A perfect example of how you wish you had a gun.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

This, in the commie state of oregon. Woman calls 911 cause a man is breaking into her house.

Listen to the whole call. Listen to the dumb 911 operator. A white obviously left wing woman. You, can just tell.

Do not worry though, cause wealthy left wingers would not deal with such shit. Living in private communities, they have armed guards and walls.
Uhhhh, this is not a current event. Uhhhh, it was from a few years ago.
Leftist solution:

Call the police tomorrow.


Try to sneak out.

Stay calm.

Try to reason with him.

Don't use a gun. Guns are bad, mmmkay.

And people don't believe me when I say government law enforcement has neither the ability nor the legal obligation to help you
Can you hide? Just go hide.

Can you ask him to go away?

Do you hear her pathetic arrogant voice just indifferent to the victims predicament?

BTW, the woman was brutally raped.
I know.

But, whatever you do, don't use a gun. That would be an unnecessary use of deadly force. The rapist has rights, you know. You should wait until the rape is over, pray he doesn't kill you, then call the Sheriff's office in the morning.

This, in the commie state of oregon. Woman calls 911 cause a man is breaking into her house.

Listen to the whole call. Listen to the dumb 911 operator. A white obviously left wing woman. You, can just tell.

Do not worry though, cause wealthy left wingers would not deal with such shit. Living in private communities, they have armed guards and walls.

The problem with the Left and the general public is that they think all there is to guns is what they read about and see on TV when a tragedy happens. That makes good news. Ban the guns! They never hear about or consider the many, many more lives saved every year by people able to defend themselves, because those stories seldom make headlines. If any of these gun bans succeed, they will only do what every other leftist action does---- have the exact opposite of the stated intent. Gun bans will COST lives. So what will the idiots do? They will try to ban MORE guns. Our lives are in the hands of children!
The only guarantee of personal safety is if you do it yourself.
One of the proven facts of modern society is that "When seconds count, the police are minutes away"

Fuck That, All the woman is my family wife, daughter, (2) sisters and now a daughter in law are armed and know how to use them. Daughter in law still needs more work but she is getting there.

We live in a pretty safe semi-rural area and this is still important. Defensive carry and situational awareness is more important to women than men.

I am pleased that the CPL classes I'm involved with have seen a lot more women of all races become CPL holders.

These women are much are likely to take additional training also compared to their male counterparts as the male believe once they have their carry permit they are ready.

Bottom line men of all races like to rape.

I don't know what Oregon's laws are, but here once he is partially inside and destroyed property to enter, two to the center of mass is all that is needed.
But if she kills him the man is dead. If she is beaten and raped she is still alive. Follow a little lefty logic.
That is unbelievable, I guess in that shit hole police are only days away when seconds count.

You must understand. The rich elitist left wingers are protected, nothing else matters.

Like how they demand that you eat like them. I mean if you cannot afford to shop at Whole Foods or their expensive smoothie shops and vegan restaurants, tough. All they know is they can afford it.

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