A Plea From Steve McGarrett: If You Vote For Trump, Your Children Will Retain White Privilege

Imagine a world for your children to be able to go outside and not witness illegal wetbacks harrassing, murdering or raping law abiding White U.S. citizens waving the Mexican flags overhead. Imagine a world where your children can go outside to a park, venue or shopping mall and not have the fear of a Muslim blowing the damn thing up. Imagine a world where your White children can live in where they can finally be able to relish in a country the founders solely created for their specific race, White people, as indicated in the 1790 Naturalization Act. That's right, this country was founded by our founders for us White people to have privilege's that other races should never have been privy of. That's why Trump should be elected so we can turn back to the basics of which this country was founded. If we do that, our children will prosper and last but not least, we will be respecting our founders original intent. What a simple concept!

You think the fear will stop if you get rid of everyone who is not white? LMAO! That is so cute. No, the only way you will remove fear is to remove freedom. A free society is never a safe society.

As for the 1790 Naturalization Act, this act was repealed, and for good reason. Your fantasies of turning back the clock to times when only white men had any power, is ridiculous. I am sure you think it would be better if blacks, hispanics and women were not allowed to vote. But that ain't happening.

If you want actual freedom, stop pushing the irrational fears and push for individual rights and responsibilities. Don't judge based on trivial bullshit like skin color. Judge based solely on the actions of the individual.
WinterBorn, speaking as a lifelong 'blue collar' person, I became aware of my white privilege in high school when I looked around at the restrictions placed on those less white, as in housing of the early 50s for example. And my generation, not just me, preferred to expand and share that privilege rather than protect it from intrusion by 'them'. Dr. Martin's "content of character" struck a chord. I am aware that many of those he, and others like the 3 kids stuffed into that earthen dam in Mississippi, sacrificed lives for do not live up to that part of the equation, but that is no reason to not erase the limits placed on those that do live up to that statement. I do not understand those who would deny sharing rights based on such a superficial myth as color = divine blessing.

In my opinion, much of the denying of rights is done out of fear and from a position of insecurity.
You being ignorant of the history of this nation is no surprise and completely irrelevant. All that matters is the fact that you and a bunch of clowns on a message board can't do a goddamn thing about the evolution of this country .. thus, obviously you don't own it and can't determine it's future.

White nationalists are a powerless joke in this country that nobody gives a fuck about. :0) Even most white people can't stand your stench and want nothing to do with you .. which means that you don't speak for white people.

America gets browner everyday Jethro .. and if you can't elect a president .. and you can't .. then you can't affect the makeup of the Supreme Court :0) Only democrats will be doing that.

I prefer the citizenship of Mexican immigrants rather than the likes of something like you.

Remember that while God may have made Men, it was Sam Colt who made Men equal. So many of the people forget that a Violent Minority FOUNDED thus nation and a Violent Minority can RE-FOUND it as well.
Imagine a world for your children to be able to go outside and not witness illegal wetbacks harrassing, murdering or raping law abiding White U.S. citizens waving the Mexican flags overhead. Imagine a world where your children can go outside to a park, venue or shopping mall and not have the fear of a Muslim blowing the damn thing up. Imagine a world where your White children can live in where they can finally be able to relish in a country the founders solely created for their specific race, White people, as indicated in the 1790 Naturalization Act. That's right, this country was founded by our founders for us White people to have privilege's that other races should never have been privy of. That's why Trump should be elected so we can turn back to the basics of which this country was founded. If we do that, our children will prosper and last but not least, we will be respecting our founders original intent. What a simple concept!

Steve, If I truly believed that Mr Trump would do those things, I'd be right there with you. Unfortunately his history makes me incredibly skeptical about his Conservative, Nationalist, Misogynistic credentials.
Imagine a world for your children to be able to go outside and not witness illegal wetbacks harrassing, murdering or raping law abiding White U.S. citizens waving the Mexican flags overhead.
What neighborhood do you live in? You need to move out if this is happening in your neighborhood. Oh, maybe you're just another of those "white supremacists" that like to make shit up?

Imagine a world where your children can go outside to a park, venue or shopping mall and not have the fear of a Muslim blowing the damn thing up.
Er, it's okay if a white person like Dylan Roof does it?

Imagine a world where your White children can live in where they can finally be able to relish in a country the founders solely created for their specific race, White people, as indicated in the 1790 Naturalization Act. That's right, this country was founded by our founders for us White people to have privilege's that other races should never have been privy of. That's why Trump should be elected so we can turn back to the basics of which this country was founded. If we do that, our children will prosper and last but not least, we will be respecting our founders original intent. What a simple concept!
Are you one of the KKK wizards? You sure sound like one. You also live in a bubble.....old white men are dying off and what you want will never happen, Trumpf or no Trumpf!
Deal with it.[/QUOTE]
Apparently Steve does not understand how our gov't actually works. The president does not make laws. The idea that Trump, if elected, could remove all muslims, blacks, and hispanics, is simply ridiculous. THINK!

Dear WinterBorn I applaud your first response that is very informative and makes excellent points.

For this one, what is fueling the fears behind Steve_McGarrett 's argument is
that Democrats like Obama do NOT respect Constitutional limits and ARE trying to make laws by decree.

The VERY thing you state above IS practiced by Democrats and causing this mess:
both executive and judicial functions have been ABUSED to decree laws without respect for the checks and balances but overriding separation of powers.

I am speaking from experience as a Democrat struggling to set up Constitutional education and enforcement among Democrats, where the party is filled and run by this political belief that once a person gets elected into govt, then govt can be used to pass whatever policy through whatever channels or office they can.

And this is declared equal with "the law of the land" because "someone in govt passed it, ruled on it or issued it by executive order." Whatever "political religion" this is, it is scaring the liver and lights out of Constitutionalists who can't compete with it because we are bound by the Constitution while these politicians are not, and running right over the checks and balances. (Because Corporations are running over Constitutional limits that don't apply to them, the response has been to do the same instead of using Constitutional means of correcting the abuses and imbalance of power. So party politics is now used instead of the Constitution.)

This is as DANGEROUS as you are saying above, to let people DICTATE agenda through govt.
But that ****IS**** what Democrats teach and lobby is the purpose of parties and govt: to push agenda
through by getting their reps elected to pass whatever they can without regard to Constitutional limits.

As long as a President, Judge, Congress or any position or procedure in govt is used to vote, order, pass or rule in favor of something they agree on, then that is Constitutional to them regardless of other people's rights or beliefs that may be violated or discriminated against because it violates OTHER Constitutional principles.

Those don't count. Only what Govt rules using whatever branch of govt the office holder occupies.

This is dangerous. And that is why people yell like Steve, the Tea Party, and other people from independent conservatives to rightwing Christians and Constitutionalist who even push the bar too far the other way.

They DON'T WANT this political rule by minorities outnumbering and abusing votes to override the Constitution. If you are going to make changes, at least make them by following the Constitution,
not abusing Govt to override the equal interests, representation and protection of the entire public.

This is a similar argument to when Blacks, women, and now LGBT argue against being overruled
because they are outnumbered. Now the tables are turned. But two wrongs don't make a right.
You can't flip the other way and abuse govt to override the other side to these arguments either.

If you are defending true equal inclusion and equal justice/protection of the laws, then
NEITHER side, NO person or group's agenda can be forced through govt by "majority rule"
to exclude discriminate and violate the equal rights interests and representation of any other person or group.

I understand why Steve is yelling about this.
I find it politically dangerous to teach people to run govt this way.
And it does create the equal and opposite backlash, as Steve represents.
Both sides become a dangerous threat to the liberties and security of the other.
That's no way to run a country, and this trend needs to stop, by enforcing Constitutional laws to protect all people's interests and beliefs from politically bullying by mobs trying to override instead of include each other.
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