A Question About Feminism/ Feminists


Jan 4, 2009
I'm being straight here. I have a daughter who seems more than a little over the top anymore, I temper that observation with the fact that I am over 60 and have dated views. My question is in your opinion is there a dividing line between being passionate about a cause and being a fanatic?
Feminism is like a radical cult religion of crazy and idiocy.

And many of them are man hating lesbians. ..... :cool:
I'm being straight here. I have a daughter who seems more than a little over the top anymore, I temper that observation with the fact that I am over 60 and have dated views. My question is in your opinion is there a dividing line between being passionate about a cause and being a fanatic?


But it goes both ways. There are those who are fanatics about hating feminists too.

Taking the time to just listen to each other might help you both to understand the other's point of view a little better. Odds are you might move a little bit closer to her and she might become a little more tolerant of old farts like ourselves. :D
I'm being straight here. I have a daughter who seems more than a little over the top anymore, I temper that observation with the fact that I am over 60 and have dated views. My question is in your opinion is there a dividing line between being passionate about a cause and being a fanatic?
Feminism in America is really about ending Capitalism. It's an arm of the Democrats which are really communists trying to act sociable. Feminists never said a thing about Bill Clinton. A prime example of their hypocrisy.
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I'm being straight here. I have a daughter who seems more than a little over the top anymore, I temper that observation with the fact that I am over 60 and have dated views. My question is in your opinion is there a dividing line between being passionate about a cause and being a fanatic?
Feminism in America is really about ending Capitalism. It's an arm of the Democrats which are really communists trying to act sociable. Feminist never said a thing about Bill Clinton. A prime example of their hypocrisy.


You have to be paranoid to believe that twaddle! :cuckoo:
If she's your daughter, and she's a minor? NO. It doesn't matter. Tell her to sit down and shut up. Feminism is a communist plot to destroy America.

Feminism is a Communist Plot
The problems relate to feminist ideology, and you will read a lot about that here. But most of that is just addressing a symptom of the problem. The core of it is what I call Marxist Consumerism. It is a term that would ostensibly appear to be an oxymoron, but is actually a perfect description of where society is heading. Our cultural evolution is tracking toward a dumbed down population of brainwashed consumer units who are wholly owned and controlled by a State that is now a government/corporate complex. And it rules, largely by a system of Governance Feminism. Let me explain from the start:

Feminism is a Marxist strategy designed to undermine the family and all other traditional institutions so that the primary relationship individuals have is ultimately with The State. In the process of accomplishing this, private property, the only tangible proof of individual liberty, becomes a thing of the past. That is your New World Order in a nutshell. And if your eyes are open you have been watching it happen for most or all of your life.

By destroying marriage, creating a chasm between men and women, alienating fathers from children, dissolving parental authority, indeed dissolving the family itself, the barriers to state control of everyone are removed. Think of any social ill inflicted by feminism, and then think about those ills in terms of an agenda for autocratic control of the entire population. You will find they are almost indistinguishable; that one serves the other in every way.

Central to pulling this off was to first vilify masculinity, then criminalize it. We have long coined this as the Gender War, but we have mistakenly interpreted it as something contained to a struggle for control, or even about equality, between men and women. Since you already know that feminism isn’t about equality, let’s take a look at what it actually is about.

Think about laws like VAWA that only recognize men as perpetrators of violence. Consider the emerging “primary aggressor” laws that are designed to make sure that men, and only men, are arrested in domestic disputes. Think about how restraining orders are routinely issued with no evidence or corroboration and how the power of accusation from women has become an epidemic ripping apart the lives of innocent men.
A Voice for Men Has a New Face and Feminism is a Communist Plot

American Communism and the Rise of Feminism
In a 2002 book, Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women’s Liberation, feminist historian Kate Weigand states: ‘ideas, activists and traditions that emanated from the Communist movement of the forties and fifties continued to shape the direction of the new women’s movement of the 1960s and later.'(154)
In fact, Weigand, a lecturer at Smith College, shows that modern feminism is a direct outgrowth of American Communism. There is nothing that feminists said or did in the 1960’s-1980’s that wasn’t prefigured in the CPUSA of the 1940’s and 1950’s. Many second-wave feminist leaders were ‘red diaper babies,’ the children of Communists.

Communists pioneered the political and cultural analysis of woman’s oppression. They originated ‘women’s studies,’ and advocated public daycare, birth control, abortion and even children’s rights. They forged key feminist concepts such as ‘the personal is the political’ and techniques such as ‘consciousness raising.’
American Communism and the Rise of Feminism Notes from underground
Thanks everyone. I can safely declare that as a Republican, she is not a communist. Derideo, you came closest to what I would hope to be a solution, but if someone tells you you have to agree with them or they cannot associate with you, doesn't leave much room for talk. Seems the world is changing, I'll stay where I'm at.
Thanks everyone. I can safely declare that as a Republican, she is not a communist. Derideo, you came closest to what I would hope to be a solution, but if someone tells you you have to agree with them or they cannot associate with you, doesn't leave much room for talk. Seems the world is changing, I'll stay where I'm at.

If she has been brought up in a public school, and has identified herself as a "feminist?" She might be a socialist and not even know it.

Have her read Atlas Shrugged just to be on the safe side. ;)
Thanks everyone. I can safely declare that as a Republican, she is not a communist. Derideo, you came closest to what I would hope to be a solution, but if someone tells you you have to agree with them or they cannot associate with you, doesn't leave much room for talk. Seems the world is changing, I'll stay where I'm at.

Tell her that as her father she doesn't have a choice but to associate with you so it is up to her to decide what kind of relationship she wants with you. You guys can agree to disagree, that is allowed under the Constitution. ;) I know that I never agreed with my father when it came to politics but other than that he was cool.
I'm being straight here. I have a daughter who seems more than a little over the top anymore, I temper that observation with the fact that I am over 60 and have dated views. My question is in your opinion is there a dividing line between being passionate about a cause and being a fanatic?
Sure, but with young people they usually go a little overboard and swing back towards moderatioin. Its part of the growing process. Feminism is not a bad thing, but imo its been hijacked by fanatics as you said. Then again, most groups have their fanatic fringe.

If shes happy and you can maintain a good relationship all's good.
Besides, when I'm around my father, I find it best we just keep our opinions on certain matters to ourselves. lol

The Things You Should Never Talk About
I consider myself to be an adult. Yes, I do childish things like stay out all weekend drinking and what have you but I still have the mind of an adult. I was always raised that as an adult, there are certain things you do not discuss in public.

So why is it that when I’m spending time with other adults, I hear these things constantly being discussed? I thought that everyone adhered by these rules, but apparently not. This weekend, I was in the presence of a grown man, with grown children, discussing these topics in public. Why? Why do you do this to yourself? There are certain things that no one should discuss in public.

The Things You Should Never Talk About
I'm being straight here. I have a daughter who seems more than a little over the top anymore, I temper that observation with the fact that I am over 60 and have dated views. My question is in your opinion is there a dividing line between being passionate about a cause and being a fanatic?

My dividing line is at whatever point on sex asserts its' is inherently superior to the other by virtue of which ever it is.

Thus, if you'd claim both sexes can do something equally well, fine. But if you'd claim one can do something both are capable of better than the other just because they're a man/woman, then you've gone beyond passionate and into extremist dogma.
Besides, when I'm around my father, I find it best we just keep our opinions on certain matters to ourselves. lol

The Things You Should Never Talk About
I consider myself to be an adult. Yes, I do childish things like stay out all weekend drinking and what have you but I still have the mind of an adult. I was always raised that as an adult, there are certain things you do not discuss in public.

So why is it that when I’m spending time with other adults, I hear these things constantly being discussed? I thought that everyone adhered by these rules, but apparently not. This weekend, I was in the presence of a grown man, with grown children, discussing these topics in public. Why? Why do you do this to yourself? There are certain things that no one should discuss in public.

The Things You Should Never Talk About

All of those things can be discussed in public as long as the participants are dispassionate and uninvolved. However if you are talking about personal matters then yes, those things are better discussed in private.
Besides, when I'm around my father, I find it best we just keep our opinions on certain matters to ourselves. lol

The Things You Should Never Talk About
I consider myself to be an adult. Yes, I do childish things like stay out all weekend drinking and what have you but I still have the mind of an adult. I was always raised that as an adult, there are certain things you do not discuss in public.

So why is it that when I’m spending time with other adults, I hear these things constantly being discussed? I thought that everyone adhered by these rules, but apparently not. This weekend, I was in the presence of a grown man, with grown children, discussing these topics in public. Why? Why do you do this to yourself? There are certain things that no one should discuss in public.

The Things You Should Never Talk About
Besides, when I'm around my father, I find it best we just keep our opinions on certain matters to ourselves. lol

The Things You Should Never Talk About
I consider myself to be an adult. Yes, I do childish things like stay out all weekend drinking and what have you but I still have the mind of an adult. I was always raised that as an adult, there are certain things you do not discuss in public.

So why is it that when I’m spending time with other adults, I hear these things constantly being discussed? I thought that everyone adhered by these rules, but apparently not. This weekend, I was in the presence of a grown man, with grown children, discussing these topics in public. Why? Why do you do this to yourself? There are certain things that no one should discuss in public.

The Things You Should Never Talk About
True that Mister Beale!
Feminism is an emotional disorder stemming from conflicting beliefs that man and women are the same and different.
Feminism is an emotional disorder stemming from conflicting beliefs that man and women are the same and different.

When you post things like that you give credence to the concept of testosterone poisoning.
Feminism is an emotional disorder stemming from conflicting beliefs that man and women are the same and different.

When you post things like that you give credence to the concept of testosterone poisoning.

Does that mean men are different?

Both males and females can suffer from emotional disorders even if the hormones causing them are not identical so yes, they can be both the same and different and that isn't a "conflicting belief".
Feminism is an emotional disorder stemming from conflicting beliefs that man and women are the same and different.

When you post things like that you give credence to the concept of testosterone poisoning.

Does that mean men are different?

Both males and females can suffer from emotional disorders even if the hormones causing them are not identical so yes, they can be both the same and different and that isn't a "conflicting belief".

LOL, I think you proved my point!
I'm being straight here. I have a daughter who seems more than a little over the top anymore, I temper that observation with the fact that I am over 60 and have dated views. My question is in your opinion is there a dividing line between being passionate about a cause and being a fanatic?

How old is your daughter?

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