a question for democrats about abortion ..

For one a hospital is not a person. That's obvious isn;t it?

So comparing a woman to a hospital ward is just ridiculous.

The one is the baby's mother. Who gave the baby life and should sustain it.

The other are people hired to do a job.

This is how confused you are. I agree. It's ridiculous.
The one is the baby's mother. Who gave the baby life and should sustain it.

The other are people hired to do a job.

This is how confused you are. I agree. It's ridiculous.

You think she should

What she thinks is an entirely different matter.

I know it galls you that you can;t force people to do what you want them to
Who exactly was forced to get a vaccine against their will?

NO one that's who
you were only forced if you wanted to travel, enter a restaurant or arena, or go to work. If that's not a government mandate, what is it?
So where do you draw the line on the majority vote deciding what your rights are?

The mob does not have a say as to what anyone can or cannot do to their own body
a majority vote cannot undo any constitutional right. sadly for you libs, abortion is NOT a constitutional right, so the voters of each state get to decide the abortion rules for their state. I know you libs hate the truth on this, but you are going to have to live with those truths.
I don't fear the American voters. In fact I would love for the issue to be put as a referendum on the ballot in every state, and let the people vote abortion up or down.
wow, we agree. I am fully willing to accept the will of the voters, but I don't think most liberals are.
Those beliefs are just fine, I pretty much agree with you. Why are you being so defensive?

Prior to that stage of growth, prior to the 15 weeks, do you see the embryo as an abortable clump of cells or no?
prior to 15 weeks I see it as a human being in the formative stages. I believe that it is a human being from the instant of conception. That is my personal belief which is shared by billions world wide. You believe otherwise and thats fine. When society faces issues like this the majority opinion should prevail, otherwise we have a dictatorship with no individual rights to thoughts or actions. That is what this is really about. How our society resolves its differences. I am willing to accept the views of the majority as expressed by a vote on this, are you?
prior to 15 weeks I see it as a human being in the formative stages. I believe that it is a human being from the instant of conception. That is my personal belief which is shared by billions world wide. You believe otherwise and thats fine. When society faces issues like this the majority opinion should prevail, otherwise we have a dictatorship with no individual rights to thoughts or actions. That is what this is really about. How our society resolves its differences. I am willing to accept the views of the majority as expressed by a vote on this, are you?
I’ve always accepted the results of the vote. Glad your on the right side of that argument.

In regards to the embryo being a human being… how then can you support early stage abortion under any circumstances… even in the cases of rape and incest? That would be supporting murder, right?
I’ve always accepted the results of the vote. Glad your on the right side of that argument.

In regards to the embryo being a human being… how then can you support early stage abortion under any circumstances… even in the cases of rape and incest? That would be supporting murder, right?
yes, we are somewhat inconsistent on those exceptions, but that's just what we believe. and again, I do not have to justify my beliefs to you or anyone else, just as you do not have to justify yours. So lets have the votes and let each state decide, ok?

the current lib argument on this that this would be a path to return to slavery and take away women's voting rights is just plain stupid desperation.
yes, we are somewhat inconsistent on those exceptions, but that's just what we believe. and again, I do not have to justify my beliefs to you or anyone else, just as you do not have to justify yours. So lets have the votes and let each state decide, ok?

the current lib argument on this that this would be a path to return to slavery and take away women's voting rights is just plain stupid desperation.
I haven’t heard people say it’s taking away womens voting rights. It is allowing the government to regulate what a woman does with her own body though and that’s why people are so passionate about it.

I don’t see how you can be so flippant about the “inconsistencies”… with your perspective you are talking about murdering babies. How can that be acceptable to you under any circumstances?
you were only forced if you wanted to travel, enter a restaurant or arena, or go to work. If that's not a government mandate, what is it?
Wrong again.

The US never forced anyone to get a vaccine against their will
prior to 15 weeks I see it as a human being in the formative stages. I believe that it is a human being from the instant of conception. That is my personal belief which is shared by billions world wide. You believe otherwise and thats fine. When society faces issues like this the majority opinion should prevail, otherwise we have a dictatorship with no individual rights to thoughts or actions. That is what this is really about. How our society resolves its differences. I am willing to accept the views of the majority as expressed by a vote on this, are you?
And billions don;t share your belief but you feel the need to force your belief on everyone else
a majority vote cannot undo any constitutional right. sadly for you libs, abortion is NOT a constitutional right, so the voters of each state get to decide the abortion rules for their state. I know you libs hate the truth on this, but you are going to have to live with those truths.

medical procedures fall under the category of liberty.

If you are not free to make decisions about what is done to your own body then you are not free and your liberty is being taken away from you.

So tell me just how much control over your choices do you want the fucking government to have?
I haven’t heard people say it’s taking away womens voting rights. It is allowing the government to regulate what a woman does with her own body though and that’s why people are so passionate about it.

I don’t see how you can be so flippant about the “inconsistencies”… with your perspective you are talking about murdering babies. How can that be acceptable to you under any circumstances?
Simple, I believe that a child conceived by rape, or incest can be aborted at the choice of the woman carrying it. I also believe that abortion to save the life of the mother should also be allowed. Again, I don't have to justify those beliefs to you or anyone else.

many of the pro abortion crowd are screaming "if they make abortion illegal, mixed race marriage and gay marriage will be next" Its a lie and those people are ignorant of the constitution as well as the language of Roe v Wade, and they obviously have not read the draft SC opinion because it specifically says that it only applies to abortion, and nothing else.
medical procedures fall under the category of liberty.

If you are not free to make decisions about what is done to your own body then you are not free and your liberty is being taken away from you.

So tell me just how much control over your choices do you want the fucking government to have?
thats the real issue here. Is an abortion simply a medical procedure or is it the killing of a human being. There are arguments on both sides. So lets let the voters of each state decide which way their state goes. Why is the left so afraid of that?
And billions don;t share your belief but you feel the need to force your belief on everyone else
wrong, its the left that is trying force its belief on everyone else. We on the right want the voters of each state to decide, you want a federal mandate (which is unconstitutional)
thats the real issue here. Is an abortion simply a medical procedure or is it the killing of a human being. There are arguments on both sides. So lets let the voters of each state decide which way their state goes. Why is the left so afraid of that?
Why is the right afraid of letting women make their own decisions?
Why is the right afraid of. Letting women make their own decisions?
because the child who is being "terminated" is not given the right to make his/her decision. That unborn human is innocent of this in every way but yet you want to kill him or her.

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