A Question about Global Warming:

I believe that humans of course have an effect on the planet and pollution is harmful but I also think the planet goes through natural cycles of cooling and warming, and there is nothing we can do about it.
I do hate SUV's but only because a soccer mom doesn't need a Hummer to drive her kids to practice, a van would do the job plus I have a small car and when I am turning left they stupid idiots who drive them always block my view. I know they can see just fine in their big ass car if they just stopped a few feet back.

Hummers are more of a issue than beyond the environment. They are one of the main things wrong with the American auto industry today and one of the reasons why they are in their current situation.
good point!

For one most people can't afford them, even the people who buy them.
What are 'deniers' denying? And who are these 'deniers'?

People whom deny that manmade Global Warming exists. ....
As correlations to that effect - anthropogenic CO2 correlated to temperature - are not causation, the the deniers (as YOU define them) are right. Correlation is not causation.
.... There is a difference between thinking it doesn't exist and going all out in your theories about it like some.
Please clarify what you are trying to say.
You don't think paying high high taxes is a form of enslavement? You is nuts!

So Americans were enslaved since taxes were put into place until the 60's?

Because the tax rate for the rich for many decades was 90%. They're paying 39% now.

The issue of taxes is a whole different one from this.

And here I thought you were getting your education. Silly me. :cuckoo:
good point!

For one most people can't afford them, even the people who buy them.

Well is there that factor. Plus the factor of how much the gas costs. People need cost effect vehicles that they can afford to keep going in bad times. Otherwise, that car will just sit in the driveway gathering dust.

It's why Japan is so much more effective. They make use of every single inch of space for their vehicles.

Reminds me a little bit of this:
You don't think paying high high taxes is a form of enslavement? You is nuts!

So Americans were enslaved since taxes were put into place until the 60's?

Because the tax rate for the rich for many decades was 90%.
They're paying 39% now.

The issue of taxes is a whole different one from this.

paying 90% of what you make is just 10% away from "slavery"
paying 90% of what you make is just 10% away from "slavery"

Except the rich don't pay anything near that anymore. You may be stuck in 1929, but the year is 2009.

Besides, with the amount of tax writeoffs and loopholes, the rich rarely pay 39%.
nope,, they are not, they go hand in hand, and will in fact enslave the American Taxpayer.

And here is the conspiracy theories of which I speak of.

Change it slightly to 9/11 and security measures with "unlimited power" to the new Dictator and we got ourselves a truther.
paying 90% of what you make is just 10% away from "slavery"

Except the rich don't pay anything near that anymore. You may be stuck in 1929, but the year is 2009.

Besides, with the amount of tax writeoffs and loopholes, the rich rarely pay 39%.

I quoted the figures you gave me. If ever there was a time in America where anybody paid 90% of what they earned they were just 10% away from being slaves. Now as for today.. if the tax rate is 39% for the rich, they are 39% closer to being slaves than those who pay zero percent.
nope,, they are not, they go hand in hand, and will in fact enslave the American Taxpayer.

And here is the conspiracy theories of which I speak of.

Change it slightly to 9/11 and security measures with "unlimited power" to the new Dictator and we got ourselves a truther.

do go on. do tell us why one has nothing to do with the other. we'll wait.
People whom deny that manmade Global Warming exists. ....
Although manmade Global Warming may or may not be essentially proven, ....

There is of course a difference between outright denying and not being sure. There is no evidence to back up the outright denying.
Let's see if I can follow your 'logic': 'Deniers' deny the existence of something (anthropogenic global warming). If they don't know if that something exists or not, then they are not a 'denier'?

Now, my second question: Who do you think these deniers are?

Disclaimer: Now, I'm just asking to be sure, so don't get in a tizzy.
Why is it a right wing/left wing thing?

I am always amazed when somebody asks this question. On the surface, it seems perfectly logical. However, in order to ask this question sincerely, you would've had to been living under a rock for the past 10 years.

How sweet of you to say!

No, it was a sincere question. Just look at the turn this thread took from my simple question.
People whom deny that manmade Global Warming exists. ....
Although manmade Global Warming may or may not be essentially proven, ....

There is of course a difference between outright denying and not being sure. There is no evidence to back up the outright denying.

There is as much evidence to back the outright "denying" as there is to back supporting global warming. As to those theorizing that this is about government control... well... let's see, the federal government just classified the breath you exhale as a poison. How far a reach do you think THAT gives the government over you in the public domain. Think second hand smoke.
I quoted the figures you gave me. If ever there was a time in America where anybody paid 90% of what they earned they were just 10% away from being slaves. Now as for today.. if the tax rate is 39% for the rich, they are 39% closer to being slaves than those who pay zero percent.

So wait. You consider any taxes to be slavery. Wow, even our Founding Fathers would laugh at your crazy ass.
I quoted the figures you gave me. If ever there was a time in America where anybody paid 90% of what they earned they were just 10% away from being slaves. Now as for today.. if the tax rate is 39% for the rich, they are 39% closer to being slaves than those who pay zero percent.

So wait. You consider any taxes to be slavery. Wow, even our Founding Fathers would laugh at your crazy ass.

so you would be perfectly willing to go out day after day and work your sane ass off, come home, and hand mr. tax man 90% of what you've earned and you would NOT view yourself as a slave? And you want to call my ass crazy?
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There is as much evidence to back the outright "denying" as there is to back supporting global warming. As to those theorizing that this is about government control... well... let's see, the federal government just classified the breath you exhale as a poison. How far a reach do you think THAT gives the government over you in the public domain. Think second hand smoke.

I see where you're getting at. I offer this argument (the Libertarian one):

While I am all for you being able to smoke and kill yourself slowly. I'd rather not have the same done to me. Second hand smoke exists and it kills. (It's been proven). So, when you smoke around me in public places such as restaurants and slowly take away from my life, you are violating my rights as a human being.

Therefore, you should have to move to a new area of the restaurant, perhaps a smoker area where you all can smoke together and not breach my rights.

The Government although considered to be evil by many, it is necessary. We need them to step in and make such measures at points in order to protect our rights.

Also, the situation you are talking about already exists among the states that border the mexican border.

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