A North Korean man who smuggled 'Squid Game' into North Korea is to be executed by firing squad

Haven't been keeping up with current events, eh? The most vaccinated states and countries have the highest covid rates.
They haven't received their booster yet. The vaccine wanes. The states with the highest death rate from covid are the unvaccinated states.

Fl doesn't even track those with covid and covid deaths.
This is the ultimate destination the left will take us.

Never give up your guns.
But you're too pussy to use the guns you have retained. What use are they?

Apparently guns are supposed to be a protection against government tyranny but when the election was stolen from you, the greatest act of government tyranny in America's history, what did you do?
Exhibit A in the evidence proving the election was stolen. [...]
You pussied, that's what you did.
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Watching Squid Game was like a death sentence. Literally the dumbest show with some of the worst acting & dubbing I have ever seen. And I watch A LOT of Korean programming
They haven't received their booster yet. The vaccine wanes. The states with the highest death rate from covid are the unvaccinated states.

Fl doesn't even track those with covid and covid deaths.
Yes! The booster! That's why. LOL. I said Covid rates. Like the ones exploding right now in the most vaccinated countries and states. You are worried about transmission, right? Only vaccinations can stop the pandemic, right? Evil unvaccinated people who are running around giving it to other people? Guess what, the data shows it's the vaccinated populations that have the highest infection rates. The narrative has been destroyed.
And here so many Americans want a statue of Thomas Jefferson torn down because of how evil and racist and facist America is. When they should be thanking for the founding fathers for creating a country where you don't get executed for bringing a movie into the country.
It seems you missed the point of the OP. It was a commentary on our nation's slipping in the direction of the authoritarian government the GOP is pushing us. Some recent examples: their January 6th failed insurrection, their attacks on voting rights in red states, and their gerrymandering.

Is the single political party government these fascists are plotting familiar to you?

Even the crazy right-wing trumper, anti Constitution bunch are not going full communist, just because they want to re-install an unelected leader for another term. Besides, they were defeated in the attempt, and nobody in their right mind would take a chance on putting another one (and certainly not trump himself) into power to see if it would be more successful on a second attempt. To even run one, directly after, would throw the election to the Democrats, probably no matter how shitty the Democrat candidate. So, yes, I missed the point of the OP. Now that you have explained the point, I am no longer missing it, I just totally discount it.

Furthermore, people of the Left and the right, should avoid loosely labeling their enemies with "communist", "fascist", "Nazi" labels, unless they are wearing that flag or tattoo. Most of the time, they don't think things through enough to understand the consequences of what they seek. I don't think they are actually thinking, "Boy, I sure wish we could have a dictator in power". It does not help the discussion in cyberspace. It wasn't even that popular before the trump term. It is still, really an aberration. If done in public, face to face, it would be sure to start a fight, probably ending in an ass whipping, property damage or bullets to the chest. Try to breathe in and breathe out and not add to the problem, unnecessarily. At least, that's my opinion.
Even the crazy right-wing trumper, anti Constitution bunch are not going full communist, just because they want to re-install an unelected leader for another term. Besides, they were defeated in the attempt, and nobody in their right mind would take a chance on putting another one (and certainly not trump himself) into power to see if it would be more successful on a second attempt. To even run one, directly after, would throw the election to the Democrats, probably no matter how shitty the Democrat candidate. So, yes, I missed the point of the OP. Now that you have explained the point, I am no longer missing it, I just totally discount it.

Furthermore, people of the Left and the right, should avoid loosely labeling their enemies with "communist", "fascist", "Nazi" labels, unless they are wearing that flag or tattoo. Most of the time, they don't think things through enough to understand the consequences of what they seek. I don't think they are actually thinking, "Boy, I sure wish we could have a dictator in power". It does not help the discussion in cyberspace. It wasn't even that popular before the trump term. It is still, really an aberration. If done in public, face to face, it would be sure to start a fight, probably ending in an ass whipping, property damage or bullets to the chest. Try to breathe in and breathe out and not add to the problem, unnecessarily. At least, that's my opinion.
Read the definition of "fascist", then review videos of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. With that brief amount of research, you will find the trump Nazis epitomize fascist, and the flags they were carrying in Charlottesville were those of the Confederacy and the Nazis.

As far as communists, most Americans only understand that term as it relates to the dictatorships U.S. capitalists used to convince the masses to fear during the cold wars following WWII. (Fortunes were made manufacturing weapons of mass destruction making average Americans believe they were "safe".)

True communism has been around for millennia and enabled the survival of tribal societies to survive with all members working for the common good. But, as has been proven in this country for decades, working for the common good is something the greedy and the stupid adamantly oppose.

Read the definition of "fascist", then review videos of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. With that brief amount of research, you will find the trump Nazis epitomize fascist, and the flags they were carrying in Charlottesville were those of the Confederacy and the Nazis.

As far as communists, most Americans only understand that term as it relates to the dictatorships U.S. capitalists used to convince the masses to fear during the cold wars following WWII. (Fortunes were made manufacturing weapons of mass destruction making average Americans believe they were "safe".)

True communism has been around for millennia and enabled the survival of tribal societies to survive with all members working for the common good. But, as has been proven in this country for decades, working for the common good is something the greedy and the stupid adamantly oppose.

I have no illusions, of them being nice patriotic Americans, by any stretch of the imagination, but there are limits to many. If many were sentient enough to realize what they were really supporting, some of the would not support it, though others would remain rabidly against the constraints of the constitution and edicts of the founding fathers.

I am officially old and was one of the "Cold Warriors" standing against the possible and probable intentions of the Soviet Communist Warsaw states. The buildup by us and allies was the right way to go. Nothing like rolling through the woods on the Czech border, back in the day, seeing your counterparts practicing and doing reconnaissance to let you know that shit was real. We supposedly "won" the "cold war", if you believe the media and our government, that the average citizen could finally sleep well at night. It never really ended, just because the wall came down, you know. Look at the Crimean Peninsula, and breakaway republic of Ukraine. Poland knows it didn't really end. That is why they are trying to double the of their military, as they are a breakaway from the former pact country and right next door, observing what is going on in Ukraine.

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