A New Unabridged Video Which Contains The Real Story


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
Can't you just imagine what the pilgrims would have done if they were privy to a copy of Photoshop?

I can see it now...two naked teens in a garden with a snake, A big flood five miles deep and a home made boat with dinosaurs and every other thing that has lived in the past all aboard dry as a chip, big fish puking up live men, walls falling at the sound of a trumpet, seas parting long enough for the good guys to get through then closing up on the black hats, men roasting in a 1200 degree furnace then walking away unscathed, a woman being instantly turned into a pile of salt, a forty year trek through the desert, folks going out on a limb and predicting the virgin birth of a savior, walking on water, water into wine, healing by touching, raising from the dead, thousands fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers gathered, crucifiction, resurrection etc.

I'm guessing a billion hits on You Tube the first week.
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I share much of your skepticism, but none of your stupidism.
I share much of your skepticism, but none of your stupidism.

I love it when dumb assed folks who can't put together enough proper grammar to pass Jr. English come back and try to kill 20 minutes of my work with a stupid one liner. NOT
It took you 20 minutes to post that?

I rest my case.

It took me twenty minutes to check the biblical information I was posting. I quit reading the bible twenty years ago......I used to have most of it memorized but at age 78 I need verification. See......unlike most folks at this right wing rag I like to post truths....not Fox News bullshit.
Fable and allegory. Ok fine. We get it. At least I do.
How many times you gonna beat this dead horse?
It took you 20 minutes to post that?

I rest my case.

Didn't take me twenty minutes to post it this time:

Can't you just imagine what the pilgrims would have done if they were privy to a copy of Photoshop?

I can see it now...two naked teens in a garden with a snake, A big flood five miles deep and a home made boat with dinosaurs and every other thing that has lived in the past all aboard dry as a chip, big fish puking up live men, walls falling at the sound of a trumpet, seas parting long enough for the good guys to get through then closing up on the black hats, men roasting in a 1200 degree furnace then walking away unscathed, a woman being instantly turned into a pile of salt, a forty year trek through the desert, folks going out on a limb and predicting the virgin birth of a savior, walking on water, water into wine, healing by touching, raising from the dead, thousands fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers gathered, crucifiction, resurrection etc.

I'm guessing a billion hits on You Tube the first week.

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