A perfect question that was not asked

Awwwww, does your pussy hurt, you sniveling little bitch?

And how am I a leftist? I was always under the impressions that leftists were afraif of hard work. If either of us is a leftist, it would be you. I've worked hard to be successful. You want to have shit handed to you. Well, fuck you. That's not how life works. If you weren't a fucking retard you'd know that...

Who says that can't happen?

You're a retard, so I don't expect you to not reply to that or run off at the mouth...

Who says the American dream on a single income isn't attainable? Again, it's a question of what you're willing to put out for the rewards you hope to reap. You? You're a lazy fucking retard, so you want everything given to you. Good Americans, though, understand that if they work hard they can make their own success...

I'm hardly out of touch, you ball-gargling cum-guzzler. But, clearly, you believe that expecting someone to work for what they want is "out of touch".

It's not my fault you've proven to be nothing more than a pathetic failure in your shitty little life and now need to be supported by good people who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty and earn what they want.

You're the worst kind of scumbag there is...
Now that I have stopped giggling at the absurdity of this back and forth, I'm willing to bet that neither one of these two have attained the age of reason.
If you think one guy controls the whole show you are kidding yerself.

I think you have it backwards.
The fear is that the wealthy elite have taken over both parties.
The concern is not over "one guy" but that the "one guy" is obviously symbolic of all the ways all of our media, representatives, etc., have all been taken over.
It started way before Biden, since the Vietnam war was evidence of the country having been taken over by the corrupt wealthy elite.
But Biden did his part, in the 1990s pushing the war on drugs, mandated sentences, federal gun control, offshoring of technology to China, loss of domestic jobs, union busting, etc.
Now that I have stopped giggling at the absurdity of this back and forth, I'm willing to bet that neither one of these two have attained the age of reason.
As I recall, being brought up a Catholic, the church preached that by your 7th year you attained the age of reason. One of the many reasons I left the church by the ripe old age of 8.
There is no way to spend trillions of US taxes starting a war in the Ukraine, without it hurting most people here in the US.
I support myself, douchebag, and have done more and harder work than you've ever been capable of in your life.

The fuck you have...

Show me how an American can own a home, support a family, have 1-2 vehicles + an RV or boat on a single income these days, faggot. That's a rarity instead of the norm like it used to be.

What's with the "own a home, support a family, have 1-2 vehicles + an RV or boat on a single income" bullshit? When I was growing up, we had a large two bedroom house on Long Island on a half acre. We had one car; a 1965 Plymouth Belvedere. A boat or an RV was never a consideration. In fact, only one family I knew growing up, that of Michael Eastman, had a boat. If the name "Eastman" sounds familiar, it's because his great, great grandfather was George Eastman, the founder of Eastman-Kodak. Having a boat was far from the norm, and literally no one I knew had an RV.

My Dad was a truck driver and provided well for his family. See, retard, that's what you're too stupid to understand, you cocksucking little ass-licker. The American dream is providing for and taking care of your family. That's it; maybe put a little aside for vacations and send the kids to college. Boats and RVS's were luxuries. We didn't need them then and you don't need them now...

It used to be very easily attainable if you were willing to work. It isn't now, denialist cocksucker.

Bullshit. Take your defeatist attitude and shove it up your probably well-lubed ass. Nothing is unattainable if you're willing to work for it. You're a lazy little ball-sucker, though, so it's no wonder you're left wanting...

The rules still work for me somehow, but I'm aware they do not for a large majority of upcoming Americans.

Okay, that's super. I think you're lying, but I'll let you have that just for argument's sake...

I see that as a problem, whereas you say "Fuck 'em! I got mine."

What do you think I should do? I already help those who want more than what they have. I teach them what I know so they can learn from the mistakes I made. How is that a "Fuck 'em! I got mine" attitude? Is it because I'm not giving them some of what I have? Why would I do that? If I do that it has no value to them.

If you knew the first thing about "hard work" you would be able to comprehend that...

I got mine, too; but I'm not a giant Douchebag McShitLord like you.

You're such a shit-eating retard. I bet you wore a helmet and harness on the playground when you were a kid, didn't you?

Do you eat your boogers, too?

I have two very successful business. But I was a day away from closing them more times than I care to count. But I kept at it. I worked hard (your claim to the same is a laughable joke) and I kept at it. I had dedication and perseverance. I knew what I wanted, and I worked my ass off to get it.

It's pathetic that you find that so offensive. You're such a fucking liberal...
I think you have it backwards.
The fear is that the wealthy elite have taken over both parties.
The concern is not over "one guy" but that the "one guy" is obviously symbolic of all the ways all of our media, representatives, etc., have all been taken over.
It started way before Biden, since the Vietnam war was evidence of the country having been taken over by the corrupt wealthy elite.
But Biden did his part, in the 1990s pushing the war on drugs, mandated sentences, federal gun control, offshoring of technology to China, loss of domestic jobs, union busting, etc.
That happened over one hundred years ago when the GOP sold out to the industrialist.
The fuck you have...

What's with the "own a home, support a family, have 1-2 vehicles + an RV or boat on a single income" bullshit? When I was growing up, we had a large two bedroom house on Long Island on a half acre. We had one car; a 1965 Plymouth Belvedere. A boat or an RV was never a consideration. In fact, only one family I knew growing up, that of Michael Eastman, had a boat. If the name "Eastman" sounds familiar, it's because his great, great grandfather was George Eastman, the founder of Eastman-Kodak. Having a boat was far from the norm, and literally no one I knew had an RV.

My Dad was a truck driver and provided well for his family. See, retard, that's what you're too stupid to understand, you cocksucking little ass-licker. The American dream is providing for and taking care of your family. That's it; maybe put a little aside for vacations and send the kids to college. Boats and RVS's were luxuries. We didn't need them then and you don't need them now...

Bullshit. Take your defeatist attitude and shove it up your probably well-lubed ass. Nothing is unattainable if you're willing to work for it. You're a lazy little ball-sucker, though, so it's no wonder you're left wanting...

Okay, that's super. I think you're lying, but I'll let you have that just for argument's sake...

What do you think I should do? I already help those who want more than what they have. I teach them what I know so they can learn from the mistakes I made. How is that a "Fuck 'em! I got mine" attitude? Is it because I'm not giving them some of what I have? Why would I do that? If I do that it has no value to them.

If you knew the first thing about "hard work" you would be able to comprehend that...

You're such a shit-eating retard. I bet you wore a helmet and harness on the playground when you were a kid, didn't you?

Do you eat your boogers, too?

I have two very successful business. But I was a day away from closing them more times than I care to count. But I kept at it. I worked hard (your claim to the same is a laughable joke) and I kept at it. I had dedication and perseverance. I knew what I wanted, and I worked my ass off to get it.

It's pathetic that you find that so offensive. You're such a fucking liberal...A) There's nothing wrong with with liberals.

A) There's nothing wrong with liberals

B) You're a Long Island New Yorker Obnoxious shithead. I highly doubt your dad owned a large home in L.I. on just a trucker's income. There were some extraneous factors there, motherfucker.


The family that raised me had a house in Long Island, too. It wasn't big, and the man of the house made about 3x what a trucker does. I'm sure it's gone now. :auiqs.jpg:

Probably something 120 stories high there now.
A) There's nothing wrong with liberals

I knew you were one of the unclean...
B) You're a Long Island New Yorker Obnoxious shithead. I highly doubt your dad owned a large home in L.I. on just a trucker's income. There were some extraneous factors there, motherfucker.

I don't give a fuck what you doubt, and there were no extraneous factors. Mom and Dad bought this house in 1960 for $14,000:


If I recall correctly, their monthly mortgage payment was just under $300 a month.

And please tell me that you can fathom what a "large two bedroom house" might suggest. It wasn't a "large house". It was a large 2BR house, you dickless fuck...


The family that raised me had a house in Long Island, too. It wasn't big, and the man of the house made about 3x what a trucker does. I'm sure it's gone now. :auiqs.jpg:

Probably something 120 stories high there now.

Why would it be gone?

The house I grew up in; the one pictured above, was built in 1855. It's still there (albeit with many upgrades).

Just proves that you're simply too fucking stupid to know what you're talking about. There are no skyscrapers on Long Island, idiot...
I knew you were one of the unclean...

I don't give a fuck what you doubt, and there were no extraneous factors. Mom and Dad bought this house in 1960 for $14,000:

View attachment 711979

If I recall correctly, their monthly mortgage payment was just under $300 a month.

And please tell me that you can fathom what a "large two bedroom house" might suggest. It wasn't a "large house". It was a large 2BR house, you dickless fuck...

Why would it be gone?

The house I grew up in; the one pictured above, was built in 1855. It's still there (albeit with many upgrades).

Just proves that you're simply too fucking stupid to know what you're talking about. There are no skyscrapers on Long Island, idiot...
You sure about that, faggot prick?

Well, maybe not skyscapers, but no longer single family homes.

What's this, faggot? Does that look like 2 bedroom houses to you?

Huh? STFU bitch, and stop trying to be so hyperbolic and wrong.

I'll look up if the old house is still there, but I won't post it here.
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You sure about that, faggot prick?

Very, cum-guzzler...
Well, maybe not skyscapers, but no longer single family homes.

You're so ignorant I'm actually starting get a little concerned that you might be allowed out in public.

There are single family homes throughout Long Island, you fucking dipshit. Saying there are no longer single family homes on the Island only amplifies what we already knew was a profound level of stupidity on your part...

What's this, faggot? Does that look like 2 bedroom houses to you?

I see, so you can't have this conversation honestly, so you take the bullshitter's route.

Did I ever once; even once, say there were no apartment buildings on Long Island? No, I don't believe I did. So stop being such a lying little shit-eating faggot...

Huh? STFU bitch, and stop trying to be so hyperbolic and wrong.

The only one here who's wrong is you, because you're showing how utterly fucking clueless you are...

I'll look up if the old house is still there, but I won't post it here.

Oh, sure, and we'll take you at your word, too.

Not happenin', you lying faggot...

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