a question for democrats about abortion ..

maybe, but one that smiles, kicks, feels pain, and recognizes its mother's voice. so in your small mind, exactly when does a fetus become a person? give a distinct time and then explain how that magically happens at exactly that moment.
I told you when it is viable outside the womb.
is abortion the killing of a human being ? many on the left claim that until the baby is delivered it isnt a baby and therefor it has no right to life [ an absolutely evil vile concept ] so dems answer this question is abortion the killing of a human being in the womb ?
That is an exceptional question Yidnar. You would make a most successful attorney using such logic that requires an answer. If you don’t mind I would like to borrow this precise question at some future point.
the voters pick the representatives, so all laws are made by the voters.

So, every law every passed by Congress was passed by the voters. If you say so.

in the case of abortion, those votes would probably be a state wide referendum, except in california where the government doesn't care what the voters want.

But they are not, none of the laws passed waiting to take effect were passed via state wide referendum
You seem really confused about how these things work. I guess that's life as an incel, but do try to educate yourself a little. You sound plain crazy.

I am not confused at all.

If a 1 year old dies while the mother is taking care of it there will always be an investigation to determine why they died and if the mother was responsible.

The same thing should now happen for each and every single miscarriage.
is abortion the killing of a human being ? many on the left claim that until the baby is delivered it isnt a baby and therefor it has no right to life [ an absolutely evil vile concept ] so dems answer this question is abortion the killing of a human being in the womb ?
An abortion is killing a developing human life.
is abortion the killing of a human being ? many on the left claim that until the baby is delivered it isnt a baby and therefor it has no right to life [ an absolutely evil vile concept ] so dems answer this question is abortion the killing of a human being in the womb ?
If you step on a caterpillar did you kill a butterfly?
so a 6 month old unborn child in the womb is nothing but an organ ? pathetic ..
Nope, I never said that. Don’t jump to conclusions or put words in my mouth. That’s how you lose a debate. Stick to the things I say and nothing more. I asked you a question. Need me to repeat it?
Yes, a caterpillar.

If you get your appendix removed are you killing something?Hey
So what does this "question" mean you've posted: "If you get your appendix removed are you killing something?" Are you, as I've stated previously but not directed at you but as an included member, "people" saying that a produced life is an appendage to the female body is "hicksville city" as far as stereotypes go lol Read more-it does the brain wonders about important stuff-like the difference between a leg (appendage) and a baby.
the appendix is killed when it is removed ... or do you believe the appendix lives after removal ?
I don’t believe the appendix lives after removal. Do you support the killing of appendix’s as a legal action?

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