A New Southern Wedding Tradition: Yes . . . I Wish I Was Kidding

That calls for the wedding cake topper of a bride and groom standing back to back, guns drawn.
I'm trying to figure out what the point of this thread is. Is it just creating a new thread for posters who already hate each other to trade insults? Should it go to the flame zone? :dunno:
Two people. one wedding. A tradition?

You are about as stupid as your avatar.

No, he is vastly MORE stupid than his avatar

Must be frightening to you in fredericksburg since they make you wear shoes now and stopped you from burning that trash in the yard and made you put in indoor plumbing. Yes the civilized world is surrounding you!! The Hispanics should teach you some culture

I can go barefoot as much as I want, and I can burn trash in my yard too.

Your really are an ignorant fuck, arent y9ou?
To be fair, it's a well established custom in Southern States...such as Helmand or Kandahar.

Muslim wedding guns.jpg
Seems like a scene form the beverly hill billies

Rather than light a unity candle, the subject bride and groom each fire a gun into the air.

The firing-of-their-guns seems to happen at the same point in their outside wedding ceremony as the lighting-of-the-unity-candle does in more traditional ones, with pastor standing by and reading as they fire
Steve Arpin Facebook

A New Southern Wedding Tradition Yes . . . I Wish I Was Kidding
Liberals don't get married. Momma needs to be unemployed and single for welfare checks. Baby Daddy will do enough shooting when he kills a cop cause' he a gangsta.

Seems like the liberal blue states are supporting you fly over country cracka's
Do not add military spending into "federal spending." See what you get? Blue states are broke because Democrats can't stop pandering to every welfare taxpayer funded social safety net program.

Also take out the money the feds pay to run land that they own.

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