a question for democrats about abortion ..

because the child who is being "terminated" is not given the right to make his/her decision. That unborn human is innocent of this in every way but yet you want to kill him or her.
Why does a fertilized egg have the same rights as a woman?
just one final thought on this. Why is abortion the be-all and end-all issue for the democrat left? Why is this your major issue? Why don't you care about the millions of black and hispanic lives that are ended by abortions?
Part of the problem with “letting the voters decide” is are system allows a minority of people determine rights for a majority. The voters are not speaking, states are. The majority of Americans want abortion to remain safe and legal, with some restrictions.
why did the chicken cross the road? my question is as stupid as yours.
Not really. If you regard any human life, even if it is only a microscopic potential that may never be viable as equal in value, then a fertilized egg has an equal right to another person’s body as that person. Even if forceably put there. It isn’t sentient, has no feeling, has no consciousness and yet it has rights over another.

This question has been asked before…if a person held an infant in one hand and a test tube in the other, and threatened to throw one over a cliff, which would you save? I’d save the infant.
Simple, I believe that a child conceived by rape, or incest can be aborted at the choice of the woman carrying it. I also believe that abortion to save the life of the mother should also be allowed. Again, I don't have to justify those beliefs to you or anyone else.

many of the pro abortion crowd are screaming "if they make abortion illegal, mixed race marriage and gay marriage will be next" Its a lie and those people are ignorant of the constitution as well as the language of Roe v Wade, and they obviously have not read the draft SC opinion because it specifically says that it only applies to abortion, and nothing else.
I understand that your inability to justify your reasons is why you keep repeating that you don’t have to explain yourself. I get it, it’s a tough issue. But if you are going to go around saying that an embryo is a human life and you support aborting an innocent human life, even if it’s rape… well that’s a pretty ugly thing.
your ignorance about pregnancy and birth is obvious in your question.
It has little to do with pregnancy and birth, but value and rights and when one entity has rights equal to or over another. Otherwise, the only consistent position is no abortion for any reason.
Not really. If you regard any human life, even if it is only a microscopic potential that may never be viable as equal in value, then a fertilized egg has an equal right to another person’s body as that person. Even if forceably put there. It isn’t sentient, has no feeling, has no consciousness and yet it has rights over another.

This question has been asked before…if a person held an infant in one hand and a test tube in the other, and threatened to throw one over a cliff, which would you save? I’d save the infant.
me too, so what? that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. tell me this: why when a pregnant woman is murdered (makes no difference how long in the pregnancy) is the murderer charged with two counts of murder if the fetus is nothing but a glob of cells?
It has little to do with pregnancy and birth, but value and rights and when one entity has rights equal to or over another. Otherwise, the only consistent position is no abortion for any reason.
where is the right to kill unborn humans spelled out in the constitution or anywhere else?
You think she should

What she thinks is an entirely different matter.

I know it galls you that you can;t force people to do what you want them to

She can do what she wants.

Her BABY--separate human--is another matter

I am ultimately for utmost freedom. You are not. You say some human's freedom is dependent on the will of another
What’s there to defend? You can’t even understand simple statements.


"I made this baby but now I don't want it so I'm going to kill it"

You all thought this would save you in the midterms. I knew it would not. You're beclowned again.
uh, right, and the unborn have zero rights? but at the instant of birth all rights apply to them? Do you understand how foolish that sounds?
What sounds foolish to me is giving a fertilized egg the same rights as a woman.

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