A Political and Moral dilemma solved: Homosexuality

Follow your conscience. Mine tells me that homosexuality is a psychosexual dysfunction, and a minority at that. Why all the fuss? Because SOMEBODY can buy out enough lawyers to make this an ISSUE, that is why. And change laws of adoption and artificial insemination, then use that as a way to leverage the issue of Homosexual marriage as a valid option when it's all about legal games. Games, Games GAMES.Not buying Homosexuals as anyone more than a tiny minority that has all the rights it needs already.

"Follow your conscience. Mine tells me that homosexuality is a psychosexual dysfunction, and a minority at that."
Did Jesus come to help the majority or the minority?

Jesus came to help save the majority, the "many." Matthew 7 says: 13"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

As a sinner saved by His grace, I'm glad He did! Of course, I may be in the minority here.
In the minority but not alone.
This is meaningless gibberish.


The 14th Amendment requires the states to allow all American citizens residing in the states equal protection of (equal access to) state laws, including marriage law.

And all citizens are provided equal access to marriage, without exception.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. Defined as such by the nature of the human being... rendering marriage as the NUCLEUS OF CIVILIZATION.

Nature doesn't have a thing to say about marriage, as marriage doesn't exist in nature. Marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. Thus, your fundamental assumption is invalid, backed by nothing but another 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy. With you pretending to speak for nature.

Back in reality, marriage includes same sex couples in 37 of 50 states. You say it doesn't. And no one cares that you deny reality.
Nature has nothing to do with it. You even admitted that.

Nature has nothing to do with human physiological design?


(Reader... You should probably go at this point. There's nothing remaining of this cult's argument except for them to repeat the endless litany of idiocy. But you should now have a firm understanding of the abyss of evil that this cult represents. And that's all that the exercise is designed to demonstrate. It just gets rather sad from here on out.)

Nature made it possible for same sex couples to experience sexual pleasure no different than what opposite sex couples experience.

Nature made it possible for same sex couple to mutilate each others genitals... So from that we can know that 'what nature makes possible' is not a sound basis for establishing cultural standards.

If you were a person capable of sound, objective reason, you would have some means to understand that.

I would ask if you understand, but you've made it clear that you do not, therefore your input, is irrelevant.

(Reader, do you see why the Ideological Left is what it is and why it is ALWAYS a failure of sound judgment to ever allow someone infected with that perverse reasoning to every get anywhere NEAR any position of influence, let alone power?

As it stands, homosexuality not only deviates from the human physiological standard, it deviates as FAR FROM THAT STANDARD AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE... a full 180 degrees, yet the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality claim that such is perfectly normal.

And it is in that profound deviancy that we can know that homosexuality is an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

Viable societies do not alter the nucleus of their culture in order to accommodate those addled by mental disorder.

And it is from that which we can know, should the Supreme Court of the US decide to do so, that the United States is no longer a viable culture and is headed directly for the catastrophic consequences which should reasonably be expected, where a culture would allow perverse reasoning anywhere near the power of governance.

But... I suppose every now and then humanity must re-learn the "WHY" to the age old question: "Mommy Why have homosexuals been locked in the closet for 99.99999~% of human history?"

The answer to which is: "Honey, because Homosexuality is a manifestation of evil and like any evil, the consequence of tolerating it is Chaos, Calamity, Catastrophe ... death and destruction."
Historically, every nation that has openly embraced homosexuality has come to ruin within a few generations.

LOL- we hear that claim all the time from homophobic bigots.....always rather short on the details though.....like all of their claims.

If not discriminating against homosexuals is going to affect you so much, I don't think it is the homosexuals who have the problem.
Gays, give it up. You lose. You want to lick each other or suck each other, you can't biologically make babies. it isn't possible. You are wealthy, get lawyers and change the laws. but you aren't going to change biology. They can adopt or do artificial insemination. They in them selves WILL never create a family, and this comes down to deception and lawyers. Gay rights? Pitiful. Sad.

Marriage is not about having babies. If it was there would be laws against your widowed grandma getting remarried.

Note how Keys failed to respond to my query, once again. His final concession or his final, final, final, final (you get the idea) concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You have been far more patient with Keys than his delusional rants deserve.
I DON'T like being told what to think and how to think, what to accept and what I can't by anyone.

You aren't. But when you open a business, you agree to serve the public. Such agreement would require a cogent thought process in order to make that choice.

Just because that's the current popular paradigm. Challenge popular ideals, fight conformity.

It isn't popularity, it isn't conformity, paradigms or deals, it is the law.
Yeah, it's law. Gays already have the rights they need, and they are such a small minority, I am at a loss as to how they are having their rights violated when someone doesn't make them a patty cake when it might offend the baker's sensibilities. Somewhere there is a middle ground here, too, don't you think? Gay bakeries that cater to homosexuals? Forcing people to cater to something that offends them, not cool. Not constitutional, I think.

Then repeal the public Accommodation laws you do not approve of- these are typically state or local laws- Here is a clip of Colorado's- not- this law protects a broad swath of historically discriminated groups of people:
The Constitution does not care if one is gay, lesbian, latent, straight, bisexual, transgender, or whatever.

Doesn't matter. So MaryL. and Lilah, and Truth2Know stay away if they bother you. If you can't at the work place or in public, tough. They have every right to be there as you.

Tis what is.

The issue is not what bothers me. The issue is what bothers all who deviate from God's commands. People who sin need a Savior; not people telling them what they are doing is not sin.

People getting their "rights" under the Constitution may be forfeiting their souls forever. Christians are obligated by love to help all come to the truth. It's the "do unto others" principle.
Or is this because you are afraid to answer it?
I'm done with you. You just don't get it. According to you, just because someone is a business owner, they lose their Constitutional right to follow their conscience. No one has the right to force someone to do something that they believe is wrong. No one! Those perverts could have gone to another store. And I'll better there was a place that even advertised gay cakes.
No one on this Board has ever shown an injury from being subjected to marriage equality.
openly embracing homosexual behavior has led to the downfall of many nations. Read some history, why don't you?

No it hasn't.

In truth, there is no end to the extinct culture's who just shortly after the normalization of sexual abnormality failed and were conquered by otherwise lower cultures... who weren't as tolerant of infectious, unsustainable ideas.

Greece and Rome are two biggies, and the Japanese Samurai culture, is a well known example of a smaller variation.

Ya see scamp, sexual abnormality is a presentation of perverse reasoning. Perverse reasoning is unsustainable reasoning and it's not known to be unsustainable, because cultures have been long sustained by it.

Nothing complex about ANY of this.


Tell me... were you under the impression that WE were the first culture to allow the homosexuals out of the closet?
We are not. And we won't be the first to regret it. It is clear that America is suffering a moral decline. It is also clear, from numerous historical examples, where we're heading as a result.

Thank you...

There's a reason that homosexuals have spent 99.999999~% of human history in the closet and it's NOT that no one's ever let'em out.

Being threatened with violence and death is a good motivator to stay in the closet.

Do you miss those 'good old days' Keys?
Two males orally copulating and then analy pleasing each other each isn't my misty eyed ideal of a healthy relationship that we need to reinforce and give prudence to and that needs ...anything near marriage.

Why would any of us care how you fantasize about men having sex?
Anymore than any of us would care how you fantasize that a heterosexual couple orally copulates and then anally pleases each other.

Both totally irrelevant to marriage.
The Constitution does not care if one is gay, lesbian, latent, straight, bisexual, transgender, or whatever.

Doesn't matter. So MaryL. and Lilah, and Truth2Know stay away if they bother you. If you can't at the work place or in public, tough. They have every right to be there as you. Tis what is.
The issue is not what bothers me. The issue is what bothers all who deviate from God's commands. People who sin need a Savior; not people telling them what they are doing is not sin. People getting their "rights" under the Constitution may be forfeiting their souls forever. Christians are obligated by love to help all come to the truth. It's the "do unto others" principle.
You may, under the Constitution, believe and preach what you want. You may not use secular law to enforce your understanding of God's law.
Keys got thumped the last two days badly by TK on marriage equality. The latter gave, argued, and defended magnificently the libertarian side of the argument.
Two males orally copulating and then analy pleasing each other each isn't my misty eyed ideal of a healthy relationship that we need to reinforce and give prudence to and that needs ...anything near marriage.
Is that all you think marriage is about?

I feel very sorry for you.
Follow your conscience. Mine tells me that homosexuality is a psychosexual dysfunction, and a minority at that. Why all the fuss? Because SOMEBODY can buy out enough lawyers to make this an ISSUE, that is why. And change laws of adoption and artificial insemination, then use that as a way to leverage the issue of Homosexual marriage as a valid option when it's all about legal games. Games, Games GAMES.Not buying Homosexuals as anyone more than a tiny minority that has all the rights it needs already.

"Follow your conscience. Mine tells me that homosexuality is a psychosexual dysfunction, and a minority at that."
Did Jesus come to help the majority or the minority?
He came to help the sinners. He was VERY specific about that.

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Keys got thumped the last two days badly by TK on marriage equality. The latter gave, argued, and defended magnificently the libertarian side of the argument.

Yes, TK's moment of lucidity was most refreshing. It's amazing how rational someone can get once they realize they don't disagree with the outcome of their argument.
I blame bigots as much as I blame liberals for the size and scope of the federal government. The intransigence of bigots has caused the federal government to exceed its bounds.

Married gays merely want the EXACT SAME government cash and prizes hetero marriages get. If you can't swallow that, then YOU are the ones who want special privileges preserved for yourselves and denied to others just because you don't like them. And YOU are the ones forcing the federal government to overstep itself.
??? You don't understand the very nature of homosexuality? Some of us find homosexuality repugnant and unacceptable. .

Some of us find bigots repugnant and unacceptable.

But I don't think there should be laws preventing you from marrying.

Note how Keys failed to respond to my query, once again. His final concession or his final, final, final, final (you get the idea) concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You have been far more patient with Keys than his delusional rants deserve.

I tried. He also failed to answer any of my questions...

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