A Political and Moral dilemma solved: Homosexuality

No one ever claimed it was the only cause, but evidence shows that it was a contributing factor. Every nation that suffered from moral decay met an untimely end. This is a historical fact.

Yeah. After Rome accepted homos, they lasted only another 800 years...


The Germanic Tribes never accepted homosexuality and not only did they take down Rome, they conquered the civilized World and have ruled over it for the past 1,500 years.
Rome is still around.

And I do not know what particular strain of mushrooms you are taking that makes you believe Germany conquered the civilized world, and has ruled over it for 1500 years, but man oh man it must be some good shit! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

The German tribes were fractious and insignificant before 1870, and suffered from a severe inferiority complex which led to WWI and WWII.

I have bad news for you. They got their asses kicked in both World Wars. And then Germany was ruled over by four foreign powers until recently.

It was in all the papers.

"Have ruled over the civilized world for 1500 years..." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

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I had a tough go of it. No really, as a Christian I think homosexuality and gay marriage are wrong and patently sinful, thusly I don't condone either. I've really wrestled my conscience mightily over it. But after a mighty struggle and in a moment of clarity, it has dawned on me that gay people deserve rights like I do, and I will defend them, I won't force equality, I'll fight for it. America is supposed to be a bastion of freedom and free association.

Yes, the Republicans on this board can go ahead and get angry at me all they want, this position will not change. I really don't care how gay people become gay, they deserve to be treated equally. I don't have a problem with people holding true to their morals, but when they agree to serve people equally under the law, they should.

You can't just set aside a just law for the sole reason of your personal belief. You can serve people equally without ever personally condoning the lifestyle choices of others. Equality has no bias.

That's kinda how I see it.. maybe a bit differently though. While I view homosexuality as somewhat of an aberration, it is also something that at the end of the day, doesn't affect my life, nor my marriage. Unfortunately, the wackos, on both sides of the argument, have ruled the day.

It's inevitable... I say let it go... there are bigger fish to fry.
I had a tough go of it. No really, as a Christian I think homosexuality and gay marriage are wrong and patently sinful, thusly I don't condone either. I've really wrestled my conscience mightily over it. But after a mighty struggle and in a moment of clarity, it has dawned on me that gay people deserve rights like I do, and I will defend them, I won't force equality, I'll fight for it. America is supposed to be a bastion of freedom and free association.

Yes, the Republicans on this board can go ahead and get angry at me all they want, this position will not change. I really don't care how gay people become gay, they deserve to be treated equally. I don't have a problem with people holding true to their morals, but when they agree to serve people equally under the law, they should.

You can't just set aside a just law for the sole reason of your personal belief. You can serve people equally without ever personally condoning the lifestyle choices of others. Equality has no bias.

That's kinda how I see it.. maybe a bit differently though. While I view homosexuality as somewhat of an aberration, it is also something that at the end of the day, doesn't affect my life, nor my marriage. Unfortunately, the wackos, on both sides of the argument, have ruled the day.

It's inevitable... I say let it go... there are bigger fish to fry.

It was not a minor factor, even, Mr. Righth. Moral decay is in the eye of the beholder. And all empires throughout history wax and wane. That is a historical fact.
I had a tough go of it. No really, as a Christian I think homosexuality and gay marriage are wrong and patently sinful, thusly I don't condone either. I've really wrestled my conscience mightily over it. But after a mighty struggle and in a moment of clarity, it has dawned on me that gay people deserve rights like I do, and I will defend them, I won't force equality, I'll fight for it. America is supposed to be a bastion of freedom and free association.

Yes, the Republicans on this board can go ahead and get angry at me all they want, this position will not change. I really don't care how gay people become gay, they deserve to be treated equally. I don't have a problem with people holding true to their morals, but when they agree to serve people equally under the law, they should.

You can't just set aside a just law for the sole reason of your personal belief. You can serve people equally without ever personally condoning the lifestyle choices of others. Equality has no bias.
who gives a crap.
It was not a minor factor, even. Moral decay is in the eye of the beholder. And all empires throughout history wax and wane. That is a historical fact.

hey, that's a valid philosophical argument.. i.e., where does this take us? But, personally, we're talking about consenting adults... there are some nutters that say the next step is [people marrying children, etc.

I think that's a stretch.. even though there are some that advocate that sick shit.
One thing you must realize is that widespread acceptance of homosexuals is preceded by a general moral decay. Rome was not brought down by homosexuals, however, it was brought down by the moral degeneracy and break up of the family unit.
I had a tough go of it. No really, as a Christian I think homosexuality and gay marriage are wrong and patently sinful, thusly I don't condone either. I've really wrestled my conscience mightily over it. But after a mighty struggle and in a moment of clarity, it has dawned on me that gay people deserve rights like I do, and I will defend them, I won't force equality, I'll fight for it. America is supposed to be a bastion of freedom and free association.

Yes, the Republicans on this board can go ahead and get angry at me all they want, this position will not change. I really don't care how gay people become gay, they deserve to be treated equally. I don't have a problem with people holding true to their morals, but when they agree to serve people equally under the law, they should.

You can't just set aside a just law for the sole reason of your personal belief. You can serve people equally without ever personally condoning the lifestyle choices of others. Equality has no bias.
who gives a crap.

Nobody said you had to. I don't want your crap either, keep it in the toilet where it belongs.
One thing you must realize is that widespread acceptance of homosexuals is preceded by a general moral decay.

And you have not provided evidence to prove that. Please, demonstrate.

Rome was not brought down by homosexuals, however, it was brought down by the moral degeneracy and break up of the family unit.

Now you're getting it. It wasn't just homosexuals, it was a general disregard for the family structure, plus even more bigger and major factors.
I had a tough go of it. No really, as a Christian I think homosexuality and gay marriage are wrong and patently sinful, thusly I don't condone either. I've really wrestled my conscience mightily over it. But after a mighty struggle and in a moment of clarity, it has dawned on me that gay people deserve rights like I do, and I will defend them, I won't force equality, I'll fight for it. America is supposed to be a bastion of freedom and free association.

Yes, the Republicans on this board can go ahead and get angry at me all they want, this position will not change. I really don't care how gay people become gay, they deserve to be treated equally. I don't have a problem with people holding true to their morals, but when they agree to serve people equally under the law, they should.

You can't just set aside a just law for the sole reason of your personal belief. You can serve people equally without ever personally condoning the lifestyle choices of others. Equality has no bias.
who gives a crap.

Nobody said you had to. I don't want your crap either, keep it in the toilet where it belongs.

Always a good idea to keep shit where it belongs.
"And you have not provided evidence to prove that. Please, demonstrate."

Evidence? It is self evident.
Well, this thread has run its natural course and I will not be issuing any further replies. I have made myself clear for the past couple of days.

"And you have not provided evidence to prove that. Please, demonstrate."

Evidence? It is self evident.
So you don't know what you are talking about. Thanks.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. The liberals and gays and every other group who believe that morality is subjective are dragging this country into the gutter. And God will judge this country for it. Just as He has done in the past.
"And you have not provided evidence to prove that. Please, demonstrate."

Evidence? It is self evident.
So you don't know what you are talking about. Thanks.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. The liberals and gays and every other group who believe that morality is subjective are dragging this country into the gutter. And God will judge this country for it. Just as He has done in the past.
If that's what you believe then it is going to be difficult having a rational conversation with you.
"And you have not provided evidence to prove that. Please, demonstrate."

Evidence? It is self evident.
So you don't know what you are talking about. Thanks.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. The liberals and gays and every other group who believe that morality is subjective are dragging this country into the gutter. And God will judge this country for it. Just as He has done in the past.
If that's what you believe then it is going to be difficult having a rational conversation with you.
Oh yes. Bring up the old "your a religious nut, so we can't have a rational discussion" argument.
"And you have not provided evidence to prove that. Please, demonstrate."

Evidence? It is self evident.
So you don't know what you are talking about. Thanks.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. The liberals and gays and every other group who believe that morality is subjective are dragging this country into the gutter. And God will judge this country for it. Just as He has done in the past.
If that's what you believe then it is going to be difficult having a rational conversation with you.
Oh yes. Bring up the old "your a religious nut, so we can't have a rational discussion" argument.
Thinking god is going to judge the country? Yeah, you're a religious nut who can't have a rational discussion.

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