a Page of Threads I am active in


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2012
Is there any way to create (or to find, if such a thing exists) a page which catalogues all the threads on which I have posted something so I can refresh a single page and see if there are new posts in those threads? As of now, I have to go to each forum and look to see if a thread I posted in shows any new movement. I'd like to have a page which I can update singularly and which will automatically add the newest threads I post to so I can work from a single page (not one that has ALL "new posts" because I only post on 2 or 3 threads at a time).

Just click on the User CP option on the top red banner. It will show all threads you have posted in.
Fascinating! I didn't realize that I get subscribed to a thread -- I saw the 3 "subscribed threads" only. Now I tried the "show all" and see the full list. This is perfect. Thanks!

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