A New Independent Party Emerges

I hear they're looking for a taxi so they can caucus in the back seat....
Every group has to start somewhere. At least you'll get forthright discussion, not the demagoguery, grandstanding and obfuscation that usually comes out of both major parties. They have a good man at the helm too.
The New American Independent Party is one which I believe has the POTENTIAL to be a VIABLE third party---based on common sense and moderation.

New American Independent Party - Return to American Self-Reliance

Discussion Forum - New American Independent Party

This was tried in 2007 ( http://unity08.com/ ) but it couldn't get off the ground because there was no centralized organization directing campagn contributions. And without money, big money, a new party cannot support new candidates. Maybe this one will have better luck.
The New American Independent Party is one which I believe has the POTENTIAL to be a VIABLE third party---based on common sense and moderation.

New American Independent Party - Return to American Self-Reliance

Discussion Forum - New American Independent Party

This was tried in 2007 ( http://unity08.com/ ) but it couldn't get off the ground because there was no centralized organization directing campagn contributions. And without money, big money, a new party cannot support new candidates. Maybe this one will have better luck.

You can't start a party from the top, You have to build it from the ground up. Run candidates in local elections, then state government....eventually building to House and Senate seats. Once you have built that political base...then you run somebody for President
The New American Independent Party is one which I believe has the POTENTIAL to be a VIABLE third party---based on common sense and moderation.

New American Independent Party - Return to American Self-Reliance

Discussion Forum - New American Independent Party

This was tried in 2007 ( http://unity08.com/ ) but it couldn't get off the ground because there was no centralized organization directing campagn contributions. And without money, big money, a new party cannot support new candidates. Maybe this one will have better luck.

You can't start a party from the top, You have to build it from the ground up. Run candidates in local elections, then state government....eventually building to House and Senate seats. Once you have built that political base...then you run somebody for President

This explanation almost sounds like the Tea Baggers. Where did they fall off the tracks?

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People
This was tried in 2007 ( http://unity08.com/ ) but it couldn't get off the ground because there was no centralized organization directing campagn contributions. And without money, big money, a new party cannot support new candidates. Maybe this one will have better luck.

You can't start a party from the top, You have to build it from the ground up. Run candidates in local elections, then state government....eventually building to House and Senate seats. Once you have built that political base...then you run somebody for President

This explanation almost sounds like the Tea Baggers. Where did they fall off the tracks?

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

The Tea Baggers had the right idea....until they became stooges of Fox News and the GOP
That unity08 party from what I saw was nothing more than mainstream/moderate Republicans and Democrats wanting to get along and work together. Nothing wrong with that, but I didn't see a whole lot of revolutionary fervor there. We need REFORMS.
Thanks for the heads up on their fundraising problems though. That is critical for any party/individual seeking to win at the federal level. If you can't compete moneywise with the big boys you don't really have much of a chance at that level.
Rightwinger has it right with respect to the Tea Baggers----basically a new format/image GOP.

Also agree with your assessment of building a party from the bottom up. This is one constructive criticism I've made known to the NAIP. They seem mostly focused on fielding a 2012 Presidential candidate and a good many of the past candidates have also sought this office. BIG MISTAKE. Start running for local and state positions. You have a lot more crediblity behind you when you can notch some election victories.
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How about the Republicans stop acting like Democrat "lite" and start governing as conservatives? Boot out the "Country Club" Republicans and the hardcore evengelicals.... hey, that'd be a start.

Shit, if the Democrats would purge themselves of the Marxists, Socialists, Communists and Progressives.. I might even give them a looksee again.
Man I cracked on you way too soon Soggy. My bad
Give me fiscal conservatives, get the hard core religious out. Get out of the business of legislating moral I'm all in.
The New American Independent Party is one which I believe has the POTENTIAL to be a VIABLE third party---based on common sense and moderation.

New American Independent Party - Return to American Self-Reliance

Discussion Forum - New American Independent Party

I would love for a third party based on common sense to gain strength. But I'm afraid it'll never happen, since Americans (on the whole):

lack critical thinking skills
feel the need to be a part of a group when it comes to politics

It's actually quite sad that more people can't be objective when it comes to political issues.
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The New American Independent Party is one which I believe has the POTENTIAL to be a VIABLE third party---based on common sense and moderation.

Wow.....BOTH common sense AND Moderation...what a combination

Their motto should be ...."Truth, Justice...and the American way"
Well I wouldn't support this party, but there is no chance for a third party to become viable in the U.S. in the first place. The Republicans and Democrats work together to keep all third parties down, and it's impossible to compete with their resources unless you're independently wealthy.
You can't start a party from the top, You have to build it from the ground up. Run candidates in local elections, then state government....eventually building to House and Senate seats. Once you have built that political base...then you run somebody for President

This explanation almost sounds like the Tea Baggers. Where did they fall off the tracks?

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

The Tea Baggers had the right idea....until they became stooges of Fox News and the GOP

plus they allowed internet trolls on all sides to frame their debates.

live by the web, flame out on the web
How about the Republicans stop acting like Democrat "lite" and start governing as conservatives? Boot out the "Country Club" Republicans and the hardcore evengelicals.... hey, that'd be a start.

Shit, if the Democrats would purge themselves of the Marxists, Socialists, Communists and Progressives.. I might even give them a looksee again.

Which would leave the very small minority of so-called "Real" Conservatives, who would be utterly marginalized.

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