A Muslim and a Professor Argue… The UCSD Student admits she is FOR the eradication of ALL Jews.

On listening to the video once again, it is clear that Horowitz described a completely understandable scenario (wherein Hamas suggests that Jews gather in Israel so they don't have to hunted globally) and then asked a simple question...(Are you) for it or against it?
Her answer is was quite clearly spoken.

This was over 4 years ago.

Her lame apology parallels that of the recent WH apology for not sending a high official to the solidarity rally in Paris last week.

She realized she fucked up by revealing her true nature and then made a lame, disingenuous apology....just like the WH did.
Liberalism accomplished the massacre in France. That's why we're afraid.
No you're afraid because you're a conservative.

Charlie Hebdo is publishing Muhommad on the cover of their next issue because they're NOT afraid. And that's because they are and have always been extremely liberal.

If they're not afraid, they should be. 12 of their colleagues are dead. They can thank the liberals who thought it was a good idea to import 7 million Muslims into the country for that.
Of course, as a conservative, you think that everyone should be scared. That's why you could never work for a place like Charlie Hebdo.

I think people should be scared when there is something to fear. You, on the other hand, think people should be concerned when 12 of their colleagues get gunned down in a massacre.

Fools leap where angels fear to tread.

You are terrified. The terrorists have beaten you. You poor thing...

Try your best to grow a spine.

I love numskulls like you who pretend being manly means ignoring dangers like Islamic terrorism. Smart people don't smoke around gas pumps. You're the kind who will stick your finger into a light socket to show everyone how tough you are. Actually, you won't do that. You'll just dare someone else to do it.

You're not fooling anyone.

You're just a numskull.

I love it when you guys try to play the anti-semite card. It's almost as good as the 9/11 card.

That is only "clear" to you because that's what you want to see. You want her to be an evil villain, a bogeyman for you to be afraid of - so that's what you see.

I see a kid being railroaded into making a statement she didn't think through, and then apologizing for it.

She didn't think through the fact that she was speaking to a famous journalist in a venue that was being recorded before she blurted out the truth.

David Horowitz isn't a "journalist", either.

Other than that, yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Does it matter?

He was a fellow that got a Muslim college student to admit that she supports the extermination of the Jews.

You are defending the indefensible.

Or so it seems, at first glance.

That's the point, right there.

He got her to say it.

People say things they don't mean, or don't think through, in the heat of a confrontation.
Wow. Just wow. So now any statement can be explained away as merely being made in the heat of confrontation? Or does it just apply to jew-hating?

Obama could rape a 5-year-old boy on the capital steps, and these turds would be making excuses for him.

"Well, he just got back from vacation and he was tired!"
She didn't think through the fact that she was speaking to a famous journalist in a venue that was being recorded before she blurted out the truth.

David Horowitz isn't a "journalist", either.

Other than that, yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Does it matter?

He was a fellow that got a Muslim college student to admit that she supports the extermination of the Jews.

You are defending the indefensible.

Or so it seems, at first glance.

That's the point, right there.

He got her to say it.

People say things they don't mean, or don't think through, in the heat of a confrontation.
No, Doc, sometimes, when pressed far enough, they speak from their hearts, and not from their heads.

Speaking from the heart reveals the inner truth about the person... what they truly think... what they truly feel... without the filters.

Personally, I think it the fellow did an excellent yoeman's job of getting that college student to speak from her heart.

Revealing her innermost self, in this context.

A regular Rembrandt of Revelation, in this case... an excellent job... well done.

You see what you want to see, because you want her to be the villain you're so afraid of.

Sometimes when people are pressed they'll "reveal the inner truth". Sometimes they'll end up saying something they don't mean.

We don't want anyone to be the villain. In this story, she is the villain.
Also, David Horowitz is not a "Professor".

He's professing his ideas to others. So he's definitely a professor.

Your "Professor" with a capital P holds a gun to a person's head and tells him to submit or die.

After all, Islam means submission.
Also, David Horowitz is not a "Professor".

He's professing his ideas to others. So he's definitely a professor.

Your "Professor" with a capital P holds a gun to a person's head and tells him to submit or die.

After all, Islam means submission.


"Professor" is a job title, one that David Horowitz has never held.

The fact that I've fixed the pipes in my bathroom does not make me a "plumber".

The rest of your post is incoherent.
Also, David Horowitz is not a "Professor".

He's professing his ideas to others. So he's definitely a professor.

Your "Professor" with a capital P holds a gun to a person's head and tells him to submit or die.

After all, Islam means submission.


"Professor" is a job title, one that David Horowitz has never held.

The fact that I've fixed the pipes in my bathroom does not make me a "plumber".

The rest of your post is incoherent.

What do you call someone who writes?

What do you call someone who runs?

What do you call someone who sleep?

What do you call someone who profess?
For those who do not yet know, David Horowitz is a former leftist liberal professor who has since converted to conservatism to wage war against his former ideology.

Horowitz now travels the country warning about the inherent dangers of radical leftism and radical Islam, speaking at universities and writing books, as well as operating websites to further spread his important message. As such, Horowitz often ends up in confrontational arguments with Muslim students who seek to challenge his lifetime of experience and knowledge, as we see in this older clip.

Horowitz was speaking at the University of California at San Diego, when a young Muslim woman confronted him during a question and answer period and openly said she supports the extermination of Jews. Yes, you read that right.

In something of an arrogant tone, the Muslim student asks about some pamphlets provided by Horowitz which explain the terrorist connections of the Muslim Student Association, namely their connections to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The student flatly denies any terrorist connections for the MSA and challenges Horowitz to prove it.

Instead, Horowitz simply asks her if she supports or will condemn the terrorist actions of Hamas, which she refuses to do, instead dancing around his question back to her, but leaving the clear impression that she supports them. (H/T Young Cons)

Horowitz then goes further, explaining how he is a Jew, and how the head of Hezbollah has said that he supports the creation of Israel for the simple reason that it has gathered all the Jews together in one place, so he won’t have to hunt them down and kill them around the globe.

Horowitz then leans into the mic and asks the student if she would be for or against a viewpoint such as that, of Muslims exterminating Jews.

She leans into the mic as well, and with a glint of excitement in her eye, calmly says “For it.”

A Muslim and a Professor Argue... But the Student s Last 2 Words Are Horrifying VIDEO

Well, at least she's just a student, and not a member of the Israeli parliament:

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

"It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”

It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

Israeli lawmaker s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes The Electronic Intifada

Now let's see if the OP will condemn the above outright, since the OP seems to think such condemnation is so important.
I think she is far more honest then that snake Horowitz.
Doesn't matter.

He could be the worst Muslim -baiter on the face of the planet.

But he DID get a Muslim college student association member (representative?) to reveal her true feelings, through skilled provocation.

Like leading a horse to water, forcing it do do what, in the end, comes naturally.

A skillful, masterful manipulation, designed to (and successful in) dragging The Truth out of one of those lowlife Jewish genocide fans, without the filters...


Doesn't matter if Horowitz is honest or dishonest...

He executed a skillful manipulation, and the lowlife fell into the trap, and revealed her innermost self...

No you're afraid because you're a conservative.

Charlie Hebdo is publishing Muhommad on the cover of their next issue because they're NOT afraid. And that's because they are and have always been extremely liberal.

If they're not afraid, they should be. 12 of their colleagues are dead. They can thank the liberals who thought it was a good idea to import 7 million Muslims into the country for that.
Of course, as a conservative, you think that everyone should be scared. That's why you could never work for a place like Charlie Hebdo.

I think people should be scared when there is something to fear. You, on the other hand, think people should be concerned when 12 of their colleagues get gunned down in a massacre.

Fools leap where angels fear to tread.

You are terrified. The terrorists have beaten you. You poor thing...

Try your best to grow a spine.

I love numskulls like you who pretend being manly means ignoring dangers like Islamic terrorism. Smart people don't smoke around gas pumps. You're the kind who will stick your finger into a light socket to show everyone how tough you are. Actually, you won't do that. You'll just dare someone else to do it.

You're not fooling anyone.

You're just a numskull.
And you're the kind who will sacrifice all his freedom for security because you're wetting your pants. Which is a win for the terrorists. Maybe you'd like 2 or 3 more Patriot Acts passed in this country?
It's amazing to me that a woman like this who speaks well and seems very educated, seems very contemporary, confident, strong, can then be persuaded to be part of a religion that requires her to cover her head, sometimes her entire face, and be subjugated. Very odd to me.
And we support these students in our schools. Go figure. They can call for murder of people and not be accused of hate speech. She is a typical Muslim. Polls show the majority of Muslims support Sharia law and murder in the name of their religion. The left ignores these studies because it goes against their narrative.
You are so full of shit..the left hates the Muslims because of how they treat women, and they have another stupid religion used to censor, subjugate and run a totalitarian state society, like any religion has...

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