A "nugget" in re-reading Chris Steele's Trump dossier...

For all the Surveillance Committed against President Trump you'd think one person would get charged with a crime if there was anything there at all.

Instead The Surveillance has Vindicated Trump and is Damning Obama and Clinton and the Democrat Party to a Dark Fate that is richly deserved.

This is what Karma Looks Like!

Source E

I assume E is his last name?

Yeah, possibly the same one who gave Nunes the classified Russia documents.
For all the carrying on about "masked" sources and actors, one'd think by now that people would have a broader understanding of why sources don't always get named.....Alas....
For all the Surveillance Committed against President Trump you'd think one person would get charged with a crime if there was anything there at all.

Instead The Surveillance has Vindicated Trump and is Damning Obama and Clinton!

This is what Karma Looks Like!

Source E

I assume E is his last name?

Yeah, possibly the same one who gave Nunes the classified Russia documents.
For all the carrying on about "masked" sources and actors, one'd think by now that people would have a broader understanding of why sources don't always get named.....Alas....
Okay...you run with that...
Why do you think they need to examine the server itself, and only 1 person can examine it..... Do you think the company they hired hauled the whole server off and only 1 person could examine it at a time or something like that?

when you simply need A COPY of the server, or 40 copies of the server that can be examined by MANY EXPERTS at once.

When you finish your MSCS let us know, mkey? A forensic expert in computers is out of my league. Who knows what files they can dig up? They don't want to do it all remotely. They don't want anyone touching it while they are accessing it.

Beast server was at Clinton house? Colorado? NJ? does anyone really know? so many stories......but did she ever give it up to FBI experts? After her lawyers played with Bleach-Bit software on the hard drive? ah...thanks.
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I'm not only running with that, I am damning you all to Hell with it!

And Damned To Hell you, your little gods and all the Lying souls that follow them will be!

I will enjoy watching you all get fucked in the ass for the next few elections!

For all the Surveillance Committed against President Trump you'd think one person would get charged with a crime if there was anything there at all.

Instead The Surveillance has Vindicated Trump and is Damning Obama and Clinton!

This is what Karma Looks Like!

Source E

I assume E is his last name?

Yeah, possibly the same one who gave Nunes the classified Russia documents.
For all the carrying on about "masked" sources and actors, one'd think by now that people would have a broader understanding of why sources don't always get named.....Alas....
Okay...you run with that...
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It is seldom acknowledged that (as even Assange has alluded to) there were anti-Clinton moles within the DNC who (again, according to Assange) fed pilfered and perhaps even made up disinformation on the Clinton campaign.

Steele stated the following:

In the wider context campaign/Kremlin co-operation, Source E claimed that the intelligence network being used against CLINTON comprised three elements. Firstly there were agents/facilitators within the Democratic Party structure itself; secondly Russian emigre and associated offensive cyber operators based in the US... and thirdly, state-sponsored cyber operatives working in Russia.

The senate intelligence committee seems to be placing quite a bit of validity on Steele's dossier, having shown that several allegations by Steele have proven accurate.

It would be interesting if the investigations widened the scope to include who and how many moles actually were burrowed into the DNC.

You can't believe ANYTHING that Julian Assange (founder of Wikileaks) says--who has been holed up in the Ecuador embassy in London for the last 4 years surrounded by UK police--who is avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges for what he did to G.W. Bush--(basically putting a target on all U.S soldiers backs) Of course, Julian Assange is going to try and twist his way out of this Russian connection, the USA wants him more than ever.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Just a couple of weeks ago, March 7, 2017 Wikileaks leaked thousands of CIA documents disclosing the tactics they use to catch TERRORISTS.

WikiLeaks Fast Facts - CNN.com

The people who love & trust Wikileaks (Julian Assange) are Trump and his supporters & of course, Vladimir Putin.

"In the final months of the 2016 campaign, longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone repeatedly discussed his backchannel communications with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and claimed knowledge of forthcoming leaks from the group, a CNN KFile review of his public statements shows.

Stone's comments about WikiLeaks have come under increased scrutiny as the FBI and congressional committees investigate whether Trump associates were involved in Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election."
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics.com

WIKILEAKS WORKS FOR RUSSIA. Putin sends out the hackers who in turn hand it over to Julian Assange (Wikileaks) to leak.

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It is seldom acknowledged that (as even Assange has alluded to) there were anti-Clinton moles within the DNC who (again, according to Assange) fed pilfered and perhaps even made up disinformation on the Clinton campaign.

Steele stated the following:

In the wider context campaign/Kremlin co-operation, Source E claimed that the intelligence network being used against CLINTON comprised three elements. Firstly there were agents/facilitators within the Democratic Party structure itself; secondly Russian emigre and associated offensive cyber operators based in the US... and thirdly, state-sponsored cyber operatives working in Russia.

The senate intelligence committee seems to be placing quite a bit of validity on Steele's dossier, having shown that several allegations by Steele have proven accurate.

It would be interesting if the investigations widened the scope to include who and how many moles actually were burrowed into the DNC.

Yeah, that IS interesting. That was one hell of a sophisticated operation on the part of Russia. Man, do those Ruskies know how to cheat and play dirty or what? It's totally amazing how deep this thing ran. No wonder Hillary looked like she had been through a war zone by election day. Sheesh!

We're only marginally aware of what really happened, it seems. Easily the dirtiest campaign I've ever seen in my life. Politics is no joke.

I should read that dossier...
I'll keep saying this because Lefty is too busy fucking himself in the ass and too stupid to understand any of this.

All conversations with Russia and The Trump Team were recorded.

There is nothing there. They tried to engage in Surveillance against President Trump and his team in the desperate hope of linking something anything on him, even after the election and failed.

They even recorded President Trump talking to Thailand, Mexico and Australia as well as others.

Now the very Surveillance they conducted which you Devil cock Sucking Bastards Claimed Never Happened Is Damning You and Your Party Striaght To Hell!

And you, Obama, Clinton, and The DNC deserve exactly what's coming.
It is seldom acknowledged that (as even Assange has alluded to) there were anti-Clinton moles within the DNC who (again, according to Assange) fed pilfered and perhaps even made up disinformation on the Clinton campaign.
Of course there were pissed off Sanders supporters in the DNC such as Seth Rich. Seth Rich had the means, motive and plenty of opportunity to leak the DNC emails.

Seth Rich took 2 bullets in the back shortly after the leak.
Steele is so good he paid unknamed surrogates who paid unamed surrogates to tell him these fairy tales.

BTW, Did you know that the senate intelligence committee that is investigating collusion between Trump and his buddies at the Kremlin, is inviting Steele to testify?

Maybe the repub.-led committee is also interested in "fairy tales"

I'm thrilled to death. I want to know first off who paid Steele to come up with this bullshit out of the so called never Trumpers. Then I want to know who in the Dems started to pay for his fairy tale and most of all........drum roll.......who gave McCain the big bucks to pay for the dossier to hand to the feds. I want that old mother fucker water borded if needed to find out how he got the dossier.

You bet I want these people dragged before the committees.Espescially that old mother fucker.
The best part of this whole thing is the Karmic Justice coming down the rails like a Freight Train for The Left.

They could have just crafted their lies, and not done The Surveillance and just kept pushing Fake News.

But they Fucked Up!

They wanted to Frame President Trump!

So they engaged in Surveillance. And every thing said by The Russians to The Trump Team was recorded.

And instead of damning President Trump, it exonerated him. Every time it has, over and over again.

The Dems won't let The Public Know how fucked they are but, we'll all know in 2018 when they get an Historic Beat Down.....Again!

Nice painting job Lefty. You painted yourself in the corner and can't get out.
So you are going to have to ride your failure in to the sunset like a villain banished from his home.

Watch the Atlantic Council. I'm certain many of you over the years have thought me looney tunes when I keep trying to drag you back into the Ukraine and her sphere and her importance but one more time we have all on the Atlantic Council and please check out all members not just Evelyn but most importantly Clinton's Pinchuk directing crucial parts of her campaign.

In the targeting of Manafort they out and out lied and said he was under investigation for corruption. It is a lie.
Source E

I assume E is his last name?

Yeah, possibly the same one who gave Nunes the classified Russia documents.

Probably not....

What Nunes got was legitimate.

What did Nunes get?

Break it down for us.

Data that was shared from the transition team that had members unmasked that had NOTHING to do with Russia. AKA they were spied on. Persons unmasked. Information shared and leaked.

Whoopsies/ Now we know Nunes has whistleblowers at the highest levels and he knows who the son of a bitch is who has been stonewalling him.
Source E

I assume E is his last name?

Yeah, possibly the same one who gave Nunes the classified Russia documents.

Probably not....

What Nunes got was legitimate.

What did Nunes get?

Break it down for us.

Data that was shared from the transition team that had members unmasked that had NOTHING to do with Russia. AKA they were spied on. Persons unmasked. Information shared and leaked.

Whoopsies/ Now we know Nunes has whistleblowers at the highest levels and he knows who the son of a bitch is who has been stonewalling him.

Source E

I assume E is his last name?

Yeah, possibly the same one who gave Nunes the classified Russia documents.

Probably not....

What Nunes got was legitimate.

What did Nunes get?

Break it down for us.

Data that was shared from the transition team that had members unmasked that had NOTHING to do with Russia. AKA they were spied on. Persons unmasked. Information shared and leaked.

Whoopsies/ Now we know Nunes has whistleblowers at the highest levels and he knows who the son of a bitch is who has been stonewalling him.

Just as I thought. None of the RWers have any understanding of this.

AKA they were spied on

Nothing in the "Nunes papers" says that at all.

Now we know Nunes has whistleblowers at the highest levels

Now we know it came from Trump staffers. Not whistleblowers.
Hmmm why didn't Hillary or the DNC let anyone examine their server??

Jake, I'm calling OSHA after this post and reporting the Internet Outreach effort that's depriving you of needed sleep
Why do you think they need to examine the server itself, and only 1 person can examine it..... Do you think the company they hired hauled the whole server off and only 1 person could examine it at a time or something like that?

when you simply need A COPY of the server, or 40 copies of the server that can be examined by MANY EXPERTS at once.

So no one had to examine the server to see if it was hacked, they just "knew" OK. It just feels like the Russians hacked it to me

That makes so much more sense

How did they "Copy" the server, you mean they ran it through a 3D printer?

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