a question for democrats about abortion ..

Why is a Fed Mandate any more tyranny than a state mandate?
if a majority of the voters vote for something, its not a government mandate, its a decision of the public on the ethical course that they want their state to follow. A mandate is a government dictate, quite different from a vote.
opinions on abortion are just that, opinions. They are based on beliefs, science, or gut feel. Neither of us is required to back up his opinions. But we should be able to vote on which opinions represent the majority view in each state.
No shit sherlock, you get to vote for whatever you want. I’ve never said otherwise. And nobody is forcing you to back up your views, but you are on a discussion board and when you react the way you are by avoiding questions and saying you don’t have to explain yourself you are simply showing that you are not able to back up the things you say
if a majority of the voters vote for something, its not a government mandate, its a decision of the public on the ethical course that they want their state to follow. A mandate is a government dictate, quite different from a vote.

But none of these laws are being done via referendum, they are being done by the elected officials of the state
No shit sherlock, you get to vote for whatever you want. I’ve never said otherwise. And nobody is forcing you to back up your views, but you are on a discussion board and when you react the way you are by avoiding questions and saying you don’t have to explain yourself you are simply showing that you are not able to back up the things you say
all the backup I need for my views on abortion are ultra sounds of infants at 15 weeks. and the testimony of doctors that show that babies at that stage feel pain, smile, and react to their mother's voice, they are not a glob of cells, they are human beings and killing them is murder------------IMHO and I do not have to justify those beliefs to you are anyone else. Nor do you have to justify your pro abortion beliefs. So lets have the citizens of 50 states vote, I will accept their vote, will you?
But none of these laws are being done via referendum, they are being done by the elected officials of the state
the leaked SC opinion would do nothing but return the issue to the states where it belongs, whether a state decided using legislative action or a referendum is up to each state. Personally I would like to see a referendum in each state, but its not up to me.
all the backup I need for my views on abortion are ultra sounds of infants at 15 weeks. and the testimony of doctors that show that babies at that stage feel pain, smile, and react to their mother's voice, they are not a glob of cells, they are human beings and killing them is murder------------IMHO and I do not have to justify those beliefs to you are anyone else. Nor do you have to justify your pro abortion beliefs. So lets have the citizens of 50 states vote, I will accept their vote, will you?
Those beliefs are just fine, I pretty much agree with you. Why are you being so defensive?

Prior to that stage of growth, prior to the 15 weeks, do you see the embryo as an abortable clump of cells or no?
if a majority of the voters vote for something, its not a government mandate, its a decision of the public on the ethical course that they want their state to follow. A mandate is a government dictate, quite different from a vote.
So where do you draw the line on the majority vote deciding what your rights are?

The mob does not have a say as to what anyone can or cannot do to their own body
all the backup I need for my views on abortion are ultra sounds of infants at 15 weeks. and the testimony of doctors that show that babies at that stage feel pain, smile, and react to their mother's voice, they are not a glob of cells, they are human beings and killing them is murder------------IMHO and I do not have to justify those beliefs to you are anyone else. Nor do you have to justify your pro abortion beliefs. So lets have the citizens of 50 states vote, I will accept their vote, will you?
93% of all abortions are performed before 13 weeks.
bullshit! that is the only thing at issue and a vote in each state will resolve it. Why do you fear the american voters?
I don't fear the American voters. In fact I would love for the issue to be put as a referendum on the ballot in every state, and let the people vote abortion up or down.
Boy....is this like the hundreth or so thread on this stupid topic? Seems like it.

First - most on the left don't see abortion as black and white as you make it out to be.

Second - if "killing a human being" is vile, you ought to place as much emphasis on ending the death penalty, fighting for the rights of surplus IVF embryos as you do meddling around with women's bodies.
Equating a man who rapes a 4 year old for days then leaves her naked dead body spread out in a park to be found by kids with babies seems to be your forte.
What’s wrong with you? You’re sick
Oh, facts scare you?
Your the one who thinks a man who rapes a 4 year old for days before murdering her by torture deserves 3 hot meals a day for the rest of their lives.

And you want to rip the limbs off of this child, you’re the same ilk.
I haven’t made an argument for or against it, but thanks for asking. My opinion is that the decision should be up to the mother until a point where the fetus is capable of surviving on its own. I don’t like a government make the call what a pregnant woman can do with something that’s happening inside of her body.

What’s your position? No abortions period? Or would you support exceptions for rape incess and health of the mother?

What does that mean: "Survive on its own"? A newborn cannot survive on its own. Many people in and out of the hospital right now cannot "survive on their own". That's arbitrary and frankly, nonsensical.

You could even say it's "ableist". Are you ableist?
Those beliefs are just fine, I pretty much agree with you. Why are you being so defensive?

Prior to that stage of growth, prior to the 15 weeks, do you see the embryo as an abortable clump of cells or no?

Here's your "abortable clump of cells" at 14 weeks with tiny fingers and everything.

What does that mean: "Survive on its own"? A newborn cannot survive on its own. Many people in and out of the hospital right now cannot "survive on their own". That's arbitrary and frankly, nonsensical.

You could even say it's "ableist". Are you ableist?
Haha, you don’t understand what survive on its own means?! Wow, you’re worse than I expected

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