A question for Conservatives

I listen to him several times as seriously as I do to ed schultz. They both drive me batty with their 'one way or hit the highway' mentality that is pulling apart the center. George Santayana was so correct when he wrote: "Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana - Wikiquote

Is Wikiqoutes the classic you were referring to or did I just mix you up with another person's post.
For all you wannabe 'conservatives', read what a real one has to say.

We are witnessing the “social and economic evisceration” of the working class, said Rich Lowery (National Review Online). In recent decades, the gap between Americans who complete college and those who don’t has become a chasm ---- economically and socially. Generally speaking, the third of Americans with college degrees ---- the so called elites ---- enjoy rising incomes and low unemployment, and they’ve embraced traditional values and stable families. But among those without a high school degree, the picture is grim: Unemployment has surpassed 15%, and today’s blue-collar workers often earn less than their fathers did.

Worse, “this economic pressure makes it harder to marry,” and family stability in middle America is crumbling. Even among the “moderately educated” ---- those with a high school diploma or even some college ---- out of wedlock births have “exploded” from 13% in 1982. to 44% today. In effect, the creation of a stable family ---- “an institution absolutely critical to children’s prospects” ---- is increasingly tied to a college education. “There is a crisis in the middle,” and the “brain dead populism” of blaming “the elites” won’t save the struggling working classes.

Rich Lowry is editor of National Review. A reprise in The Week, 16 Dec 2010, of an article. mobile.theweek.com/article/search?ext=html&url.

Is there a point you are wanting to make here? It is the left that "blames the elites" And I thought many of the "working class" (since we want to get into class warfare) was also part of the middle.

Ollie, the right blames the "elites". Listen to the reactionary wacks here who believe education is unnecessary. Go listen to Rush every day and you will hear it. It is a mantra of the right wing. Lowery is saying that the working and middle classes will sink into a mire of uneducated, unwed, unknowing 'poverty stew' of individuals who have no idea how to be American or how to succeed in American society. He is so correct when he says the “brain dead populism” of blaming “the elites” won’t save the struggling working classes. Either our kids and our grand kids and their kids get their college educations, or they will continue to sink to the bottom as more and more of them produce children in non-traditional families.

That is sad that the traditional family is beginning to define the college-educated two-parent family, and that is becoming overwhelmingly true each year.

Listen to the reactionary wacks here who believe education is unnecessary. Go listen to Rush every day and you will hear it. It is a mantra of the right wing.

I am going to do you a favor here, because I like you, you almost at times come across as intelligent and having a real position based on facts, which you should stick to, then you just outright tell a blatant lie. I do not see how going all over the place does your expression of your ideology any good.

If your serious you should stick to what you believe and not make stuff up, its to easy to call you on simple lies.

Do your research, become the expert, dont assume, dont make things up, dont lie.

There, I did you a favor, now hopefully your smart enough to listen, its more fun to destroy a person that educates themselves on their foolishness. Much easier as well.

Good luck.
A question for Conservatives

You really don't know your party is 90% white? How do you think it's divided? By race I mean?
A question for Conservatives

You really don't know your party is 90% white? How do you think it's divided? By race I mean?

Wow, how bigoted, whats wrong with being white, a question for Liberals, you do know Democrats were the KKK, you do know it was Liberals who started slavery and fought to keep slaves. Hell, the Democrats still cant let the slaves go, they keep them all in the party.
A question for Conservatives

You really don't know your party is 90% white? How do you think it's divided? By race I mean?

Wow, how bigoted, whats wrong with being white, a question for Liberals, you do know Democrats were the KKK, you do know it was Liberals who started slavery and fought to keep slaves. Hell, the Democrats still cant let the slaves go, they keep them all in the party.
Rdean is a self-loathing Caucasian. :lol:
For all you wannabe 'conservatives', read what a real one has to say.

We are witnessing the “social and economic evisceration” of the working class, said Rich Lowery (National Review Online). In recent decades, the gap between Americans who complete college and those who don’t has become a chasm ---- economically and socially. Generally speaking, the third of Americans with college degrees ---- the so called elites ---- enjoy rising incomes and low unemployment, and they’ve embraced traditional values and stable families. But among those without a high school degree, the picture is grim: Unemployment has surpassed 15%, and today’s blue-collar workers often earn less than their fathers did.

Worse, “this economic pressure makes it harder to marry,” and family stability in middle America is crumbling. Even among the “moderately educated” ---- those with a high school diploma or even some college ---- out of wedlock births have “exploded” from 13% in 1982. to 44% today. In effect, the creation of a stable family ---- “an institution absolutely critical to children’s prospects” ---- is increasingly tied to a college education. “There is a crisis in the middle,” and the “brain dead populism” of blaming “the elites” won’t save the struggling working classes.

Rich Lowry is editor of National Review. A reprise in The Week, 16 Dec 2010, of an article. mobile.theweek.com/article/search?ext=html&url.

Yes, the Federal Department of "Education" needs to be burned to the ground because we graduate idiots at an alarming rate and that's what keeps Dems in power

President Palin will make that happen early in her first term
I love how some posters are proud of their inability to define what they chide. If that isn't pathetic, then I don't know what is.

If you don't know why you're against socialism or communism or marxism and you don't even know what it is, either do the research or shut the fuck up. You're just embarrassing yourself further by typing up baseless assumptions of what you think it is rather than what it actually is.

The same goes for folks who call Obama a socialist when that couldn't be further from the truth. He's just as much of an empty suit puppet as Bush was. An instant sellout who is told what to do behind closed doors and is told if he strays from that path, he'll end up like JFK. So, it's dirty business as usual.
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That's the whole reason I am, we use facts, and yall use talking points from Obama's ass. I go against the grain, cuz I see policies that you likely support, are destroying my communities, and this whole area.

Oh do you think so? I don't think you use any facts at all. If you do... Please, elaborate on what you just said.
Nobody cares what you think. Only what the facts are.
The facts are not on your side.

Hmmm... Really? How do you think you did?

I was under the impression that Reading was in dire straits for the same reason as so many other semi-metropolitan areas, along with the more depressed areas of large metropolitan areas - Lack of industry, and the fact that anyone with any money has left...

But since the facts are not on my side, show me how "liberal policies" has caused any sort of downfall...

I won't hold my breath.
For all you wannabe 'conservatives', read what a real one has to say.

We are witnessing the “social and economic evisceration” of the working class, said Rich Lowery (National Review Online). In recent decades, the gap between Americans who complete college and those who don’t has become a chasm ---- economically and socially. Generally speaking, the third of Americans with college degrees ---- the so called elites ---- enjoy rising incomes and low unemployment, and they’ve embraced traditional values and stable families. But among those without a high school degree, the picture is grim: Unemployment has surpassed 15%, and today’s blue-collar workers often earn less than their fathers did.

Worse, “this economic pressure makes it harder to marry,” and family stability in middle America is crumbling. Even among the “moderately educated” ---- those with a high school diploma or even some college ---- out of wedlock births have “exploded” from 13% in 1982. to 44% today. In effect, the creation of a stable family ---- “an institution absolutely critical to children’s prospects” ---- is increasingly tied to a college education. “There is a crisis in the middle,” and the “brain dead populism” of blaming “the elites” won’t save the struggling working classes.

Rich Lowry is editor of National Review. A reprise in The Week, 16 Dec 2010, of an article. mobile.theweek.com/article/search?ext=html&url.

Yes, the Federal Department of "Education" needs to be burned to the ground because we graduate idiots at an alarming rate and that's what keeps Dems in power

[idiotic statement removed]

Surely you know that intelligence and level of formal education are both inversely related to the propensity toward voting Republican... Right?
The wacks on the first page, with two exceptions, prove the OP. These people do not understand the definitions or the historical context in which they are used. Such losers consider those who are far more educated than them to be "elitists". To be truly educated and ready to participate fully and worthily in the modern era, one should be extensively read in Smith, Mills, Goethe, Marx, Engels, etc., among the great works of Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian, and Modern times.

Anyone who is not educated (this has nothing to do with degrees) simply is dismissed.

Excellent OP and excellent exposure of the pseudo-intellectuals and pseudo-educated on the Board.
Your concern for the poor misunderstood Unkle Karl is noted and ascribed to your leftist tendencies.

I've explained why it doesn't matter what Marx said. All that matters is what his followers have done...and it's nothing but murder. History shows this. You have to be willfully blind not to know it.

Your "explanation" dismisses you as the fool you are. Thank you for making that point absolutely clear with your posting.
Really? So you are contending that the real world outcomes are irrelevent but the written idological ranting writings are not? That cannot be the point you are making because that would be asinine. Please explain how Daveman's comments about the outcomes being more important than the writings are foolish.

The modern industrial revolution, integral to capitalism, has resulted in scores of millions of death, caused by the ism's, right and center and left. Don't think an intelligent person believes unregulated capitalism to be any more wonderful than a communist state. Both capitalism and socialism, properly managed, have created decent societies: Denmark, Sweden, and Canada are examples of the latter and the USA and other countries examples of the former.

A society good to all mandates an educated understanding of definitions, theories, and the historical construct in which they are used. Anyone who starts arguing about "elites" is a person who intends to take far more than his or her share.

hmm. I think you are confusing war and growing pains with murder. Stalin, Mao, Pot, Hitler, murdered that many people, and most kept thier people living in fear.

Socilism does not compare to capitalism. Capitalism is not a political ideal, though it tends to function best under democracy.

Socilism is a combo of politics and economy. Where in the end, the government has most if not all sway, leading to cronism (china), or dictatorship (Vensualia)

Then do explain the plight of America & other capitalist nations, where a dictator can murder, torturer & rape children (America), or starve the masses (India) for the benefit of the few. Judging from our homeless, poor, and being the biggest debtor nation in the world, shouldn't we be fearing failed Capitalism instead of socialism??
Seriously, put down the crack pipe.
The far right reactionaries reveal their foolishness.

They don't read! They don't read!! They don't read!!!

As if there was ever any question that they are indeed illiterate about definitions and their historical context.

List of countries where Marxism has worked as advertised:

End of list

Non sequitur, sonny, because no one here has suggested that Marxism has worked as advertised. Give us a list where unregulated capitalism has not devastated the working classes, forcing them ever further into poverty. End of list.
You keep referring to the 'unregulated capitalism' as if ANYONE here has advocated this. Will anyone stand up and put fourth that this is what they want? I do not believe that is what anyone is referring to. We NEED a capitalistic based society that has socialistic protections. What we are becoming is a socialistic society that enjoys a few capitalistic details. What's worse, those vestiges of capitalism are fast becoming illusions replaced by companies that are ran and protected by the government - aka socialism. As a side note, none of this has ANYTHING to do with the OP. You are setting up straw men here.
Oh do you think so? I don't think you use any facts at all. If you do... Please, elaborate on what you just said.
Nobody cares what you think. Only what the facts are.
The facts are not on your side.

Hmmm... Really? How do you think you did?

I was under the impression that Reading was in dire straits for the same reason as so many other semi-metropolitan areas, along with the more depressed areas of large metropolitan areas - Lack of industry, and the fact that anyone with any money has left...

But since the facts are not on my side, show me how "liberal policies" has caused any sort of downfall...

I won't hold my breath.

You seem to not understand WHY we have a lack of industry and that anyone with money has left. A large portion of that is directly from the simple COST of producing in this country. That cost is the DIRECT result of liberal ideological policies. Now, that is not to say that those policies need to be completely removed but there needs to be some counterbalance to their never ending growth. What capitalistic policies do you seem to think caused all this to happen as that seems to be what you are eluding to?
You seem to not understand WHY we have a lack of industry and that anyone with money has left. A large portion of that is directly from the simple COST of producing in this country. That cost is the DIRECT result of liberal ideological policies. Now, that is not to say that those policies need to be completely removed but there needs to be some counterbalance to their never ending growth. What capitalistic policies do you seem to think caused all this to happen as that seems to be what you are eluding to?
Globalism, hands down, is the main reason American companies run their manufacturing factories in third world countries. They do that in order to reap in as much profit as possible while paying the peasants, who work twelve hours a day, only several dimes an hour. Not to mention that it's a way to skirt environmental laws.

Nike and Disney do this often, as well as most other companies. When's the last time computers, clothing, shoes, hats, coffee makers, knives, American flags, yellow ribbon bumper stickers and other items were made in the U.S.A? It's now imported from China and placed on the shelves of wal-mart. That's how they maintain their low, low prices.

Work people to death , pay them peanuts in return for their slave labor, and then watch the moolah roll in. Ingenious evil.
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You seem to not understand WHY we have a lack of industry and that anyone with money has left. A large portion of that is directly from the simple COST of producing in this country. That cost is the DIRECT result of liberal ideological policies. Now, that is not to say that those policies need to be completely removed but there needs to be some counterbalance to their never ending growth. What capitalistic policies do you seem to think caused all this to happen as that seems to be what you are eluding to?
Globalism, hands down, is the main reason American companies run their manufacturing factories in third world countries. They do that in order to reap in as much profit as possible while paying the peasants, who work twelve hours a day, only several dimes an hour. Not to mention that it's a way to skirt environmental laws.

Nike and Disney do this often, as well as most other companies. When's the last time computers, clothing, shoes, hats, coffee makers, knives, American flags, yellow ribbon bumper stickers and other items were made in the U.S.A? It's now imported from China and placed on the shelves of wal-mart. That's how they maintain their low, low prices.

Work people to death , pay them peanuts in return for their slave labor, and then watch the moolah roll in. Ingenious evil.

So, what you are saying is that companies have run to countries that do not have the liberal policies that we have here! That is correct, those nations do not impose the restrictions on companies that we have here allowing them far cheaper production than if they were to stay here. As I said, I do not want all these protections gone but if you were to take a single look at the OSHA standards in this nation you would realize how asinine they truly are and how they are ruining our productivity. There DOES need to be tariffs on imported goods though. I see a big problem with completely open borders to countries that have zero laws in human rights (china) but you do need to realize that there is a price that is paid as well. The global economy IS here and there is nothing that you can do to mitigate that. Exporting is a requirement for any healthy nation's economy particularly this nation. You might also note that taxes on imported goods hurt the POOR the most as they are the main purchaser of many of those goods. Food, clothing, toys and many other items are so cheap simply because there is an open market for those. The left regularly forgets that there is a price to be paid for ALL actions. Removing free and open trade will carry a hefty price tag with it and the lower classes, NOT the rich as most of the left believes, will bay the brunt of the cost.
[Seriously, put down the crack pipe.

Sorry, I don't have your crack pipe, and in fact I don't have a crack pipe. But I do see that was your best debate, and you fail.

Just giving you a response that was worthy of your drivel. But then again, you could try and explain where this fake American dictator resides and when the last time they raped children was and we can all be awe inspired by your debating skills.....
A question for Conservatives

You really don't know your party is 90% white? How do you think it's divided? By race I mean?

Is there any part of life that you see in terms of the individual? Must everything be an exercise in splintering and division?

Why do you continually promote differences and never promote commonality?

Is this a country of individuals or special interests?

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