A picture of Obama's gross and total incompetence!

- Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for five years and freed in exchange for five detainees in Guantanamo Bay, will face charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy in a general court-martial, the Army announced on Monday.

If convicted, Bergdahl could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.
News from The Associated Press

Remember Obama hosting Bergdahl's parents?
May 31, 2014 - In the White House Rose Garden, President Obama delivers a ... President Barack Obama hugs Jani and Bob Bergdahl, the parents of Sgt.
View attachment 56888

This is the President congratulating the parents

At the minimum how could the WH staff even consider this event much less this picture of the parents of what will be a Deserter who will be facing If convicted,could get life in prison on the misbehavior charge and up to five years for desertion. He also could be dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank and made to forfeit all pay.

Again the gross incompetency of Obama and the people he has around him totally ignorant of the
optics that will forever show Obama as the bungling, inept, idiot who gave up 5 Taliban (NOT TALIBON Obama!!) leaders who are now back at the front for the Deserter. What kind of administration does
Obama have working for him?

I loved it when the father starting praying to Allah in Arabic.

You just can't make this stuff up
Bergdahl is a no-good traitor. He walked away from his post in a time of war and that cowardly act caused the death of six soldiers

He needs to be found guilty then executed.

That's not true .

The investigator recommended misdomeanor charges . He didn't get people killed , he didn't betray the country . He's a doofus who went AWOL for a day and got his ass captured .

You're a mindless fool.
There isn't enough evidence to convict him. The military basically has to argue that a US soldier wanted to be captured by the Taliban.

Who the f#$k would believe that under any circumstances.

The guy was maybe confused, had bad judgement, blah blah blah. But court-martial? It won't happen. The military will likely just trying to dishonorably discharge him and that will be it.
He left his post in a combat zone during a War!


Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
He left his weapon, helmet and body armor behind. In the military if you are taught anything it is that a soldier without his weapon is useless. That is a clear act of desertion.
Yeah shoot the asshole. And then try Obama for treason too.

You rely on emotion. Fact cannot penetrate your fear-to-anger response. Pathetic, but it is what it is.

In court you can't 'infer' what someone was thinking, you have to prove it.

Conservatives you really have been brainwashed to ignore facts and rely on emotion.
"No soildier left behind" has an asterick ? Who knew !
Yes, Timmy, they used to shoot deserters. 5 good soldiers died looking for the scumbag, now we find out he left as a protest. The military isn't where you protest.

That story was debunked on the deaths thing .

You can at least wait for the trial to convict the guy . He wanders off for a walk and suddenly he's worse than hitler !?
When did I say Hitler? I heard his own words, did you?

The hitler line is a joke ...

So you have something in common ......
There isn't enough evidence to convict him. The military basically has to argue that a US soldier wanted to be captured by the Taliban.

Who the f#$k would believe that under any circumstances.

The guy was maybe confused, had bad judgement, blah blah blah. But court-martial? It won't happen. The military will likely just trying to dishonorably discharge him and that will be it.
He left his post in a combat zone during a War!


Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
He left his weapon, helmet and body armor behind. In the military if you are taught anything it is that a soldier without his weapon is useless. That is a clear act of desertion.
Yeah shoot the asshole. And then try Obama for treason too.

You rely on emotion. Fact cannot penetrate your fear-to-anger response. Pathetic, but it is what it is.

In court you can't 'infer' what someone was thinking, you have to prove it.

Conservatives you really have been brainwashed to ignore facts and rely on emotion.

He left his post and thats a fact.
There isn't enough evidence to convict him. The military basically has to argue that a US soldier wanted to be captured by the Taliban.

Who the f#$k would believe that under any circumstances.

The guy was maybe confused, had bad judgement, blah blah blah. But court-martial? It won't happen. The military will likely just trying to dishonorably discharge him and that will be it.
He left his post in a combat zone during a War!


Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
He left his weapon, helmet and body armor behind. In the military if you are taught anything it is that a soldier without his weapon is useless. That is a clear act of desertion.
Yeah shoot the asshole. And then try Obama for treason too.

You rely on emotion. Fact cannot penetrate your fear-to-anger response. Pathetic, but it is what it is.

In court you can't 'infer' what someone was thinking, you have to prove it.

Conservatives you really have been brainwashed to ignore facts and rely on emotion.
It is not emotion that he left those items behind.
It is not emotion that in a military context doing that indicates a state of mind.
These are facts.
But you wouldnt know a fact from Obama's left nut.
There isn't enough evidence to convict him. The military basically has to argue that a US soldier wanted to be captured by the Taliban.

Who the f#$k would believe that under any circumstances.

The guy was maybe confused, had bad judgement, blah blah blah. But court-martial? It won't happen. The military will likely just trying to dishonorably discharge him and that will be it.
He left his post in a combat zone during a War!


Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
He left his weapon, helmet and body armor behind. In the military if you are taught anything it is that a soldier without his weapon is useless. That is a clear act of desertion.
Yeah shoot the asshole. And then try Obama for treason too.

You rely on emotion. Fact cannot penetrate your fear-to-anger response. Pathetic, but it is what it is.

In court you can't 'infer' what someone was thinking, you have to prove it.

Conservatives you really have been brainwashed to ignore facts and rely on emotion.

He left his post and thats a fact.
No. He left his post AND his weapon, helmet and body armor.
No soldier does that in a combat zone. Period.
There isn't enough evidence to convict him. The military basically has to argue that a US soldier wanted to be captured by the Taliban.

Who the f#$k would believe that under any circumstances.

The guy was maybe confused, had bad judgement, blah blah blah. But court-martial? It won't happen. The military will likely just trying to dishonorably discharge him and that will be it.
He left his post in a combat zone during a War!


Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
He left his weapon, helmet and body armor behind. In the military if you are taught anything it is that a soldier without his weapon is useless. That is a clear act of desertion.
Yeah shoot the asshole. And then try Obama for treason too.

You rely on emotion. Fact cannot penetrate your fear-to-anger response. Pathetic, but it is what it is.

In court you can't 'infer' what someone was thinking, you have to prove it.

Conservatives you really have been brainwashed to ignore facts and rely on emotion.
It is not emotion that he left those items behind.
It is not emotion that in a military context doing that indicates a state of mind.
These are facts.
But you wouldnt know a fact from Obama's left nut.

So you are thinking of someone's nuts.

Whatever floats your boat Percy.
He left his post in a combat zone during a War!


Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
He left his weapon, helmet and body armor behind. In the military if you are taught anything it is that a soldier without his weapon is useless. That is a clear act of desertion.
Yeah shoot the asshole. And then try Obama for treason too.

You rely on emotion. Fact cannot penetrate your fear-to-anger response. Pathetic, but it is what it is.

In court you can't 'infer' what someone was thinking, you have to prove it.

Conservatives you really have been brainwashed to ignore facts and rely on emotion.
It is not emotion that he left those items behind.
It is not emotion that in a military context doing that indicates a state of mind.
These are facts.
But you wouldnt know a fact from Obama's left nut.

So you are thinking of someone's nuts.

Whatever floats your boat Percy.
Your capitulation on this topic is noted and accepted/
Doesn't matter, his lawyer will argue he wandered too far from base. There is no evidence to the contrary. I know cons love to see soldiers suffer but it isn't going to happen this time Spaz.
He left his weapon, helmet and body armor behind. In the military if you are taught anything it is that a soldier without his weapon is useless. That is a clear act of desertion.
Yeah shoot the asshole. And then try Obama for treason too.

You rely on emotion. Fact cannot penetrate your fear-to-anger response. Pathetic, but it is what it is.

In court you can't 'infer' what someone was thinking, you have to prove it.

Conservatives you really have been brainwashed to ignore facts and rely on emotion.
It is not emotion that he left those items behind.
It is not emotion that in a military context doing that indicates a state of mind.
These are facts.
But you wouldnt know a fact from Obama's left nut.

So you are thinking of someone's nuts.

Whatever floats your boat Percy.
Your capitulation on this topic is noted and accepted/

You probably believe in magic flying grandpas too. That's the nice thing about 'belief', you can use it to self medicate to make yourself feel better.
He left his weapon, helmet and body armor behind. In the military if you are taught anything it is that a soldier without his weapon is useless. That is a clear act of desertion.
Yeah shoot the asshole. And then try Obama for treason too.

You rely on emotion. Fact cannot penetrate your fear-to-anger response. Pathetic, but it is what it is.

In court you can't 'infer' what someone was thinking, you have to prove it.

Conservatives you really have been brainwashed to ignore facts and rely on emotion.
It is not emotion that he left those items behind.
It is not emotion that in a military context doing that indicates a state of mind.
These are facts.
But you wouldnt know a fact from Obama's left nut.

So you are thinking of someone's nuts.

Whatever floats your boat Percy.
Your capitulation on this topic is noted and accepted/

You probably believe in magic flying grandpas too. That's the nice thing about 'belief', you can use it to self medicate to make yourself feel better.
Now you've deteriorated to merely farting on this board, making absurd claims that are irrelevant.
"soldiers loved Bush"? How would The Rabbi know? Also, they loved being sent on endless deployments resulting in divorces and suicides not to mention the thousands of TMI's & lost limbs? :eusa_eh: What kind of rw pretzel-logic leads one to that conclusion? :eusa_think:

"soldiers loved Bush"? How would The Rabbi know?

Look at the video, cumstain.
I also talked to many soldiers and while some of them had doubts about the whole enterprise they all loved Bush. Few said that about Obama.
so you "talked to some soldiers"? How many shit stain?
Probably 30 or more. Maybe 50. But take 2 minutes so you dont look like a complete and total idiot again and watch the video. You'll see all you need right there. The miltary hates Obama. When he went to IRaq they had the personnel turn in their weapons for the time he was on base.
"soldiers loved Bush"? How would The Rabbi know?

Look at the video, cumstain.
I also talked to many soldiers and while some of them had doubts about the whole enterprise they all loved Bush. Few said that about Obama.
so you "talked to some soldiers"? How many shit stain?
Probably 30 or more. Maybe 50. But take 2 minutes so you dont look like a complete and total idiot again and watch the video. You'll see all you need right there. The miltary hates Obama. When he went to IRaq they had the personnel turn in their weapons for the time he was on base.
so you talked to 30 or 50 ppl and prolly most all of them in Texico and you are extrapolating that to the entire military? Is that about right?

When I served, no one E-5 or above talked politics because it was unprofessional. As a matter of fact, no one in the military is supposed to voice approval or disapproval of a superior officer. You ever heard that? Your primary job is to follow orders, not to build a friendship w/ your superiors.
"soldiers loved Bush"? How would The Rabbi know?

Look at the video, cumstain.
I also talked to many soldiers and while some of them had doubts about the whole enterprise they all loved Bush. Few said that about Obama.
so you "talked to some soldiers"? How many shit stain?
Probably 30 or more. Maybe 50. But take 2 minutes so you dont look like a complete and total idiot again and watch the video. You'll see all you need right there. The miltary hates Obama. When he went to IRaq they had the personnel turn in their weapons for the time he was on base.
so you talked to 30 or 50 ppl and prolly most all of them in Texico and you are extrapolating that to the entire military? Is that about right?

When I served, no one E-5 or above talked politics because it was unprofessional. As a matter of fact, no one in the military is supposed to voice approval or disapproval of a superior officer. You ever heard that? Your primary job is to follow orders, not to build a friendship w/ your superiors.
You didnt watch the video. Typical.
You understand that these were soldiers off duty in my shop shooting the shit. A far different scenario than anything you've descibed.
And btw, I wouldn't call giving blowjobs to GIs in the men's room of the local beer hall "being in the service."

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