a question for democrats about abortion ..

But we are told it is a human being from the moment of conception, yet they do not act that way with most laws.
The law is upstaged, by prosecutors, for pregnant woman that is murdered.
Double homicide.
The only one I know of.
So, when men and women ever masturbate, they're guilty of murder?
That's "logical", after all they killed half of a potential human.
If I take an egg from a woman and mix it with sperm in a test tube and then let it die, am I guilty of murder?
If I take an egg from a woman and mix it with sperm in a test tube and then let it die, am I guilty of murder?
What about the fertility clinic that stores all those embryos or sperm cells and loses power by a natural disaster or not paying their electric bill?

THAT must amount to a war crime.
May 5 2022
A bill advanced Wednesday by Louisiana legislators would classify abortion as a homicide, potentially allowing authorities to charge women and girls with murder and criminalize in vitro fertilization.

Speaking at a hearing Wednesday, the bill’s sponsor, Danny McCormick, compared the move to flout federal laws protecting abortion to the state’s approval of medical marijuana.

"If more than 15 states can defy the federal government, we can do it to save the lives of innocent babies," he said. “We cannot wait for the Supreme Court to confirm that innocent babies have the right to life."

“The taking of a life is murder, and it is illegal," he added.

The bill’s text, which says the legislation aims to “ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization,” it instructs the state to disregard federal abortion rulings, including Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
The bill’s text, which says the legislation aims to “ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization,” it instructs the state to disregard federal abortion rulings, including Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

from the moment of fertilization.

This will remove the rights of women to try IVF.

No way it can be legal to keep those extra humans frozen like they do.
A potential human being is not yet a human being.

Herein lies the problem.

IMO when the fetus is viable outside the womb the only time an abortion can be performed is to save the life of the mother or if some terminal defect is found in the fetus.

Before viability the fetus is only a potential human being
you obviously have never seen an ultrasound of a baby at 3 months. It IS a human being.
from the moment of fertilization.

This will remove the rights of women to try IVF.

No way it can be legal to keep those extra humans frozen like they do.
it gets complicated. But you libs can still use abortion as birth control in the blue states. Let the voters of each state decide. Why does that scare you so terribly?
it gets complicated. But you libs can still use abortion as birth control in the blue states. Let the voters of each state decide. Why does that scare you so terribly?

I am not scared of anything, just pointing out what the law does.

Why does talking about those laws scare you so?
I am not scared of anything, just pointing out what the law does.

Why does talking about those laws scare you so?
if Roe is ruled unconstitutional by the SC then it is NOT law. Abortion LAW would then have to be made by the voters of each state. Do you have an issue with that? if so, why? and those laws would have to address IVF and the other issues you accurately brought up.
if Roe is ruled unconstitutional by the SC then it is NOT law. Abortion LAW would then have to be made by the voters of each state. Do you have an issue with that? if so, why? and those laws would have to address IVF and the other issues you accurately brought up.

A good number of states already have laws waiting to spring into effect. Already passed and signed.

How many laws are made by the voters of the states?
it gets complicated. But you libs can still use abortion as birth control in the blue states.
Sure, ALL women would rather have an operation as a means for birth control.
They drill holes in their head to get rid of migraine headaches too.
Like Trumptards on their way to one of his pity rallies.
Let the voters of each state decide. Why does that scare you so terribly?
Don't want an abortion, don't get one.
A good number of states already have laws waiting to spring into effect. Already passed and signed.

How many laws are made by the voters of the states?
the voters pick the representatives, so all laws are made by the voters. in the case of abortion, those votes would probably be a state wide referendum, except in california where the government doesn't care what the voters want.
A nonviable one
maybe, but one that smiles, kicks, feels pain, and recognizes its mother's voice. so in your small mind, exactly when does a fetus become a person? give a distinct time and then explain how that magically happens at exactly that moment.
To stay consistent they should be pushing for laws that require every miscarriage to be treated no differently than if a 1 year old died in the mother's care.

Yet I have not seen any do this yet.

You seem really confused about how these things work. I guess that's life as an incel, but do try to educate yourself a little. You sound plain crazy.

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