A perfect question that was not asked

They'd have been equally pathetic if they asked if he knew the price of the cone, because the chances that he paid for it are likely slim to none.

Besides, I want to know what flavor ice cream he likes. If he goes for chocolate or vanilla; the classics, that's fine. Even something like Rocky Road, Oreo or chocolate chip peanut butter cookie dough (my personal go-to) would work.

Strawberry? Pistachio? Fuck that. He's unfit for office at that point...
I love Pistachio ice cream. Even though I am a hard core Conservative that would make me be unfit to be President?

Are you the Food Police?

There are many things to hate about this corrupt incompetent Potatohead piece of shit. The flavor ice cream he eats isn't one of them.
That is why the MSM has no credibility any more.

There are a thousand questions that should be asked of Potatohead on how he has stolen an election and fucked up this country so bad but those little Left wing media turds won't ask.

They play for the same team.

I know that you know that.

The only reason that the Democrat Party is able to survive is that the Democratic Media runs interference for them.

If we wait on the Democrat Media to turn against the Democrats ..............
That is why the MSM has no credibility any more.

There are a thousand questions that should be asked of Potatohead on how he has stolen an election and fucked up this country so bad but those little Left wing media turds won't ask.

20 years ago biden would simply have lied.

today he literally has no idea about anything.
I love Pistachio ice cream. Even though I am a hard core Conservative that would make me be unfit to be President?

Are you the Food Police?

There are many things to hate about this corrupt incompetent Potatohead piece of shit. The flavor ice cream he eats isn't one of them.

No. Not in a coma.

Simply putting an explanation point on the real issue.

Lying by omission is lying. Period.

<insert huge eye roll here>

If I go to any of your social media pages, will I find negative stories about your loved ones that you posted?
When President Biden was eating his waffle cone with ice cream this weekend in front of the press......Maybe someone should have asked him if he knew how much the cone cost....and then ask him how much the same cone cost last year?

May sound funny......but it could have made a difference in his perspective of what middle class America is facing.

But no...he gets question like "what flavor ice cream are you eating"

Press is pathetic.
So, if Biden did actually know the answer to those questions, you don't think he would deflect somehow? He's already told us inflation is zero and that we're not in a recession.
No, he's just a jealous fuck, nothing more. His ignorant suggestion that I don't give a damn about by neighbors, bvased on the fact that I don't care if something costs $3 or $10, marks him as a pathetically jealous little bitch...

I'd like it if people weren't saddled with adversity, but life is life and shit happens. While I've worked damn hard in this life, I completely understand that others work as hard, if not harder, but can just never seem to catch a break.

It's unfortunate, but it's not my responsibility...
It's obvious from your posts you don't care about other people. You got yours and fuck 'em is your philosophy.

The MAGA movement is exactly the opposite of that. We want things to be better for all Americans, for them to have the freedoms and

opportunities we had growing up in America. Opportunities that have disappeared due to onerous regulations, crony capitalism, (possible fascism) and taxes and thousands

of new laws. People have to do 100%+ more work to pay for housing these days compared to all the other times in America.

That bigly cuts into disposable income and therefore business opportunities for all.

Not to mention food and utility prices taking a bigger percentage of peoples' money.

The only things cheaper these days is phone and televisions, which are used extensively for propaganda.
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It's obvious from your posts you don't care about other people.

I do care about other people.

You just don't happen to be one of those people...

You got yours and fuck 'em is your philosophy.

Not at all. In fact, you couldn't be more wrong.

I like seeing people be successful. Let's face it, you can't do much in this world if you don't have money. I've been poor and I've been wealthy and, trust me when I tell you this, wealthy is better.

But that doesn't mean that I should give my wealth away. What I will do, and have done, is help people become successful for themselves. I've got a long history of bad mistakes which others can learn from, and I'll willingly share those mistakes with anyone who asks for my help so they can avoid the pitfalls which will inevitably pop up.

Or do you think that that caring about people is simply giving them money?

The MAGA movement is exactly the opposite of that. We want things to be better for all Americans, for them to have the freedoms and
opportunities we had growing up in America.

How are you going to go about accomplishing that?

I would love to see exactly that, as well, so it's pretty stupid for you to believe that I'm an "I've got mine" kinda' guy. What I am is an "I've got mine, now let me help you get yours" kinda' guy...

Opportunities that have disappeared due to onerous regulations, crony capitalism, (possible fascism) and taxes and thousands of new laws. People have to do 100%+ more work to pay for housing these days compared to all the other times in America.

Okay, so again, what are you going to do about that? What are you, "The Duke", going to do in order to help alleviate that which you find problematic? It's fine to run your mouth anonymously on an internet forum but, in the long run, that'll accomplish dick. Are you actually helping the situation? Are you going out there and trying to right the wrongs that you see? Because, if not, you're just flappin' your gums...

That bigly cuts into disposable income and therefore business opportunities for all.

And that's a bad thing.

What are you doing about it?

Not to mention food and utility prices taking a bigger percentage of peoples' money.

I get the very distinct impression that, for some reason, you believe I'm not impacted by the rising costs of pretty much everything. I still have to buy food. I still have utility bills to pay. Just like you, I'm paying more for everything. Do you think otherwise? Because it would be stupid to frame your argument against me by using something I am also absolutely affected by...

The only things cheaper these days is phone and televisions, which are used extensively for propaganda.

That depends entirely on how you use them. Then again, how they're used isn't really pertinent to this discussion...
I do care about other people.

You just don't happen to be one of those people...
And why is that, hmm?

I do not need anything from you. Thank God.

I just want to see future Americans have at least the same freedoms and opportunities I had growing up; And some of them are simply not there in modern times. They have been systematically stripped away year after after year.
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And why is that, hmm?

Well, for starters, because you're a know-nothing prick...

I do not need anything from you. Thank God.

No one "needs" anything from me. And I've got news for you, outside of your wife and kids (assuming you're a family man), no one "needs" anything from you, either...

I just want to see future Americans have at least the same freedoms and opportunities I had growing up; And some of them are simply not there in modern times.

Well, I've asked you a number of times and you seem afraid to answer: What are you doing to improve the sad situation you see? What are you doing to help people who, according to you, don't have the opportunities which you had growing up?

I would submit that those opportunities actually still exist. The existence of those opportunities isn't the problem. The problem is that people are afraid to work to get them...
Well, for starters, because you're a know-nothing prick...

No one "needs" anything from me. And I've got news for you, outside of your wife and kids (assuming you're a family man), no one "needs" anything from you, either...

Well, I've asked you a number of times and you seem afraid to answer: What are you doing to improve the sad situation you see? What are you doing to help people who, according to you, don't have the opportunities which you had growing up?

I would submit that those opportunities actually still exist. The existence of those opportunities isn't the problem. The problem is that people are afraid to work to get them...
I'm working on something..

I'm a know-nothing prick, but you claim the same opportunities exist today as did in the 70s? Go fuck yourself with that. That is simply not the case.

You're either intentionally lying or ignorant as fuck. I move it's the former.
I'm working on something.

Cool story, bro...

I'm a know-nothing prick

Lookiethere! I'm right again...

but you claim the same opportunities exist today as did in the 70s? Go fuck yourself with that.

Why do you think they don't exist?

Instead of just being the prick we know you are, try to employ a modicum of intelligence and explain what someone could do in 1976 that they can't do in 2022.

Because, without that, "I'm working on something" is completely meaningless...
Cool story, bro...

Lookiethere! I'm right again...

Why do you think they don't exist?

Instead of just being the prick we know you are, try to employ a modicum of intelligence and explain what someone could do in 1976 that they can't do in 2022.

Because, without that, "I'm working on something" is completely meaningless...
Because unnecessary laws and housing prices, onerous taxes, Obama's cash4clunkers, and utility prices, and regulations have made those opportunities evaporate, you fucking idiot.

I'm working on making an affordable housing situation for whoever I can afford to. Whether habitat-for-humanity type houses or trailers, it matters not. Being I'm in Florida, I'd like for them to be able to shelter safely in them during a hurricane. That requires a sturdily-built structure or at least a hurricane shelter on the property. Looking to charge the lowest rent possible as long as it's not a negative and some is reserved for inevitable upkeep costs. This is not my 1st rodeo.
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Because unnecessary laws and housing prices, onerous taxes, Obama's cash4clunkers, and utility prices, and regulations have made those opportunities evaporate, you fucking idiot.

Eat a dick, you sniveling little twat. It's becoming apparent that you're not up for an intelligent conversation about this.

It's also becoming apparent that not only are you afraid of hard work, you quite obviously don't believe anyone else should work hard. You're making that more clear with every post.

"Unnecessary laws"? What "unnecessary laws are you talking about?

Yes, housing prices are high. That happens. In 1976 the average cost for a 3BR/2BA house in the United States was right around $44,000, give or take. Today it's closer to $428,000. Yeah, that's a shit ton of money, but it's still attainable for those willing to do the hard work to get it.

I don't have the impression you're one of those people...

I'm working on making an affordable housing situation for whoever I can afford to. Whether habitat-for-humanity type houses or trailers, it matters not. Being I'm in Florida, I'd like for them to be able to shelter safely in them during a hurricane. That requires a sturdily-built structure or at least a hurricane shelter on the property. Looking to charge the lowest rent possible as long as it's not a negative and some is reserved for inevitable upkeep costs.

Many a fool has believed his home was hurricane proof. When the big one hits, sheltering on the property runs a distant second to getting the fuck out of Dodge.

You still haven't said which opportunities don't exist anymore. I harbor no illusion that you're up to the challenge of identifying them, but I'd really like to know what you think those extinct opportunities were...
Eat a dick, you sniveling little twat. It's becoming apparent that you're not up for an intelligent conversation about this.

It's also becoming apparent that not only are you afraid of hard work, you quite obviously don't believe anyone else should work hard. You're making that more clear with every post.

"Unnecessary laws"? What "unnecessary laws are you talking about?

Yes, housing prices are high. That happens. In 1976 the average cost for a 3BR/2BA house in the United States was right around $44,000, give or take. Today it's closer to $428,000. Yeah, that's a shit ton of money, but it's still attainable for those willing to do the hard work to get it.

I don't have the impression you're one of those people...

Many a fool has believed his home was hurricane proof. When the big one hits, sheltering on the property runs a distant second to getting the fuck out of Dodge.

You still haven't said which opportunities don't exist anymore. I harbor no illusion that you're up to the challenge of identifying them, but I'd really like to know what you think those extinct opportunities were...
You eat a bag of donkey dicks, leftist cocksucker.

#1 opportunity is being able to pay for housing for 1 month with one weeks' worth of work, faggot.

#2 is living The American Dream on a single income being attainable for most people, cocksuck leftist shitbag.

#3 is Fuck You, you donkey dick-eating out-of-touch motherfucker!
You eat a bag of donkey dicks, leftist cocksucker.

Awwwww, does your pussy hurt, you sniveling little bitch?

And how am I a leftist? I was always under the impressions that leftists were afraif of hard work. If either of us is a leftist, it would be you. I've worked hard to be successful. You want to have shit handed to you. Well, fuck you. That's not how life works. If you weren't a fucking retard you'd know that...

#1 opportunity is being able to pay for housing for 1 month with one weeks' worth of work, faggot.

Who says that can't happen?

You're a retard, so I don't expect you to not reply to that or run off at the mouth...

#2 is living The American Dream on a single income being attainable for most people, cocksuck leftist shitbag.

Who says the American dream on a single income isn't attainable? Again, it's a question of what you're willing to put out for the rewards you hope to reap. You? You're a lazy fucking retard, so you want everything given to you. Good Americans, though, understand that if they work hard they can make their own success...

#3 is Fuck You, you donkey dick-eating out-of-touch motherfucker!

I'm hardly out of touch, you ball-gargling cum-guzzler. But, clearly, you believe that expecting someone to work for what they want is "out of touch".

It's not my fault you've proven to be nothing more than a pathetic failure in your shitty little life and now need to be supported by good people who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty and earn what they want.

You're the worst kind of scumbag there is...
Awwwww, does your pussy hurt, you sniveling little bitch?

And how am I a leftist? I was always under the impressions that leftists were afraif of hard work. If either of us is a leftist, it would be you. I've worked hard to be successful. You want to have shit handed to you. Well, fuck you. That's not how life works. If you weren't a fucking retard you'd know that...

Who says that can't happen?

You're a retard, so I don't expect you to not reply to that or run off at the mouth...

Who says the American dream on a single income isn't attainable? Again, it's a question of what you're willing to put out for the rewards you hope to reap. You? You're a lazy fucking retard, so you want everything given to you. Good Americans, though, understand that if they work hard they can make their own success...

I'm hardly out of touch, you ball-gargling cum-guzzler. But, clearly, you believe that expecting someone to work for what they want is "out of touch".

It's not my fault you've proven to be nothing more than a pathetic failure in your shitty little life and now need to be supported by good people who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty and earn what they want.

You're the worst kind of scumbag there is...
I support myself, douchebag, and have done more and harder work than you've ever been capable of in your life.

Show me how an American can own a home, support a family, have 1-2 vehicles + an RV or boat on a single income these days, faggot. That's a rarity instead of the norm like it used to be.

It used to be very easily attainable if you were willing to work. It isn't now, denialist cocksucker.

The rules still work for me somehow, but I'm aware they do not for a large majority of upcoming Americans.

I see that as a problem, whereas you say "Fuck 'em! I got mine."

I got mine, too; but I'm not a giant Douchebag Cocksucker McShitLord like you.
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