A Patriot in the White House restoring American decency

The fringe is slowly being pushed back to where it came from.

Slowly but surely.

Phew. I was nervous there for a minute.
They seem to be twisting themselves in knots at the moment. In their deepest souls they know that they should applaud this but in doing so they betray the sacred legacy of the conman.

I think being a trumper looks like this these days.

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Listen to what they say: They're "at war". It's not about having a soul, it's about "beating" the "enemy" at all costs.
No President was ever more unpatriotic and less Presidential than Trump and his removal of the POW/MIA Flag from atop the White House. Thankfully, President Biden has restored the flag to where it belongs and nullified Trump's despicable action of taking it down.
It is simply a tiny man occupying an office and using it 24/7/365 to say fuck you to the previous administration.
Let us all pause for a moment, and allow the irony to wash over us, like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.
Perhaps he feels some guilt for adding to America's war wounds by voting for the illegal Iraq disaster.
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

The Harris/Biden Administration's policies are simply a series of "F You"s to Trump.
This is not what unity means....and this is not a rational policy.
It is simply a tiny man occupying an office and using it 24/7/365 to say fuck you to the previous administration.
They talked about how un-presidential Trump was....but these back-stabbing underhanded actions are about as un-presidential and classless as you can get.
Honouring American soldiers is, um, Un-American ? Seriously ? Did you graduate from Trump U ?
Like a typical progressive....you try to win arguments by lying...putting words in my mouth.
You do understand the difference between un-presidential and un-American, right?
They aren't the same word, dumbass.
It is simply a tiny man occupying an office and using it 24/7/365 to say fuck you to the previous administration.
Let us all pause for a moment, and allow the irony to wash over us, like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.
What is really ironic is Trump's passionate hatred of former POW John McCain has insured whenever someone looks at the flags above the White House they will be reminded of former POWs and specifically John McCain, ensuring McCain's legacy will last far longer and with greater respect than Trump's.
It is simply a tiny man occupying an office and using it 24/7/365 to say fuck you to the previous administration.
Let us all pause for a moment, and allow the irony to wash over us, like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.
What is really ironic is Trump's passionate hatred of former POW John McCain has insured whenever someone looks at the flags above the White House they will be reminded of former POWs and specifically John McCain, ensuring McCain's legacy will last far longer and with greater respect than Trump's.
He knew that he was required to hate and attack McCain, because talk radio hated and attacked McCain.

And he was right -- the sheep were perfectly fine with it, even cheered it.
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

While opening our borders, giving billions to trespassers and wanting to make peace with a nation that is threatening the Middle East.
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

The Harris/Biden Administration's policies are simply a series of "F You"s to Trump.
This is not what unity means....and this is not a rational policy.
It is simply a tiny man occupying an office and using it 24/7/365 to say fuck you to the previous administration.
They talked about how un-presidential Trump was....but these back-stabbing underhanded actions are about as un-presidential and classless as you can get.
Putting the POW/MIA flag back up is a Fk you to trump? If that is how you see it, then Fk You.
No President was ever more unpatriotic and less Presidential than Trump and his removal of the POW/MIA Flag from atop the White House. Thankfully, President Biden has restored the flag to where it belongs and nullified Trump's despicable action of taking it down.
When was it taken down and put in this new place of reverence that you folks claim is unpatriotic?
Isn't this just another case of you idiots biting at a yet another media scam?

Besides....what is more unpatriotic than placing the bust of a community organizer (Paid Troublemaker) Caesar Chavez behind your desk in the Oval Office. Community Organizers specialize in causing Chaos....and practice Saul Alinsky tactics. Community Service is a total misnomer designed to trick people into believing causing riots and spreading fascism all over the United States is providing service to society.
People like Biden just figure if it pays well....they'll go for just about anything.
So don't even start to preach about being a patriot.

It is simply a tiny man occupying an office and using it 24/7/365 to say fuck you to the previous administration.
Let us all pause for a moment, and allow the irony to wash over us, like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer day.
What is really ironic is Trump's passionate hatred of former POW John McCain has insured whenever someone looks at the flags above the White House they will be reminded of former POWs and specifically John McCain, ensuring McCain's legacy will last far longer and with greater respect than Trump's.
and the Dems love the fact that McCain almost sunk his own carrier and that when he was shot down and held as a POW the other prisoners gave him the nickname as Songbird.
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

Just a little history that dumbasses like the Muzzie Lover, always seem to forget. Yeah, the groper of women and children put up a "False Flag", but this is the real story of XiBiden.
Biden failed veterans as VP, he’d fail them again as president (militarytimes.com)
According to a 2019 Axios story, “Biden misrepresented nearly every detail of his involvement in a 2008 war story.” “Almost every part of Biden’s account appears false.” Per interviews conducted by the Washington Post, Biden got the “time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony.” How can veterans trust Biden when he shows his lack of respect with faked and misrepresented war stories?
Biden’s campaign website lists many accomplishments over his 40-year career in government to bolster his standing with veterans. The real story that veterans know is that during his time as vice president, the VA was poorly run, and veterans were hurt and died. The scandals veterans remember when Biden was vice president were the serious mismanagement of disability claims and the mortal results of misreported health care wait-times.

They seem to be twisting themselves in knots at the moment. In their deepest souls they know that they should applaud this but in doing so they betray the sacred legacy of the conman.
They seem to be twisting themselves in knots at the moment. In their deepest souls they know that they should criticize this but in doing so they betray the sacred legacy of the idiot
I will never understand the villification of john mccain. The same crybabies want someone patriotic who fights for america. Uhhhh mccain was all of that. Yet he was somehow such a bad person. He fought bravely and served courageously. He deserves the utmost respect for that.
The official bio on the Chavez Foundation website says, “Cesar made everyone, especially the farm workers, feel the jobs they were doing in the movement were very important.”

But the real Cesar Chavez treated his volunteers horribly: “Those of us who worked boycott operations worked 14-16 hour days, often 7 days a week. We were paid $5/week and had to beg for donated food to eat. Once we were burned out, the UFW happily replaced us in a process Chavez once compared with pumping water,” writes Manley.

And Chavez actually had contempt for the farmworkers. In a meeting in 1977, he referred to them as “pigs.” The comments were reportedly removed from the minutes of the meeting: “Every time we look at [the farmworkers], they want more money. Like pigs, you know. Here we’re slaving, and we’re starving and the goddam workers don’t give a shit about anything because we don’t train them, you know, we don’t teach them anything.

Chavez, the supposed hero of Mexican-Americans, also was an active enemy of illegal immigrants, whom he saw as a threat to striking workers. The UFW even carried out violence against illegals: “Under the supervision of Chavez’s cousin, Manuel, UFW members tried at first to persuade Mexicans not to cross the border. One time when that didn’t work, they physically attacked and beat them up to scare them off…”
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

The Harris/Biden Administration's policies are simply a series of "F You"s to Trump.
This is not what unity means....and this is not a rational policy.
It is simply a tiny man occupying an office and using it 24/7/365 to say fuck you to the previous administration.
They talked about how un-presidential Trump was....but these back-stabbing underhanded actions are about as un-presidential and classless as you can get.
Honouring American soldiers is, um, Un-American ? Seriously ? Did you graduate from Trump U ?
you don't know shit about the US...you make a fool of yourself every time you post crap like the OP
I will never understand the villification of john mccain. The same crybabies want someone patriotic who fights for america. Uhhhh mccain was all of that. Yet he was somehow such a bad person. He fought bravely and served courageously. He deserves the utmost respect for that.
McCain was a back-stabbing asshole who helped arm ISIS and prevented the repeal of Obamacare.
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Step by step the stench of trump is being removed from history. The removal of the flag was an act so typical of trump as it arose out of his infantile campaign against a dying POW. Its an act almost impossible to compute unless you do so through the rather blurred lens of trump.

Now the President is a man who loves his country and not himself. Decency is returning to America and the whole world benefits.

While opening our borders, giving billions to trespassers and wanting to make peace with a nation that is threatening the Middle East.
Biden has supported POW/MIA families since the earliest days of the issue. His concern for the issue has always been genuine and his record reflects strong support. I remember him supporting Republicans in the Senate whenever they proposed pro-POW/MIA bills, politics be damned.

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