A Political and Moral dilemma solved: Homosexuality

I had a tough go of it. No really, as a Christian I think homosexuality and gay marriage are wrong and patently sinful, thusly I don't condone either. I've really wrestled my conscience mightily over it. But after a mighty struggle and in a moment of clarity, it has dawned on me that gay people deserve rights like I do, and I will defend them, I won't force equality, I'll fight for it. America is supposed to be a bastion of freedom and free association.

Yes, the Republicans on this board can go ahead and get angry at me all they want, this position will not change. I really don't care how gay people become gay, they deserve to be treated equally. I don't have a problem with people holding true to their morals, but when they agree to serve people equally under the law, they should.

You can't just set aside a just law for the sole reason of your personal belief. You can serve people equally without ever personally condoning the lifestyle choices of others. Equality has no bias.

Nice thread. But no 'Thanks' since coming around to the self-evidant 'the sky is blue' isn't something remarkable.

And since you mention being Christian, should ponder the fact that not everybody else is. So unless Christianity is just like violent-Islam where everybody has to be what you are, holding everybody to a Christian standard shouldn't make sense to you either.
We should obey God rather than man.

But do we? All of us are in some way guilty of not obeying God and succumbing to the whims and edicts of man. You shouldn't throw stones in a glass house.

So because we all fall short of the glory of God, we should therefore not recognize sin?


So if I get an extra quarter in my change and fail to alert the clerk, then I've no right to expect that someone should not break into my house?

LOL! TK... Have you suffered a stroke?

Have you a mirror? Ya might check that smile buddy. Odds are its gone crooked on ya. I'd suggest an aspirin, STAT!

you can "recognize" any sin you want. you just can't discriminate based on it.
??? You don't understand the very nature of homosexuality? Some of us find homosexuality repugnant and unacceptable.

Some people find interracial sex repugnant and unacceptable.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Men that suck each other off and the having butt sex won't make too many babies. Women that like other women, they aren't going to have to many kids fisting each other and all that. Nope.

You know, you really don't have to spend any time thinking about gay sex if you don't want to. I know I think about it as little as possible. Maybe you should stop thinking about it and just get on with your own life.

Gays don't need protections because they are really not in need of any protections, REALLY. They already have all the rights they already need.

No, they don't. They do not have equal protection of the laws for their marriages.
The Constitution does not care if one is gay, lesbian, latent, straight, bisexual, transgender, or whatever.

Doesn't matter. So MaryL. and Lilah, and Truth2Know stay away if they bother you. If you can't at the work place or in public, tough. They have every right to be there as you. Tis what is.
The issue is not what bothers me. The issue is what bothers all who deviate from God's commands. People who sin need a Savior; not people telling them what they are doing is not sin. People getting their "rights" under the Constitution may be forfeiting their souls forever. Christians are obligated by love to help all come to the truth. It's the "do unto others" principle.
You may, under the Constitution, believe and preach what you want. You may not use secular law to enforce your understanding of God's law.
This wouldn't even be an issue if government didn't give tax breaks to married couples. Would it?
??? You don't understand the very nature of homosexuality? Some of us find homosexuality repugnant and unacceptable.

Some people find interracial sex repugnant and unacceptable.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Men that suck each other off and the having butt sex won't make too many babies. Women that like other women, they aren't going to have to many kids fisting each other and all that. Nope.

You know, you really don't have to spend any time thinking about gay sex if you don't want to. I know I think about it as little as possible. Maybe you should stop thinking about it and just get on with your own life.

Gays don't need protections because they are really not in need of any protections, REALLY. They already have all the rights they already need.

No, they don't. They do not have equal protection of the laws for their marriages.
marriage is between a man and a woman. Where do gays fit into that equation? Hmmm. They don't.
The Constitution does not care if one is gay, lesbian, latent, straight, bisexual, transgender, or whatever.

Doesn't matter. So MaryL. and Lilah, and Truth2Know stay away if they bother you. If you can't at the work place or in public, tough. They have every right to be there as you. Tis what is.
The issue is not what bothers me. The issue is what bothers all who deviate from God's commands. People who sin need a Savior; not people telling them what they are doing is not sin. People getting their "rights" under the Constitution may be forfeiting their souls forever. Christians are obligated by love to help all come to the truth. It's the "do unto others" principle.
You may, under the Constitution, believe and preach what you want. You may not use secular law to enforce your understanding of God's law.
This wouldn't even be an issue if government didn't give tax breaks to married couples. Would it?
??? You don't understand the very nature of homosexuality? Some of us find homosexuality repugnant and unacceptable.

Some people find interracial sex repugnant and unacceptable.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Men that suck each other off and the having butt sex won't make too many babies. Women that like other women, they aren't going to have to many kids fisting each other and all that. Nope.

You know, you really don't have to spend any time thinking about gay sex if you don't want to. I know I think about it as little as possible. Maybe you should stop thinking about it and just get on with your own life.

Gays don't need protections because they are really not in need of any protections, REALLY. They already have all the rights they already need.

No, they don't. They do not have equal protection of the laws for their marriages.
marriage is between a man and a woman. Where do gays fit into that equation? Hmmm. They don't.

Marriage is between a man and a woman, or two men or two women- in 37 of 50 states, and the District of Columbia.

And its about more than tax breaks- but as long as there are tax breaks- they should be accessible to same gender couples just as they are to my wife and I.
According to you, just because someone is a business owner, they lose their Constitutional right to follow their conscience.

Well then, don't open a freaking business. Life is full of times you must make sacrifices, even when you choose to make your living running a business. You know damn well that when you open one you agree to serve whomever walks through that door. It's not hard to understand. Unlike you, I've learned to separate myself from my own biases to respect and tolerate others. Why is that so hard for you?

No one has the right to force someone to do something that they believe is wrong. No one!

Nobody has the right to go back on agreements they made in good faith when they opened their business. I'm sorry.

Those perverts could have gone to another store. And I'll better there was a place that even advertised gay cakes.

Yes, they could have, and purposefully targeting someone in that manner is bush league, BUT, that was a business open to the public. Don't want to serve the public? Then don't bother yourself with opening a business which engages in public commerce.

openly embracing homosexual behavior has led to the downfall of many nations. Read some history, why don't you?

I do. I know more about history than you realize. Let's use Rome as an example.

Roberto De Mattei, 63, the deputy head of the country's National Research Council, claimed that the empire was fatally weakened after conquering Carthage, which he described as "a paradise for homosexuals"... The fall of the Roman Empire was a result of "the effeminacy of a few in Carthage, a paradise for homosexuals, who infected the many. The abhorrent presence of a few gays infected a good part of the (Roman) people," Prof Mattei told Radio Maria, a Catholic radio station.

Fall of Roman Empire caused by contagion of homosexuality - Telegraph

Here's a little history for you (and a bit of math to go along with it):

Rome conquered Carthage in 146 BC, but as De Mattei claims, the Carthaginian Homosexuals were the cause of widespread disease throughout the empire, and as such were the downfall of Rome. Well, Rome was sacked by Barbarians in 410 AD, a whole 556 years after the conquest of Carthage. Interestingly enough, homosexuality was not the cause of the fall of Rome. The migration of Barbarian tribes from the East and the emergence of the Huns, plus the overexpansion of the Roman armies throughout the ancient world brought down the famed empire.

Don't lecture me about history. Really, don't.
According to you, just because someone is a business owner, they lose their Constitutional right to follow their conscience.

Well then, don't open a freaking business. Life is full of times you must make sacrifices, even when you choose to make your living running a business. You know damn well that when you open one you agree to serve whomever walks through that door. It's not hard to understand. Unlike you, I've learned to separate myself from my own biases to respect and tolerate others. Why is that so hard for you?

No one has the right to force someone to do something that they believe is wrong. No one!

Nobody has the right to go back on agreements they made in good faith when they opened their business. I'm sorry.

Those perverts could have gone to another store. And I'll better there was a place that even advertised gay cakes.

Yes, they could have, and purposefully targeting someone in that manner is bush league, BUT, that was a business open to the public. Don't want to serve the public? Then don't bother yourself with opening a business which engages in public commerce.

openly embracing homosexual behavior has led to the downfall of many nations. Read some history, why don't you?

I do. I know more about history than you realize. Let's use Rome as an example.

Roberto De Mattei, 63, the deputy head of the country's National Research Council, claimed that the empire was fatally weakened after conquering Carthage, which he described as "a paradise for homosexuals"... The fall of the Roman Empire was a result of "the effeminacy of a few in Carthage, a paradise for homosexuals, who infected the many. The abhorrent presence of a few gays infected a good part of the (Roman) people," Prof Mattei told Radio Maria, a Catholic radio station.

Fall of Roman Empire caused by contagion of homosexuality - Telegraph

Here's a little history for you (and a bit of math to go along with it):

Rome conquered Carthage in 146 BC, but as De Mattei claims, the Carthaginian Homosexuals were the cause of widespread disease throughout the empire, and as such were the downfall of Rome. Well, Rome was sacked by Barbarians in 410 AD, a whole 556 years after the conquest of Carthage. Interestingly enough, homosexuality was not the cause of the fall of Rome. The migration of Barbarian tribes from the East and the emergence of the Huns, plus the overexpansion of the Roman armies throughout the ancient world brought down the famed empire.

Don't lecture me about history. Really, don't.
No one ever claimed it was the only cause, but evidence shows that it was a contributing factor. Every nation that suffered from moral decay met an untimely end. This is a historical fact.
No one ever claimed it was the only cause, but evidence shows that it was a contributing factor. Every nation that suffered from moral decay met an untimely end. This is a historical fact.

Yeah. After Rome accepted homos, they lasted only another 800 years...
No one ever claimed it was the only cause, but evidence shows that it was a contributing factor.

According to the language you used, "embracing homosexuality has led to the downfall of many nations," it was clear to me that you solely blamed homosexuality for the downfall of many a nation. Well as I demonstrated with Rome, that simply wasn't the case.

Moreover Persia fell because of the same factors I listed with Rome. Persia failed to assume a solid national identity, then Alexander the Great invaded Persia and and conquered all five of the capital states Granicus in 334 BC, Issus in 333 BC, Gaugamela 331 BC, finally Susa and Persepolis in 330 BC. There has been no specific mentions of homosexuality being the downfall of any nation. At all.
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There are a lot of gullible parroting dipshits who repeat that "fags caused empires to fall" bogus meme.
No one ever claimed it was the only cause, but evidence shows that it was a contributing factor.

According to the language you used, "embracing homosexuality has led to the downfall of many nations," it was clear to me that you solely blamed homosexuality for the downfall of many a nation. Well as I demonstrated with Rome, that simply wasn't the case.

Moreover Persia fell because of the same factors I listed with Rome. Persia failed to assume a solid national identity, Then Alexander invaded Persia and and conquered all five of the capital states Granicus in 334 BC, Issus in 333 BC, Gaugamela 331 BC, finally Susa and Persepolis 330 BC. There has been no specific mentions of homosexuality being the downfall of any nation. At all.

It's believed that Alexander was gay.
No one ever claimed it was the only cause, but evidence shows that it was a contributing factor. Every nation that suffered from moral decay met an untimely end. This is a historical fact.

Yeah. After Rome accepted homos, they lasted only another 800 years...


The Germanic Tribes never accepted homosexuality and not only did they take down Rome, they conquered the civilized World and have ruled over it for the past 1,500 years.
According to you, just because someone is a business owner, they lose their Constitutional right to follow their conscience.

Well then, don't open a freaking business. Life is full of times you must make sacrifices, even when you choose to make your living running a business. You know damn well that when you open one you agree to serve whomever walks through that door. It's not hard to understand. Unlike you, I've learned to separate myself from my own biases to respect and tolerate others. Why is that so hard for you?

No one has the right to force someone to do something that they believe is wrong. No one!

Nobody has the right to go back on agreements they made in good faith when they opened their business. I'm sorry.

Those perverts could have gone to another store. And I'll better there was a place that even advertised gay cakes.

Yes, they could have, and purposefully targeting someone in that manner is bush league, BUT, that was a business open to the public. Don't want to serve the public? Then don't bother yourself with opening a business which engages in public commerce.

openly embracing homosexual behavior has led to the downfall of many nations. Read some history, why don't you?

I do. I know more about history than you realize. Let's use Rome as an example.

Roberto De Mattei, 63, the deputy head of the country's National Research Council, claimed that the empire was fatally weakened after conquering Carthage, which he described as "a paradise for homosexuals"... The fall of the Roman Empire was a result of "the effeminacy of a few in Carthage, a paradise for homosexuals, who infected the many. The abhorrent presence of a few gays infected a good part of the (Roman) people," Prof Mattei told Radio Maria, a Catholic radio station.

Fall of Roman Empire caused by contagion of homosexuality - Telegraph

Here's a little history for you (and a bit of math to go along with it):

Rome conquered Carthage in 146 BC, but as De Mattei claims, the Carthaginian Homosexuals were the cause of widespread disease throughout the empire, and as such were the downfall of Rome. Well, Rome was sacked by Barbarians in 410 AD, a whole 556 years after the conquest of Carthage. Interestingly enough, homosexuality was not the cause of the fall of Rome. The migration of Barbarian tribes from the East and the emergence of the Huns, plus the overexpansion of the Roman armies throughout the ancient world brought down the famed empire.

Don't lecture me about history. Really, don't.
No one ever claimed it was the only cause, but evidence shows that it was a contributing factor. Every nation that suffered from moral decay met an untimely end. This is a historical fact.

Britain is still around. Are you vouching for their morality?
The Germanic Tribes never accepted homosexuality

Neither did Rome (well it did, but it lasted for 550 years hence) but still it fell. And correctly stated, the Germanic Tribes never accepted it either, irregardless of how the individual population felt about homosexuality, leading one to deduce that homosexuality never played any part in the downfall of any nation on Earth.
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