A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says

So you're still not proving me wrong. You're just running your mouth on an anonymous message board and spamming funny ratings. That's all you're going to do and we both know it.
Nothing more. Nothing less.

Don't forget to give me a funny rating, keyboard warrior. ;)
You're funny.

You're like the obvious FBI guys at protests

Time to stop feeding the trolls now.

Yes, they're pathetic. This is the only way they can get any attention.

Clowns like that one would be shocked if they ever got out of mommy's basement.

We were just across town talking to the Koreans before I left LA. They're formidable, they don't screw around. The only people they hate worse than the blacks are the Japanese, and the Japanese don't generally bother them anymore.

We're trying to get them hip to AntiFa, that is to say "little white punks on skateboards with backpacks". Koreatown is not somewhere these AntiFa types would generally go, unless they wanted to cause trouble.

This kind of dialog is essential, we're just a bunch of parents reaching out from suburbia to these shopkeepers, kinda saying hey, if you see any of our kids around here they're trouble, here's what to look for - they appreciate it, and it helps defuse their myopia in relation to their customers. (Plus it's PR for us, which never hurts).
We were given the 2A for that purpose.

Your military oath states that very thing.

"Against all enemies foreign, AND Domestic"

Who do they think domestic means in part?

That's right kids...

NO. We weren't. The 2nd was originally for maintaining state militias, so a standing army wasn't necessary, as the Founders saw a standing army as tyranny, based upon their study of the history of ancient Greece. It was then bastardized by Patrick Henry, the largest slave holder in Virginia, who convinced Madison to change the original wording from "A Free Nation" to " A Free State". The reason being he did not want to have to send Virginia militia to another state, in case of another war, and lose slave patrols, which were the only defense against a slave uprising, which at that time, Virginia was the largest state, with a population that was majority slaves.

I would suggest some remedial history is required in your case.
Time to stop feeding the trolls now.

Yes, they're pathetic. This is the only way they can get any attention.

Clowns like that one would be shocked if they ever got out of mommy's basement.

We were just across town talking to the Koreans before I left LA. They're formidable, they don't screw around. The only people they hate worse than the blacks are the Japanese, and the Japanese don't generally bother them anymore.

We're trying to get them hip to AntiFa, that is to say "little white punks on skateboards with backpacks". Koreatown is not somewhere these AntiFa types would generally go, unless they wanted to cause trouble.

This kind of dialog is essential, we're just a bunch of parents reaching out from suburbia to these shopkeepers, kinda saying hey, if you see any of our kids around here they're trouble, here's what to look for - they appreciate it, and it helps defuse their myopia in relation to their customers. (Plus it's PR for us, which never hurts).
About 75% of the Progressive posters aren't real individuals, many are paid trolls working for Agitprop Firms, others, like, XponentialChaos work for the government.
We were just across town talking to the Koreans before I left LA. They're formidable, they don't screw around. The only people they hate worse than the blacks are the Japanese, and the Japanese don't generally bother them anymore.

We're trying to get them hip to AntiFa, that is to say "little white punks on skateboards with backpacks". Koreatown is not somewhere these AntiFa types would generally go, unless they wanted to cause trouble.
Antifa stands for Anti-fascists, not anti-korean you fucking moron. 😂
WTF? A University of Chicago poll of 1,000 people interpreted by the liberal Brit "Guardian" to be a indication of pending armed insurrection here in the Colonies? The poll said no such thing.

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