A picture of Obama's gross and total incompetence!

- Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for five years and freed in exchange for five detainees in Guantanamo Bay, will face charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy in a general court-martial, the Army announced on Monday.

If convicted, Bergdahl could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.
News from The Associated Press

Remember Obama hosting Bergdahl's parents?
May 31, 2014 - In the White House Rose Garden, President Obama delivers a ... President Barack Obama hugs Jani and Bob Bergdahl, the parents of Sgt.
View attachment 56888

This is the President congratulating the parents

At the minimum how could the WH staff even consider this event much less this picture of the parents of what will be a Deserter who will be facing If convicted,could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.

Again the gross incompetency of Obama and the people he has around him totally ignorant of the
optics that will forever show Obama as the bungling, inept, idiot who gave up 5 Taliban (NOT TALIBON Obama!!) leaders who are now back at the front for the Deserter. What kind of administration does
Obama have working for him?

The point is to bring ALL Americans home, whether they be dead heroes, heroic POWs, POW's who cracked under torture, or even possibly disloyal deserters. In Bergdahl's case, he may be a combination of the last two. At any rate, America is better off getting ALL our soldiers home, regardless of whether they were model soldiers, or not. But there's another good reason to get Bergdahl back to the States. That's because he might every well be able to provide valuable intelligence in any debriefing.
He left his post in a combat zone during a War!


Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
Your full of it..................His unit pretty much laid it out already............He hauled ass and men died trying to save his ass.

Your emotion will have no place in court. People get these things confused all the time. It doesn't matter what you think, what you feel, what anyone else thinks or feels, it only matters what can be proven. Opinions about his intentions are not evidence, they are here-say and opinion.

You can flail around all you want, in court evidence rules. He will testify on the stand WHY he was off base, and it won't be "I was deserting". He's already stated in an interview recently he wanted to feel like some super soldier and when he had wandered too far from base he knew he had made a mistake.

Emote all you want if it helps you. Evidence ignores emotion. Sorry.

It won't matter how he "felt".

You're pretty dense aren't you dumbo. Reread and try again.

You're in no position to be calling anyone "dumbo," dumbass. Eagle is correct. How he felt is of no relevance to the charges.
- Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for five years and freed in exchange for five detainees in Guantanamo Bay, will face charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy in a general court-martial, the Army announced on Monday.

If convicted, Bergdahl could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.
News from The Associated Press

Remember Obama hosting Bergdahl's parents?
May 31, 2014 - In the White House Rose Garden, President Obama delivers a ... President Barack Obama hugs Jani and Bob Bergdahl, the parents of Sgt.
View attachment 56888

This is the President congratulating the parents

At the minimum how could the WH staff even consider this event much less this picture of the parents of what will be a Deserter who will be facing If convicted,could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.

Again the gross incompetency of Obama and the people he has around him totally ignorant of the
optics that will forever show Obama as the bungling, inept, idiot who gave up 5 Taliban (NOT TALIBON Obama!!) leaders who are now back at the front for the Deserter. What kind of administration does
Obama have working for him?

The point is to bring ALL Americans home, whether they be dead heroes, heroic POWs, POW's who cracked under torture, or even possibly disloyal deserters. In Bergdahl's case, he may be a combination of the last two. At any rate, America is better off getting ALL our soldiers home, regardless of whether they were model soldiers, or not. But there's another good reason to get Bergdahl back to the States. That's because he might every well be able to provide valuable intelligence in any debriefing.

Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
Your full of it..................His unit pretty much laid it out already............He hauled ass and men died trying to save his ass.

Your emotion will have no place in court. People get these things confused all the time. It doesn't matter what you think, what you feel, what anyone else thinks or feels, it only matters what can be proven. Opinions about his intentions are not evidence, they are here-say and opinion.

You can flail around all you want, in court evidence rules. He will testify on the stand WHY he was off base, and it won't be "I was deserting". He's already stated in an interview recently he wanted to feel like some super soldier and when he had wandered too far from base he knew he had made a mistake.

Emote all you want if it helps you. Evidence ignores emotion. Sorry.

It won't matter how he "felt".

You're pretty dense aren't you dumbo. Reread and try again.

You're in no position to be calling anyone "dumbo," dumbass. Eagle is correct. How he felt is of no relevance to the charges.

Another dumbo, go read the post Pinky.
Your full of it..................His unit pretty much laid it out already............He hauled ass and men died trying to save his ass.

Your emotion will have no place in court. People get these things confused all the time. It doesn't matter what you think, what you feel, what anyone else thinks or feels, it only matters what can be proven. Opinions about his intentions are not evidence, they are here-say and opinion.

You can flail around all you want, in court evidence rules. He will testify on the stand WHY he was off base, and it won't be "I was deserting". He's already stated in an interview recently he wanted to feel like some super soldier and when he had wandered too far from base he knew he had made a mistake.

Emote all you want if it helps you. Evidence ignores emotion. Sorry.

It won't matter how he "felt".

You're pretty dense aren't you dumbo. Reread and try again.

You're in no position to be calling anyone "dumbo," dumbass. Eagle is correct. How he felt is of no relevance to the charges.

Another dumbo, go read the post Pinky.

I already did. Apparently you believe it proves something that it doesn't prove.
Your emotion will have no place in court. People get these things confused all the time. It doesn't matter what you think, what you feel, what anyone else thinks or feels, it only matters what can be proven. Opinions about his intentions are not evidence, they are here-say and opinion.

You can flail around all you want, in court evidence rules. He will testify on the stand WHY he was off base, and it won't be "I was deserting". He's already stated in an interview recently he wanted to feel like some super soldier and when he had wandered too far from base he knew he had made a mistake.

Emote all you want if it helps you. Evidence ignores emotion. Sorry.

It won't matter how he "felt".

You're pretty dense aren't you dumbo. Reread and try again.

You're in no position to be calling anyone "dumbo," dumbass. Eagle is correct. How he felt is of no relevance to the charges.

Another dumbo, go read the post Pinky.

I already did. Apparently you believe it proves something that it doesn't prove.

It just proves your comprehension is lacking. No worries, I don't expect much more than that.
It won't matter how he "felt".

You're pretty dense aren't you dumbo. Reread and try again.

You're in no position to be calling anyone "dumbo," dumbass. Eagle is correct. How he felt is of no relevance to the charges.

Another dumbo, go read the post Pinky.

I already did. Apparently you believe it proves something that it doesn't prove.

It just proves your comprehension is lacking. No worries, I don't expect much more than that.

My comprehension is perfect. So is my understanding of your intellectual abilities, which are zero.
There isn't enough evidence to convict him. The military basically has to argue that a US soldier wanted to be captured by the Taliban.

Who the f#$k would believe that under any circumstances.

The guy was maybe confused, had bad judgement, blah blah blah. But court-martial? It won't happen. The military will likely just trying to dishonorably discharge him and that will be it.
He left his post in a combat zone during a War!


Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
He left his weapon, helmet and body armor behind. In the military if you are taught anything it is that a soldier without his weapon is useless. That is a clear act of desertion.
Yeah shoot the asshole. And then try Obama for treason too.
The whole point of the THREAD though was the gross incompetence of Obama!
He hired the people that said "Hey let's bring Bergdahl's parents for a Rose Garden ceremony!"
Oh yea that was such a GREAT optic!

Why is it so hard to get people to recognize Obama had NO experience in hiring people. He hired people that thought the same way he did!
Obama hired incompetent people as Obama was grossly incompetent. NO one seems to jump on this aspect!
You just don't see stupidity of this magnitude!
90%+ of the respondents in your thread are rw'ers and life-long civilians as well no doubt.

OP, you run for President? No? Then :anj_stfu:
Remind me what unit you served with an your MOS.
Bergdahl is a no-good traitor. He walked away from his post in a time of war and that cowardly act caused the death of six soldiers

He needs to be found guilty then executed.

That's not true .

The investigator recommended misdomeanor charges . He didn't get people killed , he didn't betray the country . He's a doofus who went AWOL for a day and got his ass captured .

"The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl"
The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl
- Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for five years and freed in exchange for five detainees in Guantanamo Bay, will face charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy in a general court-martial, the Army announced on Monday.

If convicted, Bergdahl could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.
News from The Associated Press

Remember Obama hosting Bergdahl's parents?
May 31, 2014 - In the White House Rose Garden, President Obama delivers a ... President Barack Obama hugs Jani and Bob Bergdahl, the parents of Sgt.
View attachment 56888

This is the President congratulating the parents

At the minimum how could the WH staff even consider this event much less this picture of the parents of what will be a Deserter who will be facing If convicted,could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.

Again the gross incompetency of Obama and the people he has around him totally ignorant of the
optics that will forever show Obama as the bungling, inept, idiot who gave up 5 Taliban (NOT TALIBON Obama!!) leaders who are now back at the front for the Deserter. What kind of administration does
Obama have working for him?

The point is to bring ALL Americans home, whether they be dead heroes, heroic POWs, POW's who cracked under torture, or even possibly disloyal deserters. In Bergdahl's case, he may be a combination of the last two. At any rate, America is better off getting ALL our soldiers home, regardless of whether they were model soldiers, or not. But there's another good reason to get Bergdahl back to the States. That's because he might every well be able to provide valuable intelligence in any debriefing.

And the point is you don't have a WH Rose Garden "hi-Five" celebration!

That was the point of the thread.

The gross incompetency of Obama was never so evident when BEFORE all the facts were in they were patting themselves on the back!
Just as they did with Benghazi as Hillary said to Charles Wood, the father of Tyrone Woods, the retired Navy SEAL who was killed in Benghazi during the September 11 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission there...said: "She [Hillary] came over…she talked with me. I gave her a hug and shook her hand and she did not appear to be one bit sincere at all and she mentioned about, ‘We’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the video.’,” recalled Mr. Woods. “That was the first time I even heard about anything like that.” PICKET: (AUDIO) Father of killed Navy SEAL - Hillary told me she would have filmmaker 'arrested and prosecuted' - Washington Times
Again the ineptness of Obama by having POLITICAL agenda before America's security with less then 8 weeks before re-election!

Obama has NO competency and those of us who understood a President is for ALL Americans not just your political party tried to point out Obama was
going to use LIES, Tricks, Tactics... well hell ... He told us if any one would have read his book:
"Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

I've posted this so many times and very very few comprehend the depth of deceit Obama has performed even though he told us he WOULD!!!

Folks... Understand the prophetic statements made by Obama in his above is exactly HOW Obama has administered his job as Chief Executive!
Susan Rice (of Benghazi was because of a video fame) incompetently just as all the Obama people said regarding Bergdahl..

Regarding the desertion allegations, she said Bergdahl, “served the United States with honor and distinction. And we’ll have the opportunity eventually to learn what has transpired in the past years.”

Rice also said that “assurances relating to the movement, the activities, the monitoring of those detainees [released in exchange for Bergdahl] give us confidence that they cannot and, in all likelihood, will not pose a significant risk to the United States. And that it is in our national interests that this transfer had been made.”
Susan Rice: Bergdahl Served With 'Honor and Distinction'
Did she get her position because of Affirmative Action?
- Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for five years and freed in exchange for five detainees in Guantanamo Bay, will face charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy in a general court-martial, the Army announced on Monday.

If convicted, Bergdahl could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.
News from The Associated Press

Remember Obama hosting Bergdahl's parents?
May 31, 2014 - In the White House Rose Garden, President Obama delivers a ... President Barack Obama hugs Jani and Bob Bergdahl, the parents of Sgt.
View attachment 56888

This is the President congratulating the parents

At the minimum how could the WH staff even consider this event much less this picture of the parents of what will be a Deserter who will be facing If convicted,could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.

Again the gross incompetency of Obama and the people he has around him totally ignorant of the
optics that will forever show Obama as the bungling, inept, idiot who gave up 5 Taliban (NOT TALIBON Obama!!) leaders who are now back at the front for the Deserter. What kind of administration does
Obama have working for him?

yes for all his effort the prezbo could not get that traderious bergdahl a pass

good news to see a court martial coming
Susan Rice (of Benghazi was because of a video fame) incompetently just as all the Obama people said regarding Bergdahl..

Regarding the desertion allegations, she said Bergdahl, “served the United States with honor and distinction. And we’ll have the opportunity eventually to learn what has transpired in the past years.”

Rice also said that “assurances relating to the movement, the activities, the monitoring of those detainees [released in exchange for Bergdahl] give us confidence that they cannot and, in all likelihood, will not pose a significant risk to the United States. And that it is in our national interests that this transfer had been made.”
Susan Rice: Bergdahl Served With 'Honor and Distinction'

the whole administration from tip to toe

are a pack of liars
As I've submitted several times... There is a history of deceit starting with Obama ADMITTING IT in his book...
From Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

think about it! Since 1995 we've known Obama was going to use Lies, Tricks, tactics to convince people of something that he is not!
A) He is NOT competent.... never had one executive making position before being elected the Number ONE Chief Executive Officer of the land. Unbelievable.
B) He is a LIAR. How many lies have there been? Check this web site:

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.

Read more at 1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc. - Freedom Outpost
As I've submitted several times... There is a history of deceit starting with Obama ADMITTING IT in his book...
From Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

think about it! Since 1995 we've known Obama was going to use Lies, Tricks, tactics to convince people of something that he is not!
A) He is NOT competent.... never had one executive making position before being elected the Number ONE Chief Executive Officer of the land. Unbelievable.
B) He is a LIAR. How many lies have there been? Check this web site:

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.

Read more at 1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc. - Freedom Outpost
The article is a lie. After nearly 8 years I can't believe there are only 1063 instances of him lying.
As I've submitted several times... There is a history of deceit starting with Obama ADMITTING IT in his book...
From Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

think about it! Since 1995 we've known Obama was going to use Lies, Tricks, tactics to convince people of something that he is not!
A) He is NOT competent.... never had one executive making position before being elected the Number ONE Chief Executive Officer of the land. Unbelievable.
B) He is a LIAR. How many lies have there been? Check this web site:

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.

Read more at 1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc. - Freedom Outpost
The article is a lie. After nearly 8 years I can't believe there are only 1063 instances of him lying.

Well check out the 1,063 examples.
As I've submitted several times... There is a history of deceit starting with Obama ADMITTING IT in his book...
From Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

think about it! Since 1995 we've known Obama was going to use Lies, Tricks, tactics to convince people of something that he is not!
A) He is NOT competent.... never had one executive making position before being elected the Number ONE Chief Executive Officer of the land. Unbelievable.
B) He is a LIAR. How many lies have there been? Check this web site:

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.

Read more at 1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc. - Freedom Outpost
The article is a lie. After nearly 8 years I can't believe there are only 1063 instances of him lying.

Well check out the 1,063 examples.
I mean, figure how many statements does he make a day? Fifty? 100? At least half of them are probably lies or distortions.

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