal areas of the world like Europe and blue states and blue cities, wanting to censor media you consider immoral, advancing your ideas by claiming your opponents are immoral sinners, advocating torture, advocating destruction of an entire religion, using God to justify wrongdoing, etc.
Laws steered by religious beliefs is rather vague. Many Democrats are religious too and vote their conscience as well.

Anti-birth control? You public funding of birth control? Sometimes it's difficult to interpret liberal drool. No, the GOP is not against people buying and using birth control.

Anti-foreign influence? I can't even guess on that one.

Anti-education? Nope, wrong again. They may not want to tax workers to pay for your child's college education but that isn't anti-education by any rational definition.

None of the rest of your spittle is true, plus I'm not the GOP or even a registered Republican or religious.

You're an idiot.
Believe what you want. Everything I wrote is in line with the GOP's platform and not the Democrat platform.
For those who do not yet know, David Horowitz is a former leftist liberal professor who has since converted to conservatism to wage war against his former ideology.

Horowitz now travels the country warning about the inherent dangers of radical leftism and radical Islam, speaking at universities and writing books, as well as operating websites to further spread his important message. As such, Horowitz often ends up in confrontational arguments with Muslim students who seek to challenge his lifetime of experience and knowledge, as we see in this older clip.

Horowitz was speaking at the University of California at San Diego, when a young Muslim woman confronted him during a question and answer period and openly said she supports the extermination of Jews. Yes, you read that right.

In something of an arrogant tone, the Muslim student asks about some pamphlets provided by Horowitz which explain the terrorist connections of the Muslim Student Association, namely their connections to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The student flatly denies any terrorist connections for the MSA and challenges Horowitz to prove it.

Instead, Horowitz simply asks her if she supports or will condemn the terrorist actions of Hamas, which she refuses to do, instead dancing around his question back to her, but leaving the clear impression that she supports them. (H/T Young Cons)

Horowitz then goes further, explaining how he is a Jew, and how the head of Hezbollah has said that he supports the creation of Israel for the simple reason that it has gathered all the Jews together in one place, so he won’t have to hunt them down and kill them around the globe.

Horowitz then leans into the mic and asks the student if she would be for or against a viewpoint such as that, of Muslims exterminating Jews.

She leans into the mic as well, and with a glint of excitement in her eye, calmly says “For it.”

A Muslim and a Professor Argue... But the Student s Last 2 Words Are Horrifying VIDEO

Well, at least she's just a student, and not a member of the Israeli parliament:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

"It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”

It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

Israeli lawmaker s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes The Electronic Intifada

Now let's see if the OP will condemn the above outright, since the OP seems to think such condemnation is so important.

And, 4 hours later, not a single defender of the OP condemns the above action.
For those who do not yet know, David Horowitz is a former leftist liberal professor who has since converted to conservatism to wage war against his former ideology.

Horowitz now travels the country warning about the inherent dangers of radical leftism and radical Islam, speaking at universities and writing books, as well as operating websites to further spread his important message. As such, Horowitz often ends up in confrontational arguments with Muslim students who seek to challenge his lifetime of experience and knowledge, as we see in this older clip.

Horowitz was speaking at the University of California at San Diego, when a young Muslim woman confronted him during a question and answer period and openly said she supports the extermination of Jews. Yes, you read that right.

In something of an arrogant tone, the Muslim student asks about some pamphlets provided by Horowitz which explain the terrorist connections of the Muslim Student Association, namely their connections to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The student flatly denies any terrorist connections for the MSA and challenges Horowitz to prove it.

Instead, Horowitz simply asks her if she supports or will condemn the terrorist actions of Hamas, which she refuses to do, instead dancing around his question back to her, but leaving the clear impression that she supports them. (H/T Young Cons)

Horowitz then goes further, explaining how he is a Jew, and how the head of Hezbollah has said that he supports the creation of Israel for the simple reason that it has gathered all the Jews together in one place, so he won’t have to hunt them down and kill them around the globe.

Horowitz then leans into the mic and asks the student if she would be for or against a viewpoint such as that, of Muslims exterminating Jews.

She leans into the mic as well, and with a glint of excitement in her eye, calmly says “For it.”

A Muslim and a Professor Argue... But the Student s Last 2 Words Are Horrifying VIDEO

Well, at least she's just a student, and not a member of the Israeli parliament:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

"It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”

It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

Israeli lawmaker s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes The Electronic Intifada

Now let's see if the OP will condemn the above outright, since the OP seems to think such condemnation is so important.

And, 4 hours later, not a single defender of the OP condemns the above action.

Do you condemn the Iranian and Palestinian goal to kill all Jews?
I think she is far more honest then that snake Horowitz.
Doesn't matter.

He could be the worst Muslim -baiter on the face of the planet.

But he DID get a Muslim college student association member (representative?) to reveal her true feelings, through skilled provocation.

Like leading a horse to water, forcing it do do what, in the end, comes naturally.

A skillful, masterful manipulation, designed to (and successful in) dragging The Truth out of one of those lowlife Jewish genocide fans, without the filters...


Doesn't matter if Horowitz is honest or dishonest...

He executed a skillful manipulation, and the lowlife fell into the trap, and revealed her innermost self...


And how do you know they are her true feelings? Because you want them to be? How many times do people say things in anger at provocation that they don't mean? For example - "I'm going to effing kill you" or what ever.

Things said under extreme provocation and manipulation - and that is what it was with Horowitz refusing over and over to answer her question.

A more meaningful "truth" would probably be to look at her blog and what she's written prior to that event (which I haven't looked at).

I have a feeling though - people don't want to. The want this to be the truth and don't care to explore further because it's a confirmation bias and they can use this to claim - see - this one college student, formerly anonymous, getting into a debate with a master manipulator, losing her temper, reveals the hidden truth in all American Muslims and of course, the Muslim Student Association - that they secretely lust for Jewish genocide. Genocide is dispicable. But so is the attempt to paint Muslims in America as pro-genocide which is exactly what Horowitz is doing.
For those who do not yet know, David Horowitz is a former leftist liberal professor who has since converted to conservatism to wage war against his former ideology.

Horowitz now travels the country warning about the inherent dangers of radical leftism and radical Islam, speaking at universities and writing books, as well as operating websites to further spread his important message. As such, Horowitz often ends up in confrontational arguments with Muslim students who seek to challenge his lifetime of experience and knowledge, as we see in this older clip.

Horowitz was speaking at the University of California at San Diego, when a young Muslim woman confronted him during a question and answer period and openly said she supports the extermination of Jews. Yes, you read that right.

In something of an arrogant tone, the Muslim student asks about some pamphlets provided by Horowitz which explain the terrorist connections of the Muslim Student Association, namely their connections to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The student flatly denies any terrorist connections for the MSA and challenges Horowitz to prove it.

Instead, Horowitz simply asks her if she supports or will condemn the terrorist actions of Hamas, which she refuses to do, instead dancing around his question back to her, but leaving the clear impression that she supports them. (H/T Young Cons)

Horowitz then goes further, explaining how he is a Jew, and how the head of Hezbollah has said that he supports the creation of Israel for the simple reason that it has gathered all the Jews together in one place, so he won’t have to hunt them down and kill them around the globe.

Horowitz then leans into the mic and asks the student if she would be for or against a viewpoint such as that, of Muslims exterminating Jews.

She leans into the mic as well, and with a glint of excitement in her eye, calmly says “For it.”

A Muslim and a Professor Argue... But the Student s Last 2 Words Are Horrifying VIDEO

Well, at least she's just a student, and not a member of the Israeli parliament:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

"It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”

It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

Israeli lawmaker s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes The Electronic Intifada

Now let's see if the OP will condemn the above outright, since the OP seems to think such condemnation is so important.

And, 4 hours later, not a single defender of the OP condemns the above action.

Do you condemn the Iranian and Palestinian goal to kill all Jews?

Name the Iranian. Name the Palestinian.

And then tell us why you don't condemn a genocidal Israeli, not to mention the thousands who agree with her.
Anti-birth control? You public funding of birth control? Sometimes it's difficult to interpret liberal drool. No, the GOP is not against people buying and using birth control.

Some parts of the GOP are against people buying and using birth control. Conservatives in Mississippi tried to outlaw some types of birth control last year.

Then They Came for Your Birth Control Mother Jones

And, 40% of Republicans in Congress and 25% of Republicans in the Senate supported this amendment which would have done the same thing: Bill Text - 112th Congress 2011-2012 - THOMAS Library of Congress

Rick Santorum has also come out against legalized birth control: Rick Santorum is coming for your birth control - Salon.com
Anti-birth control? You public funding of birth control? Sometimes it's difficult to interpret liberal drool. No, the GOP is not against people buying and using birth control.

Some parts of the GOP are against people buying and using birth control. Conservatives in Mississippi tried to outlaw some types of birth control last year.

Then They Came for Your Birth Control Mother Jones

And, 40% of Republicans in Congress and 25% of Republicans in the Senate supported this amendment which would have done the same thing: Bill Text - 112th Congress 2011-2012 - THOMAS Library of Congress

Rick Santorum has also come out against legalized birth control: Rick Santorum is coming for your birth control - Salon.com
You understand that is not a refutation to what he wrote, right? I mean, there are probably people who call themselves Republicans who are in favor of gay marriage. That doesnt mean the GOP is in favor of gay marriage.
For those who do not yet know, David Horowitz is a former leftist liberal professor who has since converted to conservatism to wage war against his former ideology.

Horowitz now travels the country warning about the inherent dangers of radical leftism and radical Islam, speaking at universities and writing books, as well as operating websites to further spread his important message. As such, Horowitz often ends up in confrontational arguments with Muslim students who seek to challenge his lifetime of experience and knowledge, as we see in this older clip.

Horowitz was speaking at the University of California at San Diego, when a young Muslim woman confronted him during a question and answer period and openly said she supports the extermination of Jews. Yes, you read that right.

In something of an arrogant tone, the Muslim student asks about some pamphlets provided by Horowitz which explain the terrorist connections of the Muslim Student Association, namely their connections to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The student flatly denies any terrorist connections for the MSA and challenges Horowitz to prove it.

Instead, Horowitz simply asks her if she supports or will condemn the terrorist actions of Hamas, which she refuses to do, instead dancing around his question back to her, but leaving the clear impression that she supports them. (H/T Young Cons)

Horowitz then goes further, explaining how he is a Jew, and how the head of Hezbollah has said that he supports the creation of Israel for the simple reason that it has gathered all the Jews together in one place, so he won’t have to hunt them down and kill them around the globe.

Horowitz then leans into the mic and asks the student if she would be for or against a viewpoint such as that, of Muslims exterminating Jews.

She leans into the mic as well, and with a glint of excitement in her eye, calmly says “For it.”

A Muslim and a Professor Argue... But the Student s Last 2 Words Are Horrifying VIDEO

Well, at least she's just a student, and not a member of the Israeli parliament:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

"It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”

It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

Israeli lawmaker s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes The Electronic Intifada

Now let's see if the OP will condemn the above outright, since the OP seems to think such condemnation is so important.

And, 4 hours later, not a single defender of the OP condemns the above action.

Do you condemn the Iranian and Palestinian goal to kill all Jews?

Name the Iranian. Name the Palestinian.

And then tell us why you don't condemn a genocidal Israeli, not to mention the thousands who agree with her.

Way to dodge the question! Iran leadership has long wanted to "wipe Israel from the map". That is common knowledge to anyone that bothers to keep up with world news. Either you're playing stupid or you really are stupid. Either way, you're not worth the effort of continuing dialog.
Anti-birth control? You public funding of birth control? Sometimes it's difficult to interpret liberal drool. No, the GOP is not against people buying and using birth control.

Some parts of the GOP are against people buying and using birth control. Conservatives in Mississippi tried to outlaw some types of birth control last year.

Then They Came for Your Birth Control Mother Jones

And, 40% of Republicans in Congress and 25% of Republicans in the Senate supported this amendment which would have done the same thing: Bill Text - 112th Congress 2011-2012 - THOMAS Library of Congress

Rick Santorum has also come out against legalized birth control: Rick Santorum is coming for your birth control - Salon.com
My guess is it's about the morning after pill, which isn't really pregancey prevention, its' birth control in the sense it kills the life that started. It doesn't make the case that "the GOP" is against birth control. Nice try.

I'm not going to your links if you are too lazy to post any content.

Rick Santorum isn't "the GOP".
You understand that is not a refutation to what he wrote, right? I mean, there are probably people who call themselves Republicans who are in favor of gay marriage. That doesnt mean the GOP is in favor of gay marriage.
Log Cabin Republicans for one. Libs can't make those kinds of distinctions apparently.
For those who do not yet know, David Horowitz is a former leftist liberal professor who has since converted to conservatism to wage war against his former ideology.

Horowitz now travels the country warning about the inherent dangers of radical leftism and radical Islam, speaking at universities and writing books, as well as operating websites to further spread his important message. As such, Horowitz often ends up in confrontational arguments with Muslim students who seek to challenge his lifetime of experience and knowledge, as we see in this older clip.

Horowitz was speaking at the University of California at San Diego, when a young Muslim woman confronted him during a question and answer period and openly said she supports the extermination of Jews. Yes, you read that right.

In something of an arrogant tone, the Muslim student asks about some pamphlets provided by Horowitz which explain the terrorist connections of the Muslim Student Association, namely their connections to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The student flatly denies any terrorist connections for the MSA and challenges Horowitz to prove it.

Instead, Horowitz simply asks her if she supports or will condemn the terrorist actions of Hamas, which she refuses to do, instead dancing around his question back to her, but leaving the clear impression that she supports them. (H/T Young Cons)

Horowitz then goes further, explaining how he is a Jew, and how the head of Hezbollah has said that he supports the creation of Israel for the simple reason that it has gathered all the Jews together in one place, so he won’t have to hunt them down and kill them around the globe.

Horowitz then leans into the mic and asks the student if she would be for or against a viewpoint such as that, of Muslims exterminating Jews.

She leans into the mic as well, and with a glint of excitement in her eye, calmly says “For it.”

A Muslim and a Professor Argue... But the Student s Last 2 Words Are Horrifying VIDEO

Well, at least she's just a student, and not a member of the Israeli parliament:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

"It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”

It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

Israeli lawmaker s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes The Electronic Intifada

Now let's see if the OP will condemn the above outright, since the OP seems to think such condemnation is so important.

And, 4 hours later, not a single defender of the OP condemns the above action.

Do you condemn the Iranian and Palestinian goal to kill all Jews?

Name the Iranian. Name the Palestinian.

And then tell us why you don't condemn a genocidal Israeli, not to mention the thousands who agree with her.

Way to dodge the question! Iran leadership has long wanted to "wipe Israel from the map". That is common knowledge to anyone that bothers to keep up with world news. Either you're playing stupid or you really are stupid. Either way, you're not worth the effort of continuing dialog.

If you can cite a reliable source saying the official policy of the Iranian government to to exterminate every Jew on the planet I will condemn it.
For those who do not yet know, David Horowitz is a former leftist liberal professor who has since converted to conservatism to wage war against his former ideology.

Horowitz now travels the country warning about the inherent dangers of radical leftism and radical Islam, speaking at universities and writing books, as well as operating websites to further spread his important message. As such, Horowitz often ends up in confrontational arguments with Muslim students who seek to challenge his lifetime of experience and knowledge, as we see in this older clip.

Horowitz was speaking at the University of California at San Diego, when a young Muslim woman confronted him during a question and answer period and openly said she supports the extermination of Jews. Yes, you read that right.

In something of an arrogant tone, the Muslim student asks about some pamphlets provided by Horowitz which explain the terrorist connections of the Muslim Student Association, namely their connections to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The student flatly denies any terrorist connections for the MSA and challenges Horowitz to prove it.

Instead, Horowitz simply asks her if she supports or will condemn the terrorist actions of Hamas, which she refuses to do, instead dancing around his question back to her, but leaving the clear impression that she supports them. (H/T Young Cons)

Horowitz then goes further, explaining how he is a Jew, and how the head of Hezbollah has said that he supports the creation of Israel for the simple reason that it has gathered all the Jews together in one place, so he won’t have to hunt them down and kill them around the globe.

Horowitz then leans into the mic and asks the student if she would be for or against a viewpoint such as that, of Muslims exterminating Jews.

She leans into the mic as well, and with a glint of excitement in her eye, calmly says “For it.”

A Muslim and a Professor Argue... But the Student s Last 2 Words Are Horrifying VIDEO

Well, at least she's just a student, and not a member of the Israeli parliament:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

"It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”

It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

Israeli lawmaker s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes The Electronic Intifada

Now let's see if the OP will condemn the above outright, since the OP seems to think such condemnation is so important.

And, 4 hours later, not a single defender of the OP condemns the above action.

Do you condemn the Iranian and Palestinian goal to kill all Jews?

Name the Iranian. Name the Palestinian.

And then tell us why you don't condemn a genocidal Israeli, not to mention the thousands who agree with her.

Way to dodge the question! Iran leadership has long wanted to "wipe Israel from the map". That is common knowledge to anyone that bothers to keep up with world news. Either you're playing stupid or you really are stupid. Either way, you're not worth the effort of continuing dialog.

I named the Israeli member of Parliament. You asked me to condemn two lies.

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